Secrets of history 2024, October

Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the family of a customs officer and a peasant woman. The young family wandered from place to place until they bought a house on the outskirts of Leonding. There is still controversy over the name of the Fuhrer, since previous generations were, apparently, illiterate and wrote down their last name in various variations, which led to phonetic and graphic distortion

The Intrigues Of The Unclean Or The Most Necessary Invention: The History Of The Appearance Of The Mirror - Alternative View

The Intrigues Of The Unclean Or The Most Necessary Invention: The History Of The Appearance Of The Mirror - Alternative View

Today it is impossible to imagine your life without a mirror. Almost every girl has a mirror in her purse, not to mention apartments where you can definitely find a reflective surface

Magic Rhymes Of Silver Mirrors - Alternative View

Magic Rhymes Of Silver Mirrors - Alternative View

This summer, a silver mirror of the Golden Horde era with the image of al-Burak and an Arabic inscription was found in Transnistria

Why Giordano Bruno Was Actually Burned - Alternative View

Why Giordano Bruno Was Actually Burned - Alternative View

The great Italian had original views not only on astronomy, but also on religion. Why was the genius scientist of the Renaissance sent to the stake? Because he argued that the Earth revolves around the Sun and is generally round?

What Was The Police Like In Different Ancient Societies - Alternative View

What Was The Police Like In Different Ancient Societies - Alternative View

Few people know that the modern police actually appeared not so long ago. The first guardian of the law began their official activities in the 1800s

The Secret Of The Secret Spaceport - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Secret Spaceport - Alternative View

Practically few people know today that Baikonur is not the first Soviet cosmodrome. The first was laid in the north of the Astrakhan region in the town of Kapustin Yar

The Secret Springs Of The February Revolution - Alternative View

The Secret Springs Of The February Revolution - Alternative View

February 1917 The First World War has been going on for two and a half years, which by this time had acquired a protracted nature. Millions of armies of all the belligerent countries are literally rotting in the trenches, unable to move forward

Mysteries Of History: The Philadelphia Experiment - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History: The Philadelphia Experiment - Alternative View

This is one of the most interesting mysteries of the twentieth century, giving rise to many contradictory rumors. According to legend, in 1943 in Philadelphia, the US military allegedly tried to create a ship invisible to enemy radars

The Philadelphia Experiment - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment - Alternative View

In 1943, the American Navy carried out the "Rainbow" project on the invisibility of the ship for radars using Tesla generators. It later became known as the Philadelphia Experiment

The Military Secret Of The Invisible Ship - Alternative View

The Military Secret Of The Invisible Ship - Alternative View

In the midst of World War II, an experiment was carried out in the United States, once known as "Philadelphia". As a result, the destroyer Eldridge became invisible. Details of that fantastic story still surface today

Destroyer Eldridge - Alternative View

Destroyer Eldridge - Alternative View

In the history of shipbuilding, there are few ships that have become famous. Moreover, to expect the same from an ordinary destroyer during the Second World War

Mysterious Teleportation Of The Destroyer "Eldridge" - Alternative View

Mysterious Teleportation Of The Destroyer "Eldridge" - Alternative View

In 1943, the most unusual teleportation happened. The US destroyer Eldridge disappeared from its mooring in the port of Philadelphia and reappeared a few minutes later. The US military is said to have conducted a series of teleportation experiments

Was The Philadelphia Experiment A Fiction? - Alternative View

Was The Philadelphia Experiment A Fiction? - Alternative View

According to legend, on October 28, 1943, during one of the studies of the US Navy, the destroyer "Eldridge" allegedly instantly moved from one naval shipyard to another "Philadelphia Experiment" - one of the most popular legends among ufologists and many

Experiment "Philadelphia" - 70 Years Of Mystery - Alternative View

Experiment "Philadelphia" - 70 Years Of Mystery - Alternative View

In the now distant 1984, the world screens came out with a fictional film "The Philadelphia Experiment", based, as it is believed today, on the real events of seventy years ago

The Unsinkable Molly Brown: Truth And Fiction About The Famous Surviving Passenger Of The Titanic - Alternative View

The Unsinkable Molly Brown: Truth And Fiction About The Famous Surviving Passenger Of The Titanic - Alternative View

July 18 - one more reason to remember the sinking of the Titanic: on this day in 1867, one of the most famous surviving passengers was born, and was born, apparently, under a lucky star

Coins From The Past Depicting Strange Creatures. Aliens And UFOs? - Alternative View

Coins From The Past Depicting Strange Creatures. Aliens And UFOs? - Alternative View

Throughout human history, descriptions of flying ships have appeared, strange creatures that seem to have arrived from other planets. In addition to the ancient texts, there are various images of the Sumerians, Mayans and other peoples.In these drawings and frescoes, there are objects and creatures that in the modern world are associated with extraterrestrial civilizations, although their existence has not been proven by science

Hidden Messages In The Little Humpbacked Horse: What Did The Author Encrypt? - Alternative View

Hidden Messages In The Little Humpbacked Horse: What Did The Author Encrypt? - Alternative View

Petr Ershov finished writing the book when he was 18 years old. The originality of this work is that the fairy tale, which has not lost its popularity to this day, has become the last outstanding chapter in the writer's work.All this leads to some reflections, and fans of mystical stories do find hidden meanings in "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

Mitla - Not Built By The Indians. - Alternative View

Mitla - Not Built By The Indians. - Alternative View

Mitla - (or rather Mictlan = city of the dead) - a village famous for its ancient ruins in Mexico, in the state of Oaxaca, the site of the ancient Aztec city of Yoo-paa, from which the remains of 4 large palaces and two temple pyramids have survived

Time To Kill: Why Changeable Weather Makes People Exterminate Each Other - Alternative View

Time To Kill: Why Changeable Weather Makes People Exterminate Each Other - Alternative View

In the penultimate week of January 2016, American archaeologists identified the place of execution of the Salem witches, and climatologists declared the past year to be the hottest on record

The 2800-year-old Inscription On The Artifact Speaks Of The War In The Past, Mentioned In The Bible - Alternative View

The 2800-year-old Inscription On The Artifact Speaks Of The War In The Past, Mentioned In The Bible - Alternative View

Many ancient artifacts are so interesting to study that after finding some information in them, a search begins to compare these data with what is in various scriptures. Recently, experts have discovered an altar that bears a record of the war against the Kingdom of Israel

Erzhebet Bathory. Sadist Or Victim? - Alternative View

Erzhebet Bathory. Sadist Or Victim? - Alternative View

The forever young Countess, whose name is mentioned immediately after Dracula's name when it comes to vampires. Erzsebet (Elisabeth, Elisabeth) Bathory is a Hungarian countess who has been distinguished by her amazing beauty since childhood

Biography Of Emperor Charles V - Alternative View

Biography Of Emperor Charles V - Alternative View

Charles V (born 24 February 1500 - died 21 September 1558) Holy Roman Emperor. Spanish king from the Habsburg dynasty. The last emperor officially crowned by the pope

7 Lost Colonies Of Russia - Alternative View

7 Lost Colonies Of Russia - Alternative View

It is hardly possible to tell, even briefly, about everyone. We have selected seven of the most likely options. Russian America is not included because it was already a Russian colony for a long time

Archaeologists Have Found In The Crimea A Mass Grave Of People From The Times Of The Khazar Kaganate - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found In The Crimea A Mass Grave Of People From The Times Of The Khazar Kaganate - Alternative View

Excavations were carried out in the Kyz-Aul necropolis, which experts call a multi-storey cemetery

Saki Warrior - Alternative View

Saki Warrior - Alternative View

In 1969, Kazakh archaeologists made a unique discovery: in one of the ancient burial mounds they found a "golden man" who immediately became famous throughout the world

"Funny" Middle Ages - Alternative View

"Funny" Middle Ages - Alternative View

Imagine: you have planted potatoes (turnip, carrot, cabbage). They fought for the harvest to bloody calluses, tore their backs, burned the fifth point in the sun, weeding and hilling the beds

Treasures Of The Nibelungen - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Nibelungen - Alternative View

Treasures of the Nibelungs, “ Song of the Nibelungs ” - a German heroic epic poem written at the beginning of the 13th century by an unknown author. It contains 39 parts (songs)

Russia Is Primordial Or Why Are Europeans Lying? - Alternative View

Russia Is Primordial Or Why Are Europeans Lying? - Alternative View

The first capital, the city of Slovensk, was founded in 2409 BC … The war against Russia has been going on for a very long time and very, very successfully. Of course, not on the battlefields, where we have always hit everyone and very painfully, but where the West has always won and continues to win - in information wars.T

Amulet From Paphos - Alternative View

Amulet From Paphos - Alternative View

It was on the island of Cyprus that the cult of the goddess Aphrodite arose. Here the first temple in Greece was erected in her honor, around which the ancient city grew up - Pathos

Death Cure - Alternative View

Death Cure - Alternative View

In Search of the Elixir Nowadays, about the elixir of immortality, mankind knows for sure only one thing - that it was. But his recipe seems to be lost

What Secrets Do The Russian Chronicles Hide - Alternative View

What Secrets Do The Russian Chronicles Hide - Alternative View

We draw information about early Russian history from the chronicles. And what, in fact, do we know about them? To this day, researchers cannot come to a common opinion, both about their authorship and about their objectivity. Who is the author?

Nizhny Novgorod Archaeologists Have Found Evidence Of The Existence Of The City Of Kitezh - Alternative View

Nizhny Novgorod Archaeologists Have Found Evidence Of The Existence Of The City Of Kitezh - Alternative View

The legendary city of Kitezh could exist. On Lake Svetloyar in the Voskresensky District, Nizhny Novgorod archaeologists have discovered traces of a medieval settlement

Shafirov Petr Pavlovich - Alternative View

Shafirov Petr Pavlovich - Alternative View

Shafirov Petr Pavlovich (1669,?, - 1739, Petersburg), baron (since 1710), Russian statesman, diplomat. Born into a Jewish family. Shafirov's father, Shaya Sapsaev, during the Russian-Polish war of 1654 - 1667

So Was The Call From Deep Within? - Alternative View

So Was The Call From Deep Within? - Alternative View

You can read the following story on the Internet: The North Atlantic, the endless ocean is calm and lazy, and a buoy is floating among the smooth ice waves, there is an old telephone on it and it rings endlessly

A New Find By Archaeologists Confirms The Fact Of The Burning Of Jerusalem By The Babylonians - Alternative View

A New Find By Archaeologists Confirms The Fact Of The Burning Of Jerusalem By The Babylonians - Alternative View

Archaeologists excavating the City of David in Jerusalem find evidence of the historical accuracy of a Bible passage

Did King David Exist? - Alternative View

Did King David Exist? - Alternative View

“Who would have known about this man if not for the Bible? Where is there even one mention of him outside the great book? Nowhere! And this gives reason to believe that the existence of King David is an invention of the ancient chroniclers

Laika: The Tragedy Of The First Dog In Space - Alternative View

Laika: The Tragedy Of The First Dog In Space - Alternative View

Laika's journey into earth's orbit was a landmark moment in human history. This became evidence that we can reach the stars without fear of perishing in the atmosphere. Triumph? Without a doubt

Paleolithic Artists - Alternative View

Paleolithic Artists - Alternative View

Shulgan-Tash, or Kapova cave, needs no special introduction. This is one of the most famous and popular both among researchers and tourists, a natural attraction of the Southern Urals in the area of the Belaya River

In The Cave, Which Is 11 Thousand Years Old, Signs Of Witches Were Found - Alternative View

In The Cave, Which Is 11 Thousand Years Old, Signs Of Witches Were Found - Alternative View

In the 11,000-year-old caves between Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, hundreds of "witch tracks" have been found. Some even consider this place to be the entrance to Hell. According to experts, all signs inscribed on stones are intended to stop evil spirits

The Spear Of Destiny Was Kept In The USSR - Alternative View

The Spear Of Destiny Was Kept In The USSR - Alternative View

An ancient prophecy says: "He who wields this Spear and understands what forces it serves, holds the fate of the world in his hands - good or evil"