Secrets of history 2024, October

Deal Of The Century: How The USSR Swapped Submarine Flotilla For Pepsi Syrup - Alternative View

Deal Of The Century: How The USSR Swapped Submarine Flotilla For Pepsi Syrup - Alternative View

In 1989, in exchange for a concentrate for the production of the Pepsi-Cola carbonated drink, the Soviet Union handed over a whole fleet of 17 decommissioned submarines and several ships to the owner of the famous brand. This gave rise to PepsiCo CEO Donald McIntosh Kendall jokingly saying that he is disarming the USSR faster than the government of George W

Mysticism July 4: On This Day, Three US Presidents Died - Alternative View

Mysticism July 4: On This Day, Three US Presidents Died - Alternative View

On July 4, 1826, America celebrated the 50th anniversary of its independence and … just a few hours after that, two of its ex-presidents died.Thomas Jefferson was 83 years old at the time of his death, while John Adams was 90 years old. And although both were unwell, their death came as a surprise to many, especially because these events not only coincided chronologically with each other, but also occurred on such a significant day

Maria Reiche - How The German Governess Told The Whole World About The Nazca Geoglyphs - Alternative View

Maria Reiche - How The German Governess Told The Whole World About The Nazca Geoglyphs - Alternative View

A very large contribution to the study of the geoglyphs of the Nazca desert was made by the German mathematician Maria Reiche. She was born in Dresden on May 15, 1903. All her life she was interested in only one question - why did some ancient civilization leave many geoglyphs in the Nazca desert?

Pictures For The Gods - Alternative View

Pictures For The Gods - Alternative View

For many years it was believed that the North American continent is a land without history. White people from the very beginning treated the Indians who lived there with a certain arrogance. What could these "savages" tell stories? Over time, the picture has changed

Why Was Herod Accused Of "genocide" Of Babies? The King Is Not Guilty! - Alternative View

Why Was Herod Accused Of "genocide" Of Babies? The King Is Not Guilty! - Alternative View

For the Orthodox, the name of Tsar Herod is almost the dirtiest curse word, along with “Judas”. But was he as "crazy paranoid" as the Gospel portrays him?It all began in 40 BC. I'll make a reservation right away, Judea was then under the rule of the Roman Empire and in fact was its province. On

Feeding The Gods In The Aztec City Of Tenochtitlan - Alternative View

Feeding The Gods In The Aztec City Of Tenochtitlan - Alternative View

The priest made a cut with a sacred dagger and tore out the still beating heart from the victim. Thousands of such sacrifices were performed in the sacred city of Tenochtitlan. They were performed for the favor of the gods

Chinese Civilization And Great Scythia - Alternative View

Chinese Civilization And Great Scythia - Alternative View

In the minds of the majority of Europeans, and even the citizens of Russia, the expanses of Southern Siberia, Altai, Mongolia, Northern and Central China have always been an area of settlement for the peoples of the Mongoloid race, but this is far from the case. As early as 3 thousand

Biography Of Kliment Voroshilov - Alternative View

Biography Of Kliment Voroshilov - Alternative View

Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov (born January 23 (February 4) 1881, death - December 2, 1969) - professional revolutionary, prominent Soviet military leader and politician, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), Hero of the Soviet Union (1956

What Actually Caused The Cuban Missile Crisis - Alternative View

What Actually Caused The Cuban Missile Crisis - Alternative View

The Cuban Missile Crisis, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war in the fall of 1962, still raises many questions to which there are no unequivocal answers.- Salik.bizWhose are you, Castro?The question has long been discussed in Western circles why Fidel Castro, one of the nomadic figures of the Cuban missile crisis, managed to gain a foothold at the helm of the Cuban state so easily

Karelian Petroglyphs: A Scientific Sensation Of The XIX-XX Centuries - Alternative View

Karelian Petroglyphs: A Scientific Sensation Of The XIX-XX Centuries - Alternative View

Petroglyphs of Karelia for a long time remained unknown to a wide circle of historians and ordinary tourists

How The King Became The Antichrist - Alternative View

How The King Became The Antichrist - Alternative View

Peter I, the greatest of Russian monarchs, was a real disaster for his subjects

Scientific Sensation: In Kaliningrad, Archaeologists Have Discovered The Remains Of The Ancient Center Of Trade In Amber - Alternative View

Scientific Sensation: In Kaliningrad, Archaeologists Have Discovered The Remains Of The Ancient Center Of Trade In Amber - Alternative View

Already 2.5 thousand years ago, on the territory where the castle of Königsberg was later built, there was a prosperous settlement During excavations on the territory of the Royal Castle of Königsberg, archaeologists were faced with a sensational find: the remains of an ancient

At Loch Ness, A Bronze Age Burial Was Found Without Remains - Alternative View

At Loch Ness, A Bronze Age Burial Was Found Without Remains - Alternative View

British archaeologists have found in the village of Drumnadrokit on the shores of Loch Ness, a Bronze Age burial four thousand years old

A Small Fraction Of Victory. A 6-year-old Girl Was Saving Up For A Doll, And Bought A Tank - Alternative View

A Small Fraction Of Victory. A 6-year-old Girl Was Saving Up For A Doll, And Bought A Tank - Alternative View

“Hitler drove me out of the town of Sychevka, Smolensk region. I want to go home. I collected 122 rubles 25 kopecks for a doll. And now I'm giving them to the tank ", - wrote the six-year-old Ada Zanegina in" Omsk Pravda "

The Loch Ness Pilot's Ghost - Alternative View

The Loch Ness Pilot's Ghost - Alternative View

In 1976, in the Scottish Loch Ness at a depth of 70 meters, the remains of an aircraft that sank during the Second World War were found. It was a British twin-engine bomber "Vickers Wellington"

What Was Princess Diana Really Like - Alternative View

What Was Princess Diana Really Like - Alternative View

On July 29, 1981 in London, at St. Paul's Cathedral, the heir to the British crown, 33-year-old Prince Charles of Wales, was married to a representative of an old noble family, 20-year-old Diana Spencer

Death Of Princess Diana - Alternative View

Death Of Princess Diana - Alternative View

Princess Diana - death Diana, Princess of Wales, née Lady Diana Francis Spencer was born on July 1, 1961 in Sandringham, Norfolk. She came from a famous, well-born family

The Mystery Of The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

The mystery of the death of the most famous movie star of the twentieth century, Marilyn Monroe (real name - Norma Jean Baker) continues to thrill the minds more than half a century later. The official version says that the actress committed suicide. But is it?

Marilyn Monroe Did Not Kill Herself - Alternative View

Marilyn Monroe Did Not Kill Herself - Alternative View

The day before her mysterious death, Marilyn Monroe signed a check for the purchase of not the most expensive dresser

Interesting Facts From The Life And Biography Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

Interesting Facts From The Life And Biography Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

Marilyn Monroe (Monroe) - real name Norma Jean Baker Mortenson (Mortenson) - was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles. Who is her father - not established, she bore the name of a Norwegian immigrant who died in an accident in 1929

Where Did The Merya Tribe Disappear - Alternative View

Where Did The Merya Tribe Disappear - Alternative View

We - not only the Slavs It is not a secret for anyone that the Russian people - not entirely Slavic. The blood of both Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes flows in us

Who Killed Marilyn Monroe: UFOs, The Mafia And 5 More Unexpected Versions Of The Death Of The Actress - Alternative View

Who Killed Marilyn Monroe: UFOs, The Mafia And 5 More Unexpected Versions Of The Death Of The Actress - Alternative View

55 years ago, in August 1962, actress and singer Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her bedroom. The official version of the death of the artist - suicide: a lethal dose of barbiturate poison was found in Marilyn's blood

So Why Did Princess Diana Die? - Alternative View

So Why Did Princess Diana Die? - Alternative View

Nearly twenty years have passed since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. But the conspiracy theorists and devoted fans of the princess still can't calm down. They put forward many versions of Diana's death, which are radically different from the official

New Searches For The "Black Prince" - Alternative View

New Searches For The "Black Prince" - Alternative View

Not far from Sevastopol in the Balaklava region during the Crimean War of the middle of the nineteenth century, and specifically on the night of November 14 (new style) in 1854, during an unprecedented storm, the English sail-screw ship "Prince" sank

A Mysterious Cemetery Of Giant Lemurs Has Been Found In Madagascar - Alternative View

A Mysterious Cemetery Of Giant Lemurs Has Been Found In Madagascar - Alternative View

The cemetery of giant lemurs was discovered by anthropologists at the University of New York on the island of Madagascar. Many individual bones and whole skeletons are perfectly preserved in one of the underwater caves of the Tsimanampetsotsa National Park

Why Does The Hut Have "chicken" Legs? - Alternative View

Why Does The Hut Have "chicken" Legs? - Alternative View

The hut on chicken legs is one of the most recognizable images in Russian fairy tales.This is a kind of "frontier post" between the ordinary world and the other world, the mysterious Yaga lives in it, it is impossible to get around and bypass it

Black Legend Gilles De Rais - Alternative View

Black Legend Gilles De Rais - Alternative View

Our hero is known to everyone since childhood

The United States Tested Biological Weapons On Its Own Population - Alternative View

The United States Tested Biological Weapons On Its Own Population - Alternative View

During the Cold War, the US government wanted to understand which cities are most susceptible to biological attacks. Nothing better than to arrange a "training experiment" did not occur to them, and in 1950 the fleet sent a boat to San Francisco with a cargo of contaminated test tubes

The True Story Of The "Count Of Monte Cristo" - Alternative View

The True Story Of The "Count Of Monte Cristo" - Alternative View

Did you know that the character of Dumas "Count of Monte Cristo" had a real prototype - shoemaker Francois Picot. Moreover, the similarity is not in any one moment or life story, but his story almost completely repeats the path of Edmond Dantes

Slavery Compensation - Alternative View

Slavery Compensation - Alternative View

British authorities love to teach morality to others. But you should know that the descendants of British slaves paid compensation to the descendants of slave owners until 2015, laying the foundations for the prosperity of the richest families in the kingdom

In Search Of The Grail - Alternative View

In Search Of The Grail - Alternative View

Monsalvat (Mons salvatus - saving mountain) Monsegur (Mons segurus - reliable, safe mountain) (Ran O. Crusade against the Grail. M., 2002. p. 8

Ancient Siberian Surgeons Operated With Perfect Instruments - Alternative View

Ancient Siberian Surgeons Operated With Perfect Instruments - Alternative View

This news at one time passed almost unnoticed, although it is very curious. Back in 2015, Novosibirsk archaeologists found out that 2.5 thousand years ago, surgeons on the territory of Southern Siberia performed complex surgical operations, including craniotomy

Yakov Blumkin: In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Yakov Blumkin: In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

90 years ago, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) approved the decision of the OGPU collegium to sentence to the highest measure of social protection - the execution of the resident of Soviet intelligence, 29-year-old Yakov Blumkin

Life In Search Of Shambhala. Why Was Nicholas Roerich Called The Antichrist? - Alternative View

Life In Search Of Shambhala. Why Was Nicholas Roerich Called The Antichrist? - Alternative View

The artist conducted seances at his home and claimed to have seen a UFO in the mountains of Tibet. On December 13, 1947, Russian artist, traveler and philosopher Nicholas Roerich died

Jean-Pierre Armand David: Expedition To China - Alternative View

Jean-Pierre Armand David: Expedition To China - Alternative View

In the second half of the 19th century, the missionary and authorized representative of the French government, Jean-Pierre Armand David, went to a place where Europeans had never really been, namely to China. The official goal of the priest's expedition was, as usual, to bring the word of God to the pagans and to establish contacts between enlightened France and the Celestial Empire

Order Of The Knights Templar. Historians Know Where The Holy Grail Is! - Alternative View

Order Of The Knights Templar. Historians Know Where The Holy Grail Is! - Alternative View

Scientists from Great Britain have discovered the Church of the Knights Templar in a rabbit hole. According to the results of analyzes, the building is about 7 centuries old. In the interior, the arcades, arches and stone pillars are almost intact

This Happy Tsarist Era - Alternative View

This Happy Tsarist Era - Alternative View

Every era has its own positive and negative features. Therefore, it is not entirely objective to pull out individual episodes of perversion and judge the entire era by them. Although the number of hard-hitting facts in itself can give an approximate assessment of the mores of a particular historical period

Opium Wars In China - Alternative View

Opium Wars In China - Alternative View

Poppy tumor 1839, March - began one of the largest conflicts in the history of drug trafficking. The conflict turned into a real war, where the main participants were China and Great Britain, which hooked it on opium

Young Hero Lenya Golikov - Alternative View

Young Hero Lenya Golikov - Alternative View

Biography of Leni GolikovLeonid Alexandrovich Golikov was born on June 17, 1926 in the village of Lukino, Novgorod Region, into a working class family. His school biography "fit" in only seven classes, after which he went to work at the plywood factory №2 in the village of Parfino