Secrets of history 2024, October

Military Secret # 10003 - Military Psychics - Alternative View

Military Secret # 10003 - Military Psychics - Alternative View

The special services of the USSR were interested in the supernatural capabilities of a person long before the Great Patriotic War, however, the research that was carried out in this area was not systematic

Does The President Know? The Researcher Of The Dyatlov Group Asks Putin To Reveal The Secret - Alternative View

Does The President Know? The Researcher Of The Dyatlov Group Asks Putin To Reveal The Secret - Alternative View

There is a possibility that there is a second, hidden case on the death of the Dyatlov group

10 Incredible Examples Of Massive Misconceptions That Happened In The History Of - Alternative View

10 Incredible Examples Of Massive Misconceptions That Happened In The History Of - Alternative View

Collective mania - strange thing. It captures the imagination of a large group of people and makes you believe in sometimes completely ridiculous things. The psychology of such delusions is often poorly understood

Polovtsi, Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

Polovtsi, Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

Polovtsi - nomadic Turkic-speaking people. They called themselves the Kipchaks. The Polovtsi were a very warlike people, and began their conquests in the XI century

Coats Of Arms And Seals Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Coats Of Arms And Seals Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Coats of arms developed in close connection with another symbolic image - seals. Often, the coat of arms and the seal repeated each other or contained similar elements. Therefore, heraldry is studied simultaneously with sphragistics - the science of seals

History Of The Coat Of Arms Of Russia - Alternative View

History Of The Coat Of Arms Of Russia - Alternative View

The word coat of arms comes from the German word erbe, which means inheritance. Coat of arms - a symbolic image that shows the historical traditions of a state or city. Coats of arms appeared a long time ago

Double-headed Eagle - Legacy Of Byzantium - Alternative View

Double-headed Eagle - Legacy Of Byzantium - Alternative View

Coat of arms - Russia inherited the two-headed eagle from Byzantium after the marriage of Sophia Palaeologus, niece of the last Byzantine emperor, to Grand Duke Ivan III

Bioweapons In The USSR - Alternative View

Bioweapons In The USSR - Alternative View

In the process of scientific and technological progress, good and evil always walk side by side. Suffice it to recall the discovery of a nuclear reaction that led to the creation of the atomic bomb. Chemistry, biology, psychology were also involved in secret military developments

Mythical Animals In Heraldry - Alternative View

Mythical Animals In Heraldry - Alternative View

Ancient zoologists had an unhealthy habit of describing animals (which they themselves had never seen), based on the stories of "seasoned" travelers

30 Facts That Will Make You Think Differently Of The Two-headed Eagle - Alternative View

30 Facts That Will Make You Think Differently Of The Two-headed Eagle - Alternative View

The two-headed eagle is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia and several European states. It is one of the most common symbols in heraldry, but it still remains a mystery. The Sumerian symbol of the two-headed eagle had a religious meaning

Super Soldiers Of The USSR - Alternative View

Super Soldiers Of The USSR - Alternative View

American historian Jeff Strasberg in his book "The Secret Weapon of the Soviets" provides a lot of evidence that from 1936 to 1941 in the Soviet Union work was underway on a highly secret project to create super soldiers

How 85 Years Ago The Soviet Militia Fought Against Demons - Alternative View

How 85 Years Ago The Soviet Militia Fought Against Demons - Alternative View

"Demons" in this case - not a figure of speech, not some kind of Zinoviev-Kamenev opposition. And not even Bulgakov's Woland, which arose a little later in Moscow

Biography Of Vitus Bering - Alternative View

Biography Of Vitus Bering - Alternative View

Vitus Jonassen Bering (born August 12, 1681 - death on December 8 (19), 1741) - Dane navigator, captain-commander of the Russian fleet (1730) Was the leader of the 1st and 2nd (1725-30 and 1732-41) Kamchatka expeditions

How Did Man Survive The Ice Age? - Alternative View

How Did Man Survive The Ice Age? - Alternative View

The last ice age ended 12,000 years ago. In the most severe period, glaciation threatened man with extinction. However, after the glacier disappeared, he not only survived, but also created civilization

The Occult Secrets Of The Nazis: Hitler's Ice World - Alternative View

The Occult Secrets Of The Nazis: Hitler's Ice World - Alternative View

The leaders of the Third Reich believed in a pseudoscientific theory of the creation of the universe! In the summer of 1925, proclamations began to circulate in Germany and Austria, stating: “Hitler cleared politics. Hans Herbiger sweeps away false sciences

Mysteries Of The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The history of the origin and evolution of the human race has long been of interest to people. This question has not been ignored by religions either. The scientific basis of the history of mankind was archeology. But since the middle of the 20th century, genetic analysis has been involved in the study of the biological evolution of mankind

Black Masses Of Athenais - Alternative View

Black Masses Of Athenais - Alternative View

In 1679, a trial began in Paris, called the "Case of Poisons", in which hundreds of accused participated. The investigation was led by the head of the Parisian police, Nicolas la Rainey, and personally supervised by Louis XIV. Paris, like the muddy and dirty waters of the Seine overflowing its banks, was seething, filled with terrible rumors about witches, sorceresses, innocently murdered babies and black masses, where they served not God, but the devil

Secrets Of An Ancient Fortress. What Is Special About The Tula Kremlin? - Alternative View

Secrets Of An Ancient Fortress. What Is Special About The Tula Kremlin? - Alternative View

The history of the Tula Kremlin is the history of people who built, then defended it, lived in it, and then developed the city outside its walls. Every day of the citadel in the early days of its existence was full of danger and heroism. With the retreat of the borders from Tula far to the south, not the military, but the peaceful activities of the townspeople became more important

Blue Bones In The Royal Tomb - Alternative View

Blue Bones In The Royal Tomb - Alternative View

Professor of the University of Thessalonias M. Andronikos was sure that under one of the nurhans near the Greek village of Vergina was a royal burial. The hill was not accidentally called the Big Kurgan: with a diameter of 110 meters, it had a height of 12-14 meters

As The King Of Rock And Roll Dreamed Of Becoming An FBI Agent And Wrote Denunciations Of The Beatles - Alternative View

As The King Of Rock And Roll Dreamed Of Becoming An FBI Agent And Wrote Denunciations Of The Beatles - Alternative View

According to declassified FBI documents, the king of rock and roll admired the work of the FBI and wanted to become a bureau informant. On this occasion, he met with US President Richard Nixon, in a conversation with whom he demanded to expel John Lennon from the country

The Last Voyage Of The Sailing Ship "Pamir" - Alternative View

The Last Voyage Of The Sailing Ship "Pamir" - Alternative View

In September 1957, the West German barque "Pamir" (with a displacement of 3,100 tons), driven by a fresh wind, with a cargo of grain headed to its native shores - to Hamburg

The Mystery Of The Mass Exodus Of Children From Hameln - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Mass Exodus Of Children From Hameln - Alternative View

A long-standing and mysterious event lies at the heart of a legend first told to the world by the German writers and collectors of folklore by the Brothers Grimm: more than 700 years ago, on June 26, 1284, 130 children disappeared from the city of Hameln forever

Battle For Crimea - Alternative View

Battle For Crimea - Alternative View

To annex Crimea, Russia had to wage long and exhausting wars - and with the Crimean Tatars and Turks. And only in 1783 the peninsula became part of the Russian Empire

When Was Hebrew Created - Alternative View

When Was Hebrew Created - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, Jews spoke the languages of the countries in which they lived. So in Spain they spoke the Hebrew dialect of the Spanish language, otherwise called "Ladino". After the expulsion from Spain, many Jews migrated to the Ottoman Empire, where they continued to use the Ladino.Som

Geneticists Have Found Descendants Of The Inhabitants Of The Legendary Biblical Canaan - Alternative View

Geneticists Have Found Descendants Of The Inhabitants Of The Legendary Biblical Canaan - Alternative View

The heirs of the legendary biblical Canaan, "the promised land", are the modern inhabitants of Lebanon, according to an article published in the American Journal of Human Genetics

Mysterious Losses In World History - Alternative View

Mysterious Losses In World History - Alternative View

It would seem that there are such a huge number of hunters for treasures and secrets in the world that it is difficult to believe how real values can remain undiscovered for a long time. Someone should definitely find the Ark of the Covenant, after all

20 Unsolved Mysteries Of World History - Alternative View

20 Unsolved Mysteries Of World History - Alternative View

World history keeps a lot of mysteries. Despite more and more sophisticated methods and billions of dollars in research budgets, science has not explained some things. 1. Was there Atlantis? Atlantis is the most famous of the legendary continents of the ancient world

The Greatest Empires In World History - Alternative View

The Greatest Empires In World History - Alternative View

Human history is a continuous struggle for territorial domination. Great empires appeared on the political map of the world, then disappeared from it. Some of them were destined to leave an indelible mark behind them

Kung Is A Wild African Tribe Famous For Mystical Rituals - Alternative View

Kung Is A Wild African Tribe Famous For Mystical Rituals - Alternative View

The African Kung tribe is one of the mysterious peoples that has practically no contact with civilization and lives according to its primitive laws

Russia, The Last Of The Northern Race, Was Infected With The Gold Rush - Alternative View

Russia, The Last Of The Northern Race, Was Infected With The Gold Rush - Alternative View

Earlier it was already told about how the Anunnaki who arrived on Earth created hybrid slaves for gold mining during genetic experiments, having laid them the desire to accumulate this “gold metal” at the genetic level. And for this reason, in the Middle East, from where the spread of these hybrid genes began, people with gold rush are sick from young to old. Lat

Gostomysl - Who Is It: Who Ruled Russia Before Rurik? - Alternative View

Gostomysl - Who Is It: Who Ruled Russia Before Rurik? - Alternative View

Since the founding of the state in Russia, a huge number of rulers have changed. Some of the brightest and most distinguished, we remember from school - Prince Vladimir, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Catherine II, others have heard something somewhere - such as, for example, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Alexander I or Peter III

Where Is Timbuktu Located? - Alternative View

Where Is Timbuktu Located? - Alternative View

The French traveler Auguste Rene Caye (1800-1838) had neither a proper education nor powerful patrons. Nevertheless, it was he who was the first of the Europeans to cross the Western Sahara, explore the eastern edge of the sandy desert El Juf, the El Eglab plateau, Erg Igidi, the Arivan, Taudenni, Tafilalet oases

Free State Of The Congo: What Did The Belgian Colonialists Do In An African Country - Alternative View

Free State Of The Congo: What Did The Belgian Colonialists Do In An African Country - Alternative View

At the end of the 19th century, King Leopold II of Belgium, whose power in his homeland was very limited, in a cunning way made the huge African colony of the Congo his property. In governing this country, this monarch of one of the most advanced civilized and democratic countries proved to be a terrible tyrant

Genocide In Rwanda (The Faint Of Heart Do Not Watch 18+) - Alternative View

Genocide In Rwanda (The Faint Of Heart Do Not Watch 18+) - Alternative View

The 1994 Rwandan Genocide is a campaign of massacres of Tutsi and moderate Hutus by Hutus. And also the massacres of the Hutu by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) Tutsi. On the Hutu side, they were carried out by the paramilitaries of the Hutu extremists "Interahamwe" and "Impuzamugambi" in Rwanda with the active support of sympathizers from among ordinary citizens with the knowledge and instructions of the country's authorities

Bloody Sunday: A Story Of Provocation - Alternative View

Bloody Sunday: A Story Of Provocation - Alternative View

On January 9/22, 1905, crowds of thousands of St. Petersburg workers gathered in the square near the Winter Palace. On the eve of the socialist provocateurs it was announced to the workers that supposedly on this day the Emperor was pleased to meet with the people

Riddles Of One Viking Ring - Alternative View

Riddles Of One Viking Ring - Alternative View

In 1872-1895, not far from Stockholm, archaeological excavations were carried out at the Viking-era trade center - Locations Tag

The Identity Of The Famous "Iron Mask" - Alternative View

The Identity Of The Famous "Iron Mask" - Alternative View

According to the scientist, it was the valet of Cardinal Mazarin. Historian Paul Sonnino from the University of California said that he managed to find out who was the mysterious prisoner of the Bastille and other French prisons, who went down in history under the name "Iron Mask

Confucius In Real Life - Alternative View

Confucius In Real Life - Alternative View

The teachings of Confucius, or Kun Fu-Tzu ("Teacher Kun"), is a philosophical ethical system, not a religion. However, we have the right to put him on a par with the great prophets and reformers of religious movements. Confucianism teaches to live in accordance with tradition, revealing the depths of meaning in the already known

Hitler Did Not Die In '45, The Fuhrer And Eva Braun Lived In Argentina For Many Years - Alternative View

Hitler Did Not Die In '45, The Fuhrer And Eva Braun Lived In Argentina For Many Years - Alternative View

Another revelation about the post-war years of the life of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is the most important secret document according to which the Fuhrer was one of the passengers on a special plane from Austria on April 26, 1945.It is rumored that Hitler made a deal with the Devil in exchange for world domination, but violated the condition and was destroyed

Blumkin, Shambhala And The "Tibet-2" Expedition - Alternative View

Blumkin, Shambhala And The "Tibet-2" Expedition - Alternative View

A lot has been written about Yakov Blumkin. As a rule, those interested in history associate his last name with Mirbakh, the NKVD, Dzerzhinsky, and mysterious expeditions to Shambhala, as well as the Labor Brotherhood, which included Barchenko, who is credited (groundlessly) with the discovery of the Hyperborean civilization on the Kola Peninsula …Let's look at the case of Yakov Gershevich Blumkin …-