Secrets of history 2024, October

Sheep And Priesthood Authority: Why The Viking Colony In Greenland Perished - Alternative View

Sheep And Priesthood Authority: Why The Viking Colony In Greenland Perished - Alternative View

Why did the Viking colony in Greenland die? Previously, climate change (cooling) was blamed for this. New data reveals many other factors

Methods Of Police Work With Thieves And Merchants In Russia In The XIX-XX Centuries - Alternative View

Methods Of Police Work With Thieves And Merchants In Russia In The XIX-XX Centuries - Alternative View

It is not known exactly when the saying “If you don’t cheat, you won’t sell” appeared, but in this business, domestic traders have achieved an unprecedented art. “In trade, it is impossible without deception … The soul will not endure! From one

The Mystery Of The Greenland Viking Colony Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Greenland Viking Colony Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

There were times when all of Europe trembled at the mention of the Vikings. These brave sailors on their swift ships made daring raids on coastal towns and villages, collected tribute and destroyed the rebellious

Battle For The Snowy Arctic - Alternative View

Battle For The Snowy Arctic - Alternative View

The battle for the Arctic began when no one knew about the oil and gas bearing veins in this part of the world. Since the seventeenth century, numerous attempts have been made to conquer the world's polar summit

The Mystery Of "Mammoth Kurya" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of "Mammoth Kurya" - Alternative View

Mamontova Kurya is a Paleolithic site in the Russian Arctic. Mammoth Kurya or Mamontova Kurya (by the name of the village) - the oldest site of modern humans in the European Arctic, dating back to 37.5 thousand years

Sannikov Land And Other Secrets Of The Arctic - Alternative View

Sannikov Land And Other Secrets Of The Arctic - Alternative View

Arctic, North, unexplored gave They have always attracted romantics looking for the unknown, scientific researchers seeking to discover new lands

In Tibet, Burials Of An Unknown "Aryan" People Have Been Discovered - Alternative View

In Tibet, Burials Of An Unknown "Aryan" People Have Been Discovered - Alternative View

Chinese and American archaeologists have investigated burials dating back more than 4 thousand years. The people buried in them have practically nothing in common either with the Chinese or with the modern inhabitants of Tibet. "Beauty from Xinyohe"

So Was There A Flood On Earth? - Alternative View

So Was There A Flood On Earth? - Alternative View

I didn’t make up this tale - it’s true. It took several years to work hard to understand the following … Planet Earth (together with Mars) formed, like planets, near the flared star Phaeton (now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter)

The Great Ball At Satan's - Alternative View

The Great Ball At Satan's - Alternative View

Mikhail Bulgakov worked on the novel "The Master and Margarita" for 12 years: from 1928 to 1940, until his death. Again and again he finished writing and rewriting it, supplementing it with new chapters, characters and plot lines: life itself made its own adjustments

The Story Of How The British Imported Ice From New England To Hot India - Alternative View

The Story Of How The British Imported Ice From New England To Hot India - Alternative View

When the British invaded India in the 18th century, they were struck by the scorching sun of the country they were colonizing. Some went to the mountains for the summer. Others who settled in boiling large cities drowned in bitter tears and whining

How Many Was Russia In The 15th Century - Alternative View

How Many Was Russia In The 15th Century - Alternative View

Until now, different versions of the origin of the name "Rus" are competing, but none of them has yet decisive evidence

Mysteries Of Technologies Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Technologies Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Second World War ended more than 70 years ago. This event not only redrew the world map and established a new order, sending about 50 million people to the next world

Garbage War - Alternative View

Garbage War - Alternative View

War of 1914-1918 posed to the fighting powers not only the question of uninterrupted supply of multimillion-dollar armies with everything necessary, but also of the correct disposal and recycling of the garbage that these armies left behind - from glasses of shells and containers for fuel to torn shoes and food scraps

Moscow In 1800 In The Paintings Of Fyodor Alekseev - Alternative View

Moscow In 1800 In The Paintings Of Fyodor Alekseev - Alternative View

"Moscow is golden-headed, bells ringing", but in Alekseev's paintings, painted by order of Tsar Paul the First, Moscow looks extremely unpresentable - trees and bushes grow on the walls of the Kremlin and even on cathedrals. Very unusual views

The Last Voyage Of The Pine Ridge Tanker - Alternative View

The Last Voyage Of The Pine Ridge Tanker - Alternative View

Every time the American Pine Ridge turbo-electric ship went out to sea, the crew assumed that this was the last voyage. There were enough grounds for such fears. The tanker had served its term long ago and was only suitable for scrap

The First And Last Flight Of The Titanic - Alternative View

The First And Last Flight Of The Titanic - Alternative View

By a strange accident, a few weeks before the sinking of the largest British sea liner "Titanic" in the German tabloid newspaper "Berliner Tageblatt" was published a novel by Gerhart Hauptmann "Atlantis"

What Does The Symbolism Of Playing Cards Mean? - Alternative View

What Does The Symbolism Of Playing Cards Mean? - Alternative View

The desire for victory, gain, success is in the blood of every person. In big or small - the essence does not change. After all, the achievement of any goal set for oneself is already a victory, and the desire to achieve it is always associated with passion

Ancient Burials In Yakutia - A Real Sensation In The Scientific World - Alternative View

Ancient Burials In Yakutia - A Real Sensation In The Scientific World - Alternative View

In 1982, in Eastern Siberia of Russia, in the remote town of Diring-Yuryakh on the territory of modern Yakutia, local scientists discovered ancient stones with traces of primitive manual processing, similar to stone tools of labor of distant human ancestors

Great Shaman - Alternative View

Great Shaman - Alternative View

In February 1932, shamans from the Arctic regions of Siberia were brought to the GPU prison of the city of Yakutsk from the Arctic regions of Siberia, who were in an ecstatic state who supposedly knew how to communicate with spirits and supernatural forces

Finds In Antarctica In Recent Years - Alternative View

Finds In Antarctica In Recent Years - Alternative View

Finds in Antarctica in recent years make one think: something in the history of our planet is not quite right

Christian Socialism In The USSR Of The 1920s - Alternative View

Christian Socialism In The USSR Of The 1920s - Alternative View

In Russia today such a political trend as Christian socialism has been completely lost. Meanwhile, after the Revolution, he was very popular among the people. For example, in Tsaritsyn in the 1920s there were powerful communities of Renovationists, Tolstoyans, Baptists, Old Believers who saw socialism as a continuation of renewed Christianity

Sacred Geography Of Armenia - Alternative View

Sacred Geography Of Armenia - Alternative View

Lecture by Vyacheslav Terekhov within the framework of the White India project at the Lev Gumilyov Center By my main specialty I am a religious scholar, studied at the Orthodox St. Tikhon University and taught there for 4 years

Hillary Clinton On The Afghan War - Alternative View

Hillary Clinton On The Afghan War - Alternative View

This video consists of gluing several. It includes the events of 1979, when US Presidential Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski arrived at the Islamist training camp for agitation on the Pakistani-Afghan border. In two other videos, Hillary Clinton openly expresses her views on radical Islamism

The Riddle Of The Tunguska Meteor - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Tunguska Meteor - Alternative View

The most mysterious phenomenon of the 20th century. Mysterious explosion over eastern Siberia. Tunguska Hiroshima. As soon as they do not call the meteorite that fell in 1908 in Russia. What was it - heavenly message or unsuccessful experiences of earthlings?

Tunguska Catastrophe - It Is Still Not Clear What Fell In 1908 In Siberia - Alternative View

Tunguska Catastrophe - It Is Still Not Clear What Fell In 1908 In Siberia - Alternative View

This happened in the early morning of June 30, 1908. In the very center of the Siberian taiga, a huge explosion lit up the sky. A roar was heard, the ground shook, and the shock wave flew several tens of kilometers, destroying everything in its path

Tunguska Newcomer. What Exploded Over The Siberian Taiga 110 Years Ago? - Alternative View

Tunguska Newcomer. What Exploded Over The Siberian Taiga 110 Years Ago? - Alternative View

The Tunguska meteorite has long been a source of inspiration for researchers of anomalous phenomena around the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that they continue to show interest in him, more than 100 years after the famous explosion in the Siberian taiga

Ballad About T-34 - Alternative View

Ballad About T-34 - Alternative View

The military blockbuster with the ingenuous name "T-34" has generated a lot of technical, artistic and political debate. In terms of history, it is interesting to look at exactly what real events were taken as its basis

The Feat Of A Simple Mongolian Woman Badam - Alternative View

The Feat Of A Simple Mongolian Woman Badam - Alternative View

Feats during the Great Patriotic War were performed not only on the front line, but also in the deep rear.In Mongolia, they say “Tsaas hediy nimgen chichikhees naash tsoorokhgyi, Khun hediy sain ch helehees naash sanakhgyuy”, approximately “Although the paper is thin, it cannot be torn until you poke your finger into it. Altho

10 Interesting Facts About Excommunication In Orthodoxy - Alternative View

10 Interesting Facts About Excommunication In Orthodoxy - Alternative View

It is generally accepted that excommunication from the Church - this is one of the most terrible punishments that can befall a believer for actions incompatible with the way of life of a decent Christian

The Mechanical Arm Of Getz Von Berlichingen - Alternative View

The Mechanical Arm Of Getz Von Berlichingen - Alternative View

The mechanical prosthesis of Goetz von Berlichingen, who lived in Germany in the 16th century, is a model of a truly ingenious work of a mechanical miracle of technology, created by an unknown master

Hitler's Genetic Engineering. "Operation T-4" - Alternative View

Hitler's Genetic Engineering. "Operation T-4" - Alternative View

A separate, small part of Adolf Hitler's secret plan "OPERATION T-4" was given to genetics and the creation of weapons that have no analogues in the world. The laboratory, which was carefully guarded by a special team of the Waffen SS, was located in Berlin at Tiergartenstrasse, 4

The Cold War Became The Main Reason For The "appearance" Of UFOs - Alternative View

The Cold War Became The Main Reason For The "appearance" Of UFOs - Alternative View

American scientist from the University of Pennsylvania Greg Eghigian believes that the "appearance" of UFOs has always depended on the period of the Cold War, as evidenced by the sharp decline in such messages across all channels after its end

Is It True That Salmonella Caused The Collapse Of The Aztec Civilization? - Alternative View

Is It True That Salmonella Caused The Collapse Of The Aztec Civilization? - Alternative View

Although the Aztecs were able to build complex architectural structures, they absolutely did not know how to prevent diseases that were introduced by the Spaniards

Vikings Have Never Been A Purebred Race Of Masters, As White Racists Like To Portray Them - Alternative View

Vikings Have Never Been A Purebred Race Of Masters, As White Racists Like To Portray Them - Alternative View

In modern English, the word "viking" appeared in 1807, in the era of growing nationalism and imperialism

Non-aggression Pact - Alternative View

Non-aggression Pact - Alternative View

The non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Germany (aka the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) is known all over the world

Eunuchs - Guardians Of The Bed - Alternative View

Eunuchs - Guardians Of The Bed - Alternative View

"Whoever has a yatra crushed or a genital member is cut off cannot enter the Lord's company," the Bible says. But in the earthly world, at times eunuchs lived quite well

The Mystery Of The Golden Suitcase - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Golden Suitcase - Alternative View

When it comes to the irretrievably lost treasures of the Second World War, the Amber Room immediately comes to mind. However, the amber miracle was only a small fraction of the missing. According to historians, the losses were significant: about 1 million

What Can Ancient Runes Tell Us About? - Alternative View

What Can Ancient Runes Tell Us About? - Alternative View

Runic writing was once common in Northern Europe for the 13th century, and in the Swedish province of Dalarna until the 19th century. But today the runes are not forgotten. Attention to them is so strong that it even gives rise to pseudo-historical theories. Runes - what is it

Could Hitler Have Taken Over The Whole World? - Alternative View

Could Hitler Have Taken Over The Whole World? - Alternative View

Nazi Germany posed a huge threat to the whole world, but the attack on the USSR was the most important mistake of this ambitious and bloodthirsty leader in the entire history of the modern world. Hitler was fond of the occult sciences, looked for ancient artifacts and possessed the "Spear of Destiny"

How The Former Republics Of The USSR Will Be "reformatted" - Alternative View

How The Former Republics Of The USSR Will Be "reformatted" - Alternative View

Why is it often difficult for us to understand citizens of other republics of the former USSR? Most of the citizens of Russia in their subconsciousness have such a concept as - "fraternal people". Somewhere out there in the depths of my soul sits this - "well, all the same ours