Secrets of history 2024, October

Frida Kahlo's Life Cipher - Alternative View

Frida Kahlo's Life Cipher - Alternative View

The name of Frida Kahlo has become well known to a wide range of Russians after the famous film with Salma Hayek. And the exhibition of her works at the Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg became a real sensation

The Treasures Of Ancient Rome Were Found In An Unexpected Place - Alternative View

The Treasures Of Ancient Rome Were Found In An Unexpected Place - Alternative View

Archaeologists have unearthed ancient Roman coins at the former Teatro Cressoni in the city of Como, north of Milan. The treasure dates from around the 5th century AD

Unique Archaeological Discoveries Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Unique Archaeological Discoveries Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

The generally accepted understanding of the work of archaeologists - a man with a shovel and a brush digs hard in the ground

Shameful Pages Of History: 10 Shocking Facts About Human Zoos - Alternative View

Shameful Pages Of History: 10 Shocking Facts About Human Zoos - Alternative View

In recent decades, quite a lot of efforts of the progressive part of the world have been aimed at combating racism. And this is no coincidence. Indeed, in the history of the United States and Europe there were periods when the rights of people who differed in skin color from Europeans did not mean anything

10 Little-known And Unexpected Facts About Magic And Superstition In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

10 Little-known And Unexpected Facts About Magic And Superstition In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Superstition and magic have fascinated people since the dawn of civilization. Ancient Rome was no exception. It would seem that the development of education and science should have rid mankind of superstitions, but in fact they still exist today

Ancient Siberians Performed Complex Surgical Operations With Unique Instruments. - Alternative View

Ancient Siberians Performed Complex Surgical Operations With Unique Instruments. - Alternative View

Novosibirsk archaeologists have found that 2500 years ago surgeons in the territory of Southern Siberia performed complex operations, including craniotomy. Some of the tools they used were not even in Europe at the time

25 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds In History - Alternative View

25 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds In History - Alternative View

Possibly an archaeologist - not the most breathtaking profession, but it definitely has its own exciting moments

True, The Lies And The Racial Hygiene Policy Of Hans Asperger - Alternative View

True, The Lies And The Racial Hygiene Policy Of Hans Asperger - Alternative View

Asperger's syndrome, despite the fact that it is excluded from the "official" diagnoses, is again on the hearing (thanks, Greta). In popular culture, it has become synonymous with autism. Vienna pediatrician Hans Asperger was one of the first to describe children with this disease

How They Prepared For The Death Penalty - Alternative View

How They Prepared For The Death Penalty - Alternative View

Under Stalin, those sentenced to death in the Soviet Union were most often executed almost the next day, so there could be no question of any "last" sorry "

The Mystery Of The Ascension Of Jesus - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Ascension Of Jesus - Alternative View

As he was martyred on the cross, Jesus did not lose faith in his ascension into the Kingdom of Heavenly Father. The Gospels describe in detail all the events preceding the crucifixion of Christ and the crucifixion itself

Scientists Have Found Out Why The Ancient Peruvians Pulled Out Skulls - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out Why The Ancient Peruvians Pulled Out Skulls - Alternative View

Bioarchaeologist Matthew Velasco of Cornell University looked at 211 Collagua Indian skulls dating from about 1100 to the 15th century to find the reason for their unusual shape

Ancient Inhabitants Of Turkey Worshiped Skulls, Scientists Have Found Out - Alternative View

Ancient Inhabitants Of Turkey Worshiped Skulls, Scientists Have Found Out - Alternative View

New excavations at the famous Göbekli Tepe camp have shown that the inhabitants of Turkey in the Stone Age worshiped skulls of dead people, which they covered with abstract patterns and lines, according to an article published in the journal Science Advances

Why Was The History Of The Slavs Cut Off For 6000 Years? - Alternative View

Why Was The History Of The Slavs Cut Off For 6000 Years? - Alternative View

Today, from all historical meetings and works of historians, they broadcast to us that the Slavs before the arrival of Christianity in Russia were wild monkeys that climbed down from the trees, some vile pagans who did not know morality.And with all this, they immediately claim that a hundred years ago the Slavs were the most moral people on earth, who, unlike European peoples, always lived in cleanliness and order, and the innocence of Russian girls was famous everywhere

Discoverer Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Discoverer Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Recently, there were reports that a group of Russian scientists refuted the version of Italian colleagues about the origin of Lake Cheko in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as a result of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908. "Lake Cheko is older than the Tunguska meteorite

A Rash In Humans And Distraught Animals: The Strange Consequences Of A Mysterious Explosion In Africa - Alternative View

A Rash In Humans And Distraught Animals: The Strange Consequences Of A Mysterious Explosion In Africa - Alternative View

Of the numerous CIA documents declassified in recent years that mention UFOs, one of the strangest is called "The President of Somaliland talks about a mysterious explosion." This document in PDF version can be seen from the link on the CIA website

The Strange Consequences Of The Saltychikha Case - Alternative View

The Strange Consequences Of The Saltychikha Case - Alternative View

The maniac could have gone unpunished if she had not encroached on the life of a nobleman in blind rage.In 1768, the landowner widow Daria Saltykova was sentenced by the court to life imprisonment for the proven sophisticated murder of 38 people (her serfs and servants)

How Did The USSR GOSBANK - Alternative View

How Did The USSR GOSBANK - Alternative View

Soviet citizens knew - in the USSR there are no and can not be gangsters, which means that there are no bank robberies. Even hardened criminals did not think about robbing the cash vaults of the State Bank

As Scientists Explain The Phenomenon Of The Bethlehem Star - Alternative View

As Scientists Explain The Phenomenon Of The Bethlehem Star - Alternative View

The star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Jesus Christ to the Magi, is not only the most popular, but also the most mysterious symbol of Christmas. Its description in the Gospel gave rise to centuries of controversy. Scientists have intervened in the discussion these days

How Nuclear Bombs Were Tested On Humans - Alternative View

How Nuclear Bombs Were Tested On Humans - Alternative View

One of the most controversial tests, which after some time caused heated discussions and criticism of the military, was the Operation Plumbbob series, implemented in Nevada from May to October 1957

What Diseases Have Previously Been Treated With Trepanation? - Alternative View

What Diseases Have Previously Been Treated With Trepanation? - Alternative View

Craniotomy - a procedure known since ancient times to create a hole in the bone of the human skull in order to gain access to the soft tissues of the brain

The Mysterious Man In Black - Whether A Magician, Or A Time Traveler - Alternative View

The Mysterious Man In Black - Whether A Magician, Or A Time Traveler - Alternative View

During the reign of dictator Oliver Cromwell in England (1599 - 1658

Why In Russia It Was Customary To Laugh At Funerals - Alternative View

Why In Russia It Was Customary To Laugh At Funerals - Alternative View

Russian means funny. Laughing, joyful, smiling means alive, full of energy, capable of transferring life-giving forces to the world around

Why Clink Glasses? - Alternative View

Why Clink Glasses? - Alternative View

Very often, many traditions in everyday life are so familiar that you don't even try to think, but where did it come from? Why exactly and why at all?For example, clinking glasses, glasses, shot glasses. What was it for? Where did this ritual come from?

Bath - Second Mother - Alternative View

Bath - Second Mother - Alternative View

The benefits of a bath have long been known. Most often, it includes not only hygienic procedures - this is a ritual that is unique for every nation

Bath As A Guarantee Of Longevity - Alternative View

Bath As A Guarantee Of Longevity - Alternative View

Irish pagans and peoples of Japan, China and other Asian countries, Slavs and inhabitants of South America, Romans and ancient Scythians. What can all these peoples have in common?

Bath Day: For What Reasons In Russia Everyone Washed Only On Saturdays - Alternative View

Bath Day: For What Reasons In Russia Everyone Washed Only On Saturdays - Alternative View

Bath procedures are loved by many Russian and foreign guests. Despite the emergence of new-fashioned spas and Finnish saunas, the bath cannot be replaced by anything. Only in the Russian bath you can get the healing effect that is so necessary at the end of the working week

Favorite Granddaughter Of The Field Marshal - Alternative View

Favorite Granddaughter Of The Field Marshal - Alternative View

Having recently seen this portrait and having learned that it depicts Ekaterina Fedorovna Tizengauzen (1803-1888), I thought: “So this is what Kutuzov's beloved granddaughter was like. This is whose name was first thrashed at all corners by Petersburg gossips, and then by historians! "

How The Dead Were Revived In Russia - Alternative View

How The Dead Were Revived In Russia - Alternative View

What strange, bizarre, and sometimes terrible customs did not appear among the ancient peoples who lived on the territory of modern Russia

Hannibal Barca, The Genius Commander Of Antiquity, Who Brought Rome To The Brink Of Destruction - Alternative View

Hannibal Barca, The Genius Commander Of Antiquity, Who Brought Rome To The Brink Of Destruction - Alternative View

Hannibal was born in 247 BC. in Carthage, the Phoenician city-state, the largest commercial, cultural and military center of the Mediterranean in the family of the noble and influential commander Hamilcar Barca (the nickname given to him and his sons by Roman historians for the speed of his campaigns means "Lightning")

Anna Yaroslavovna And Other Russian Women Who Became Rulers In Other Countries - Alternative View

Anna Yaroslavovna And Other Russian Women Who Became Rulers In Other Countries - Alternative View

In Russia, the "export of brides" was put on stream. Our princesses became European queens, wives of the descendants of Genghis Khan. They directly influenced both their husbands and world politics

What Is The Real Age Of Moscow? - Alternative View

What Is The Real Age Of Moscow? - Alternative View

History is a political science. Anyone who still remembers Soviet times and was then connected with historical science knows that an ordinary Russian guy or girl could not even dream of the history faculties of universities

Refuted The Sensational Discovery Of The Missing Link In Evolution - Alternative View

Refuted The Sensational Discovery Of The Missing Link In Evolution - Alternative View

Canadian scientists Michael Caldwell and Robert Reitz found that the fossilized "snake" with four shortened legs found in Brazil was actually a sea lizard

Library Of Yaroslav The Wise - Secrets And Riddles - Alternative View

Library Of Yaroslav The Wise - Secrets And Riddles - Alternative View

Library of Yaroslav I in Kiev - here are more "dead books" in the ground. This library - a dark question in science, although no one denies that it really existed; it, like the library of Ivan the Terrible, was seen by foreigners

Archaeologists In Turkey Have Discovered 1,500-year-old Lamps - Alternative View

Archaeologists In Turkey Have Discovered 1,500-year-old Lamps - Alternative View

In southeastern Turkey, among the ruins of the Zerzevan castle in the city of Chinar (Diyarbakir province), archaeologists have discovered 48 ancient lamps about 1500 years old.The head of the excavation, Associate Professor Aytach Koshkun, said the lamps most likely date from the Roman period and provide more information about the history of the castle

What Is A Terracotta Army And Why Is It Called That? - Alternative View

What Is A Terracotta Army And Why Is It Called That? - Alternative View

The answer to the question of what a terracotta army is and why it is called that, had to be pulled out of the ground. This is how the Chinese found ancient clay warrior statues that belonged to the peculiar army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.- Salik

War Under An Assumed Name. Who Was The Pilot Li Xi Tsin Really? - Alternative View

War Under An Assumed Name. Who Was The Pilot Li Xi Tsin Really? - Alternative View

Who is the pilot who shot me down? -I asked one Vietnamese.- Salik.bizThat slanting one answered meWhat commanded the interrogation:nOur pilot Li Si Tsin shot you downThe song "Phantom", known to the present generation by the group "Chizh &Co", sounded for the first time among courtyard performers in the cities of the Soviet Union at the height of the Vietnam War

Tanguts - Who Are They? Gobi Desert State - Alternative View

Tanguts - Who Are They? Gobi Desert State - Alternative View

The Gobi Desert keeps many secrets. According to legend, it contains the gate to the magical land of Agartha, which is ruled by the king of the world. Rare daredevils who went here returned alive. That is why the path to the mysterious underworld is lined with the bones of the dead

Proto-Slavic Alphabet As A Coded Message - Alternative View

Proto-Slavic Alphabet As A Coded Message - Alternative View

The inner content and wisdom of the first European language textbookThe Russian chemist, musician, author of non-academic works in the field of history and linguistics, Yaroslav Kesler, conducted a number of scientific studies and concluded that the Russian Alphabet is a completely unique phenomenon among all known methods of letter writing

In Africa, Found Traces Of An Ancient Megatsunami 300 Meters High - Alternative View

In Africa, Found Traces Of An Ancient Megatsunami 300 Meters High - Alternative View

Geologists working on the Cape Verde Islands in Africa have discovered that in ancient times a cataclysm occurred here, similar to the scenario of a Hollywood disaster movie

The Truth About The "Orthodox People" - Alternative View

The Truth About The "Orthodox People" - Alternative View

Do you want to know the truth about the "God-fearing" Russian people, "who adored their tsar and his faithful servants - God's shepherds from the Russian Orthodox Church"? From morning to evening, Patriarch Kirill (in the world is a citizen of Gundyaev) and his company tell us about the "universal Orthodox spirituality" of Russian workers and peasants during the tsarist autocracy