Secrets of history 2024, October

Mysteries Of History. Peoples Of The Sea - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Peoples Of The Sea - Alternative View

One of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world - mysterious peoples of the sea. Almost nothing is known about them. The first mentions date back to around the time of the reign of Ramses III

Why In Europe Did Women Wear A "mask Of Shame" - Alternative View

Why In Europe Did Women Wear A "mask Of Shame" - Alternative View

"Mask of shame" or in other words - "bridle of a grumpy woman." This was the name of the iron muzzle that was worn on the head of women in Europe. Thus, grumpy women were punished, although later the list of reasons to punish with this mask was replenished, for example, women were punished for excessive curiosity or for spreading rumors and gossip, fraud, rudeness, scandalism, blasphemy, foul language

The Secret Of The Karelian Golden Woman - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Karelian Golden Woman - Alternative View

"Mythology is not a fable, but truth, reality" - N

The Secret Of The Golden Woman - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Golden Woman - Alternative View

They are looking for a golden woman in Siberia everywhere: in the Ural mountains, in Yamal, on the Irtysh, in Evenkia. They are looking for local historians, museum workers, amateur historians. They argue. Study ancient legends, manuscripts

Shamans From The Village Of Pomozdino Kept The Secret Of The Golden Woman? - Alternative View

Shamans From The Village Of Pomozdino Kept The Secret Of The Golden Woman? - Alternative View

The ancient Finno-Ugric deity Zarni An has been mysterious and incomprehensible for several centuries. This idol was worshiped by the peoples who lived on both sides of the Ural Mountains, and now the face of Zarni An shines on the coat of arms of the Komi Republic

The Golden Woman: The Main Idol In The Territory Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

The Golden Woman: The Main Idol In The Territory Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

The Golden Woman today appears only in myths and legends. Presumably it was she who was the main idol, which was worshiped in antiquity by the peoples of North-Eastern Europe and North-Western Siberia

An Artifact Of A Mysteriously Disappeared Civilization Was Found At A Flea Market - Alternative View

An Artifact Of A Mysteriously Disappeared Civilization Was Found At A Flea Market - Alternative View

Englishman Karl Martin accidentally discovered a pot of the Indian civilization, whose age reaches four thousand years

Golden Woman - An Alien Robot - Alternative View

Golden Woman - An Alien Robot - Alternative View

An ancient Nenets legend tells that once a year, when the Great Sun reigns in the sky, the Sun Baba rises from under the frozen and lifeless earth, which carries in her womb a baby who is destined to become a spirit of fertility

What Threatens Russia If They Find The Golden Woman - Alternative View

What Threatens Russia If They Find The Golden Woman - Alternative View

From her cry, everything died out for many miles around. Until now, the peoples of not only North-Western Siberia, but also North-Eastern Europe have legends about the Golden Woman. There are many testimonies of those who saw her, however, it was a long time ago

Legends Of Siberian Diggers - Alternative View

Legends Of Siberian Diggers - Alternative View

Diggerism - a passion for researching underground city highways, passages and tunnels - became popular in many Western countries in the 60s of the last century. In the 1980s, it also captured the Soviet youth, having received serious development in Moscow and Leningrad

Legend Of The "Golden Woman" - Alternative View

Legend Of The "Golden Woman" - Alternative View

Legend of the "Golden Woman" - a pagan idol, cast from pure gold and hidden somewhere in the North in Hyperbaria, among endless rivers, swamps and forests, its roots go back to ancient times

Gold-boiling Mangazeya: Why Did "Siberian Troy" Disappear - Alternative View

Gold-boiling Mangazeya: Why Did "Siberian Troy" Disappear - Alternative View

In the 17th century, the Siberian city of Mangazeya played an important role in trade with European countries. However, the glory century of this city, which was called "golden-boiling Mangazeya", turned out to be very short.The city itself was founded during the reign of Boris Godunov as a stronghold

The Somerton Man Or The Taman Shud Case - Alternative View

The Somerton Man Or The Taman Shud Case - Alternative View

This case is considered one of the most mysterious in the history of forensic science. There is a lot of speculation about the identity of the deceased and the factors that led to his death. Despite the remoteness of the events, public interest in this incident remains very significant due to a number of confusing details of the case

The Largest Urban Fires In Russia / Russian Empire. Chronology - Alternative View

The Largest Urban Fires In Russia / Russian Empire. Chronology - Alternative View

I decided to summarize information on the largest city fires in the territory of the former USSR. Please supplement! 1194 - Novgorod ("the great fire", lasted 3 months

How The Winter Palace Burned - Alternative View

How The Winter Palace Burned - Alternative View

“The fire that destroyed part of our Winter Palace was an occasion for new expressions of the zeal of our subjects

Traces Of A Man In Nicaragua At A Depth Of 5 Meters - Alternative View

Traces Of A Man In Nicaragua At A Depth Of 5 Meters - Alternative View

Nicaragua is a little known country in terms of traces and remnants of ancient history. Although it is believed that the city of Granada is one of the most ancient in the American continents. Recently, pyramidal structures were discovered in the village of Garrobo Grande:- Salik

Great Plague And Great Fire In London - Alternative View

Great Plague And Great Fire In London - Alternative View

The Great Plague of 1665 In the registration books of London parishes of the 16th and 17th centuries, the following causes of death are indicated: swelling, fever, consumption, rash, bruises, exhaustion. But most often there is one scary word - plague

In Moscow, Archaeologists Have Found New Traces Of The Great Fire Of 1737 - Alternative View

In Moscow, Archaeologists Have Found New Traces Of The Great Fire Of 1737 - Alternative View

Experts believe that they will reveal the cause and extent of the fire in the estate of the merchant Alexander Miloslavsky

Fiery Christmas - Alternative View

Fiery Christmas - Alternative View

In December 1971, on the very day of the Nativity of Christ - On the 25th, a fire broke out in one of the most modern hotels in Seoul (the capital of South Korea) "Dai-Yun-Kak"

Fire In The Paris Subway - Alternative View

Fire In The Paris Subway - Alternative View

The word “metropolitan”, born from the Greek “metropolis”, means “metropolitan” or “city”. This is how the new type of urban transport, hidden under the ground, was named. His first lines appeared in London in 1863

The Moscow Fire Was Noisy, Buzzing - Alternative View

The Moscow Fire Was Noisy, Buzzing - Alternative View

During the first centuries of its existence, Moscow burned down thirteen times, about a hundred times the fire destroyed a significant part of the buildings. Chronicles report that in 1365 a great drought affected many areas of the Russian land

Who Set Rome On Fire? - Alternative View

Who Set Rome On Fire? - Alternative View

For six days Rome blazed like a torch in the hottest month of July 64 years from the birth of Christ. For six days, a blood-red glow rose over the valley of the Tiber, and its waters were colored purple. And all these days there was an incessant human cry

London Fire - Alternative View

London Fire - Alternative View

It is believed that history is made by great people: commanders, emperors, fiery revolutionaries (these, however, not so much create as they destroy, but nevertheless). Great thinkers and spiritual leaders, at worst, also make History

Nuclear Explosion 1812 - Alternative View

Nuclear Explosion 1812 - Alternative View

By whose will the Moscow left to Napoleon burned? Until now, there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter

Was The Great Fire In Chicago Caused By Comet Debris? - Alternative View

Was The Great Fire In Chicago Caused By Comet Debris? - Alternative View

A year ago, an impressive meteorite collapsed on harsh Chelyabinsk. For the first time in human history, the city suffered from the fall of a cosmic body

The Fire That Saved The Apollo Mission - Alternative View

The Fire That Saved The Apollo Mission - Alternative View

Fifty years ago, during the tests of the rocket, which was supposed to take people to the moon, there was a fire. Three astronauts died at the launch pad - but their deaths were not in vain

Egyptian Executions - Alternative View

Egyptian Executions - Alternative View

When they talk about the invasion of insects, "ten Egyptian plagues" are immediately remembered. That is, the calamities that the Lord sent to the Egyptians because Pharaoh did not want to free the sons of Israel from slavery. The times of the pharaohs have long ago sunk into oblivion, but people all over the world still suffer from invasions of all kinds of insects …-

The Secret Of An Ancient Artifact Discovered In Novosibirsk - Alternative View

The Secret Of An Ancient Artifact Discovered In Novosibirsk - Alternative View

An unexpected find last year was made by archaeologists in a small field on the banks of the Ob River in Novosibirsk, where potatoes were previously grown. Now it is the prehistoric burial "Tourist-2", where researchers work

Showcase Of The Country Of The Soviets - Alternative View

Showcase Of The Country Of The Soviets - Alternative View

The Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh) in Moscow was built on the site of the Ostankino swamps, where a gypsy camp was located with its wagons. In 1934, it was dispersed and grandiose pavilions were erected

Uprising In The Land Of The Soviets - Alternative View

Uprising In The Land Of The Soviets - Alternative View

In Soviet times, it was declared that power in the country belongs to the working people. Therefore, the actions of people similar to those that took place under the tsarist regime are impossible. And the power, unlike tsarist times, kept the people on a short leash

The Nuremberg Trials: Why Not All Nazi Criminals Have Been Convicted - Alternative View

The Nuremberg Trials: Why Not All Nazi Criminals Have Been Convicted - Alternative View

On November 20, 1946, the trial of Nazi criminals began. This process has become the largest in the history of the twentieth century. It is not for nothing that it received the name "Court of History". But have all the issues been resolved? Is everyone punished? Where is the main accused

"Shot Through Skulls" Are Not The Work Of Aliens - Alternative View

"Shot Through Skulls" Are Not The Work Of Aliens - Alternative View

Among the "traces of aliens" mentioned by supporters of paleocontacts, there are strange holes in fossil turtles

How The Most Notorious Nazi Criminals Managed To Escape Punishment - Alternative View

How The Most Notorious Nazi Criminals Managed To Escape Punishment - Alternative View

You read these names and you are amazed! How did they escape punishment? This is the very top of the leadership and the ideologues of cruelty

The Hapsburgs Were Ruined By Incest - Alternative View

The Hapsburgs Were Ruined By Incest - Alternative View

Marriages between relatives ultimately led to the degeneration of one of the most powerful European dynasties - the Habsburgs, which up to 1806 considered themselves the successors of the ancient Roman emperors and proudly called their state the Holy Roman Empire

How The Holocaust In The Minsk Ghetto Became A Model For The Brutality Of Nazi Criminals - Alternative View

How The Holocaust In The Minsk Ghetto Became A Model For The Brutality Of Nazi Criminals - Alternative View

On October 21, 1943, the Nazis killed about 22 thousand prisoners of the Minsk ghetto. The total number of people killed here is estimated at 80 - 90 thousand

The German Submarine On Which Hitler "fled" To South America Was Found Sunk Off The Coast Of Denmark - Alternative View

The German Submarine On Which Hitler "fled" To South America Was Found Sunk Off The Coast Of Denmark - Alternative View

Prior to this 73 years, the submarine was considered missing. There were many rumors that Hitler managed to escape to South America

Finds Await Scientists - Alternative View

Finds Await Scientists - Alternative View

British magazine "New Scientist" recently told about absolutely incredible things

Alexander Figner: Sorcerer And Partisan - Alternative View

Alexander Figner: Sorcerer And Partisan - Alternative View

Figner - one of its prototypes. A desperate brave man, he burned with hatred of the enemy, dreamed (like all partisans) to capture Napoleon Bonaparte. When the enemy occupied Moscow, he headed for the occupied city

In The Footsteps Of Professor Rana - Alternative View

In The Footsteps Of Professor Rana - Alternative View

“Hitler and the Holy Grail of the Ancient Templar Knights, celebrated by Eschenbach in the 12th century? The parallel looks out of place”- L.P. Zamoyski After the death of Otto Rahn, the excavation zone in Monsegur was declared forbidden

“I Was At Himmler’s Killer Factory.” Memories Of A Millionaire From Hamburg - Alternative View

“I Was At Himmler’s Killer Factory.” Memories Of A Millionaire From Hamburg - Alternative View

The AIF observer managed to talk to Volker Heinecke, a millionaire from Hamburg. In 1942, when he was two years old, he was taken from his home in Russia by the SS