Secrets of history 2024, October

Frightening Facts About Real Mummies - Alternative View

Frightening Facts About Real Mummies - Alternative View

When we hear the word "mummy", we immediately imagine ancient Egypt and the pyramids

5 Of The Wildest Spy Stories From WWII - Alternative View

5 Of The Wildest Spy Stories From WWII - Alternative View

Spy novels tell us about lucky scoundrels willing to do anything for a mission and (most often) a Queen

Top 7 Most Creepy Coincidences In World History - Alternative View

Top 7 Most Creepy Coincidences In World History - Alternative View

Some events are difficult, even almost impossible, to explain by ordinary chance. Our seven stories are from this episode: The fatal speedster of James Dean Tragic coincidences are associated with the Porsche in which James Dean died in September 1955

Unknown Treatise By Rembrandt - Alternative View

Unknown Treatise By Rembrandt - Alternative View

In the early 50s of the XIX century, the famous American artist William Sydney Mount (1807 - 1868) announced that he was the owner of a treatise on painting, the author of which was - the great Rembrandt himself

10 Coolest Archaeological Finds Of The North - Alternative View

10 Coolest Archaeological Finds Of The North - Alternative View

Nordic countries - Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe and Aland Islands - it is not only snow and natural resources, but also a storehouse of valuable historical information

Aleister Crowley Created The "curse Of The Pharaohs" - Alternative View

Aleister Crowley Created The "curse Of The Pharaohs" - Alternative View

In the 1920s and 1930s, more than 20 people involved in the autopsy of Tutankhamun's tomb in Luxor died under very strange circumstances. This gave rise to the famous legend of the "curse of the pharaohs"

How The Mystery Of The Egyptian Hieroglyphs Was Solved - Alternative View

How The Mystery Of The Egyptian Hieroglyphs Was Solved - Alternative View

In August 1799, French sappers were digging trenches on the outskirts of Rosetta, a town near Alexandria. General Bonaparte (from 1804

How Did They React To Stalin's Death In The USSR And Other Countries - Alternative View

How Did They React To Stalin's Death In The USSR And Other Countries - Alternative View

On March 5, 1953, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Joseph Stalin (Dzhugashvili) died. The man who actually created the Soviet Union and led it permanently for nearly 30 years

Heracleon - Egyptian Atlantis And Biblical Sodom And Gomorrah Rolled Into One - Alternative View

Heracleon - Egyptian Atlantis And Biblical Sodom And Gomorrah Rolled Into One - Alternative View

The seabed is a real museum, in which the history of long-gone civilizations is kept under the water column. Not everyone can see priceless artifacts

The Legend About Chekh, Lech And Ruse, The Founders Of The Slavic Peoples - Alternative View

The Legend About Chekh, Lech And Ruse, The Founders Of The Slavic Peoples - Alternative View

In fact, the topic is very interesting and rich in version and discussion. Once we even discussed the topic How the Russians came to be called “Russians”, and now I suggest you discuss the version of the very emergence of the Russian people

"They Died On Contact With UFOs." In The Picture Of Tourists From The Dyatlov Group, Strange Objects Were Found - Alternative View

"They Died On Contact With UFOs." In The Picture Of Tourists From The Dyatlov Group, Strange Objects Were Found - Alternative View

Tagil amateur researcher Valentin Degterev insists on an "alien" version of the death of a group of tourists from the Ural Polytechnic Institute in the winter of 1959

The First Almanac About The Dyatlov Pass Has Been Released, And Strange Artifacts Continue To Be Found At The Site Of The Tragedy - Alternative View

The First Almanac About The Dyatlov Pass Has Been Released, And Strange Artifacts Continue To Be Found At The Site Of The Tragedy - Alternative View

The presentation of the almanac "Dyatlov Pass" took place in Yekaterinburg. The first of the three books of the collection, which has just been published, was presented to the public by its compiler, head of the "Fund for the memory of the Dyatlov group" Yuri Kuntsevich

The Heads Of The Dead Tell - Alternative View

The Heads Of The Dead Tell - Alternative View

On VO, questions are often asked about the specifics of the work of historians and archaeologists, and it makes sense to start talking a little about this. Because it is often really quite difficult and unpleasant

Roman-Germanic Warriors - Alternative View

Roman-Germanic Warriors - Alternative View

After the conquests of Caesar, the Romans came close to the borders of the Germanic tribes. Their border is located at the places of the Rhine

Briefly About The Soviet Union - Alternative View

Briefly About The Soviet Union - Alternative View

What the Soviet Union gave people1. The right to an eight-hour working day. For the first time in the world in the history of mankind.- Salik.biz2. The right to annual paid leave. For the first time in human history.n3. The impossibility of dismissing an employee on the initiative of the administration or the owner without the consent of the trade union and party organization

In England, Found The Remains Of A Huge Ancient Toothy Bird! - Alternative View

In England, Found The Remains Of A Huge Ancient Toothy Bird! - Alternative View

Is it possible that it was she who was the basis of the legends about giant birds attacking people, which can be found in the legends of many peoples of the world? The remains of a previously unknown bird were found in the south-east of England at the mouth of the Thames

300 Years Of Kidalov, Or Who Is The Main Enemy Of Russia In Reality? - Alternative View

300 Years Of Kidalov, Or Who Is The Main Enemy Of Russia In Reality? - Alternative View

Who is considered to be external enemies in Russia ??? The classic answer is America, someone will remember international terrorism, from old memory it is, of course, the Germans, headed by Adolf Aloizovich. Well, who else? Poland, France, Swedes near Poltava?

Tuskeji Disgrace. Scandalous Episodes Of American History - Alternative View

Tuskeji Disgrace. Scandalous Episodes Of American History - Alternative View

A grandiose experiment at Tuskeji University for forty years resulted in shock. And the point is not at all in high-profile scientific discoveries - they were not at all

Five People At The Epicenter Of A Nuclear Explosion - Alternative View

Five People At The Epicenter Of A Nuclear Explosion - Alternative View

And here is how an atomic bomb was detonated over the head of six men in July 1957. At the same time, five of them even volunteered, and the sixth was simply not told what he would need to do that day, until he showed up at work …So who were these people, why did they end up there, and what happened next?

Skunk Stone - Alternative View

Skunk Stone - Alternative View

Despite the general victory of democracy, there are still several monarchical states in old Europe. And Great Britain is by far the most famous among them.Over the long centuries of the existence of the English monarchy, anything happened to kings - they were limited in their rights, overthrown, hounded, and sometimes even executed

Hitler - The Most Mysterious Figure In History. 10 Controversial Theories - Alternative View

Hitler - The Most Mysterious Figure In History. 10 Controversial Theories - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler - one of the most hated and at the same time influential figures in modern history. He was the architect of World War II - the conflict that changed the world forever

The Most Interesting Mysteries Of History - Alternative View

The Most Interesting Mysteries Of History - Alternative View

Historians and anthropologists all over the world have been struggling for a couple of tens of centuries (starting with Ancient Greece) to unravel some of the mysteries of human origins

How Soviet History Is Defiled Today - Alternative View

How Soviet History Is Defiled Today - Alternative View

Historian Yevgeny SPITSYN in an interview with Pravda political observer Viktor KOZHEMYAKO.History, especially covering the Soviet era, has come to the fore over the past three decades in the ideological struggle. The enemies of the Soviet power, resorting to all sorts of falsifications and one-sided interpretation of facts, actively used the insidious rearrangement of the past in order to cloud the mass consciousness, and ultimately to overthrow the socialist system and the c

On The Introduction Of A False Image In Russia - Alternative View

On The Introduction Of A False Image In Russia - Alternative View

At all times, the servants of the forces of darkness have tried to conquer Russia and destroy our people. However, over time, the dark priests realized that by brute force the people of the Rus and other peoples who lived with them in agreement could not be defeated

Auschwitz Was Not Liberated By The Russians? - Alternative View

Auschwitz Was Not Liberated By The Russians? - Alternative View

The Czech analyst commented on the statements of representatives of the EU elites that the concentration camp in Auschwitz was liberated by the Allied forces. He responds to this illustrative lie with facts and explains why the leaders of the United States and Great Britain do not resist the lies about World War II and, above all, Auschwitz

15 Facts You Didn't Know About The American Dollar - Alternative View

15 Facts You Didn't Know About The American Dollar - Alternative View

From the very beginning of civilization, when someone needed something, there was a certain exchange. Initially, cattle, wheat, fabrics were used for exchange, but over time, gold coins appeared, made by hand

Proven: "The Gospel Of The Wife Of Jesus" Is A Fake - Alternative View

Proven: "The Gospel Of The Wife Of Jesus" Is A Fake - Alternative View

According to Harvard University professor Karen King, who discovered the so-called "Gospel of the Wife of Jesus", this document is most likely a fake

"Octavius" - Ship Of The Dead - Alternative View

"Octavius" - Ship Of The Dead - Alternative View

Surely most people, listening to the speeches of scientists concerning global warming and, almost simultaneously, the onset of a new ice age, feel some kind of contradiction. Indeed: how can there be both a warming and an ice age at the same time?

Global Falsification Of History. Part One - Alternative View

Global Falsification Of History. Part One - Alternative View

Falsification of history. Part two. Falsification of historical monuments of architecture - - Falsification of history. Part three. Falsification of archaeological finds

"Miracle Discoveries" That Did Not Exist. TOP-10 - Alternative View

"Miracle Discoveries" That Did Not Exist. TOP-10 - Alternative View

In recent centuries, scientific discoveries have appeared at such a speed that it is simply impossible to keep track of them: electricity, the theory of relativity, the Internet. All these innovations have changed our lives and brought science to a completely new level

It Has Been Proven That The Turin Shroud Is A Medieval Fake - Alternative View

It Has Been Proven That The Turin Shroud Is A Medieval Fake - Alternative View

A professor of organic chemistry at the University of Pavia (Italy) claims that he was able to reproduce the Turin Shroud.According to Luigi Garlaschelli, his achievement finally proves that the shroud is a medieval fake.- Salik.bizThe original Shroud of Turin (left) and a duplicate of Professor Garlaskelli

A Scientific Report Has Been Declassified, From Which It May Follow That The Turin Shroud Is Still Real - Alternative View

A Scientific Report Has Been Declassified, From Which It May Follow That The Turin Shroud Is Still Real - Alternative View

Analytical results proving that the legendary painting cannot be authentic are most likely mistaken.Italian and French scientists questioned the reliability of the studies, the authors of which established the age of the Turin Shroud in 1988

Shroud Of Turin: Creed Or Greatest Hoax? - Alternative View

Shroud Of Turin: Creed Or Greatest Hoax? - Alternative View

Scientists have proven that the Shroud of Turin is real. Until recently, the authenticity of the artifact was in doubt, but in 2017 Italian researchers, using the latest developments, conducted a repeated radiocarbon analysis

Version: The Shroud Of Turin Is A Drawing By Giotto - Alternative View

Version: The Shroud Of Turin Is A Drawing By Giotto - Alternative View

Shroud of Turin, nothing more than a copy, created in the Middle Ages by the artist Giotto from the original, now lost

Parisian Clock Glitch - Alternative View

Parisian Clock Glitch - Alternative View

At exactly 1 hour 05 minutes, on the night of December 29-30, 1902, almost all pendulum clocks stopped in Paris

Proving That The Shroud Of Turin Is Genuine, The Scientists Crucified Several People - Alternative View

Proving That The Shroud Of Turin Is Genuine, The Scientists Crucified Several People - Alternative View

Shocking experiments were carried out by enthusiasts who believe that Jesus Christ, who was taken from the cross, was wrapped in the Turin shroud

Who Destroyed Berlin? - Alternative View

Who Destroyed Berlin? - Alternative View

The conventional wisdom that the German capital was destroyed to the ground during its assault by Soviet troops is absolutely untrue

Ancient Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Ancient Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Witch hunts and witchcraft processes for religious or political reasons have forever remained one of the darkest chapters in human history

Russian "Witch Hunt" - Alternative View

Russian "Witch Hunt" - Alternative View

The Western "Witch Hunt" did not spread to Orthodox Russia. Nevertheless, witches were persecuted here

Why Did The USSR Collapse? - Alternative View

Why Did The USSR Collapse? - Alternative View

Humanity has always strived for happiness and wanted to build a just society. In the USSR and other countries, attempts were made to build a society of equal opportunities. Many researchers have agreed that the abolition of private property, economic planning and social achievement can collectively be called a socialist society