Secrets of history 2024, October

The Little Ice Age Quite Recently Completely Changed The Face Of Europe - Alternative View

The Little Ice Age Quite Recently Completely Changed The Face Of Europe - Alternative View

The XIV century was a time of great upheavals for Europe. But we are not talking about wars, although there were also a lot of them at that time. It was this century that nature chose in order to change the living conditions to which people are accustomed

Maria Stewart Jewelry - Alternative View

Maria Stewart Jewelry - Alternative View

Many of Mary Stuart's jewelry and ornaments have been lost.She sold part of her wealth to finance her return to the throne of Scotland, most of it was left by her in Scotland during her flight, and later plundered or sold.- Salik.bizBut, something has survived to this day

Why Did The Russians Have Tsars And Not Kings - Alternative View

Why Did The Russians Have Tsars And Not Kings - Alternative View

From time immemorial it has been the custom: we have kings, they have kings. But why were Russian rulers called tsars? Who was the first and last king-father? And is it true that the Russians were still ruled by kings?- Salik.bizNice to meet you

The Time Machine That Hitler Was Working On. The Bell Project - Alternative View

The Time Machine That Hitler Was Working On. The Bell Project - Alternative View

As you know, Hitler was fond of secret and occult knowledge, believed in prophecies and was looking for artifacts of ancient civilizations that would help him gain power over the world.The Third Reich managed to collect a collection of unique artifacts, among which was the legendary "Spear of Destiny"

How Samurai Tested The Sharpness Of The Sword - Alternative View

How Samurai Tested The Sharpness Of The Sword - Alternative View

The samurai treated their blades with great awe. Much attention was paid to checking the fighting qualities of katanas, and gradually this process grew into a real art

The Deadliest Events In World History - Alternative View

The Deadliest Events In World History - Alternative View

In this nomination, of course, the Chinese are beyond competition. They are even forgotten as participants in the Second World War, and by the way they lost 35 million people in it

The Riddle Of The Frozen Soldiers Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Frozen Soldiers Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

A detachment of fascists frozen into the ice was found in the Elbrus region. In 2015, in the Elbrus region, a whole detachment of dead German soldiers was discovered by black diggers selling artifacts from the Second World War

Queen Of Troubles - Alternative View

Queen Of Troubles - Alternative View

Marina Mnishek changed men like gloves. She was the wife of - official or actual - two impostors and ataman Zarutsky. However, it is difficult to understand where the political calculation ended and love began. And did it start at all?

Spear Of Longinus - Alternative View

Spear Of Longinus - Alternative View

The most powerful known attribute of power is the spear of Longinus. According to the Gospel, with this spear the Roman centurion Caius Cassius Longinus struck the last blow to Jesus Christ.Many historians and theologians say that the mysterious spear of fate is kept in the city of Echmiadzin in Armenia

The Uprising Of Spartacus - Alternative View

The Uprising Of Spartacus - Alternative View

Spartak - this name is familiar to everyone from childhood. His uprising is studied by schoolchildren in the course of the history of the Ancient World. For many centuries, the gladiator Spartacus remained a symbol of the struggle for freedom, a beautiful and heroic symbol

The Uprising Of Slaves Led By Spartacus (74 - 71 BC) - Alternative View

The Uprising Of Slaves Led By Spartacus (74 - 71 BC) - Alternative View

In the late 70s. BC e. the internal situation in Italy was extremely tense. The unsuccessful attempt by Lepidus to overthrow the rule of the Sullans further exacerbated the contradictions. The most revolutionary element at the time was the slaves

Spartacus. Rise Of Slaves - Alternative View

Spartacus. Rise Of Slaves - Alternative View

Spartacus (circa 120 - 71 BC) Leader of the largest slave uprising in Ancient Rome in 74 / 73-71 BC. The name "Spartacus" in world history is consonant with the word "hero"

Spear Of Fate, Or Key To Incredible Power - Alternative View

Spear Of Fate, Or Key To Incredible Power - Alternative View

One of the greatest Christian relics is shrouded in hundreds of legends - the Spear, which interrupted the torment of the Savior on the Cross. It has an incredible, fabulous, and therefore unearthly energy and over the millennia remains a symbol of strength and power

World War II, The Search For The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View

World War II, The Search For The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View

1939, August. Just a week before the outbreak of hostilities in Poland, Hitler makes a trip to Nuremberg

Sacred Spear From Vienna - Alternative View

Sacred Spear From Vienna - Alternative View

Sacred Spear from Vienna (Spear of Destiny, Spear of Saint Mauritius, Hofburg Spear) - one of the greatest relics of the medieval christian world

Myths And Legends Of The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View

Myths And Legends Of The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View

April 5, 33 AD. Calvary. The Bible says that on this day and at this place two robbers were executed - - Dismas and Gestas and Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Little is known about this mournful event

The Ordeal Of The Spear Of Christ - Alternative View

The Ordeal Of The Spear Of Christ - Alternative View

The Vienna Spear or the Spear of St. Mauritius - a valuable historical exhibit considered to be the likely original of one of the instruments of the Passion of Christ, one of the greatest relics of Christian history

Is The Legendary Spear Of Omnipotence Located In Vienna Or America? - Alternative View

Is The Legendary Spear Of Omnipotence Located In Vienna Or America? - Alternative View

The Spear of Omnipotence is an ancient Christian relic and has many different names: Spear of Destiny, Vienna Spear, Horfbursk Spear, Spear of Saint Mauritius, Spear of Longinus

The Great Mystery Of Longinus' Spear - Alternative View

The Great Mystery Of Longinus' Spear - Alternative View

The young Adolf Hitler had a dream. Not the one he later realized, conquering half of Europe and starting a war with the Soviet Union. And this dream was quite human

Secrets Of Caravans From The Land Of The Rising Sun - Alternative View

Secrets Of Caravans From The Land Of The Rising Sun - Alternative View

In the world public consciousness, the concept of "total espionage" is associated with Hitler's Germany, and only Japanese scholars know that this phenomenon originated and was created and perfected in Japan over the centuries.According to experts, Japanese espionage dates back to the middle of the 19th century

The Most Famous Russian Spies - Alternative View

The Most Famous Russian Spies - Alternative View

Zoya Rybkina-Voskresenskaya Zoya Rybkina, having completed her career as a scout, became the famous writer Voskresenskaya. Born in 1907, Zoya Rybkina, at the age of 22, worked as a scout in Harbin

What's The Most Meaningless Battle In History? - Alternative View

What's The Most Meaningless Battle In History? - Alternative View

The history of mankind very soon began to fill with bloody battles, aggressive campaigns and wars

Why Do Russians Have Such Names? - Alternative View

Why Do Russians Have Such Names? - Alternative View

Russian name - this is a complex formula, in the history of which not everything is clear. How the names were given in Russia, what is the phenomenon of "half-name", and what were the real names of Russian tsars

Kyosem-sultan - Who Is It? - Alternative View

Kyosem-sultan - Who Is It? - Alternative View

The period from 1550 to 1656 in the history of the Ottoman Empire is known as the "female sultanate". No, women at this time did not become sultans, but they had a huge impact on the domestic and foreign policy of the state. The most influential among them was Kyosem Sultan, who had been in power for about 30 years …Women in the Ottoman Empire have always been completely dependent on men. W

Leonty Korennoy Is A Famous And Unknown Hero - Alternative View

Leonty Korennoy Is A Famous And Unknown Hero - Alternative View

For the courage and heroism shown on the glorious day of Borodin, the grenadier of the Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment Leonty Korennoy was awarded the highest award that existed in the Russian Imperial Army for soldiers and non-commissioned officers - the insignia of the military order

Dyatlov Pass. The First Results Of The Investigation - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass. The First Results Of The Investigation - Alternative View

Ural employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reassured those who were alarmed by the news about the lack of communication with the group of the prosecutor's office, which had previously gone to the Dyatlov Pass, in order to finally establish the causes and circumstances of the well-known tragic events of the sixties

The Whole Truth About Saltychikha, The Most Cruel Landowner In Russia - Alternative View

The Whole Truth About Saltychikha, The Most Cruel Landowner In Russia - Alternative View

In the history of Russia in the 18th century, a landowner nicknamed Saltychikha left her bloody trail, who became famous in her time for incredible cruelty towards serfs

Mummies And Skeletons. 17. Secrets Of Russian History - Alternative View

Mummies And Skeletons. 17. Secrets Of Russian History - Alternative View

Anyone who is older can assume that this is the Italian dictator - Duce Benito Mussolini. Well, there is a certain similarity - it's stupid to deny. However, they will be wrong too

Arthur Conan Doyle: The Main Mysteries - Alternative View

Arthur Conan Doyle: The Main Mysteries - Alternative View

Arthur Conan Doyle left behind many mysteries that he loved no less than his famous character Sherlock Holmes. Piltdown Man, Fairies from Cottingley - famous falsifications of the 20th century are associated with his name

The Mysterious Disappearance And Death Of 5-year-old Stephen McKeron - Alternative View

The Mysterious Disappearance And Death Of 5-year-old Stephen McKeron - Alternative View

The mysterious disappearance, and then the death of five-year-old Stephen McKeron, is still considered one of the strangest unsolved crimes in Scotland. None of the questions in Stephen's case were answered by investigators

How The Wife Betrayed Chapaev - Alternative View

How The Wife Betrayed Chapaev - Alternative View

Despite the fact that the life story of the famous red commander, during the Civil War, Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is known almost by seconds, and there are about a dozen versions of his death, from time to time new incredible hypotheses appear in the press

Cross Of The Apostle Andrew - Alternative View

Cross Of The Apostle Andrew - Alternative View

The name of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called is inextricably linked with the Baptism of Russia by those who profess the Orthodox faith. However, in the first centuries of the adoption of Christianity by Russia, the image of the Apostle Andrew was not at all so popular

The True Story Of Evpatiy Kolovrat - Alternative View

The True Story Of Evpatiy Kolovrat - Alternative View

I am still sentimental. When I left the premiere of the film "The Legend of Kolovrat", crazy tears appeared in my eyes, it's true. Not from tenderness

The Feat Of Evpatiy Kolovrat - Alternative View

The Feat Of Evpatiy Kolovrat - Alternative View

"The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu" - one of the most tragic works of Old Russian literature (written, most likely, at the beginning of the 16th century). The name itself speaks of its content

"The Less Orthodoxy, The More You Want The Straits" - Alternative View

"The Less Orthodoxy, The More You Want The Straits" - Alternative View

Historian Mikhail Pokrovsky explained in 1915 that the two centuries of Russia's struggle with Turkey had an economic reason - the Russian grain landowners needed a sales market, and the closed Straits hindered this. But by 1829 the Turks had opened the Bosphorus for Russian export ships, the task was completed

Mysterious Artifacts Of Antiquity: Agricultural Sword - Alternative View

Mysterious Artifacts Of Antiquity: Agricultural Sword - Alternative View

In Russian epics and legends, he is called a sword-kladenets or a sword-self-cutting. And it was forged by Agrik - the son of King Herod, a cruel tyrant, known from the biblical texts and works of the Roman historian Flavius Josephus

The Course Of Religious Wars In France - Alternative View

The Course Of Religious Wars In France - Alternative View

Religious or Huguenot Wars in France (1562 - 1598) - between the Catholics, who made up the majority of the population, and the Protestant minority, who professed Calvinism and called themselves Huguenots

By What Criteria Were The Executioners Chosen In Russia - Alternative View

By What Criteria Were The Executioners Chosen In Russia - Alternative View

Executioner - a specific profession, which is not relevant today, but was in great demand during the existence of Russia and not only. Its main task is - execution of the order and execution of the death penalty of the guilty person

If I Were A Queen . And How Did The Tsars In Russia Choose Their Wives? - Alternative View

If I Were A Queen . And How Did The Tsars In Russia Choose Their Wives? - Alternative View

In Russian folk tales, if the tsar had to marry his daughter-princess, then the most real contests and competitions were always organized, in which applicants for the bride's hand with half a kingdom in addition lined up in long queues

The Real Story Of D ' Artanyan: How The Life Of The Legendary Musketeer Developed - Alternative View

The Real Story Of D ' Artanyan: How The Life Of The Legendary Musketeer Developed - Alternative View

More than one generation has grown up on the novel by Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers". While historians pointed out to the writer how many inaccuracies in the image of D ' Artagnan, the townsfolk followed with interest the adventures of the brave personal guard of the king