Secrets of history 2024, October

Who Are The Old Russian Magi, And Why Over Time They Began To Be Afraid Of - Alternative View

Who Are The Old Russian Magi, And Why Over Time They Began To Be Afraid Of - Alternative View

Is there a correct belief? And what is this? Humanity has always strived to learn the inexplicable and explain the incomprehensible phenomena that still exist. Today, various scientists and all kinds of specialists are engaged in interpretation, and in ancient times, people came to the wise men and witches for answers to all questions

The Secret Of Soviet Prisoners Of War - Alternative View

The Secret Of Soviet Prisoners Of War - Alternative View

German military historians call the hostilities on the Eastern Front in May 1942 the "Elimination of the Raisin Bulge", and domestic ones - the "Kharkov battle of 1942". But whatever they were called, it was the hardest defeat for Soviet troops in the entire history of the war

5 Most Ridiculous Deaths Of Antiquity - Alternative View

5 Most Ridiculous Deaths Of Antiquity - Alternative View

Most people leave for another world quite prosaically - from illness or old age, few - tragically. But not everyone is able to adequately live to old age and meet death with dignity

Roly "Cain" - Alternative View

Roly "Cain" - Alternative View

Moscow of the 18th century - a thieves' capital, in which the day began with the identification of dozens of corpses collected during the night, which were piled up by police at central intersections. At this time, in a peasant family near the village of Ivanovo, a boy is born with an incredible name for this place and time - Ivan

Overlord: How Was The Preparation For The Operation Going? - Alternative View

Overlord: How Was The Preparation For The Operation Going? - Alternative View

In August 1944, Operation Overlord began in Normandy with a landing in northern France. The Allies have opened a second front, promised so long ago to the Soviet Union. Many people know about this operation from the movie "Saving Private Ryan", but few people know that "Overlord" gathered his bloody harvest much earlier

Air Car Wreck: Artyom's Deadly Journey - Alternative View

Air Car Wreck: Artyom's Deadly Journey - Alternative View

In 1921, on July 24, there was a train disaster with very large political consequences. Seven people died in it, six on the spot, one died later

What Did Lenin Live On - Alternative View

What Did Lenin Live On - Alternative View

The leader of the October Revolution of 1917 spent a significant part of his life in a political struggle full of arrests, exile and emigration

Rothschilds. Boardwalk Empire - Alternative View

Rothschilds. Boardwalk Empire - Alternative View

Once Mayer Amschel wrote to his son Nathan: “Without order in business, a millionaire can ruin himself and others, because the whole world is dishonest or not very honest

In Difficult Times For Russia, Our People Always Receive The Support Of Light Forces - Alternative View

In Difficult Times For Russia, Our People Always Receive The Support Of Light Forces - Alternative View

Many of our friends and enemies note the fact that in difficult times Russia (as before Russia) seems to be helped to withstand some higher forces and all carefully planned plans of its enemies first start to fail, and then completely collapse, burying under their wreckage and the enemies themselves, and the traitors of our people and our country serving them

Why Did The Warriors In Russia Put Their Chain Mail In Barrels Of Sand - Alternative View

Why Did The Warriors In Russia Put Their Chain Mail In Barrels Of Sand - Alternative View

From ancient times to the first third of the New Age, chain mail remained the main protective tool for a huge number of peoples of the world. Russia in this regard was no exception. Chain mail was used by the vigilantes practically everywhere

Biography Of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - Alternative View

Biography Of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - Alternative View

All of her is such a whole and dear to us, now degenerate, glorious type of Russian character that everyone who cherishes national covenants cannot help but love her and admire her. - H

Who Did Not Want To Marry When The Wife Was Sent To A Monastery And Other Family Traditions In Russia - Alternative View

Who Did Not Want To Marry When The Wife Was Sent To A Monastery And Other Family Traditions In Russia - Alternative View

Each state has its own canons of beauty and family traditions. Ancient Russia was no exception: the principles by which brides were chosen in the old days are often puzzling today. And the rules of family life are frightening at all

Five Facts Of Alternative History That Mainstream Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Five Facts Of Alternative History That Mainstream Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

The idea of history in modern society is very different from that which was 50 years ago. Today we know for certain about the existence of numerous mysteries that the world's leading scientists cannot understand and explain

Elizabeth Of Bavaria. Restless Empress - Alternative View

Elizabeth Of Bavaria. Restless Empress - Alternative View

Two years before the onset of the 20th century, respectable and quite prosperous Europe shuddered from an unheard-of atrocity committed in its quietest and most peaceful corner

Why Didn't The Vatican Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno? Did The Scientist Know Magic? - Alternative View

Why Didn't The Vatican Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno? Did The Scientist Know Magic? - Alternative View

In 1600, in Rome, in the Square of Flowers, early in the morning, by the verdict of the Inquisition, Giordano Bruno was burned. In Soviet times, in the relevant literature they wrote about him as an atheist, although in his works, in general, there is clearly a religion, history, philosophy and … mysticism. B

When Was The Serbian Language Created - Alternative View

When Was The Serbian Language Created - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 19th century, Church Slavonic was the official language in Serbia. Moreover, its Russian version. The so-called Slavic-Serbian language was literary in the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. Sometimes it is called Slovenian

The Most Mystical And Eerie, But At The Same Time Very Popular Among Tourists Objects - Alternative View

The Most Mystical And Eerie, But At The Same Time Very Popular Among Tourists Objects - Alternative View

Would you visit a castle where people often see the ghost of a woman without eyes? And the island of dolls who supposedly talk to each other?

The Fall Of Ilion And The Death Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View

The Fall Of Ilion And The Death Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View

In the 2nd half of the XIII century. BC e. instability began to grow in the Balkan-Aegean region: the Balkan tribes moved south, invading Greece and Asia Minor

The Battle Of Kadesh And The Defeat Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View

The Battle Of Kadesh And The Defeat Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View

Temple in honor of the victory in the Battle of Kadesh … Exactly at 6, the first rays of the sun penetrate into the temple. The face of the pharaoh, which is painted in a pale pink color, comes to life before our eyes

The Russian State Is The Same Age As Sumer And Egypt - Alternative View

The Russian State Is The Same Age As Sumer And Egypt - Alternative View

At the present stage, knowledge about the most ancient period of Russia sometimes completely repeats what was gleaned by German historians from Christian chronicles back in the 18th century

Secret Operation Of The KGB And Scientists In Egypt 1961. They Were Looking For Something There - Alternative View

Secret Operation Of The KGB And Scientists In Egypt 1961. They Were Looking For Something There - Alternative View

An online record of Soviet scientists exploring one of the Egyptian tombs sparked speculation. According to its content, the KGB officers might have found something that, if released to the public, would forever change our view of the history of ancient deities from heaven

What Information Wars Under Ivan The Terrible Were Fought Against Russia - Alternative View

What Information Wars Under Ivan The Terrible Were Fought Against Russia - Alternative View

Today, information warfare has become perhaps the most important means of the West's struggle with Russia. This is not a new method, it was effectively used by our neighbors more than four centuries ago, creating a repulsive image of the Moscow state that is beneficial to them

On The Strangeness Of The Fairy Tale "Morozko": Slavic "book Of The Dead"? - Alternative View

On The Strangeness Of The Fairy Tale "Morozko": Slavic "book Of The Dead"? - Alternative View

There are many oddities in the fairy tale "Frost". The stepmother tells her husband to send his stepdaughter to the next world (where, by the way, is patriarchy?). But excuse me, the rural community will surely learn about this. And he won't be happy: besides the fact that this is a crime, it is minus one bride and minus one pair of working hands

Svyatoslav: What Was The First Russian Conqueror - Alternative View

Svyatoslav: What Was The First Russian Conqueror - Alternative View

Karamzin called Prince Svyatoslav "Russian Macedonian", historian Grushevsky - "Cossack on the throne." Svyatoslav was the first to make an active attempt at an extensive expansion of the lands. His exploits are still legendary

Has The Voynich Manuscript Been Read? - Alternative View

Has The Voynich Manuscript Been Read? - Alternative View

The news spread widely in the media that it was finally possible to decipher the famous Voynich manuscript, the mystery of which had been fought for about a century. The source of the news is a press release from the University of Bristol, whose employee Gerard Cheshire is the author of the proposed transcript

Mummies From Martyshkino - Alternative View

Mummies From Martyshkino - Alternative View

In 1920, a sensational find in the village of Martyshkino (in 1935 it was within the city of Lomonosov) amazed many seasoned people. At the local cemetery of this settlement, mummies of the Peter's time were found

Codex Gigas Or The Bible Of The Devil - About A Medieval Artifact And The Largest Book - Alternative View

Codex Gigas Or The Bible Of The Devil - About A Medieval Artifact And The Largest Book - Alternative View

Have you ever heard of a medieval artifact called "Codex Gigas" or "Devil's Bible"? Concurrently, this book is the heaviest in the world - its weight is over 75 kilograms. In total, this book contains 312 sheets made of cow leather.The history of this artifact begins in the 17th century in Sweden, during the reign of Queen Christina

"And Who Are The Judges? .." Or "Norfolk Executions" - Alternative View

"And Who Are The Judges? .." Or "Norfolk Executions" - Alternative View

History keeps many remarkable episodes telling about people of bygone eras and their customs. Sometimes, it is told about it by their very lips … But let's start from afar

The Voynich Manuscript. The Most Mysterious Book Can Be Decrypted - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript. The Most Mysterious Book Can Be Decrypted - Alternative View

Modern mankind knows many different unsolved mysteries. They exist in various spheres of human activity and have different origins, including: natural, historical, geographical, man-made, etc. Among the man-made secrets, a special place is occupied by the so-called

All About Geisha - Alternative View

All About Geisha - Alternative View

The enchanting word "geisha". It came from no less mysterious Japan, which has always distanced itself from the rest of the world, trying to preserve its culture and identity

The Vatican Did Not Notice That There Was A Tatar-Mongol Yoke In Russia - - Alternative View

The Vatican Did Not Notice That There Was A Tatar-Mongol Yoke In Russia - - Alternative View

At the end of the 18th century, a selection of archival documents was made for the Polish king Stanislav Poniatowski at the Vatican. Surprisingly, the popes did not notice that Russia for a long time was under the Mongol-Tatar yoke! Or the yoke really wasn't

What Were The Rituals Of The First Wedding Night In Russia - Alternative View

What Were The Rituals Of The First Wedding Night In Russia - Alternative View

The first wedding night in Russia was arranged in a special way and had many differences from a similar tradition of other nations. Among the peoples of Africa, Europe and India, the right of the first night meant the intimate contact of the bride with a stranger

White Slaves In Western Europe - Alternative View

White Slaves In Western Europe - Alternative View

Everyone has heard about our slaves in the Sultan's harems, but few people know about the huge number of Russian girls bought not by Turks, but by Christian Europeans. Slaves from Western Russia were sold in Florence, Venice, where today there is the Schiavoni (Slavic) embankment, and the largest markets operated in the South of France in the province of Roussillon

What Was Life Like For Young Peasant Women With A Landowner - Alternative View

What Was Life Like For Young Peasant Women With A Landowner - Alternative View

In this article, we will talk about how young peasant girls lived with landowners. Life, of course, according to all, but a lot can be guessed only by remembering that with any treatment of serfs, the landowner remained unpunished. Saltychikha and a couple more high-profile cases - this is all that the tsarist office work was capable of, and that because the cases were egregious

How Many Soviet Citizens Refused To Return To The USSR After The End Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

How Many Soviet Citizens Refused To Return To The USSR After The End Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The categories of "defectors" were different - collaborators ("Vlasovites" and other accomplices of the Nazis) were awaiting trial and the Gulag (at best) in their homeland, and many prisoners of war who did not even cooperate with the Germans had a similar fate

Who Wrote The Everlasting Book? The Holy Scriptures Were Forbidden To Be Read By The Clergy! - Alternative View

Who Wrote The Everlasting Book? The Holy Scriptures Were Forbidden To Be Read By The Clergy! - Alternative View

The eternal book, or the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, was created over the centuries, and therefore it absorbed not only divine revelation, but also human wisdom. It is not for nothing that kings and presidents have sworn and are sworn on the Holy Word

"He Killed Pushkin! .." How Did Dantes' Fate Develop After The Duel With The Luminary Of Russian Poetry - Alternative View

"He Killed Pushkin! .." How Did Dantes' Fate Develop After The Duel With The Luminary Of Russian Poetry - Alternative View

Georges Dantes will forever remain in the history of Russia as the man who killed Alexander Pushkin, the genius of Russian poetry. At the end of his life, he claimed that he owed his brilliant political career to the duel and did not regret anything

Possible Alternative History Of Russian Writing - Alternative View

Possible Alternative History Of Russian Writing - Alternative View

Every student knows the hypothesis about the first teachers - Cyril and Methodius. For many years we have been convinced that they generously presented the Slavs with writing, helped our state move to the next stage of development

Five Reasons To Doubt The Existence Of Jesus - Alternative View

Five Reasons To Doubt The Existence Of Jesus - Alternative View

Most ancient scholars consider New Testament preaching to be "historical myths." In other words, they think that around the beginning of the first century, a controversial Jewish rabbi named Yeshua ben Joseph gathered followers around him, and his life and teachings sowed the seeds from which Christianity grew

The Great Schism: Why Are Orthodox And Catholics Divided? - Alternative View

The Great Schism: Why Are Orthodox And Catholics Divided? - Alternative View

Exactly 965 years ago, in July 1054, Catholics and Orthodox Christians gave each other anathema: the "Great Separation" of the Western and Eastern Churches beganSo what is the reason for the division between Orthodox and Catholics? This question is often asked, especially at moments of such striking events as the recent visit of Vladimir Putin to the Vatican or the famous "Havana meeting" of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with Pope Francis in February 2016