Secrets of history 2024, October

The War Against Us Will Never End - Alternative View

The War Against Us Will Never End - Alternative View

Sometimes the logic of our liberal-minded compatriots, their naive belief that “here, here we will be accepted into a Western family,” amazes, but this requires ……… And here this “NECESSARY” changes depending on the time when these mantras are pronounced. Either for th

"The Empire Has Outlived Its Usefulness." Who Did Russia Imitate And Why Did Moscow Never Become The Third Rome - Alternative View

"The Empire Has Outlived Its Usefulness." Who Did Russia Imitate And Why Did Moscow Never Become The Third Rome - Alternative View

Where did we get the tradition of opposing the West? What did Russia take from Constantinople, in addition to domes on temples, Orthodoxy and the Old Bulgarian language? Why did Moscow constantly imitate Byzantium, but did not become the Third Rome?

Miracle In The Andes - Alternative View

Miracle In The Andes - Alternative View

Some mystics associate the plane crash in the Andes in 1972 with the so-called "damn number" - Friday the 13th

How The United States Expanded Its Borders As A Result Of The Creek War In The 19th Century - Alternative View

How The United States Expanded Its Borders As A Result Of The Creek War In The 19th Century - Alternative View

205 years ago, the Creek War between the United States and a group of Creek Indians known as the Red Sticks ended with the signing of the Fort Jackson Peace Treaty. The Americans defeated the part of this people disloyal to the whites and annexed about 85 thousand square meters

Why Did The Russian Currency Come To Be Called The Ruble - Alternative View

Why Did The Russian Currency Come To Be Called The Ruble - Alternative View

Few people know that the first ruble coin in Russia was minted only in the 18th century, under Peter I. This is despite the fact that the ruble has long been known as a payment denomination. For a long time there were other main monetary units in Russia

Why The Descendants Of The Soviet Secretaries General Abandoned Their Homeland And What Are They Doing Abroad - Alternative View

Why The Descendants Of The Soviet Secretaries General Abandoned Their Homeland And What Are They Doing Abroad - Alternative View

Each of the leaders of the USSR led his country to the victory of communism. However, as a rule, the prospect of taking advantage of the benefits of this bright future did not tempt either the children or grandchildren of the leaders of the state

Rock Carvings Dating Back 40,000 Years Have Been Found In Indonesia - Alternative View

Rock Carvings Dating Back 40,000 Years Have Been Found In Indonesia - Alternative View

The limestone caves of eastern Kalimantan on the Indonesian island of Borneo have preserved thousands of rock carvings of animals, people, abstract symbols and handprints (such images of hands are called "stencil")

Mumiyo - Tears Of Deep Caves - Alternative View

Mumiyo - Tears Of Deep Caves - Alternative View

In Iran, the legend about Shah Firidun, who lived in ancient times, is widespread. Once the shah was hunting in the north of the country, in the highlands of Dorob. Chasing the gazelle, he fired an arrow at that, which hit the animal in the back

Iranian Salt Mummies - Alternative View

Iranian Salt Mummies - Alternative View

What associations do you have with the word "mummy"? Most will immediately imagine the Egyptian pharaohs, saved by the skillful actions of the worshipers

Did Easter Island Residents Pray To A Volcano? - Alternative View

Did Easter Island Residents Pray To A Volcano? - Alternative View

One of the absolutely insoluble mysteries of modern archeology is the so-called moai - monolithic stone statues on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean. Currently, there are about 1,000 statues on the island, the manufacture and transportation of each of which required enormous labor costs and, as a result, a large number of working hands, which the island cannot feed in principle

Who Unleashed The Second World War: Hitler, Stalin Or The Poles Themselves? - Alternative View

Who Unleashed The Second World War: Hitler, Stalin Or The Poles Themselves? - Alternative View

As many people know, Polish politicians and envious representatives of other countries, with persistence worthy of better use, are trying to prove that the Second World War, at least, was unleashed together by Hitler and Stalin. I wrote "at least" because I am one hundred percent sure that Hitler's next step will be struck off the list

Why Do Most Ancient Egyptian Statues Lack Noses - Alternative View

Why Do Most Ancient Egyptian Statues Lack Noses - Alternative View

One of the most bizarre properties of ancient Egyptian statues is that the vast majority of them lack noses, including the Great Sphinx, which stands on the Giza plateau near the Great Pyramids.Until now, even among the authoritative archaeologists and historians, there were many people who did not attach any importance to this

Mysteries Of Venus De Milo - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Venus De Milo - Alternative View

A fairly well-known and mysterious statue was discovered in 1820 in April. This is Venus de Milo, famous all over the world. Later, the statue was transported to the Louvre, where it is admired and admired.- Salik.bizWere there handsMost who have seen the statue wonder where the hands are

Who And Why Tore Off The Hands Of The Statue Of Venus De Milo - Alternative View

Who And Why Tore Off The Hands Of The Statue Of Venus De Milo - Alternative View

Today it is one of the most recognizable sculptures in the world. A two-meter figure of a woman, whose torso is naked, and her hips and legs are hidden under the fallen robe. It is believed to be an image of the ancient Greek goddess of love, but she is commonly referred to by the Roman name Venus

The Idols Of Easter Island And The Last Palm Shoot - Alternative View

The Idols Of Easter Island And The Last Palm Shoot - Alternative View

Easter Island, covering 117 sq. km. - one of the most secluded habitats (along with the Tristan da Cunha archipelago): it is located in the Pacific Ocean at a distance of more than 3700 km. from the nearest continent (South America) and 2600 km from the nearest inhabited island (Pitcairn)

"Greco-Roman Conspiracy Against The Slavs", Or Where Did The Barbarian Alphabet Go? - Alternative View

"Greco-Roman Conspiracy Against The Slavs", Or Where Did The Barbarian Alphabet Go? - Alternative View

Language and writing determine the peculiarity of the thinking and even the worldview of the people. Native history allows people to be independent and independent, and to follow their own historical path.Thanks to the Christian Church, we are well aware that the ancient past of the Slavic and Russian ancestors was dark and dense

Loan Operations Of Russian Monasteries In The XIV-XVII Centuries - Alternative View

Loan Operations Of Russian Monasteries In The XIV-XVII Centuries - Alternative View

From the history of the Bank of RussiaThe idea of monasteries as bankers of Ancient Russia (1) was formed in Russian historical science at the end of the 19th century, despite the fact that in Russia merchants, wealthy townspeople and nobility were also creditors. At th

The Millennial Struggle For The Russian Sea And Constantinople - Alternative View

The Millennial Struggle For The Russian Sea And Constantinople - Alternative View

250 years ago, on November 18, 1768, the Russian Empress Catherine II declared war on the Ottoman Empire. The Russian army and navy defeated the enemy and ensured the return of Russia to the shores of the Russian (Black) Sea

Bulgar - A City Of Two Rivers And Two Religions - Alternative View

Bulgar - A City Of Two Rivers And Two Religions - Alternative View

This is a city in Tatarstan, the former capital of the once majestic state of the Volga Bulgaria. It was mentioned back in 920 by the Arab geographer al-Balkhi. Once there were three lakes here - Yukhan-Vasan, Sherpet and Akkosh kul, and this territory was also called the Land of Three Lakes

The First Business Woman - Barbet-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin - Alternative View

The First Business Woman - Barbet-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin - Alternative View

Legend has it that Champagne was invented by Dom Perignon, a Benedictine monk who was lucky enough to taste the drink in 1668 and was so happy that he began to cry.The most famous champagne brand was named after him - "Dom Pérignon".- Salik.b

Rdeysky Monastery Mysteries - Alternative View

Rdeysky Monastery Mysteries - Alternative View

There are many mysterious places in Russia, the mystery of which cannot be solved, even with the baggage of all the knowledge that mankind has. Such is, for example, the Rdeysky monastery, located in a sparsely populated and difficult terrain in the Novgorod region

The Spirit Of The Rdeysky Monastery - Alternative View

The Spirit Of The Rdeysky Monastery - Alternative View

There are mysterious places in Russia, the mystery of which is impossible to solve, even with all the knowledge accumulated by mankind at the moment

Battles Of The Patriotic War. Battle Of Senno - Alternative View

Battles Of The Patriotic War. Battle Of Senno - Alternative View

During the war of 41-45 years of the 20th century, many different significant battles took place. Among them, the most significant are two tank battles of the Great Patriotic War - near Senno and Prokhorovka. There is a significant difference between the two battles

Intercession Monastery Of Rejected Wives - Alternative View

Intercession Monastery Of Rejected Wives - Alternative View

The Intercession Convent in Suzdal is rightfully considered one of the most famous. And people are attracted here not only by ancient temples and miraculous shrines

How Did The Monastery Of St. Catherine Receive A Certificate Of Protection From Muhammad Himself? - Alternative View

How Did The Monastery Of St. Catherine Receive A Certificate Of Protection From Muhammad Himself? - Alternative View

Events related to the Sinai Peninsula were reflected not only in the Jewish Torah, the Christian Old Testament, but also in the Muslim Koran. Only there Moses bears the name Musa

The Tragic History Of The Goritsky Monastery - Alternative View

The Tragic History Of The Goritsky Monastery - Alternative View

Russia - unique country. People of different faiths quietly get along in it, but despite this, it is necessary to recognize the unconditional truth - Russia was created by Orthodoxy

Scientists Have Studied An Ancient Map Depicting The Mysterious Continent - Alternative View

Scientists Have Studied An Ancient Map Depicting The Mysterious Continent - Alternative View

Scientists using new technologies have explored an ancient map that depicts Antarctica before its discovery by James Cook. At one time, the find made the highest minds of mankind hotly debate and build new theories of the universe

Secrets Of Burials In The Pskov-Pechersky Monastery - Alternative View

Secrets Of Burials In The Pskov-Pechersky Monastery - Alternative View

Pskov-Pechersky Monastery - the only one in Russia that has never been closed, even during the years of the most fierce persecution of the church. Wonders? The monks explain this by the fact that the caves, from which the monastery began, are open and built by God himself

Hermits Of Holy Mount Athos: More Than 60 Years In Isolation From People - Alternative View

Hermits Of Holy Mount Athos: More Than 60 Years In Isolation From People - Alternative View

One of the oldest monasteries on earth is located on the holy Mount Athos in Greece, off the coast of the Aegean Sea. The first monks arrived here in the ninth century. Some of them settled in caves right on the sheer side of the cliff

Pirates Of The Caribbean Were Psychopaths - Alternative View

Pirates Of The Caribbean Were Psychopaths - Alternative View

Pirate François Olonez was at one time no less popular than the cinematic Jack Sparrow from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" saga, but he was not much like him. He was not a nice guy, but a psychopath who killed his prisoners with particular cruelty

The Russian Stove Is A Sacred Meaning. The Magic Of The Russian Oven - Alternative View

The Russian Stove Is A Sacred Meaning. The Magic Of The Russian Oven - Alternative View

In Russia, the stove was considered healing. Therefore, she was assigned an important role in the village way of life. She fed, healed and even washed. On it at night they went to sleep. Often the place on it went to the most revered member of the family or the oldest

The Mystery Of The Ancient Mummy Of An Indian - A Giant - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Ancient Mummy Of An Indian - A Giant - Alternative View

It all started in 1895, when in the vicinity of San Diego, in a natural cave, hunters found a mummy of a giant Indian growth - 2 meters 54 centimeters tall, and during his lifetime this man was 2 meters 74 centimeters tall

Deciphered The Mysterious "Letter Of Lucifer" Stored In A Monastery In Sicily - Alternative View

Deciphered The Mysterious "Letter Of Lucifer" Stored In A Monastery In Sicily - Alternative View

For three centuries, codebreakers, and with them the occultists, have been fighting over the secret of a mysterious note stored in the Sicilian monastery of Palma di Montechiaro. The history of this document begins in the distant 1676, when on August 11 the Benedictine nun Maria Krochifissa, waking up from a swoon, found in front of her a sheet of paper covered with incomprehensible letters

Memories Of German Prisoners Of War About The Years Spent In The USSR - Alternative View

Memories Of German Prisoners Of War About The Years Spent In The USSR - Alternative View

In the fall of 1955, the last German prisoner of war was released to Germany. During the period of repatriation, about 2 million people went home. In the postwar period, they were involved in the construction and restoration of the national economy

A Concentration Camp In Which Blood Was Pumped Out Of Children For German Soldiers - Alternative View

A Concentration Camp In Which Blood Was Pumped Out Of Children For German Soldiers - Alternative View

Nice benches? White, neat, made of concrete. Whoever remembers school desks will immediately remember how he sat at school at such desks.And so it was intended. These benches should represent the school class. Only not an ordinary class, but a dead one

In Poland, Strange Burials Of The 17th-19th Centuries Have Been Found - Alternative View

In Poland, Strange Burials Of The 17th-19th Centuries Have Been Found - Alternative View

In Poland, the archaeological mission of the Podlaski Museum, within the framework of a cemetery inventory project, discovered more than 50 graveyards, where the burials were actually carried out illegally.The discovery is reported by Science in Poland

The Mystery Of Ulfbert's Medieval Swords - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Ulfbert's Medieval Swords - Alternative View

Early Middle Ages - the era is dark, even too dark. Despite the development of historical science and archeology, this particular period of time is full of numerous secrets and mysteries for researchers

Mysterious Swords Of The Vikings Are Made Using The Technology Of The Future - Alternative View

Mysterious Swords Of The Vikings Are Made Using The Technology Of The Future - Alternative View

The Vikings were one of the most brutal warriors of all time, and only a select few of them wielded a special weapon - a sword, created using technology that was almost a thousand years ahead of time. The material itself remained unknown to their enemies for centuries

Mysteries Of History: Agricov Sword - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History: Agricov Sword - Alternative View

On December 1, 1941, the commander of the Wehrmacht Army Group Center, Field Marshal von Bock, received a strange dispatch from Berlin

Goujian's 2,500-year-old Sword: Extremely Sharp And Without The Slightest Trace Of Rust - Alternative View

Goujian's 2,500-year-old Sword: Extremely Sharp And Without The Slightest Trace Of Rust - Alternative View

Despite the fact that this remarkable sword was made about 2,500 years ago, it is still as sharp as the day it was made. And it shows no signs of rust and tarnishing from antiquity