Secrets of history 2024, October

The Main Mysteries Of The Murder Of Grigory Rasputin - Alternative View

The Main Mysteries Of The Murder Of Grigory Rasputin - Alternative View

The mystery of the murder of Grigory Rasputin still haunts the minds of researchers. The names of the participants in the conspiracy are well known to us, but who was the real organizer of the crime?

Grigory Rasputin: The Whole Truth And Lies - Alternative View

Grigory Rasputin: The Whole Truth And Lies - Alternative View

Grigory Rasputin is one of the most amazing people born on Russian soil. Not a single tsar, commander, scientist, statesman in Russia had such popularity, fame and influence that this semi-literate man from the Urals gained. His talent as a diviner and his mysterious death are still the subject of controversy for historians

Rasputin Was Not A Monk, But A Brilliant Actor! - Alternative View

Rasputin Was Not A Monk, But A Brilliant Actor! - Alternative View

On December 30, 1916, Grigory Rasputin was killed in St. Petersburg - he was poisoned, shot and, in the end, drowned in the Neva. Grigory Rasputin was born in 1871 in the village of Pokrovskoe in the Tyumen region into a peasant family

Was Rasputin A Libertine - Alternative View

Was Rasputin A Libertine - Alternative View

Sex machineAlthough Rasputin appears to be hypersexual - a person with increased sexual activity, in reality everything was exactly the opposite. Rasputin is a man with a sharply reduced sexual potency. If I may put it, it is a semi-impotent

Holy Devil. Grigory Rasputin - Savior Of Russia! - Alternative View

Holy Devil. Grigory Rasputin - Savior Of Russia! - Alternative View

For the first time, 33-year-old Rasputin, well versed in the Gospel and possessing the undoubted gift of a seer, appeared in St. Petersburg in 1903

The Cruelty Of The Great French Revolution Terrified - Alternative View

The Cruelty Of The Great French Revolution Terrified - Alternative View

The price of the Great French Revolution was catastrophic for that time, but in France, no one, no one called upon anyone to repent, neither then nor now. What was the price for the French of this so-called Great Revolution?

The Assassination Of Rasputin: Look For A Woman - Alternative View

The Assassination Of Rasputin: Look For A Woman - Alternative View

Movie star Vera Karalli lured the elder to Yusupov's palace?She was a movie and ballet star. She was applauded in Moscow and Paris, in St. Petersburg and London. The first tenor of Russia loved her, and the cousin of the Russian emperor promised to marry her

The Most Intriguing Facts About Grigory Rasputin - Alternative View

The Most Intriguing Facts About Grigory Rasputin - Alternative View

Grigory Rasputin is one of the few infamous, enigmatic and mysterious people in modern history. Despite the fact that many years have passed since his death, his identity and history are still shrouded in mystery

Expeditions That Disappeared Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View

Expeditions That Disappeared Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View

On the night from 1 to 2 February 1959 in the Northern Urals, on the pass between Mount Kholatchakhl and the nameless height 905, a tourist group led by Igor Dyatlov disappeared

The Real Sponsors Of The Soviet Industrialization - Alternative View

The Real Sponsors Of The Soviet Industrialization - Alternative View

The tasks outlined in the May 2018 presidential decree ("On national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation until 2024") boil down to ensuring an economic breakthrough and overcoming Russia's lagging behind many other countries of the world, reducing its role in the world economy

Military Art In Russia Or How Our Ancestors Fought - Alternative View

Military Art In Russia Or How Our Ancestors Fought - Alternative View

The land on which our distant ancestors lived was rich and fertile and constantly attracted from the east - nomads, from the west - Germanic tribes, moreover, our ancestors tried to develop new lands. Sometimes this colonization took place peacefully, but

The Beginning Of The Slavic Invasions Of The Balkans - Alternative View

The Beginning Of The Slavic Invasions Of The Balkans - Alternative View

Test of strength The first independent raid on the Balkans, recorded in Byzantine sources, was made by the Slavs during the reign of Emperor Justin I (518 - 527)

Stalin's Hard Humor - Alternative View

Stalin's Hard Humor - Alternative View

The tough character of Joseph Stalin was known throughout the world. However, the Leader of the Nations also had a very developed sense of humor, although his interlocutors did not always have time to laugh

Historical Facts That Will Make You Look Differently At The Concept Of Time - Alternative View

Historical Facts That Will Make You Look Differently At The Concept Of Time - Alternative View

Have you ever heard of the "theory of synchronicity"? It is based on the belief that all events are somehow related to each other, regardless of whether they have anything to do with each other

Grigory Otrepiev. The Defrocked Or The King's Son? - Alternative View

Grigory Otrepiev. The Defrocked Or The King's Son? - Alternative View

1606, May 17 - in Moscow they killed a man who called himself the son of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, recognized by his mother, boyars and people and became the Russian Tsar

Blumkin And The Superweapon Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Blumkin And The Superweapon Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Conspiracy theorists are sure - Yakov Blumkin managed to penetrate into Shambhala, where the Himalayan Sages shared with him the wisdom of the Old Gods.Blumkin was undoubtedly an outstanding person. Lucky assassin and spy, polyglot, cynic and romantic at the same time

2000 Year Old Books On Jesus Of Lead - Alternative View

2000 Year Old Books On Jesus Of Lead - Alternative View

These are books made of lead plates, sewn with metal rings. Their age is about 2000 years. They were discovered in 2008 in Jordan by a Bedouin named Hassan Seda. The books attracted attention by the fact that Jesus Christ, as well as the apostles James, Peter and John are mentioned on their pages

Products From The Bones Of A Primitive Bison And Rhinoceros Were Found During The Construction Of A Kindergarten In Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

Products From The Bones Of A Primitive Bison And Rhinoceros Were Found During The Construction Of A Kindergarten In Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

Scientists believe that these artifacts appeared here 30 thousand years ago. Historical artifacts were found during the construction of the kindergarten in Solontsy-2. According to RosTender

More Than A Hundred New Petroglyphs Have Been Discovered In The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View

More Than A Hundred New Petroglyphs Have Been Discovered In The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View

For many years, scientists have been researching the Shalabolin writings - a historical monument that has preserved examples of rock art from different years. New drawings have been found recently

How The Orthodox Jesuits Were Saved - Alternative View

How The Orthodox Jesuits Were Saved - Alternative View

There were many reasons for the persecution of the Jesuits at that time, almost every European monarch had his own account to the order … (Heading "Well Forgotten") As a result of the partition of Poland under Catherine II, Russia received with part of its pie and

When The German Language Was Created. Hohdeutsch - Alternative View

When The German Language Was Created. Hohdeutsch - Alternative View

The written form of Standard German (Hochdeutsch) was created at the II Spelling Conference held in Berlin from 17 to 19 July 1901. The desire to create a single German language was especially evident after the creation of the German Empire in 1871

What Was Nefertiti Really Like - Alternative View

What Was Nefertiti Really Like - Alternative View

Nefertiti is the most mysterious woman in history. She was called "the mistress of joy." The bust of the queen, which is more than three thousand years old, is still considered the standard of beauty

The Nazis Tried To Teach Dogs To Speak - Alternative View

The Nazis Tried To Teach Dogs To Speak - Alternative View

In the photo: an experiment on telepathy between a dog and a person under the leadership of Dr. Bondeson The leadership of fascist Germany tried to teach dogs to speak - Adolf Hitler himself believed that this was quite possible, and that dogs were not far behind

Who, When And Why Tamed The First Dog? - Alternative View

Who, When And Why Tamed The First Dog? - Alternative View

There is literally not a single point in the history of dog domestication that does not provoke fierce debate among scientists

Teleportation: An Unusual Story From The Past - Alternative View

Teleportation: An Unusual Story From The Past - Alternative View

Teleportation - instant movement of an object (change of location coordinates), in which its trajectory cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time

The Story Of The Amazing Teleportation Of The Soldier Gil Peres - Alternative View

The Story Of The Amazing Teleportation Of The Soldier Gil Peres - Alternative View

At noon on October 24, 1593, in Mexico City, in the Plaza Mayor, an unusual incident took place. The local guards of the Spanish governor discovered in their ranks, as if from nowhere, and instantly materialized colleague

National Disaster: How Homelessness Was Defeated In The Soviet Union - Alternative View

National Disaster: How Homelessness Was Defeated In The Soviet Union - Alternative View

85 years ago, a resolution was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the elimination of child homelessness and neglect." According to historians, this document marked the end of the fight against homelessness, the scourge of Soviet society in the 1920s and 1930s

Established The Origin Of The Holy Sepulcher In Jerusalem - Alternative View

Established The Origin Of The Holy Sepulcher In Jerusalem - Alternative View

Archaeologists have established the origin of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, in which, according to legend, Jesus Christ was buried after the crucifixion. Reported by The Independent

An Unknown American Donated A Gold Coin Of An Unknown King To Charity - Alternative View

An Unknown American Donated A Gold Coin Of An Unknown King To Charity - Alternative View

Among the donations collected by the Salvation Army religious organization in the Florida city of Tampa, a gold coin from the 1st century BC was discovered. The experts estimated it at two thousand dollars.An unknown person threw a coin, wrapped in a one-dollar bill, into the Red Bowler, a special vessel for collecting donations, with which the Salvation Army volunteers traditionally stand at the entrance to various institutions on the eve of Christmas

Mines Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Mines Of King Solomon - Alternative View

If you believe the Bible, and not the results of conventional methods of archaeological research, then King Solomon was fabulously rich

Mistakes Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Mistakes Of King Solomon - Alternative View

The name of this ruler of the ancient kingdom of Israel has long been a symbol of wisdom, justice and prosperity. However, in fact, the Bible tells about King Solomon very contradictory things

What Did Famous Historical Figures Actually Look Like - Alternative View

What Did Famous Historical Figures Actually Look Like - Alternative View

Today, anthropologists, thanks to new technologies, have learned how to restore the face from the skull. Now you can see what famous historical figures looked like (however, not only they)

Queen From "wild Tartaria" - Alternative View

Queen From "wild Tartaria" - Alternative View

Representatives of the French royal Capetian dynasty ruled intermittently until 1848. The monarchs belonging to this family also had Slavic blood: in the 11th century, Henry I married the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna, the daughter of the famous Russian prince Yaroslav the Wise

Blank Weapon Of Retaliation - Alternative View

Blank Weapon Of Retaliation - Alternative View

In March 1939, Hitler visited the missile center at Peenemünde. In September of the same year, at a rally in Danzig, he announced that the time would soon come when Germany would use weapons "that could not be used against her." It is quite obvious that it was not about chemical weapons, which by that time were already at the disposal of a number of Western countries and the USSR

Operation "Spinach": Who The Americans "shot" With Climatic Weapons - Alternative View

Operation "Spinach": Who The Americans "shot" With Climatic Weapons - Alternative View

Nature in the modern world seems to have rebelled: abnormal tornadoes and hurricanes, showers and snowfalls, droughts and frosts suggest that this is not a natural process, but the result of the use of climate weapons.- Salik.bizControlled climateThe military of the leading world powers have long been in search of perfect weapons capable not so much of destroying people as of causing colossal destruction

The Real Mask Of The Plague Doctor - Alternative View

The Real Mask Of The Plague Doctor - Alternative View

This authentic 16th-century doctor's mask has been preserved over the years and is currently on display at the German Museum for the History of Medicine in Ingolstadt.In medieval Europe, it was believed that people get sick from "bad air" (miasms), therefore, pleasantly smelling herbs were placed in the long nose of this mask, then they were set on fire, purifying the air to prevent inhalation of miasms

Ingush Archaeologists Have Discovered The Skeleton Of An Ancient Woman With A Skull Of An Unusually Elongated Shape - Alternative View

Ingush Archaeologists Have Discovered The Skeleton Of An Ancient Woman With A Skull Of An Unusually Elongated Shape - Alternative View

Human remains dating back to the Bronze Age were found on the territory of the Gamurziev settlement, which occupies the summit and slopes of a hill between the Nazranka and Sunzha rivers. Reported by the archaeological center named after Evgeny Krupnov of the republic

Why Prohibition Didn't Work: The Story Of Fighting Invincible Drinking - Alternative View

Why Prohibition Didn't Work: The Story Of Fighting Invincible Drinking - Alternative View

Alcohol appeared in human culture before the state. However, with the emergence of centralized government, attempts appeared to prohibit alcohol as an antisocial substance

Nazi Concentration Camps: Profitable Death Factories - Alternative View

Nazi Concentration Camps: Profitable Death Factories - Alternative View

In Nazi Germany, the destruction of large human masses was placed on a technological, industrial basis. The death conveyor, passing hundreds of thousands and millions of people through the concentration camps, worked without interruption

An Oligarch Named Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

An Oligarch Named Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

When the leader of the German National Socialists, Adolf Hitler, took over as Reich Chancellor in 1933, his voters were convinced of the correct choice. It seemed to them that the former soldier, who did not have a penny in his soul, would be able to revive the power of Germany