Secrets of history 2024, October

Salem Witch Hunt: How 2 Girls Imprisoned 200 People - Alternative View

Salem Witch Hunt: How 2 Girls Imprisoned 200 People - Alternative View

On the territory of the present state of Massachusetts in America at the end of the 17th century there was a colony of Britain, which was called New England

New And Old Myths About The War: Stalin Missed The German Attack On The USSR? - Alternative View

New And Old Myths About The War: Stalin Missed The German Attack On The USSR? - Alternative View

History is also becoming a battlefield today. As in any war, the enemy's goal here is the same - demoralize, destroy, or capture

Revealed The Losses Of The USSR In The Course Of Breaking The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

Revealed The Losses Of The USSR In The Course Of Breaking The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

The losses of Soviet troops during the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad and the further offensive in 1943 exceeded 170 thousand people killed, wounded and missing

The Witch Hunt In The Middle Ages: Motives Of The Inquisition And A Modern Case Of The Persecution Of A Woman - Alternative View

The Witch Hunt In The Middle Ages: Motives Of The Inquisition And A Modern Case Of The Persecution Of A Woman - Alternative View

The bonfires of the Holy Inquisition lit up medieval Europe. Nobody knows how many women, accused of witchcraft and heresy, died on them

Bones, Nails, And Some Sand. Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Bones, Nails, And Some Sand. Witch Hunt - Alternative View

For a medieval European accused of witchcraft, burning at the stake was one of the most humane sentences

What Germany Was Planning To Do In The Defeated USSR - Alternative View

What Germany Was Planning To Do In The Defeated USSR - Alternative View

Even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, the leadership of the Third Reich thought about what needs to be done first of all in the occupied territories. The Germans also had a plan for the development of the Soviet Union.- Salik.bizDISPUTES ON THE TOPICThere is still no (and cannot be) a consensus among historians about what would have happened to the Soviet Union if Germany had won the Second World War

Where To Look For Slavic Roots - Archeology Answer - Alternative View

Where To Look For Slavic Roots - Archeology Answer - Alternative View

The mysteries of the Slavic past disturb not only our contemporaries. They were the subject of significant scientific controversy throughout the 20th century

Vladimir Lenin: A Man - Germanic Monastery - Alternative View

Vladimir Lenin: A Man - Germanic Monastery - Alternative View

Lenin used 130 to 150 pseudonyms in practice. But, as you know, he stopped at "Lenin". Historians are still wondering what caused this choice

Television In Nazi Germany: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Television In Nazi Germany: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

When they talk about Nazi technologies, in the mass consciousness it responds with flying saucers, a secret refuge under the ice of Antarctica, almost created by an atomic bomb and other mythical plots

Why In Germany The Abolition Of Serfdom Caused Progress, And In Russia - No - Alternative View

Why In Germany The Abolition Of Serfdom Caused Progress, And In Russia - No - Alternative View

Russia and Germany got rid of serfdom at about the same time. Both countries were then on the periphery of European development. But unlike Russia, Germany was able to make progress by getting rid of serfdom

The Horrors Of The German Occupation - Alternative View

The Horrors Of The German Occupation - Alternative View

Part oneEvery year, on the eve of the next anniversary of the "great Victory" of the Soviet Union in the shameful "Great Patriotic War", seasoned Soviet propagandists, as well as their echoes from among the "democratic public", begin with particular force to subtle themselves in describing the "horrors of the German occupation" and the fact that would have waited for our country in case of victory of the "Hitlerites"

Tibet And Germany. Collaboration Or Testing? - Alternative View

Tibet And Germany. Collaboration Or Testing? - Alternative View

The thirst for world domination demanded from the top of the German Reich to involve in the struggle for power mysterious knowledge and new technologies, which, according to rumors, the inhabitants of the legendary Shambhala possessed

How The Nazis Created The Atomic Bomb Of The USSR - Alternative View

How The Nazis Created The Atomic Bomb Of The USSR - Alternative View

After World War II, the main nuclear physicists of Nazi Germany were exported to the Soviet Union

German Espionage Under The Cover Of Commerce - Alternative View

German Espionage Under The Cover Of Commerce - Alternative View

German capital has firmly established itself in Russia since the times of Peter the Great. With the financing and direct participation of German settlers, lands were developed in the Volga region and the south of the Russian state, large steel plants were built

Churchill Started The War Between The USSR And Germany? - Alternative View

Churchill Started The War Between The USSR And Germany? - Alternative View

A new version of the reasons for the Great Patriotic War follows from obvious inconsistencies in historical facts. June 22, 1941 - one of the most terrible dates in the life of our people

In India, Archaeologists Were Kicked Out Of Excavations After The Discovery Of An Ancient Drawing Of A "bearded Foreigner" - Alternative View

In India, Archaeologists Were Kicked Out Of Excavations After The Discovery Of An Ancient Drawing Of A "bearded Foreigner" - Alternative View

During archaeological work on the site of the ancient ruins of the Vishnu temple in Singrawi, Madhya Pradesh, Indian scientists discovered a brick on which an unusual pattern was scratched.This drawing, in their opinion, depicts a person in clothes uncharacteristic for India and the same strange headdress that looks like a cap or helmet

The Johnstown Massacre - The End Of The CIA Experiment - Alternative View

The Johnstown Massacre - The End Of The CIA Experiment - Alternative View

The article "The Sixth Sense" was previously published. In it we mentioned the "People's Temple" sect, whose 911 members committed suicide on the night of November 18-19, 1978

2 Fakes That Changed The Course Of History. Forgery Of The Spear Of Destiny And The Prophecy Of Onomacrita - Alternative View

2 Fakes That Changed The Course Of History. Forgery Of The Spear Of Destiny And The Prophecy Of Onomacrita - Alternative View

At all times, there have been forgeries and hoaxes that squeezed out the true course of things. Similar things happened in various countries of the world and sometimes the consequences were disastrous. In this article I want to acquaint you with three interesting (in my opinion) hoaxes in the history of mankind

Is The USA A Democracy? - Alternative View

Is The USA A Democracy? - Alternative View

Our home-grown "liberals" constantly extol the United States as an example of democracy, civilization and humanism. Well, what kind of humanists and civilizers they are, I have already written in the articles “USA's true face. Part One "and" The USA is a true face. P

Disappeared People: Who Stood Between Humans And Dinosaurs? - Alternative View

Disappeared People: Who Stood Between Humans And Dinosaurs? - Alternative View

The very first civilizations considered their ancestors to be lizards who came out of the sea. Scientists are at a loss as to who could then inhabit the Earth. The very first civilizations considered their ancestors to be lizards that came out of the sea

Abolition Of Serfdom: How The Russian Peasants Were "thrown" - - Alternative View

Abolition Of Serfdom: How The Russian Peasants Were "thrown" - - Alternative View

On March 3, 1861, Alexander II abolished serfdom and received the nickname "Liberator" for this. But the reform did not become popular, on the contrary, it was the cause of mass unrest and the death of the emperor

The Story Of The First Balloonists Who Changed Our View Of The World - Alternative View

The Story Of The First Balloonists Who Changed Our View Of The World - Alternative View

For early balloonists such as James Glacier, the sky was uncharted territory full of danger and adventure. For centuries, the vast ocean of air above our heads has been a mystery. Hot air ballooning changed everything.Drawing of fabulous clouds from the travels of Wilfried de Fonviel and Gaston Tissandier

Pablo Escobar's Father Was Adolf Hitler? - Alternative View

Pablo Escobar's Father Was Adolf Hitler? - Alternative View

On August 28, 2015, the American studio Netflix launched the world-famous TV series "Narco", the protagonist of which was the Colombian drug lord Pablo Emilio Escobar

Who Killed Rasputin? - Alternative View

Who Killed Rasputin? - Alternative View

On the eve of the February Revolution, only one terrorist act was committed - - the murder of Rasputin, in this story, much still remains incomprehensible and mysterious

Vlad Listyev's Colleague Told Who "ordered" The Murder Of The TV Presenter - Alternative View

Vlad Listyev's Colleague Told Who "ordered" The Murder Of The TV Presenter - Alternative View

The journalist is sure that the tragedy could have been avoided if his comrade had turned to law enforcement agencies in time with a request to provide personal protection

Last Lunch - Alternative View

Last Lunch - Alternative View

A study by American journalist Jack Robbins on the execution of sentences in the United States is called "The Last Lunch." Why?

Bizarre Murder In Room 1046 - Alternative View

Bizarre Murder In Room 1046 - Alternative View

Some murders look so strange and unusual that they are more like the plot of a thriller and even after several decades they have not been solved, or even one step closer to solving the mystery

Who Killed The Kennedy Brothers - Alternative View

Who Killed The Kennedy Brothers - Alternative View

June 6 marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, former attorney general, who in 1968 was considered the most likely future president of the United States.In November, the turn of the 55th anniversary of the death in Dallas of the then head of the White House Joe

Witch In Russia. Who Was The Ancient Woman In Charge? - Alternative View

Witch In Russia. Who Was The Ancient Woman In Charge? - Alternative View

Our ancient ancestors buried witches and sorcerers face down so that after death they would not turn into ghouls and would not interfere with people's lives. - And why was an aspen stake placed in the coffin

The Most Famous Russian Bastards - Alternative View

The Most Famous Russian Bastards - Alternative View

Historians can say for sure how many bastards Louis XIV had and no one is shocked by such information. For the Russian rulers, too, life was clearly not pious

Sacred Books And Dinosaurs - Alternative View

Sacred Books And Dinosaurs - Alternative View

In 1824, the president of the Royal Geological Society, Sir William Buckland, informed his scientific colleagues that the bones found in England in 1815 (near Oxford, in a quarry where lime was mined) most likely belonged

The Human Zoo - Alternative View

The Human Zoo - Alternative View

The Human Zoo (also known as the Ethnological Exposition, Human Exhibition, and Negro Village) was once a popular Western entertainment for the general public in the 19th and early 20th centuries to showcase Asian and African natural and sometimes primitive savage form

Scientists Have Discovered The Text Of Avicenna On The Observation Of A Supernova Explosion - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered The Text Of Avicenna On The Observation Of A Supernova Explosion - Alternative View

The first evidence of a supernova explosion was found in the writings of the scientist Avicenna ibn Sinn. This was reported by Western news outlets, citing information from British scientists

The Mystery Of The Forgotten Manuscript Of Archimedes - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Forgotten Manuscript Of Archimedes - Alternative View

Most of the school textbooks published over the past hundred years are permeated with the ideas of "progress" or "evolution" - notions that each next generation of mankind knows and is able to do more and better than the previous

12 Most Famous Swords, About Which Legends Were Made - - Alternative View

12 Most Famous Swords, About Which Legends Were Made - - Alternative View

Blades and Magic The sword has always been the weapon of the nobility. The knights treated their blades as comrades in arms, and, having lost his sword in battle, the warrior covered himself with indelible shame

Where Did The Money Disappear From The Sale Of Alaska - Alternative View

Where Did The Money Disappear From The Sale Of Alaska - Alternative View

The Alaska purchase strengthened the United States. The money paid for it paid off in a short time, and the strategic plus for the United States from this deal simply cannot be overestimated. As for Russia … Money from the sale of Alaska never made it to the Empire

Who Was Prevented By Alexander II? - Alternative View

Who Was Prevented By Alexander II? - Alternative View

The beginning of political terror in Russia was laid by Dmitry Karakozov's shot. This assassination attempt on Alexander II was overgrown with legends. Which is not surprising: there is too much mysterious and inexplicable in this case

Prehistoric Detective: Death At The Pass - Alternative View

Prehistoric Detective: Death At The Pass - Alternative View

The body was discovered by climbers Helmut and Erica Simon, who were circling the Zimilaun alpine summit near the border of Italy and Austria. On September 19, 1991, at an altitude of 3200 m, they noticed human remains protruding from a melted glacier

Assassin Sect. History Of Creation, Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Assassin Sect. History Of Creation, Interesting Facts - Alternative View

The Assassins are a legendary and mysterious sect

The Myth Of The Disclosure By Richard Sorge Of Hitler's Plans And Designs To Defeat The USSR - Alternative View

The Myth Of The Disclosure By Richard Sorge Of Hitler's Plans And Designs To Defeat The USSR - Alternative View

“We express our best wishes for difficult times. We will all work hard here. "Another anniversary is coming on June 22, 1941, when the Nazi hordes, having trampled all the norms of international law, treacherously invaded the territory of the Soviet Union. A