Secrets of history 2024, October

Lermontov. Fatal Duel - Alternative View

Lermontov. Fatal Duel - Alternative View

This article was written to commemorate the 170th anniversary of the death in a duel of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, the great Russian poet, who was called Pushkin's successor during his lifetime. The death of Lermontov and now is still a mystery. Leave Petersburg

The World Escaped A Nuclear War Because The Soviet Submariner Stuck In A Hatch - Alternative View

The World Escaped A Nuclear War Because The Soviet Submariner Stuck In A Hatch - Alternative View

In October 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis erupted, which could have ended in a nuclear war. Those days are remembered by veteran submariners who found themselves in the epicenter of the global conflict

Ambrose Bierce - The Disappeared Writer - Alternative View

Ambrose Bierce - The Disappeared Writer - Alternative View

American writer Ambrose Bierce is one of the most enigmatic figures of the 19th century. He was interested in the riddles of death and borderline mental states

Why Did Vladimir Mayakovsky Commit Suicide - Alternative View

Why Did Vladimir Mayakovsky Commit Suicide - Alternative View

On April 14, 1930, the body of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky was found in apartment 12 of building No. 3 on Lubyansky proezd in Moscow. The cause of death was suicide

Whims Of Count Leo Tolstoy - Alternative View

Whims Of Count Leo Tolstoy - Alternative View

In 1906, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy refused to consider him as a candidate for the Nobel Prize. The writer explained this with his attitude to money, but the public perceived the refusal as another waywardness of the count

The Mystery Of The Death Of Nikolai Gogol - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Nikolai Gogol - Alternative View

The famous writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was terrified of being buried alive

Pushkin And Dumas - One Man? - Alternative View

Pushkin And Dumas - One Man? - Alternative View

The great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin did not actually die in a duel. He faked his own death, after which he went to Paris and became the famous writer Alexandre Dumas. Sounds absurd, doesn't it?

Why Was Dostoevsky Almost Shot? - Alternative View

Why Was Dostoevsky Almost Shot? - Alternative View

The famous Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky did not like nihilists and revolutionaries. When he came up with the idea of the novel "Demons", he said: "Here nihilists and Westerners will scream about me, that they are retrograde

Viy - Who Is He? - Alternative View

Viy - Who Is He? - Alternative View

N.V. Gogol dedicated only fifteen lines to Viy in his story. But whoever has read them at least once in his life will never forget such a bright, unusual, impressive image

The Riddle Of The Death Of Edgar Allan Poe: Mystical Circumstances Or The Natural Result Of A Wild Life? - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Death Of Edgar Allan Poe: Mystical Circumstances Or The Natural Result Of A Wild Life? - Alternative View

Probably no one’s death raised as many questions as the mysterious death of the American writer, poet and literary critic Edgar Allan Poe

"What To Do With This Bastard?" The True Story Of Bulgakov's "bad Apartment". - Alternative View

"What To Do With This Bastard?" The True Story Of Bulgakov's "bad Apartment". - Alternative View

"The Master and Margarita" - famous work of Russian literature. In it Bulgakov, among other things, described the abode of Woland, which really exists and attracts many fans of the great writer

15 Sad Facts About The Life And Death Of Edgar Allan Poe - Alternative View

15 Sad Facts About The Life And Death Of Edgar Allan Poe - Alternative View

Edgar Allan Poe is an American writer and poet, known as the author of "scary" and mystical stories, as well as the poem "The Raven". He is also considered the ancestor of detective and psychological prose

Slavic Alphabet. The Meaning Of The Drop Caps - Alternative View

Slavic Alphabet. The Meaning Of The Drop Caps - Alternative View

Slavic alphabet - a unique phenomenon among all known methods of letter writing. It differs from other alphabets not only in the perfect embodiment of the principle of uniqueness of graphic display: one sound - one letter

How Old Is The New World - Alternative View

How Old Is The New World - Alternative View

From school years, everyone knows that America was settled by the inhabitants of Asia, who moved there in small groups across the Bering Isthmus (at the site of the present strait)

Secret Codes Of Runic Writing - Alternative View

Secret Codes Of Runic Writing - Alternative View

No one knows exactly when, where or by whom the runes were invented. The only thing that archaeologists can confirm is that the age of the oldest known runic inscriptions - about 1,700 years old, found in Denmark and Norway

March Of Prisoners Of War In Moscow: What Remained Behind The Scenes - Alternative View

March Of Prisoners Of War In Moscow: What Remained Behind The Scenes - Alternative View

On July 17, 1944, the remnants of the German divisions defeated in Belarus marched through the streets of Moscow. This event was supposed to instill in Soviet citizens the confidence that the enemy was already broken and a common victory was not far off

Mysterious Inscription On A Stone In Brittany. The One Who Solved It Is Promised A Reward - Alternative View

Mysterious Inscription On A Stone In Brittany. The One Who Solved It Is Promised A Reward - Alternative View

The administration of the Plugastel commune in the French region of Brittany offers a reward of two thousand euros to the one who can decipher the inscription on the stone found nearby.A stone with an inscription of 20 lines was discovered several years ago on a beach near the commune

Zero World War - Alternative View

Zero World War - Alternative View

Indeed, you will not immediately think about the fact that there was the First World War and the Second World War. Is this in the entire history of civilization? What is World War?

The Man Who Provoked The Outbreak Of The First World War - Alternative View

The Man Who Provoked The Outbreak Of The First World War - Alternative View

On July 25, 1894, a man was born who played a fatal role in world history. Gavrilo Princip in 1914 shot the heir to the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinand, which was the reason for the outbreak of the First World War

Everyone Thought About The Beginning Of The Third World - Alternative View

Everyone Thought About The Beginning Of The Third World - Alternative View

We begin to learn a lot of tragic stories from the times of the USSR only in the last decades. The direct participants, of course, were aware, but the majority of the population did not even know

Evpatiy Kolovrat - Voivode And Russian Hero - Alternative View

Evpatiy Kolovrat - Voivode And Russian Hero - Alternative View

Evpatiy Kolovrat - Ryazan boyar, voivode and Russian hero, hero of the Ryazan folk tale of the XIII century, during the invasion of Batu

How Churchill And Roosevelt Were Preparing A Third World War Against The USSR - Alternative View

How Churchill And Roosevelt Were Preparing A Third World War Against The USSR - Alternative View

The possible danger of the outbreak of World War III has been discussed for more than seventy years

One MiG Over Tel Aviv: How In October 1973 The USSR Prevented The Third World War - Alternative View

One MiG Over Tel Aviv: How In October 1973 The USSR Prevented The Third World War - Alternative View

The era of confrontation between the capitalist and communist worlds was called the Cold War. Its battles were fought not within the borders of the main participants - the USA and the USSR, but in countries or even regions very distant from Moscow and Washington

The Real Data On The Losses Of The Red Army In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The Real Data On The Losses Of The Red Army In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The West, with its allies in Russia, seeks by all means to belittle the greatest feat of the peoples of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945

Prince Eugen: A Cruiser That Withstood The Impact Of An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

Prince Eugen: A Cruiser That Withstood The Impact Of An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

The heavy cruiser Prince Eugen, nicknamed the "happy ship" by the sailors of the German fleet, passed the test of a nuclear explosion at the end of World War II. After being sunk, this ship carries enormous risks to the environment

The Most Terrible Myths About The Great Patriotic War Have Been Exposed - Alternative View

The Most Terrible Myths About The Great Patriotic War Have Been Exposed - Alternative View

On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, a standard set of "myths about war" appears on the Internet again

Taking Berlin: How It Was - Alternative View

Taking Berlin: How It Was - Alternative View

On April 16, 1945, the last, decisive military operation of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War began. The ultimate goal - Berlin. It turned into a race of fronts, illuminated by the searchlights of Georgy Zhukov. When did the war end?

The Exploits Of Soviet Pilots In The Skies Of Korea For Half A Century Have Been Classified - Alternative View

The Exploits Of Soviet Pilots In The Skies Of Korea For Half A Century Have Been Classified - Alternative View

On January 4, 2013, at the age of 95, the best fighter pilot of the jet era, Yevgeny Pepeliaev, died. During 11 months of hostilities during the Korean War, he shot down 19 American aircraft in aerial combat

Secrets Of The First World - Alternative View

Secrets Of The First World - Alternative View

Everyone knows that solving historical mysteries is a very exciting task, but it requires a lot of effort, and, most importantly, the availability of supporting facts or documents

The Tsar's Strategic Mistake - Alternative View

The Tsar's Strategic Mistake - Alternative View

In 1914, Russia got involved in a completely unnecessary war in 1805. Moscow. House of Count Ilya Rostov: “At the male end of the table, the conversation became more and more animated

Why Hitler Lost The War. "German View" - Alternative View

Why Hitler Lost The War. "German View" - Alternative View

Much has been said about the factors that contributed to the victory of the USSR over Germany, much less attention is paid to the reasons for the defeat of the Wehrmacht. Let's note the main mistakes of the Third Reich, referred to by German historians and generals

How Ahnenerbe Helped Hitler To Lose The War - Alternative View

How Ahnenerbe Helped Hitler To Lose The War - Alternative View

Hitler Ahnenerbe is a mysterious society of the Third Reich. What the SS Sonderkommando was looking for in Stalingrad and why the Nazis came to the Volga in winter in light overcoats. Winter 1942 - 1943 was severe, frosty

15 Mysteries Of World War II - Alternative View

15 Mysteries Of World War II - Alternative View

After the end of the fiercest war in the history of mankind, there are many mysteries that historians have been trying to unravel for over 70 years. Perhaps some of you have known for a long time, and some will seem fictional

“Don't Take Russians Prisoner!”: The Uprising Of Soviet Prisoners In A Secret CIA Prison In Pakistan - Alternative View

“Don't Take Russians Prisoner!”: The Uprising Of Soviet Prisoners In A Secret CIA Prison In Pakistan - Alternative View

The whole world, except for the population of the USSR, learned about the events of April 26-27, 1985, which took place near Pakistani Peshwar. But the Western media are sure that the KGB took revenge in the most cruel way for the deaths of Soviet prisoners of war who rebelled in a secret prison in Badaber

Ancient China Myths: Eight Immortals - Alternative View

Ancient China Myths: Eight Immortals - Alternative View

Eight immortals once lived on earth and were real people. Now they have become immortal saints and sometimes roam the earth in human form, observing the deeds of mankind

Immortality Of Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

Immortality Of Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

The personality of the Comte Saint-Germain is so unique that his name is still on everyone's lips. Some researchers argue that this is a mythical figure that never really existed. But many people are absolutely sure of the reality of Saint Germain's existence

When The Original Rus Appeared - Alternative View

When The Original Rus Appeared - Alternative View

"Where did the Russian land come from?" - from this question, asked by the first Russian chronicler, the acquisition of history began in our country. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the Slavic tribes living in Priilmenye and on the shores of Ladoga suffered from civil strife

Delphic Oracle: How People Trusted Their Fortunes To Fortunetellers - Alternative View

Delphic Oracle: How People Trusted Their Fortunes To Fortunetellers - Alternative View

People in ancient Greece believed that their life was predetermined. However, everyone wanted to know what the future holds for them. The Greeks went to the oracles for the answer

How A Former Samurai Attacked The Future Russian Emperor - And What Consequences Did It Have - Alternative View

How A Former Samurai Attacked The Future Russian Emperor - And What Consequences Did It Have - Alternative View

On May 11, 1891, in the Japanese city of Otsu, a policeman (and a former samurai) Tsuda Sanzo attacked Nikolai Alexandrovich, the future Emperor Nicholas II. The policeman managed to inflict two blows with a saber, but the wounds were not serious

15 Reasons To Bring Back Our 70s - Alternative View

15 Reasons To Bring Back Our 70s - Alternative View

1. EducationSoviet education was completely free and accessible to absolutely everyone. Any school graduate from a small collective farm somewhere near Dushanbe could freely enter Moscow State University, study for free, live for free in a hostel, and even receive a scholarship for good studies