Secrets of history 2024, October

Hemp Turned Out To Be A "guide" To The Afterlife - Alternative View

Hemp Turned Out To Be A "guide" To The Afterlife - Alternative View

An ancient grave of a man covered with hemp (Cannabis) was found in the area of the Turpan Depression in northwestern China

Scientists Have Learned About The "great Hemp Road" Of Ancient Eurasia - Alternative View

Scientists Have Learned About The "great Hemp Road" Of Ancient Eurasia - Alternative View

Archaeologists have found that at the end of the last ice age, the inhabitants of Europe and Asia simultaneously began to use hemp

Hemp In Viking Burial Mounds: Raw Material For Fabric Or Grass For "special" Purposes - Alternative View

Hemp In Viking Burial Mounds: Raw Material For Fabric Or Grass For "special" Purposes - Alternative View

Having excavated a 1200-year-old Viking mound, scientists have made many finds. But one of them still baffles historians. In one of the graves, along with the remains of an 80-year-old woman, they found a decent-sized bag of hemp

A Sad Story Of A Miracle - Plants - Alternative View

A Sad Story Of A Miracle - Plants - Alternative View

In the photo: Sylphius on an ancient coin. Historians, archaeologists and other pundits still argue hotly about what caused the fall of the great Roman Empire

Information War Against The Middle Ages: Why We Still Do Not Know Anything About It - Alternative View

Information War Against The Middle Ages: Why We Still Do Not Know Anything About It - Alternative View

Maria Eliferova, an employee of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities and a specialist in the history of English literature of the Middle Ages and Modern Times, is actively raising money for the first electronic scientific journal on medieval studies in Russia, which is not limited to

A Bottle From The London Witch - Alternative View

A Bottle From The London Witch - Alternative View

In London, during excavation work at a construction site, the so-called "witch bottle" of the 17th century was discovered

Who And When Made The Ancient Geographical Maps? - Alternative View

Who And When Made The Ancient Geographical Maps? - Alternative View

“Tombs, mummies and bones are silent, - Only the word is life given. From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard, only letters sound. " I. Bunin

Some Of The Features Of The Famous Piri Reis Map - Alternative View

Some Of The Features Of The Famous Piri Reis Map - Alternative View

You've probably heard of the famous Piri Reis map. How it was created is a mystery for official science. There are many versions and hypotheses on this account.Let's talk about some very strange features of this artifact. Do you know how long our planet's equator is?

Piri Reis Map: An Artifact From 1512 That Was A Couple Of Centuries Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

Piri Reis Map: An Artifact From 1512 That Was A Couple Of Centuries Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

A fragment of this map was discovered in 1929 at Topkapi Palace. Scientists were immediately attracted by the fact that the outlines of the coasts of North and South America are depicted on paper. But the date on the map, 1512, made it nearly impossible

Nazi Bases In Antarctica - Fantasy Or Reality? - Alternative View

Nazi Bases In Antarctica - Fantasy Or Reality? - Alternative View

Any military conflicts, whenever and wherever they occur, after their end, leave a lot of mysteries. Extreme conditions of survival require extreme efforts, and this gives rise to actions unusual or even impossible in a peaceful life

Base 211 In Antarctica - Military History, Truth And Myth - Alternative View

Base 211 In Antarctica - Military History, Truth And Myth - Alternative View

There are many myths associated with the Third Reich, reflecting not only the mystical views of the leaders of Nazism

Base Of The Third Reich In Antarctica - Alternative View

Base Of The Third Reich In Antarctica - Alternative View

In disputes about whether the leaders of the Third Reich could organize bases in Antarctica, one often hears a negative answer, citing the complete absence of documents confirming such assumptions

Base 211 New Swabia: Nazis In Antarctica - Alternative View

Base 211 New Swabia: Nazis In Antarctica - Alternative View

The commander-in-chief of the German Navy, Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz, in October 1944, speaking to the cadets of the naval school, said literally the following: "The German submarine fleet is proud that far on the edge of the earth it has built an earthly paradise for the Fuehrer, an impregnable fortress

Third Reich - Base In Antarctica - Alternative View

Third Reich - Base In Antarctica - Alternative View

Icy, silent, deserted continent - is not this the best refuge for those who do not have the desire to appear

Is The Nazi Military Base 211 Still Operational? - Alternative View

Is The Nazi Military Base 211 Still Operational? - Alternative View

Antarctic "Baza-211" - Flying saucers factory. In late 1946, Admiral Richard E

Ice Fist: Top Secret Soviet Military Base - Alternative View

Ice Fist: Top Secret Soviet Military Base - Alternative View

At the height of the Cuban missile crisis, Soviet engineers and the military were building an "indestructible" naval base inside a floating iceberg

Banner Over The Reichstag - Photo For Which Viktor Temin Was Almost Shot - Alternative View

Banner Over The Reichstag - Photo For Which Viktor Temin Was Almost Shot - Alternative View

One of the most famous photographs of the Great Patriotic War was taken on May 1, 1945 - it captures the Victory banner waving over the Reichstag. The military photojournalist of the Pravda newspaper Viktor Temin took this picture at his own peril and risk and promptly delivered it to the editorial office, after which the photo was distributed throughout the world

Hitler Died In Antarctica? - Alternative View

Hitler Died In Antarctica? - Alternative View

This is what Hitler would have looked like in old age (computer model) In 1980, some Argentine newspapers published the sensational news that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but remained alive

About How Voltaire Wrote The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View

About How Voltaire Wrote The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View

When all the contemporaries of the events of Peter the Great had gone to another world, Elizabeth decided to re-publish History. For this they called himself … Voltaire!He was informed of the materials extracted from the archives, partly in the originals, partly in the translations of Taubert, Miller, Shtelin. T

How The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Was Covered In The Press - Alternative View

How The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Was Covered In The Press - Alternative View

After the collapse of the USSR, the most insane hypotheses about the death of the Dyatlov group were leaked to the press, from UFO attacks to the intervention of evil spirits. We remember what was the revival of interest in the tragedy

A Clear And Understandable Reason For The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

A Clear And Understandable Reason For The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

An ominous tragedy occurred in early February 1959: of the nine tourists who spent the night in one tent on the slope, none returned alive

Otto Skorzeny - Brilliant Adventurer - Alternative View

Otto Skorzeny - Brilliant Adventurer - Alternative View

1945, May 17 - a gigantic brown-haired man with an expressive, memorable face, which was crossed by a scar from the left ear to the chin, entered one of the American headquarters near Salzburg in Austria

Two Old Photos Told The Truth About The Death Of The Group At The Dyatlov Pass! - Alternative View

Two Old Photos Told The Truth About The Death Of The Group At The Dyatlov Pass! - Alternative View

A few days ago, a tragic and mysterious event was widely celebrated in Russia. On the night of February 2, 1959, a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov tragically died on the pass near Mount Kholatchakhl

Where Is Napoleon's Treasure? The Solution To The Riddle Was Found 200 Years Later - Alternative View

Where Is Napoleon's Treasure? The Solution To The Riddle Was Found 200 Years Later - Alternative View

According to the chronicles of the French army, in 1812, during a hasty retreat, the French threw tons of jewelry into the lake located near Smolensk

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass: A Curious Wolverine Could Cause The Death Of Tourists - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass: A Curious Wolverine Could Cause The Death Of Tourists - Alternative View

The death of a group of Ural tourists in the mountains of the Northern Urals has haunted amateur investigators for many years

Saint Patrick: How A Former Slave Baptized Ireland - Alternative View

Saint Patrick: How A Former Slave Baptized Ireland - Alternative View

Among the historical figures of Ireland, one stands out especially. Saint Patrick is a favorite saint of the Irish, who credit him as a major contributor to the rise of Christianity on the Emerald Isle. The traditional celebration of March 17 in his honor has now gone far beyond the borders of Ireland

Minsk Temple - Alternative View

Minsk Temple - Alternative View

I accidentally learned from the encyclopedia that in the very center of Minsk there are remnants of a pagan temple, analogs of which can hardly be found not only in our country, but in Europe in general. The address was also indicated there: on the bank of the Svisloch, opposite the Teacher's House (the current lyceum of BSU)

The World's Only Hand-to-hand Combat Of People And Dogs With Fascists - Alternative View

The World's Only Hand-to-hand Combat Of People And Dogs With Fascists - Alternative View

In Cherkasy region there is a unique monument to 150 border dogs, who "tore" the regiment of fascists in hand-to-hand combat. This is the only battle of people and dogs in the history of world wars and conflicts that took place in the very center of Ukraine many years ago, but it was like this … It was the third month of the war, more precisely, it had just begun when, at the end of July, events took place that first changed the course of the Great Patriotic War, or the entire

Ten Ships That Shook The World - Alternative View

Ten Ships That Shook The World - Alternative View

Fifty years ago, the trial of German officer Adolf Eichmann, the "architect of the Holocaust," as he is now called by the Western media

Marshal De Rae: The King's Best Friend Turned Bluebeard - Alternative View

Marshal De Rae: The King's Best Friend Turned Bluebeard - Alternative View

Gilles de Montmorency-Laval, Baron de Rais, Marshal of France, participant in the Hundred Years War and associate of Jeanne d'Arc was considered a real hero of his time. He had both power and wealth. But in a short period de Rais lost this

Corpse Synod: How The Dead Pope Of Rome Was Tried In The Vatican - Alternative View

Corpse Synod: How The Dead Pope Of Rome Was Tried In The Vatican - Alternative View

"We judge, we judge the dead man, lamp-dritsa-gop-tsa-tsa …" It should be noted that the history of the church did not know such incredible mockery either before or after

Rat Inquisition - Alternative View

Rat Inquisition - Alternative View

In the distant times of the Middle Ages, trials often took place, in which various insects, rats, roosters, pigs and other smaller brothers were taken on trial

Why The Court Of King Solomon Was Considered The Fairest In The World, And He Himself - Inveterate Sinner - Alternative View

Why The Court Of King Solomon Was Considered The Fairest In The World, And He Himself - Inveterate Sinner - Alternative View

We often hear the phrase - "Solomon's decision", which has become a catch phrase. From time immemorial, the image of King Solomon as a character of many legends and parables has come down to our days

The Phenomenon Of The Hordes Or God's Judgment - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of The Hordes Or God's Judgment - Alternative View

Among the many mysterious facts associated with the human body, not the last place is occupied by the so-called divine judgment, or hordes (from the Anglo-Saxon "ordal" - judgment, judgment)

For 50 Years In The United States "lynching" Existed In Parallel With The Official Law - Alternative View

For 50 Years In The United States "lynching" Existed In Parallel With The Official Law - Alternative View

According to one version, the Lynch Court was named after the American judge Charles Lynch, who practiced lynching during the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783

Little-known And Interesting Facts About Slavery In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Little-known And Interesting Facts About Slavery In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

From a modern perspective, slavery is one of the most controversial institutions of the past. Today, people consider slavery to be inhuman and immoral, writes Novate

Luigi Serafini - Deciphering The Code - Alternative View

Luigi Serafini - Deciphering The Code - Alternative View

Among the huge number of books and manuscripts written over the past millennium, there are several books that amaze even the most sophisticated reader. One of them is the Codex Seraphinianus, highly regarded by decadent aesthetes of the 20th and 21st centuries

Fire Train - Alternative View

Fire Train - Alternative View

Rail transport is called the safest because of the small number of accidents with fatalities. But on June 4, 1989, this statement was, if not refuted, then seriously challenged

How The Vikings Changed The World Civilization - Alternative View

How The Vikings Changed The World Civilization - Alternative View

For the first time, the Vikings went beyond their native Scandinavia at the beginning of the VIII century, and by the end of the century they ruled the British Isles. Almost wherever the determined Normans have set foot, they have left their mark

The Era Of Struggle And Heroism - Alternative View

The Era Of Struggle And Heroism - Alternative View

Part 1: Amazing discoveries regarding the creation of the world, paradise, the flood and the Tower of Babel.Part 2: Truth and Legend about the Patriarchs.- Salik.bizPart 3: Folk tradition or truth?Part 4: Moses in a halo of mythsnIs the sixth book of the Old Testament, as Bible lovers have thought for centuries, the authentic records of Joshua?