Secrets of history 2024, October

Five Ancient Underwater Cities - Alternative View

Five Ancient Underwater Cities - Alternative View

Everyone has undoubtedly heard the legend of Atlantis - the ancient, once great city, forever lost in the depths of the sea

The Phenomenon Of Wonderful Feeding - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of Wonderful Feeding - Alternative View

Throughout the ages, mankind has experienced a lack of food, caused by crop failures, droughts, wars, various natural disasters and mediocre rulers. The dream of prosperity and the fight against hunger was expressed in legends and folk tales, which featured a cornucopia, a self-assembled tablecloth and milk rivers with jelly banks

Where Did Hitler's Globe Disappear - Alternative View

Where Did Hitler's Globe Disappear - Alternative View

By a strange coincidence, in which, however, psychologists do not find anything unusual, most of the world's dictators have an inexplicable craving for large maps, giant globes and other visual aids for conquering the world

Hamlet, Grandson Of Rurik - Alternative View

Hamlet, Grandson Of Rurik - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 1960s, director Grigory Kozintsev, actor Innokenty Smoktunovsky and other members of the film crew of the film "Hamlet", based on the tragedy of the same name by William Shakespeare, came to Kronborg Castle in the town of Helsingor

Party Gold. Where Did The Billions Of The Communist Party Go? - Alternative View

Party Gold. Where Did The Billions Of The Communist Party Go? - Alternative View

On August 26, 1991, Nikolai Kruchina, head of the CPSU, fell out of the window of his house. The death of the party's chief treasurer raised many questions. He was considered a person close to Gorbachev and had nothing to do with the Emergency Committee

Very Scary Archeology - Alternative View

Very Scary Archeology - Alternative View

There are professions, the mere mention of which scares people. For example, morgue workers or, say, crime scene cleaners. The profession of a gravedigger also causes nervous tremors in many. Against the background of all this, the work of an archaeologist seems pretty enough, but do not forget that archaeologists are, in fact, the same gravediggers, and some of their historical discoveries then do not allow people to sleep overly emotional for a long time

Little-known Facts About WWII - Alternative View

Little-known Facts About WWII - Alternative View

Of course, this is not some shocking information just found out, but nevertheless, many might not have known about it, and I learned something for the first time. Well, for example, the fact that Hitler attacked Poland on August 25, 1939, and not at all 09/01/1939

Mata Hari. The Eerie Dance Of Death - Alternative View

Mata Hari. The Eerie Dance Of Death - Alternative View

The two-storey villa "Remy", located in the suburbs of Paris, keeps many secrets. She will keep them forever. Her legendary mistress, executed on October 15, 1917

Damned And Forgotten - Alternative View

Damned And Forgotten - Alternative View

"Damned from the damned" - this is how Poland is often called the members of the brigade of the National Armed Forces (NVS), or the "Brigade of the Holy Cross", created from Polish ultranationalists who fought on Hitler's side until the end of the war

Who Benefits From The Myth Of "backward Barbarian Russia" - Alternative View

Who Benefits From The Myth Of "backward Barbarian Russia" - Alternative View

The new dynasties of Europe agreed among themselves to create a history of their own, which would assert their monarchical rights.Traditionally, it is believed that the oldest letter writing was "Hebrew" - modern Hebrew, then Greek writing arose on its basis, and only after that Latin, Cyrillic and other European alphabets were formed

The Cursed Diamonds Of Horatio Nelson - Alternative View

The Cursed Diamonds Of Horatio Nelson - Alternative View

Admiral Horatio Nelson's diamond plume became a legend during the lifetime of the legendary naval commander

The Rope Of The Hanged Suicide And Other Lucky Talismans Of Players In Russia In The Early Twentieth Century - Alternative View

The Rope Of The Hanged Suicide And Other Lucky Talismans Of Players In Russia In The Early Twentieth Century - Alternative View

At the beginning of 1915, when it became clear that the world war was acquiring a protracted nature and there was no end in sight, the morale of the Russian population began to drop incredibly quickly and, along with this, more and more began to emerge on the surface of life

The Most Sinister Books In The World: TOP-10 - Alternative View

The Most Sinister Books In The World: TOP-10 - Alternative View

It is not recommended to read this at night … As you know, what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. With an ax, you can only cut down an old money-giver and mercilessly bury the tablecloth … But they are such manuscripts - they do not burn and do not chop

Why Did The Russians Attack The Swedes Near Poltava? - Alternative View

Why Did The Russians Attack The Swedes Near Poltava? - Alternative View

The famous Russian humorist M. Zadornov did not bypass in his work the rather serious topic of falsification of ancient Russian history, which is obvious to any sane person. It is known that the Jesuit monks, commissioned by the Vatican, re-composed the history of China, at the same time inventing the history of the "Mongol Empire", about which the Mongols themselves have no written sources, and most importantly, a folk epic rich in tales and epics, legends and myths

Mystical Dolls - The Most Ancient Toys On Earth - Alternative View

Mystical Dolls - The Most Ancient Toys On Earth - Alternative View

What kind of dolls are not found in stores today! Fashionistas, beauties, princesses, baby dolls. You can find toys in the form of babies, adolescents and young women. In short, now you can buy a doll for every taste

Wars And Moscow: The First Fortress - Alternative View

Wars And Moscow: The First Fortress - Alternative View

In 1156, the great Kiev prince and founder of Moscow Yuri Dolgoruky laid the first fortress there. The Tver Chronicle tells us about this. The fortress was built at the very top of Borovitsky Hill, at the confluence of two rivers: Moscow and Neglinnaya

The Story Of "Australian Robin Hood" Ned Kelly - Alternative View

The Story Of "Australian Robin Hood" Ned Kelly - Alternative View

On June 28, 1880, the gang of "Australian Robin Hood" Ned Kelly, famous for using homemade bulletproof armor, forged from plow parts and sheets of boiler iron, was destroyed

Death Under Sail - Alternative View

Death Under Sail - Alternative View

Gone are the days when the seas and oceans were sailing

Sidonian Witch. History - Alternative View

Sidonian Witch. History - Alternative View

Sidonia von Bork came from a large and wealthy Pomeranian Bork family. Fate gave her extraordinary beauty and wisdom. She was an educated and brilliant beauty.Her father sent her to the Griffith court, where Prince Ernest Louis fell in love with her

Jeanne D &Rsquo; Arc - Holy Witch - Alternative View

Jeanne D &Rsquo; Arc - Holy Witch - Alternative View

From school history books, we know the national heroine of the French people, Jeanne d'Arc. At the most critical moment of the Hundred Years War, she raised the French, almost broken by military failures, to fight the British invaders. In May 1429, a detachment under her command liberated the city of Orleans, for which she received her nickname - the Virgin of Orleans

Shoot And Forget - Alternative View

Shoot And Forget - Alternative View

The Tambov village of Algasovo, located on a trade route 28 versts from the district town, has long been famous for its noisy fairs. Two churches, more than 1.5 thousand households, over 9000 inhabitants - a prosperous village! The peasants sowed Algasian grain, traded, and grew rich in peasant labor

The Last Witch - Alternative View

The Last Witch - Alternative View

When Anna Göldi, a forty-six-year-old resident of the Swiss city of Glarus, was hired as a servant in the house of local judge Jacob Tchudi, she did not know that she would soon go down in history in a very sad way: to become the last woman in European history

Helen Duncan - The Last English Witch - Alternative View

Helen Duncan - The Last English Witch - Alternative View

The twentieth century The era of incredible technological breakthrough, the splitting of the atom, the invention of the computer and the Internet. Do you think the British authorities could have executed anyone in the 20th century on charges of witchcraft?

Salem Residents Burned Witches Because Of Hallucinations From Mushrooms - Alternative View

Salem Residents Burned Witches Because Of Hallucinations From Mushrooms - Alternative View

Scientists suspected that hallucinogenic mushrooms could be responsible for the death of the "witches" from Salem. According to experts, local residents may have eaten the plant identified in the LSD

Salem Witches And The Hunt For Them - Alternative View

Salem Witches And The Hunt For Them - Alternative View

The belief in the existence of witches and their ability to harm people and their property through supernatural powers (this is how medieval law defines witchcraft) Puritan colonists brought with them to New England from good old England

Salem Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Salem Witch Hunt - Alternative View

A lot of novels and solid monographs have been written about the famous trial of the Salem witches in 1692, plays and films have been staged. There are many versions explaining the rampant obscurantism in an American town on the threshold of the 18th century

Archaeologists Have Identified The Place Of Execution Of The "Salem Witches" - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Identified The Place Of Execution Of The "Salem Witches" - Alternative View

Seven archaeologists, led by historian Emerson Baker from Salem State University in the United States, have identified the exact place of execution of the so-called "Salem witches." The study of scientists reported on the website CBS News

Witch Or Holy Woman? Valentina Milanskaya - Alternative View

Witch Or Holy Woman? Valentina Milanskaya - Alternative View

World history remembers a huge number of mysterious and interesting characters, whose life cannot be called unambiguous even after several centuries

How Were The Salem Witches Actually Executed? - Alternative View

How Were The Salem Witches Actually Executed? - Alternative View

We have all heard numerous stories of Salem witches. These are different legends, including even the stories of Bloody Mary and a school inhabited by scary ghosts in Massachusetts

Lady Of Foggy Albion - Alternative View

Lady Of Foggy Albion - Alternative View

Among the first associations when mentioning good old England and magic are Merlin, Morgana, and Harry Potter with company

About The Pioneers Of - Alternative View

About The Pioneers Of - Alternative View

We read admiringly about European sailors, about great discoveries and travels. But it remains behind the scenes that the Russian Pomors paved the way to England half a century earlier than the British sailed to Russia. The sea is named after the deceased Dutch explorer Barents

Was There A Secret Meeting Between Molotov And Ribbentrop In Kirovograd In 1943? - Alternative View

Was There A Secret Meeting Between Molotov And Ribbentrop In Kirovograd In 1943? - Alternative View

There are still many white spots, secrets and even legends in the history of World War II. One of them is about the seemingly secret peace negotiations between Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop in 1943.The announcement of the meeting between Molotov and Ribbentrop in 1943 was a well-planned and skillfully launched disinformation by the special services of one of the belligerents

Fatal Words Of Jacques De Molay - Alternative View

Fatal Words Of Jacques De Molay - Alternative View

The Templars, or the poor knights of Christ, - order, which was created by a small group of knights in 1119 in the Holy Land

Archaeologists In China Have Fallen Victim To An Ancient Curse - Alternative View

Archaeologists In China Have Fallen Victim To An Ancient Curse - Alternative View

People engaged in professional excavations and searches for various ancient burials are well aware of the dangers that such finds may pose.There are enough examples when archaeologists unexpectedly became victims of inexplicable fatal accidents and deaths - enough for them not only to believe in them, but to be seriously wary of them

Witch's Scales: How In The Renaissance They Distinguished A Witch From A Well-behaved Lady - Alternative View

Witch's Scales: How In The Renaissance They Distinguished A Witch From A Well-behaved Lady - Alternative View

Traveling to the Dutch city of Ouderwater, tourists not only want to admire the ancient architecture, but also visit the unique "Witch's Scales". In the 17th century, those accused of witchcraft went there in search of a fair trial and justification

Mysterious Executions Of Fascists And Partisan Tatiana Markus - Alternative View

Mysterious Executions Of Fascists And Partisan Tatiana Markus - Alternative View

In Kiev, she was considered a whore - she was often seen with various German officers. No one knew that meetings with this graceful "princess" ended for the Nazis with a bullet in the forehead. But the partisan Tatyana Markus herself was shot at Babi Yar

5 Unsolved Mysteries Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

5 Unsolved Mysteries Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

The world is full of mysteries. The events that sometimes occur cannot be explained and do not obey logic. The past century is rich in secrets: ghost ships, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, UFOs, unusual finds, missing people - just a small part of the mysteries that still remain unsolved

Who Wrote The Historical Manuscript "The Bible Of The Devil" - Alternative View

Who Wrote The Historical Manuscript "The Bible Of The Devil" - Alternative View

The historical manuscript contains sacred Christian texts and the image of the "evil one"

The Path Of The Mystical Book Or "Bible Devil" - Alternative View

The Path Of The Mystical Book Or "Bible Devil" - Alternative View

Many second-hand booksellers, collectors of antique books, have a cherished dream of - get hold of the "Devil's Bible" or "Black Book". Since ancient times, there are legends about the "black books", which are textbooks on the occult

Another Version About The Location Of The Amber Room - Alternative View

Another Version About The Location Of The Amber Room - Alternative View

The world-famous Amber Room, which during the Second World War was kidnapped by the Nazis from the Tsarskoye Selo Palace and hidden somewhere in the spring of 1945, haunts archaeologists to this day. Moreover, there are a lot of versions where it may be located