Secrets of history 2024, October

This Is How The Culture Of Our Ancestors Was Destroyed - Alternative View

This Is How The Culture Of Our Ancestors Was Destroyed - Alternative View

In the war of a thousand years, the priest changed his tactics more than once, everything was unsuccessful. Russia still laughed at the occult attempts. The people called those preachers wretched. Then, it was not a physical injury that was considered wretched, but occultism

Stories Of 10 Our Favorite Christmas Traditions - Alternative View

Stories Of 10 Our Favorite Christmas Traditions - Alternative View

Why is it customary in many countries to make Christmas cookies? Why are the decorated spruce and Santa Claus (Santa Claus, Pierre Noel) the main symbols of the celebration? In this article, we have collected together 10 of the most unusual traditions

History And Traditions Of Orthodox Christmas - Alternative View

History And Traditions Of Orthodox Christmas - Alternative View

On January 7, the entire Orthodox world celebrates the Nativity of Christ

What Did The Northern Peoples Do With The Corpses Of Shamans - Alternative View

What Did The Northern Peoples Do With The Corpses Of Shamans - Alternative View

The life of a pagan shaman was hard - for their "ability" to enter into communication with spirits and travel to the worlds of the gods and the dead, they paid the price even during their lifetime - hermitage, broken family ties

How Did Magicians And Psychics Influence Soviet Politicians? - Alternative View

How Did Magicians And Psychics Influence Soviet Politicians? - Alternative View

It is believed that many politicians do not do without the help of magicians, psychics and other occult "figures"

Quality For Stupid - Alternative View

Quality For Stupid - Alternative View

From the jokes it just sticks out that Russian cars are of very poor quality and there are commentators who, foaming at the mouth, prove that this is so. I repeat: you can regret this, but you will not go anywhere - the mass of ignorant people by quality means a stupid increase in engine power, the absence of breakdowns and "bells and whistles

Koenigsberg-13: Ghosts And Psychotropic Weapons Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Koenigsberg-13: Ghosts And Psychotropic Weapons Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Hitler's Germany She was remembered not only for her concentration camps, the genocide of the Slavs and Jews, the Aryan racial theory, the irrepressible desire to conquer the Soviet Union and the millions of human sacrifices brought in the name of this goal, but also mystical secrets

Scientists Have Named The Oldest Profession In The World - Alternative View

Scientists Have Named The Oldest Profession In The World - Alternative View

Spoiler alert: It wasn't prostitution at all. And not even journalism. There is a widespread belief that selling love was the first professional occupation that people mastered

Ritual Items Of Mansi Shamans In The Place Of Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group? - Alternative View

Ritual Items Of Mansi Shamans In The Place Of Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group? - Alternative View

The author of the article warns that he did not use anything other than the available photographic materials from the 1959 criminal case. Any coincidence with the research of other authors is accidental, even if it is found by someone

How They Fought Against Shamans In The USSR - Alternative View

How They Fought Against Shamans In The USSR - Alternative View

The Soviet Union inherited the vast territory of pre-revolutionary Russia with an extremely diverse population, the diversity of life which was clearly manifested in the religious sphere

Shaman Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

Shaman Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

Many of the greatest rulers of the world of all times and peoples, in order to come to power and hold the reins of government, used every opportunity, including the help of sorcerers, magicians, witches

Dracula Was Not A Vampire, But A Hero - Alternative View

Dracula Was Not A Vampire, But A Hero - Alternative View

Vlad Tepes is a victim of black PR.A fiend of hell, a man-eater, a devil in earthly guise … This is how Vlad III Tepes remained in world folklore, who ruled the Romanian principality in the middle of the 15th century and struck everyone with his villainy so much that he became the prototype of the most bloodthirsty vampire in history

Corruption Under Stalin: How It Was - Alternative View

Corruption Under Stalin: How It Was - Alternative View

Under Stalin, life was not easy for corrupt officials. As, in general, and all the officials who worked in conditions of total control. But some managed to steal even in those tough times for corruption.But the desire to cash in on the government and to take bribes wakes up over time among many who have seized power

Hut On Chicken Legs: What Is It Really? - Alternative View

Hut On Chicken Legs: What Is It Really? - Alternative View

The legendary dwelling of the pagan goddess, and also the character of everyone's favorite fairy tales - Baba Yaga, in fact, has quite real prototypes in everyday life among the ancient Slavs, and not only.The fact is that, thanks to folklore and artists, we have long perceived the Hut on the chicken legs of Baba Yaga as an infernal living dwelling that can move on huge legs

Baba Yaga - Evil Or Good - Alternative View

Baba Yaga - Evil Or Good - Alternative View

And where, in fact, did the image of the evil old witch with a "bone leg" come from?Baba Yaga is an image from our childhood. But, having reached a certain age, have we ever wondered where he came from in Russian folklore? And what does this fairy-tale character actually represent: good or evil?

What Is The Fairy Tale "The Wizard Of The Emerald City" Really About - Alternative View

What Is The Fairy Tale "The Wizard Of The Emerald City" Really About - Alternative View

Once upon a time, a very wise ruler lived in a distant magical land. He was the most democratic and kindest ruler in the world. True, none of his subjects saw him. If someone received permission for an audience, then they communicated with some kind of abstraction

What Was Actually Said In Old Children's Fairy Tales - Alternative View

What Was Actually Said In Old Children's Fairy Tales - Alternative View

Today, all children begin their acquaintance with the literary language from fairy tales. The very first examples, over the past hundred years in Russia, are everyone's favorite "Ryaba Chicken", "Kolobok" and "Turnip". Despite the fact that we know the texts by heart, these plots are so old that we do not always already understand what kind of lesson the good fellows and red girls should learn from them

7 Strangest Rituals Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

7 Strangest Rituals Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Since ancient times, pagan beliefs were widespread in Russia, placing above all the relationship between man and nature. People believed and worshiped various Gods, spirits and other creatures

What Does The Word "Rus" Really Mean - Alternative View

What Does The Word "Rus" Really Mean - Alternative View

The Russian person is no stranger to living in uncertainty. Perhaps the roots of the state we are accustomed to should be sought in the fact that we still do not know the origin of the word “Rus”, and with it both “Russia” and “Russian”. In this we are unique

The Original Name Of Shrovetide Is Komoeditsa - Alternative View

The Original Name Of Shrovetide Is Komoeditsa - Alternative View

And the first pancake was given to comas, i.e. bears. Many of you will be surprised, but the well-known saying "the first pancake is lumpy" does not mean bad baking

Coat Of Arms "double-headed Eagle": What Does It Really Mean - Alternative View

Coat Of Arms "double-headed Eagle": What Does It Really Mean - Alternative View

The double-headed eagle became the official emblem of the Russian Empire in 1857, it was approved by Emperor Alexander II. We decided to figure out how this mysterious symbol ended up on the Russian land

Generous Shrovetide In Russia And Slavic Countries - Alternative View

Generous Shrovetide In Russia And Slavic Countries - Alternative View

In the oldest tradition of our ancestors, the most important calendar points of the year: winter (December 22) and summer (June 22) solstices, spring (March 22) and autumn (September 22) equinoxes were combined into the symbolic "Cross of the Year"

Riots In Murom: Funeral Riot - Alternative View

Riots In Murom: Funeral Riot - Alternative View

On June 26, 1961, 25-year-old Yuri Kostikov, a senior foreman of the cold stamping section of the home refrigerator shop of the Ordzhonikidze defense plant in Murom, was returning home from work with his colleagues. It was payday, the mood was upbeat, so we decided, as usual, to celebrate this case at the Murom restaurant

Scientists Managed To Reveal The Details Of The Most Ancient Funeral Ritual - Alternative View

Scientists Managed To Reveal The Details Of The Most Ancient Funeral Ritual - Alternative View

In Italy, during excavations in the Arena Candide cave, which is located off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, evidence was found of unusual ritual burials of the first Cro-Magnons, which were carried out about 12 thousand

Historians Have Uncovered Extremely Strange Burial Rituals Of The First Europeans - Alternative View

Historians Have Uncovered Extremely Strange Burial Rituals Of The First Europeans - Alternative View

Excavations in one of the caves in northern Italy have uncovered extremely unusual burial rituals of the first Cro-Magnons - burying their fellow tribesmen, they decorated their bodies with ocher, drawing patterns with pieces of pebbles, after which they broke these stones, the article says, about

Shoot Down - You Can Not, Plant - It Does Not Work - Alternative View

Shoot Down - You Can Not, Plant - It Does Not Work - Alternative View

Very often on social networks you can find a picture of this landing, as an illustration of the helplessness of the Soviet military and air defense in particular in front of Matthias Rust. Moreover, immediately after the flight of Rust, a persistent myth appeared that the military, celebrating the Day of the Border Guard, the intruder plane, as they say, “flapped”.- S

The Macabre Tradition Of Shrunken And Shrunken Human Heads - Alternative View

The Macabre Tradition Of Shrunken And Shrunken Human Heads - Alternative View

When it comes to primitive and distant tribes from the developed world, images of wild cannibals or bounty hunters usually pop up in the head. And although not all wild tribes are like that, such "stereotypes" did not appear from scratch.One of the darkest and creepiest customs of the savage tribes really involves severed human heads

10 Surprising Facts About "Sputnik-1" Dedicated To Its 60th Anniversary - Alternative View

10 Surprising Facts About "Sputnik-1" Dedicated To Its 60th Anniversary - Alternative View

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union stunned the whole world by launching the first artificial satellite into space. We celebrate his 60th birthday this week

10 Unusual Funerary Customs That Were Supposed To Ensure A Successful Afterlife - Alternative View

10 Unusual Funerary Customs That Were Supposed To Ensure A Successful Afterlife - Alternative View

Perceptions of what happens to a person after the afterlife differ in different cultures and religions

10 Shocking Sexual Traditions Of Tribes And Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

10 Shocking Sexual Traditions Of Tribes And Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

All people on the planet learn with age what sex is, but not all people have the same ideas about it

The Terrible Curse Of The Indian Chief Tekumse - Alternative View

The Terrible Curse Of The Indian Chief Tekumse - Alternative View

The Middle Ages were drawing to a close. Europe, which relatively recently survived the plague and the Hundred Years War, gradually came to its senses

Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism - Alternative View

Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism - Alternative View

On August 31, 1910, Theodore Roosevelt spoke at the town of Osawatomi, Kansas, during his election trip to the United States. In this speech, the concept of "new nationalism" was used for the first time, which in subsequent years became the political slogan of many republican contenders for elected posts

The Mystery Of The Missing Brain Of The Assassinated US President John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Missing Brain Of The Assassinated US President John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

US President John F. Kennedy died on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. He was shot in the head with a gun, and the gunman was a loner Lee Harvey Oswald. This is the official version (which, according to polls, 70% of Americans do not believe)

Uta - "Beautiful Lady Of The Middle Ages" - Alternative View

Uta - "Beautiful Lady Of The Middle Ages" - Alternative View

The small German town of Naumburg, located on the banks of the Saale River, in Saxony-Anhaly, attracts thousands of tourists every year

About The Soviet Super Factory Russian Dream - Alternative View

About The Soviet Super Factory Russian Dream - Alternative View

Only in the USSR did a whole super-factory of the Russian Dream emerge. Great fantastic literature, intertwining with popular science magazines, books and films, immersed the citizen of the Soviet Union in the amazing worlds of the future, where he wanted to live and work

Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Alchemists - Alternative View

Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Alchemists - Alternative View

The ancient science of alchemy is rooted in the hazy Egyptian past. Mythical knowledge and the legendary philosopher's stone haunted several generations of scientists in antiquity and the Middle Ages

The Immortal Alchemist Jean-Julien Fulcanelli - Alternative View

The Immortal Alchemist Jean-Julien Fulcanelli - Alternative View

In the first half of the twentieth century, a man appeared in Europe who called himself Jean Julien Fulcanelli. This would not be anything special, but the fact is that by that time the real Fulcanelli, according to official information, had already died

Alchemy, The Philosopher's Stone Its History - Alternative View

Alchemy, The Philosopher's Stone Its History - Alternative View

The search for the legendary philosopher's stone has been pursued by hundreds of philosophers for centuries. The first person from whom mankind heard about this miracle, according to legend, was Hermes Trismegistus

The Secret Of The Master Alchemist Fulcanelli - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Master Alchemist Fulcanelli - Alternative View

Paris, 1920s. An unusual book called "The Mystery of the Cathedrals", written under the pseudonym Fulcanelli, begins to appear in esoteric circles

Charlemagne - Alternative View

Charlemagne - Alternative View

His conquests (in Italy in 773-774, in the Saxons in 772-804, in Spain in 777 and others) led to the creation of one of the most powerful empires of that time. Smart, energetic, cruel and purposeful ruler. Charlemagne displayed outstanding talents as a commander and administrator