Secrets of history 2024, October

The Defeat Of Novgorod In 1478 And The Emergence Of A "Russian Threat" To The West - Alternative View

The Defeat Of Novgorod In 1478 And The Emergence Of A "Russian Threat" To The West - Alternative View

The annexation of Novgorod to Muscovy in 1478 destroyed the traditional order of communication between the Russian lands and Livonia. This gave rise to a chain reaction of disruptions in trade, the practice of developing and observing international treaties, the sphere of diplomatic communication

Novgorod Archaeologists Have Discovered An Ancient Bridge Across The Volkhov - Alternative View

Novgorod Archaeologists Have Discovered An Ancient Bridge Across The Volkhov - Alternative View

According to the latest research, the bridge connected the banks of the Volkhov already in the middle of the 10th century. This hypothesis needs careful testing, and now it allows historians to answer some questions about the time and location of the most ancient bridge in Russia

How Ancient Novgorodians Sold Their Homeland For Beer - Alternative View

How Ancient Novgorodians Sold Their Homeland For Beer - Alternative View

The Russians offer their goods (squirrel furs) to the clerk of the St. Peter in Novgorod. Carved panel from the church of St. Nicholas in Stralsund. Around 1400

Secrets Of Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Secrets Of Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Veliky Novgorod has been known since the 9th century. At least that's what is officially accepted. However, in the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary it is said that the population of the city in the XIV century was about 400 thousand, which suggests that it was formed much earlier

What He Wrote About Novgorod, Who Visited It In 1414, The German Knight Gilbert De Lannoa - Alternative View

What He Wrote About Novgorod, Who Visited It In 1414, The German Knight Gilbert De Lannoa - Alternative View

In 1412, the knight Gilbert de Lannoa arrived to serve in the land of the German Teutonic Order

Mysteries Of The History Of Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The History Of Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Mr. Veliky Novgorod played a key role in the geopolitics of Ancient Rus. Our first "window to Europe", a city with a national government, which preserved its independence until it was pacified by Ivan the Terrible … When was it created?

Crystal Skulls: The End Of The Great Scam - Alternative View

Crystal Skulls: The End Of The Great Scam - Alternative View

With the ancient Maya, we associate not only the abandoned cities, the calendar, which, as it is believed, predicted the end of the world, but also the skulls of crystal

Primordial Russia Or Ladoga "Atlantis". The Mystery Of The Island Rus - Alternative View

Primordial Russia Or Ladoga "Atlantis". The Mystery Of The Island Rus - Alternative View

Analysis of the "Tale of Bygone Years" allows us to identify several stages in the formation of the Russian state. One of them is tightly connected with the territory of the North-West, more precisely the Ladoga area

How Was The Mystery Of The Girl From The Crystal Coffin Revealed - Alternative View

How Was The Mystery Of The Girl From The Crystal Coffin Revealed - Alternative View

During construction work, sometimes very unusual finds happen that make everyone seriously break their heads. One such case, sad and mysterious, occurred in 2016 in San Francisco, California. While remodeling the old garage, the workers found a strange object, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be a children's coffin of an extraordinary design

How The "hidden Face Of Christ" From Arkhyz Became A Mystery For Science - Alternative View

How The "hidden Face Of Christ" From Arkhyz Became A Mystery For Science - Alternative View

In the mountainous region of Arkhyz in Karachay-Cherkessia, on one of the rocks, the face of Jesus Christ is captured, which locals call hidden. It was revealed under mysterious circumstances just 20 years ago. Scientists argue about its origin, and believers talk about the mystical power of this image

Savva Yakovlev: A Merchant-adventurer In The Service Of Her Majesty - Alternative View

Savva Yakovlev: A Merchant-adventurer In The Service Of Her Majesty - Alternative View

The first occupation of Savva Sobakin, a 21-year-old young man who came from a provincial town to St. Petersburg, was traveling trade. He carried goods, fish and meat along the city streets, luring buyers with a low price. At the same time, he tried to trade closer to the city center, where the demand for his goods was higher

An Ancient Street Was Found In Azov, Paved With Animal Bones - Alternative View

An Ancient Street Was Found In Azov, Paved With Animal Bones - Alternative View

In Azov, archaeologists investigate an ancient street paved with animal bones. Azov archaeologists continue to explore an excavation site on Petrovsky Boulevard, where the center of the medieval city was located. Scientists are currently trying to restore the layout of the streets

In The Center Of Azov Discovered The Cemetery Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

In The Center Of Azov Discovered The Cemetery Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

As the head of the department of archeology of the Azov historical, archaeological and paleontological museum-reserve Andrey Maslovsky told the correspondent, 30 burials were found on the territory of one of the households on 14 square meters

Did The First Socialist Revolution Happen 9000 Years Ago In Eastern Anatolia? - Alternative View

Did The First Socialist Revolution Happen 9000 Years Ago In Eastern Anatolia? - Alternative View

It seems that in the 10th - 8th millennium BC in Eastern Anatolia there was no longer any primitive communism, but a system of exploitation of man by man was in effect

The Ancestral Home Of The Slavs: Where To Look For It - Alternative View

The Ancestral Home Of The Slavs: Where To Look For It - Alternative View

Where did the Slavic ethnos come into being, and what territory can be called "primordially Slavic"? Historians' testimony varies

Coat Of Arms And Symbols Of Belovodye, Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Coat Of Arms And Symbols Of Belovodye, Ancient Russia - Alternative View

By the right of succession of the Holy Spirit, the Great Race uses the Ancient Coat of Arms depicting the Two-Headed Bird Rock (Fate, i.e. Fate) with outstretched wings, which has the right head of an Eagle, and the left head of the mythical bird Phoenix

Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part Two - Alternative View

Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part Two - Alternative View

Start here. Sarmatia was mainly inhabited by two tribes - antes and roxolans. The latter built the city of Surozh in 347. BC. The word "sarmatian" consists of two lexemes "sar" + "mat"

World's Fair In Chicago (May 1 - November 1, 1893) - Alternative View

World's Fair In Chicago (May 1 - November 1, 1893) - Alternative View

The World Exhibition in Chicago (May 1 - November 1, 1893), timed to coincide with the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, was located in a picturesque area on the shores of Lake Michigan and became one of the largest in history

Belovodye - A Country Of Happiness, A Dream Of Humanity - Alternative View

Belovodye - A Country Of Happiness, A Dream Of Humanity - Alternative View

The desire for happiness and freedom is ineradicable in a person

The History Of The Use Of Biological Weapons - Alternative View

The History Of The Use Of Biological Weapons - Alternative View

These words in the headline could serve as the motto of biological weapons developers around the world. For many years, all materials on this topic were classified as "secret".Relatively recently, the veil of secrecy was opened and some archival documents, monographs, as well as eyewitness accounts became available …-

Stone Atoms Of Antiquity - Alternative View

Stone Atoms Of Antiquity - Alternative View

The collection of the Ashmolean Museum of Scotland contains five unusual carved stone balls. Archaeologists find it difficult to explain the purpose of these objects. The balls are made of various materials - sandstone and granite

The Biological Weapon Of The Fascists - Alternative View

The Biological Weapon Of The Fascists - Alternative View

Documents that were found more recently show that Nazi scientists were working on more than just a nuclear bomb. Among the projects of weapons of mass destruction, biological weapons were also actively developed, which could become much more dangerous - as a tool of biological warfare, the Third Reich was going to use malaria mosquitoes

Pugachev Is The Brother Of The Queen - Alternative View

Pugachev Is The Brother Of The Queen - Alternative View

"Officials take bribes at every opportunity, viciously and faint-heartedly, lives luxuriously and above means." No, this is not a thesis from the statement of the modern extra-parliamentary opposition

Sansons: A Labor Dynasty Of French Executioners - Alternative View

Sansons: A Labor Dynasty Of French Executioners - Alternative View

As one of the characters in The Three Musketeers used to say, "an executioner can kill and not be a murderer." Following this rule, seven generations of the Sansons family have honestly worked on the scaffold for two hundred years

6 People Who Left Behind An Insoluble Mystery - Alternative View

6 People Who Left Behind An Insoluble Mystery - Alternative View

All the secret becomes clear someday. No matter how carefully the secret is guarded, there is still someone who has seen or heard something. However, some events turn out to be so confusing that researchers have been trying to explain them for many decades, but they never come to anything

Stone Age Masks. The Ancient Palestinians Buried Their Ancestors Under The Floor Of The Dwelling - Alternative View

Stone Age Masks. The Ancient Palestinians Buried Their Ancestors Under The Floor Of The Dwelling - Alternative View

In 2014, the Israel Museum put on display twelve limestone masks. These are the oldest masks made by people of the so-called pre-ceramic Neolithic era

"Masks Of Shame" For Grumpy Wives And Drunkards - Alternative View

"Masks Of Shame" For Grumpy Wives And Drunkards - Alternative View

Including so "punished" women who shouted too loudly. Maybe this is where the usual opinion about the restraint of the British comes from? You are truly convinced of how wise our ancestors were! No psychologists, sophisticated tests and other modern husks for you

Articles About The Finds Of Giant Skeletons From American Newspapers - Alternative View

Articles About The Finds Of Giant Skeletons From American Newspapers - Alternative View

In the past decades, surprising articles about unusual finds could be found in American newspapers from time to time.These were articles from different newspapers and from different states and they reported on the findings of unusual human skeletons of unprecedented growth

Patagonian Giants And Magellan - Alternative View

Patagonian Giants And Magellan - Alternative View

Everyone knows Goliath, Hercules, Saturn, Cyclops - giants of legends and myths. But were there really giants, about whom the legends of many peoples of the world speak? There were! Moreover, they almost survived to this day, and maybe

Giants Lived In Armenia - Alternative View

Giants Lived In Armenia - Alternative View

According to many legends and legends, in the very distant past, our planet was inhabited by giants who lived on Earth at the same time as huge reptiles and constantly fighting with them for their own place in the sun. Numerous myths speak about this

Chinese Doctors 3 Thousand Years Ago Knew How To Do Craniotomy - Alternative View

Chinese Doctors 3 Thousand Years Ago Knew How To Do Craniotomy - Alternative View

Such advances in the field defy imagination, noted a researcher named Yue Hongbin. Ancient Chinese doctors another 3 thousand

Facts About Sex In Ancient China - Alternative View

Facts About Sex In Ancient China - Alternative View

In ancient China, stimulants received a lot of attention. They were mainly intended for men who took them internally

Ancient Rome And China - Alternative View

Ancient Rome And China - Alternative View

During the Han dynasty, the Xiongnu nomadic tribes posed the main threat to Chinese rule in Central Asia. One of the contenders for the title of Shanyu (supreme leader) of the Huns, known as Zhi Zhi, caused the most trouble

Biography Of Evdokia Lopukhina, The First Wife Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Biography Of Evdokia Lopukhina, The First Wife Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina (born July 30 (August 9) 1669 - death August 27 (September 7) 1731) - the queen, the first wife of Peter 1 (from 1689), mother of Tsarevich Alexei. From the conservative boyar family of the Lopukhins, adherents of antiquity

Jesters Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Jesters Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

From childhood, Peter was accustomed to jesters and dwarfs, who were an integral part of court life. People from the top of Russian society often became jesters. Of course, these were by no means the most intelligent, gifted and hardworking representatives of the boyars

Thousands Of Chinese Villagers Disappeared In One Night And No One Knows What Happened To Them - Alternative View

Thousands Of Chinese Villagers Disappeared In One Night And No One Knows What Happened To Them - Alternative View

China's Shaanxi province has an area of about 80 square miles that includes the Wei Valley, Loess Plateau, Ordos Sands and Qinling Mountain Range. Until 1987, somewhere in these places there was a medium-sized village, but in 1987 all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.The

How The USSR And The USA Suddenly Stopped A Step Before A Nuclear War - - Alternative View

How The USSR And The USA Suddenly Stopped A Step Before A Nuclear War - - Alternative View

In 1962, the world was under the threat of a nuclear war between two military giants, its consequences would have led to the destruction of most of the territory of the Soviet Union and about a third of the territory of the United States

The Abominable Middle Ages: Fears Of The Inhabitants Of The Dark Ages - Alternative View

The Abominable Middle Ages: Fears Of The Inhabitants Of The Dark Ages - Alternative View

The period of the early Middle Ages has been called the "Dark Ages" thanks to an Italian theologian. The fact is that he believed the world’s rejection of the Latin language was the beginning of the disgusting Fall

The Soviet Historian And Linguist Was The Only One In The World Who Was Able To Decipher The Maya Writing - Alternative View

The Soviet Historian And Linguist Was The Only One In The World Who Was Able To Decipher The Maya Writing - Alternative View

The heyday of the Mayan civilization fell on the period from the 5th to the 10th centuries of the new era. After that, she began to fade away and gradually decline. Ancient cities were deserted, and mysterious letters remained on stone steles, temples and ceramic vessels, which in themselves were amazing works of art

Little People From Inuit Legends And Eyewitness Accounts - Alternative View

Little People From Inuit Legends And Eyewitness Accounts - Alternative View

On my website, I often write about unknown races, about which there are many legends, but there are no real photographs and evidence that they really can or could exist on Earth. However, among the Inuit, almost no one doubts the existence of the Ishigaks