Secrets of history 2024, October

Why Did The Communists Sell The Oldest Manuscript Of The Bible - Alternative View

Why Did The Communists Sell The Oldest Manuscript Of The Bible - Alternative View

Codex of Sinai - the oldest known manuscript of the Bible, dating back to the 4th century AD. Until 1933, the relic was kept in the Imperial Public Library

The Mysterious Manuscript Codex Rohontsi - Alternative View

The Mysterious Manuscript Codex Rohontsi - Alternative View

Rohontsi Code - a mysterious manuscript, similar to the Voynich manuscript, but on the issue of its origin, researchers have more solidarity. This is a 12 by 10 cm book, 448 sheets in volume, containing from 9 to 14 lines of text

5 Weirdest Books Ever Written - Alternative View

5 Weirdest Books Ever Written - Alternative View

We love books because they teach us new things, make us smarter, teach us to empathize and ask questions. Many of the works of world literature are responsible for revolutions, reforms and civil movements

Sinai Codex - Alternative View

Sinai Codex - Alternative View

In 1844, in the Sinai Monastery, the German scientist Konstantin von Tischendorf discovered a copy of the Bible in Greek, which was later called the "Codex of Sinai". Sinai Codex of the Bible (lat

Canadian Scientists Claim That They Have Solved The Secret Of The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Canadian Scientists Claim That They Have Solved The Secret Of The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Let's return once again to one of the most famous mysteries of humanity. By the way, we have already discussed this. And we spoke about the Codex Seraphinianus

Manuscripts Scientists Can't Read - Alternative View

Manuscripts Scientists Can't Read - Alternative View

In search of truth, a person is able to go to great lengths and is able to overcome much. Archaeological excavations have already shown us a significant part of historical events that shed light on the modern evolution of our entire species

The Exact Age Of Narva Castle Still Causes A Lot Of Controversy Among Historians - Alternative View

The Exact Age Of Narva Castle Still Causes A Lot Of Controversy Among Historians - Alternative View

The exact age of Narva Castle still causes a lot of controversy among historians, but they definitely agree on one thing - the building was founded by the Danes who conquered Northern Estonia.Presumably in the 12th century they built wooden fortifications at the intersection of the Narva River with the "old road", and already at the beginning of the 14th century they started laying a stone fortress

Fashion Under The Hood Of The KGB - Alternative View

Fashion Under The Hood Of The KGB - Alternative View

In Soviet times, the word “model” was used to describe a prototype of an airplane or car, but not a person. And the girls on the catwalk, at best, were called fashion models. The official name of the profession sounded like "clothing demonstrator". But

The Main Crimes Committed By The British East India Company - Alternative View

The Main Crimes Committed By The British East India Company - Alternative View

By the beginning of the 17th century, all convenient routes to India and trade with the colonies that lay along this route were under the jurisdiction of the Iberian (Spanish-Portuguese) union. And Britain, of course, did not like it

10 Historical Secrets That Historians Cannot Yet Solve - - Alternative View

10 Historical Secrets That Historians Cannot Yet Solve - - Alternative View

And today there are secrets that historians have not been able to unravel. Some of these mysteries have come close to legends, and yet scientists do not lose hope of finding answers

Treasures Of The City Of Zeugma - Alternative View

Treasures Of The City Of Zeugma - Alternative View

This city deserves to be called "the second Pompeii" by the number of archaeological finds

Suez Canal: Road Through The Millennium - Alternative View

Suez Canal: Road Through The Millennium - Alternative View

The Suez Canal is known to connect the Mediterranean with the Red Sea, making it possible to significantly shorten the waterway from Europe to the Indian Ocean. Thanks to him, there is no need to go around Africa, and this is an absolute plus for maritime navigation

The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

The assassination of John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, shocked the world. It was not a simple murder, - this is the assassination of a political leader of the highest level

Vatican Library - Secret Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

Vatican Library - Secret Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

Dozens of historical detective novels can be written about the Vatican library

How The US Was Looking For Hitler In Antarctica - Alternative View

How The US Was Looking For Hitler In Antarctica - Alternative View

The hero of these fantastic adventures is absolutely real. Richard Byrd (1888 - 1957) was a famous American pilot. He was considered the first pilot in the world to fly over the North and South Poles

Why Did Hitler Look For Shambhala? - Alternative View

Why Did Hitler Look For Shambhala? - Alternative View

The secret materials of SS expeditions, both received as war trophies by the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition, and still stored in Germany, still remain sealed

Secret Allies Of The Vatican And Interest On Loans - Alternative View

Secret Allies Of The Vatican And Interest On Loans - Alternative View

Needless to say, from the very beginning the existence of the Jewish "Old Testament" in Catholicism looked rather suspicious. The Vatican, seeking to subjugate Russia, and then Russia, desperately imposed this "scripture" on the Russian version of Christianity, considering it an intermediate stage before the Catholicization of our people

The Doctrine Of Eternal Ice: What Hitler Was Looking For On Distant Planets - Alternative View

The Doctrine Of Eternal Ice: What Hitler Was Looking For On Distant Planets - Alternative View

The Third Reich was in an eternal search for superpowers and superpowers - both in our world and beyond. One such area was the Doctrine of Eternal Ice: Searching for Truth in Space

Secrets Of The Vatican's Intelligence - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Vatican's Intelligence - Alternative View

Each large state entity must have its own intelligence service to ensure its security. The Vatican, the spiritual capital of all Catholics in the world, is no exception. They say that in its archives one can find the answer to any riddle of the modern world, and the agents of the Holy See are actively influencing world politics

What Secrets Are Kept In The Vatican's Secret Archives? - Alternative View

What Secrets Are Kept In The Vatican's Secret Archives? - Alternative View

The Vatican and the Pope are very powerful organizations, spreading their influence throughout the world. Tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars go through the organization and most people know that the Vatican has a secret archive. Only a narrow circle of people can read thousands of secret texts

Vatican Secret Archives - Alternative View

Vatican Secret Archives - Alternative View

The secret archives of the Vatican contain the original transcripts of the Inquisition against Galileo, a letter from Henry VIII asking for divorce, records of trials in the case of heresy over the Knights Templar, and a note from Michelangelo asking for the payment of wages to his workers

Treasures Of The Vatican Apostolic Library - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Vatican Apostolic Library - Alternative View

Is there a place on Earth where a person can find answers to all their questions? Where is the knowledge of the ancient sages hidden?Where are the secrets of the universe kept? No matter how amazing it may be, but such a place really exists and is located in the Vatican city-state

Secrets Hidden Within The Walls Of The Vatican's Secret Archive - Alternative View

Secrets Hidden Within The Walls Of The Vatican's Secret Archive - Alternative View

88 years ago, on February 11, 1929, the Vatican became a sovereign state

Skeletons In The Vatican Closet - Alternative View

Skeletons In The Vatican Closet - Alternative View

The remains of these nameless people were wrapped in a thin, translucent cloth and covered with gold on top. Skulls were adorned with crowns and tiaras, lavishly studded with pearls and precious stones

Storming Berlin - Alternative View

Storming Berlin - Alternative View

On April 25, 1945, the Red Army closed the ring around Berlin. For the final victory over Nazi Germany, the last step remained - to take the capital of the Third Reich. The battle was about to be tough: the city was defended by about 300 thousand soldiers who received the order from the Fuhrer to fight to the last

1812, Minin And Pozharsky - Alternative View

1812, Minin And Pozharsky - Alternative View

In the beginning was the word. Let's start with an official historical tour.In September-October 1611, the beginning of the formation in Nizhny Novgorod of the second militia led by Kuzma Minin and Prince D.M. Pozharsky. This fact is reflected in textbooks and other works on history

Test Pilot Tolboyev Spoke About A Conversation With The Pilot Who Died Near Area 51 - Alternative View

Test Pilot Tolboyev Spoke About A Conversation With The Pilot Who Died Near Area 51 - Alternative View

Hero of Russia, test pilot Magomed Tolboyev told the radio station "Moscow Says" that a month ago he spoke with the US Air Force pilot Eric Schultz, who was killed in Nevada

Are The UFOs In Area 51 A Test Of Soviet Fighters? - Alternative View

Are The UFOs In Area 51 A Test Of Soviet Fighters? - Alternative View

During the Cold War, American authorities tested Soviet combat aircraft and other weapons in the so-called Area 51, which previously had a reputation as a real "UFO base", writes The Guardian

Secrets Of Tarim Mummies - From The Most Ancient Caucasians Of China There Were Only Graves And Questions - Alternative View

Secrets Of Tarim Mummies - From The Most Ancient Caucasians Of China There Were Only Graves And Questions - Alternative View

Tarim mummies - mummified bodies of Caucasians of the 18th century BC e. - 2nd century AD BC, preserved in the arid conditions of the Takla-Makan Desert near Loulan (burial grounds Gumugou (Kyavrigul), Xiaohe, Ayala Mazar)

Cheat Death - Alternative View

Cheat Death - Alternative View

All people are mortal. Humanity knows this very well, but the problem is not at all that a person is mortal, but that he is suddenly mortal, that is, no one knows when the time will come to die

Who Are The Gypsies Really - Alternative View

Who Are The Gypsies Really - Alternative View

Gypsies remain one of the most incomprehensible and mythologized peoples on our planet - and this state of affairs has persisted for many hundreds of years

Kirzhach And His Miracles - Alternative View

Kirzhach And His Miracles - Alternative View

Until recently, here, on the outskirts of Kirzhach, desolation reigned, and now the ancient temples of the revived Holy Annunciation Monastery are pleasing to the eye. Some have already been restored, others are in the woods

Happy Unlucky Ones - Alternative View

Happy Unlucky Ones - Alternative View

The wealth of the Kennedy clan began with a "successful" robbery! The founder of the American branch of Kennedy, almost as a famous saint, was named Patrick. He arrived on American soil from Ireland. It was 1849

The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy: 55 Years Of A Nightmare On Elm Street - Alternative View

The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy: 55 Years Of A Nightmare On Elm Street - Alternative View

55 years ago, on November 22, 1963, a simple American Abraham Zapruder filmed a 26.5-second documentary on an amateur camera that shocked the whole world

Who Killed Kennedy? All Versions Of The Murder - Alternative View

Who Killed Kennedy? All Versions Of The Murder - Alternative View

The assassination of the 35th President of America John F. Kennedy was committed on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas (Texas) at 12:30. by local time

Who Killed Kennedy? The Last Day Of The President Through The Eyes Of Eyewitnesses - Alternative View

Who Killed Kennedy? The Last Day Of The President Through The Eyes Of Eyewitnesses - Alternative View

The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy of the 35th American President was committed on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas (Texas) at 12:30 local time

The Kennedy Assassination: What World History Could Be Without Shots In Dallas - Alternative View

The Kennedy Assassination: What World History Could Be Without Shots In Dallas - Alternative View

This week marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - perhaps the most famous US president and world historical figure

The Whole Truth About The Golden Horde - Alternative View

The Whole Truth About The Golden Horde - Alternative View

The Golden Horde, or ulus Jochi - one of the largest states that ever existed on the territory of today's Russia. It was also partially located in the territories of modern Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

How Did The Hindu Chants Get Into The Khlyst Sect - Alternative View

How Did The Hindu Chants Get Into The Khlyst Sect - Alternative View

Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov, an official at special assignments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, actual state councilor, known to the general public under the literary pseudonym Andrei Pechersky, in his two most famous books "In the Woods" and "On the Mountains