Secrets of history 2024, October

King Herod - Alternative View

King Herod - Alternative View

Herod I the Great (73-4 BC) - king of Judea since 40 (actually since 37), took possession of the throne with the help of Roman troops

Genghis Khan - Biography - Alternative View

Genghis Khan - Biography - Alternative View

Genghis Khan (Temujin) - the greatest conqueror in the history of mankind, the founder and the great khan of the Mongol state. The fate of Temujin, or Temuchin, was rather difficult

Paul The First - Biography - Alternative View

Paul The First - Biography - Alternative View

Biography of Paul I Russian Emperor Paul I Petrovich - born: October 1, 1754 died: March 24, 1801 From the Romanov dynasty, son of Catherine II and Peter III. Childhood of Paul I Paul was born under rather mysterious circumstances

Julius Caesar - Biography - Alternative View

Julius Caesar - Biography - Alternative View

Biography of Guy Julius Caesar Guy Julius Caesar had many talents, but he remained in history thanks to the main one, this is the ability to please people

Biography Of Napoleon Bonaparte - Alternative View

Biography Of Napoleon Bonaparte - Alternative View

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821). Emperor of France in 1804 - 1814 and in March - June 1815. 1799 - carried out a coup d'état and became First Consul. 1804 - proclaimed emperor. Established a dictatorial regime

Hypatia Of Alexandria - Alternative View

Hypatia Of Alexandria - Alternative View

Hypatia (or Hypatia) of Alexandria, who lived at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries A.D. - the most famous female scientist of the Ancient World.The exact date of birth of Hypatia is unknown. She is believed to have been born between 355 and 370

Isabella Of Castile: Madonna Of Monarchs Or A Queen Who Has Not Washed For Three Years - Alternative View

Isabella Of Castile: Madonna Of Monarchs Or A Queen Who Has Not Washed For Three Years - Alternative View

Date of birth: 22 April 1451 Date of death: 26 November 1504 Age: 53 years Place of birth: Madrigal de las Altas Torres Place of death: Medina del Campo Occupation: Queen of Castile and Leona Marital status:

Tell Me, Snegurochka, Where Was - Alternative View

Tell Me, Snegurochka, Where Was - Alternative View

Our Santa Claus is accompanied everywhere by a cheerful and kind granddaughter - Snegurochka. And in other countries? Let's try to tell you about the most unusual companions of Santa Claus, but you yourself decide who you like best …-

Juna: Unique And Unhappy - Alternative View

Juna: Unique And Unhappy - Alternative View

Juna Davitashvili is one of the most mysterious personalities of our time. She is called a human legend both for her unique psychic abilities and for the many myths with which this unique woman surrounded herself

Porfiry Ivanov: The Last "prophet" In The USSR - Alternative View

Porfiry Ivanov: The Last "prophet" In The USSR - Alternative View

Porfiry Ivanov has gone from a village thief to the leader of one of the cult totalitarian sects that promise eternal life to their followers. The first thief in the village of Porfiry Ivanov can hardly be called a saint (his supporters, of course, will not agree with this)

Diagnosis Of The Country: What The Audience Of The First Russian Psychic Got Sick With - Alternative View

Diagnosis Of The Country: What The Audience Of The First Russian Psychic Got Sick With - Alternative View

It is probably worth starting with the bitter truth. Death in Moscow of pensioner Chumak A. V. - this is not a reason to talk about the secrets of miraculous healings

Grimoires - A Dark Legacy That Hide Secret Knowledge - Alternative View

Grimoires - A Dark Legacy That Hide Secret Knowledge - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, along with the preaching of Christianity, black magic actively developed. Therefore, in addition to the Bible, people were interested in the so-called grimoires - manuals on the occult sciences. It was believed that an inexperienced person, flipping through one of these "black books", lost his mind

Healing In Russia - Alternative View

Healing In Russia - Alternative View

People who were engaged in healing (from the word "heal", "make whole"), that is, those who were engaged in activities aimed at restoring human health, in ancient Russia were always

10 Incredible Astronomical Instruments Of The Past - Alternative View

10 Incredible Astronomical Instruments Of The Past - Alternative View

Celestial bodies have been interested in people since time immemorial

Stalin's Megaproject Of An Underwater Tunnel To Sakhalin, Why Was It Not Completed - Alternative View

Stalin's Megaproject Of An Underwater Tunnel To Sakhalin, Why Was It Not Completed - Alternative View

The need to connect Sakhalin Island with the mainland of Russia with the help of a tunnel laid under water was already discussed at the end of the 19th century. However, the construction of the tunnel was then considered inappropriate due to the huge costs

Underground Dwarfs Killed Five Archaeologists - Alternative View

Underground Dwarfs Killed Five Archaeologists - Alternative View

Five archaeologists who have unearthed a mysterious labyrinth die a painful death. The old-timers are sure that they were killed by the labyrinth builders - underground dwarfs. These creatures are notorious. After the war, they kept a Soviet pilot in captivity for 14 years, undergoing trepanning of his skull

The Most Surprising Coincidences In The History Of - Alternative View

The Most Surprising Coincidences In The History Of - Alternative View

We are accustomed to living in a rational world, under all events and phenomena of which a strict scientific basis has been laid

Why Was Jeanne D'Arc Entrusted With The Command Of The French Army - Alternative View

Why Was Jeanne D'Arc Entrusted With The Command Of The French Army - Alternative View

Jeanne d'Arc, nicknamed the Maid of Orleans, is considered the national heroine of France. It is known that as a teenager, she began to hear "voices" who declared that her mission was - save France from the British

Interesting Facts About Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark - Alternative View

The greatest strategist and fearless fighter, as well as the most mysterious figure of the Hundred Years War, was born and raised in a humble French village. D'Arc belonged to a noble family, but lost all their wealth. The exact date of her birth has not yet been established; according to some sources, she was released on January 6, 1412, while others claim that she was born in 1409

The Japanese Are Not Indigenous To Japan - Alternative View

The Japanese Are Not Indigenous To Japan - Alternative View

Who, then, lived in these places before them? Before them, the Ainu lived here, a mysterious people, in whose origin there are still many mysteries. The Ainu coexisted with the Japanese for some time, until the latter managed to push them to the north

Mary Magdalene - Alternative View

Mary Magdalene - Alternative View

Mary Magdalene, since she is directly related to the Holy Grail, plays an almost paramount role in The Da Vinci Code

Secrets Of The Abandoned Elizabeth - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Abandoned Elizabeth - Alternative View

In an inaudible shadow she slipped into Russian history, leaving a barely noticeable trace

A Continent-long Trail - Alternative View

A Continent-long Trail - Alternative View

In childhood, each of us, finding ourselves in the forest, enthusiastically walked along the forest path leading to a berry meadow or to a lake. The path was usually short

History Of The Slavs. Sources That - Alternative View

History Of The Slavs. Sources That - Alternative View

Compared to the original, the text is slightly corrected and supplemented. I recommend it to everyone interested in the history of the development of the ancient Slavs in the "pre-baptism" era and concerned about the lack of written sources on this topic

The Bombing Of Berlin By Soviet Aviation In 1941 - Alternative View

The Bombing Of Berlin By Soviet Aviation In 1941 - Alternative View

In the second half of July 1941, with the advance of the front line to the east, the fascist air raids on Moscow began. The Soviet command decided to give a worthy answer. As a result of a detailed study of the issue, the choice fell on the 1st mine and torpedo aviation regiment of the Red Banner Baltic

Secret Signs On The Stones Of Small Vishera - Alternative View

Secret Signs On The Stones Of Small Vishera - Alternative View

Rocks are one of the hardest natural materials on earth. Fragments of living organisms that lived on our planet hundreds of millions of years ago can be found in the structures of some stones. If you hit a stone with a hammer, the mark from the impact will remain on the body of the stone and will never disappear

Viktor Sheimov: How A Traitor From The KGB Won A Trial Against The CIA - Alternative View

Viktor Sheimov: How A Traitor From The KGB Won A Trial Against The CIA - Alternative View

The flight to the West of the Soviet cryptor, KGB Major Viktor Sheimov and his family was so well prepared that the USSR secret services for several years did not know anything about their fate, seriously considering even the version of the murder

KGB Secrets: 3 Mysterious Stories Of The USSR Special Services - Alternative View

KGB Secrets: 3 Mysterious Stories Of The USSR Special Services - Alternative View

There are a lot of legends about the tough security officers who were ready to take the lives of hundreds of people for the sake of their title. Now more and more documents from their archives are put on public display. Here are some stories

How Long Did They Live, Why Did They Die And Into What Stages Did They Divide Human Life In Antiquity - Alternative View

How Long Did They Live, Why Did They Die And Into What Stages Did They Divide Human Life In Antiquity - Alternative View

The media daily tell us terrible news about terrorism, plane crashes and natural disasters, but in fact we live in the safest era in history: modern man has a much better chance of living to old age and dying a natural death

Dyatlov Pass: The Riddle Was Solved Even Then, 60 Years Ago - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass: The Riddle Was Solved Even Then, 60 Years Ago - Alternative View

If you put the question like this: "Why did everyone die?" then the answer will be very simple "they all left the tent without clothes, in winter, at night on the pass in the polar Urals" and died of frostbite, they could not all understand that leaving the tent in these circumstances is fatal

The Secret Of The Life And Death Of Kaspar Hauser? - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Life And Death Of Kaspar Hauser? - Alternative View

At the place where he died tragically, a monument was erected on which the inscription is engraved in Latin: "Here an unknown was killed by an unknown."

Russian Shame. Chronicles Of Jewish Pogroms In Russia - Alternative View

Russian Shame. Chronicles Of Jewish Pogroms In Russia - Alternative View

On April 19, 1903, the Kishinev pogrom began - one of the largest anti-Jewish actions during the Russian Empire.A historical paradox - the practice of persecution of Jews has been widespread in Western Europe for hundreds of years, but today these gloomy pages are practically supplanted by what happened in the Russian Empire in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

The Greatest Russian Heroes - Alternative View

The Greatest Russian Heroes - Alternative View

Bogatyrs are the epic defenders of the Russian Land, “superheroes” of the Russian people for many centuries. Let's remember the main ones. 1. Ilya Muromets. The holy hero Ilya Muromets canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, this is the main Russian hero

Good Friday In The Middle Ages: Why This Day Was Dangerous For Jews - Alternative View

Good Friday In The Middle Ages: Why This Day Was Dangerous For Jews - Alternative View

Christians will be celebrating Good Friday soon. People will pray passionately and devotedly, making petitions to God, remembering Jesus' death on the cross. This day is very solemn for all believers. Christians give thanks for their salvation, which was made possible by the suffering of Jesus

The First Opium War In China - Alternative View

The First Opium War In China - Alternative View

There is a well-known joke that any discovery that is made in the world has its Chinese counterpart, only it was several centuries earlier.At the beginning of the 19th century, China was a very rich country, whose products enjoyed unchanging success throughout the civilized world

The Family Of The Main Revolutionary - Alternative View

The Family Of The Main Revolutionary - Alternative View

In the second half of the 19th century, the role of the elite of society from the nobility was taken over by the intelligentsia. The Ulyanov family, which gave the country the most famous revolutionary - Vladimir Lenin

Why Hitler Was Afraid Of Helena Blavatsky - Alternative View

Why Hitler Was Afraid Of Helena Blavatsky - Alternative View

In the 20s of the last century, into the hands of Hitler - novice politician - got the first book of the theosophist Helena Blavatsky. The "Secret Doctrine", in particular, spoke of seven races, the highest of which was the Aryans

Great Russian Princess Elena Glinskaya - Alternative View

Great Russian Princess Elena Glinskaya - Alternative View

There is an opinion that only men create history: great rulers, famous commanders, talented orators, famous public figures and restless revolutionaries … However, hardly anyone will be able to belittle the role of smart, strong-willed women

H. P. Blavatsky On Jewish History: But No Traces Have Been Found - Dead Silence! - Alternative View

H. P. Blavatsky On Jewish History: But No Traces Have Been Found - Dead Silence! - Alternative View

The famous E.P. Blavatsky, who traveled half the planet, spent her whole life communicating with many Jews. Starting with the wife of the Rothschild puppet S.Yu. Witte, who was her cousin