Secrets of history 2024, October

Scientific Theories That Have Done A Lot Of Harm To Humanity - Alternative View

Scientific Theories That Have Done A Lot Of Harm To Humanity - Alternative View

Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken, but in search of the truth people very often turn to the wrong path

Interesting Facts From The Life Of Mendeleev - Alternative View

Interesting Facts From The Life Of Mendeleev - Alternative View

The scientist is the author of fundamental research in physics, chemistry, meteorology, metrology, economics, fundamental works on agriculture, aeronautics, public education, chemical technology and other works related to consumer

Riddle Of Height 611 - Alternative View

Riddle Of Height 611 - Alternative View

“On January 29, 1986, near the village of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Territory, a night fireball was observed in the form of a bright self-luminous ball with a train … A fire started at the place of the fall, which lasted for about an hour

We Live In 1722, Not In - Alternative View

We Live In 1722, Not In - Alternative View

Immediately, we note that this statement is not new, but today more and more independent scientists come to the conclusion that three centuries have been lost in the history of mankind. But how did this happen and why? Experts, based on the study of many historical documents, came to the conclusion that in the period from the VIII to the XI century, chronological events in the history of Europe are inconsistent, vague, inaccurate and very poor, as if they were simply invented

For The Golden Fleece - Alternative View

For The Golden Fleece - Alternative View

The story of the journey of the Argonauts - the first Greek myth telling about a long sea voyage outside the Greek world. It was headed by Jason, a contemporary of Hercules and Theseus. This event can be attributed to approximately the XIII century BC

How Patriarch Tikhon Convinced The Americans To Feed The Starving Volga Region - Alternative View

How Patriarch Tikhon Convinced The Americans To Feed The Starving Volga Region - Alternative View

And why he paid dearly for a good deed The revival of the modern Orthodox Church was marked by the canonization of Vasily Ivanovich Bellavin, better known as Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Karma Of The Revolution - Alternative View

Karma Of The Revolution - Alternative View

Much has been written about the mystical aspects of the Great October Socialist Revolution

What Real Event Could Be Said In The Epic About Volga Vseslavich? - Alternative View

What Real Event Could Be Said In The Epic About Volga Vseslavich? - Alternative View

The Baskaks were full of Slavic names. By the way, there were officials among them, and from the clergy - clerks. Again, unlike the Varangians, Volga with a retinue is horseback riding, like the Baskaks. And people do not need to guess about tribute to the Tatars, all sources write about it

Would You Like To Stand On The Kalinovy Bridge And Over The Currant River? I Invite You! - Alternative View

Would You Like To Stand On The Kalinovy Bridge And Over The Currant River? I Invite You! - Alternative View

For centuries, folk tales have been passed from mouth to mouth. They were retold many times, later they corresponded and retold again. So they have survived to this day. Very few of them have survived in their original form. After all, any collector of folklore has heard and recorded the same tale many times, only in different settlements it was retold in different ways

The Longitude Problem: Who Needs Chronometers And Why? - Alternative View

The Longitude Problem: Who Needs Chronometers And Why? - Alternative View

On the night of September 22-23, 1707, a British squadron under the command of Rear Admiral Claudsey Shovell, returning from the theater of operations of the War of the Spanish Succession, sat under full sail on the reefs off the Isles of Scilly, southwest of the Cornwall coast, just over 24 hours before returning home

Mysterious Tuared And Other Lands That Do Not Exist - Alternative View

Mysterious Tuared And Other Lands That Do Not Exist - Alternative View

Since ancient times, people believe in the existence of unknown countries and lands, the passage to which opens only at a strictly defined time and in a strictly specified place

Gagarin Was The Thirteenth Cosmonaut! - Alternative View

Gagarin Was The Thirteenth Cosmonaut! - Alternative View

The Soviet Union, the Soviet people, the Bolsheviks, the Party, Lenin, in a single impulse, as one person, on April 12, 1961, burst into space

How The Goat Got Into The British Army - Alternative View

How The Goat Got Into The British Army - Alternative View

Each army has its own order. For example, in the 1st Infantry Battalion of the Royal Welsh of the British Army, there is one unusual fighter named William Windsor. He carries the rank of Lance Corporal and thanks to this he has officer privileges: he can visit the officers' club and dine there, and the rank and file of the English army give him a military salute when they meet and stand at attention

An Unexpected Version Of Historians: Stalin Planned To Annex To The USSR Turkey - Alternative View

An Unexpected Version Of Historians: Stalin Planned To Annex To The USSR Turkey - Alternative View

This could be one of the reasons for the US nuclear strike on Japan on August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, on August 9, on Nagasaki. What for? The official version is that America wanted to hasten Japan's surrender. And at the same time - to intimidate the USSR

The Last Tsar Is The First Cosmonaut. Nicholas II The Solution To The Disappearance - Alternative View

The Last Tsar Is The First Cosmonaut. Nicholas II The Solution To The Disappearance - Alternative View

Found irrefutable evidence of the existence of the space program of the last Russian Emperor !!!- Salik.bizFound irrefutable evidence of the existence of the space program of the last Russian Emperor !!!In a secret SS bunker, which is being developed with the participation of the famous historian Dr

Was The Amber Room Hidden In The Arctic? - Alternative View

Was The Amber Room Hidden In The Arctic? - Alternative View

Tireless trackers scouring Europe in search of the famous Amber Room may need to expand their search

Greatest Floods In History. What Are The Real Catastrophes Behind The Ancient Myths? - Alternative View

Greatest Floods In History. What Are The Real Catastrophes Behind The Ancient Myths? - Alternative View

Among the many mythological plots, the flood legends occupy a central role. They exist in almost all world cultures

10 Recently Discovered Archaeological Secrets - Alternative View

10 Recently Discovered Archaeological Secrets - Alternative View

When it comes to archaeological secrets, the focus is usually on popular cases that have been known for decades. Stonehenge, Sphinx and Nazca Geoglyphs remain fairly readable topics

The Collapse Of The Ferry "Estonia" - What Are They Hiding From Us? - Alternative View

The Collapse Of The Ferry "Estonia" - What Are They Hiding From Us? - Alternative View

On the night of September 28, 1994, the sea passenger ferry "Estonia" crashed in the Baltic Sea. This tragedy is considered one of the largest maritime disasters and one of the worst mysteries of the 20th century

Diary Of Memory: Why Children Should Know About Tanya Savicheva - Alternative View

Diary Of Memory: Why Children Should Know About Tanya Savicheva - Alternative View

On January 23, the famous Leningrad schoolgirl would have turned 90 years old.On January 23, 2020, the Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva, who lost her entire family during the blockade, would have turned 90 years old. But she died at 14 in evacuation from dystrophy and nervous exhaustion

Petersburg Jack - The Ripper - Alternative View

Petersburg Jack - The Ripper - Alternative View

How in 1909 the police hunted the blood maniac.It is generally accepted that there were three maniacs in tsarist Russia. The first (most bloodthirsty) is the notorious landowner Saltychikha. The second - the Tsarskoye Selo murderer, who operated near the lyceum during Pushkin's studies there

The Life And Deeds Of Martin Luther - Alternative View

The Life And Deeds Of Martin Luther - Alternative View

Martin Luther is widely regarded as the first and greatest of the reformers. His teaching overcame not only the borders of Germany, but also of Europe. Unlike his great predecessors, there is no dispute about him whether such a person actually existed

Dog Life Of The Petersburg Bohemia - Alternative View

Dog Life Of The Petersburg Bohemia - Alternative View

At the beginning of the last century, the artistic basement "Stray Dog" became a symbol of both the brilliant and dark era of the Silver Age.- You see! Great idea! All is ready! It will be great! Only the trouble is - you need money! Well, I think you have 25 rubles

For What Reason The Deaf And Dumb Were Shot In The USSR, And What Testimony Was "knocked Out" Of Them - Alternative View

For What Reason The Deaf And Dumb Were Shot In The USSR, And What Testimony Was "knocked Out" Of Them - Alternative View

In August 1937, artists of the drama club of the Leningrad Society of the Deaf and Dumb prepared for the anniversary of the October Revolution a performance based on Ostrovsky's play How the Steel Was Tempered. In the midst of the dress rehearsal, strangers entered the hall, detaining the director without explanation

The Weapons Of The Dead Are A Coffin Torpedo And A Graveyard Gun - Alternative View

The Weapons Of The Dead Are A Coffin Torpedo And A Graveyard Gun - Alternative View

A coffin torpedo? A graveyard gun? Yes, this is not a joke - such a weapon existed and was created for a very specific purpose. Some examples can be seen today in the Arlington Cemetery Museum of Funeral Art.Grave robberies have always happened

Blood Of Damansky Island - Alternative View

Blood Of Damansky Island - Alternative View

50 years ago, the Soviet Union and China, the two largest communist powers, were on the brink of war. The formal reason for the conflict was the dispute over the ownership of Damansky Island on the Ussuri River.Sino-Soviet relations began to deteriorate under Khrushchev

"Riot In Russia Is Not Difficult!" - Alternative View

"Riot In Russia Is Not Difficult!" - Alternative View

The Russian twentieth century began with the war. Local wars with unclear goals and dubious successes. In 1905, the first revolution in Russia broke out. Then came the reforms. Then again the war, again the revolution. And so it was for a hundred years

10 Poisonous Items Found By Archaeologists - Alternative View

10 Poisonous Items Found By Archaeologists - Alternative View

Objects contained in museum collections and artifacts found during archaeological excavations are always of interest to the general public. However, sometimes these objects present researchers with deadly surprises

Archaeologists Have Found In The Kuban A Vessel With An Unknown Liquid, Sealed 2 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found In The Kuban A Vessel With An Unknown Liquid, Sealed 2 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View

Archaeologists in the Krasnodar Territory discovered in a tomb of the 1st century AD a glass vessel - balsamarium, in which the liquid poured during burial is still stored, the head of the Fanagoria archaeological expedition Vladimir Kuznetsov told TASS

How Women And Women Fought Among Themselves In Russia - Alternative View

How Women And Women Fought Among Themselves In Russia - Alternative View

Probably, most of the women in their lives once did not, no, and they pleased themselves into a fight with rivals - either in kindergarten for a toy or at school for the attention of someone cute, or in adulthood … for various reasons

Dungeons Of The Templars In The Kuban - Alternative View

Dungeons Of The Templars In The Kuban - Alternative View

The hole in the ground near the village of Ubinskaya, Seversky District was discovered by the traveler Yevgeny Gomonov. It turned out that this is an ancient abandoned adit. -There are a lot of such in the district, - says Evgeny, - having studied the archives, I found out that cinnabar was mined in them

When Halloween Is Celebrated: All Saints' Eve - Alternative View

When Halloween Is Celebrated: All Saints' Eve - Alternative View

On the night of October 31 to November 1, on the eve of All Saints' Day, the streets of cities and towns are filled with witches, devils and ghosts. A pumpkin with a candle burning inside becomes the emblem of many parties. Halloween has long reached both Japan and Guatemala

In Ancient Russia, The Day Was 17 Hours? Dealing With The Watch - Alternative View

In Ancient Russia, The Day Was 17 Hours? Dealing With The Watch - Alternative View

On the dial, not 12 or 24 hours were highlighted, but 17. The dial rotated in the clock, not the hands. The arrow was a ray of the sun fixed at the top of the clock.Many foreigners always served at the royal court. One of them, engineer Christopher Galovey, who repeatedly repaired and rebuilt the main clock in the country, said: "Since the Russians do not act like all other people, then what they produced should be arranged accordingly

Mourners: What Were They For In Ancient Russia? - Alternative View

Mourners: What Were They For In Ancient Russia? - Alternative View

There were many professions in Russia, some of them have sunk into the past, and some have survived to this day. Such a turnover is easily explained by the necessity of this or that craft. But what about the mourners?This profession was one of the most respected, because the most important events did not go without representatives of this craft

The Unsolved Mystery And The Disappearance Of A Woman With A Camera, After The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

The Unsolved Mystery And The Disappearance Of A Woman With A Camera, After The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

Probably everyone knows about the tragedy that took place on November 22, 1963, the Kennedy assassination, which has not been solved to this day. But many of us do not know that there was another mystery there, which also keeps its secret to this day

"Tale Of Bygone Years" - A Fake? - Alternative View

"Tale Of Bygone Years" - A Fake? - Alternative View

The famous "Tale of Bygone Years" turns 900 this year. A unique document, according to which the history of ancient Russia is studied all over the world, belongs to the pen of Nestor, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. This is the official point of view

The Tale Of Bygone Years: Why It Was Ruled - Alternative View

The Tale Of Bygone Years: Why It Was Ruled - Alternative View

According to the established tradition, each new ruler who ascends to the throne rewrites the history of his country in a new way. Russia is no exception

How Did They Pay In Ancient Rus - Alternative View

How Did They Pay In Ancient Rus - Alternative View

Before the appearance of their coins, Roman denarii, Arab dirhams, and Byzantine solidi were in circulation in Russia. In addition, it was possible to pay off the seller with fur. From all these things, the first Russian coins arose

Ancient Chinese Mirror. Secrets Of The Masters Of The Past - Alternative View

Ancient Chinese Mirror. Secrets Of The Masters Of The Past - Alternative View

Even as a child, I heard from my grandfather about an ancient artifact: an ancient Chinese mirror, which skillfully show what it would be impossible for a mere mortal to see

The Philadelphia Experiment: The Paranormal Secrets Of The American Army - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment: The Paranormal Secrets Of The American Army - Alternative View

The history of the so-called Philadelphia Experiment began in 1943. At the height of the war, USS Eldridge was recalled to the docks of Newark, ostensibly for modification