Secrets of history 2024, October

Who Are The Chaldons - Alternative View

Who Are The Chaldons - Alternative View

Habitat largely determines the features of household life, way of life and ways of managing people. The climate and natural conditions have a great influence on their life. In Siberia, for example, there is such a small people as the Chaldons

In The USA, Plans For The Nuclear Destruction Of The USSR And China Were Revealed - Alternative View

In The USA, Plans For The Nuclear Destruction Of The USSR And China Were Revealed - Alternative View

The USA in the 1960s considered the possibility of mass extermination of the inhabitants of the USSR and China

All-powerful Guardians Of The East - Alternative View

All-powerful Guardians Of The East - Alternative View

“Earlier you published a very interesting article about dragons. But for some reason, you do not even mention Chinese dragons in it, and there are a lot of them, and they are funny in their own way. And there are also dragons in Japan and other Asian countries

Scientists Have Found Dragons In Siberia, As In The Anime "Spirited Away" - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Dragons In Siberia, As In The Anime "Spirited Away" - Alternative View

Ancient amulets with mythical creatures differ from the Chinese amulets of that time. China is called the homeland of dragons, but the staff of the SB RAS are ready to challenge this. Excavations in the north of Khakassia have shown that dragons were also worshiped by the population of southern Siberia

Knights And Dragons. True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Knights And Dragons. True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Each child read stories of brave knights fighting monstrous dragons. But here's the paradox - why fabulous reptiles resembled dinosaurs so much

The Robots Of Ancient China - Alternative View

The Robots Of Ancient China - Alternative View

Since time immemorial, people have dreamed of hand-made assistants, similar in appearance to themselves, possessing intelligence and capable of performing some operations, saving the owners from the routine of daily work

Odyssey's Mistake: On The Weirdness Of The Trojan Horse Adventure - Alternative View

Odyssey's Mistake: On The Weirdness Of The Trojan Horse Adventure - Alternative View

Several ancient authors tell about the Trojan War at once, and the famous episode with the horse is told differently. There is no single version, but we will analyze the most famous (and strangest) fragments of this story.- Salik.biz1. Trojans have no compelling reason to bring a horse into the cityTo take Troy, it must be deprived of the main shrine - palladium

Initially, Tobacco Was Not Smoked, But Consumed Rectally. And This Is A Great Story - Alternative View

Initially, Tobacco Was Not Smoked, But Consumed Rectally. And This Is A Great Story - Alternative View

The ancient Maya considered tobacco to be a divine substance with its own soul. They saw in him the earthly embodiment of thunder and lightning. However, for some obscure reason, this respect led them to the idea of rectal consumption

The Evil Spirits In Guidesville And Stratford, Or How The Mass Fascination With Spiritualism Began In The 19th Century - Alternative View

The Evil Spirits In Guidesville And Stratford, Or How The Mass Fascination With Spiritualism Began In The 19th Century - Alternative View

In the mid-19th century, in the small village of Hydesville, New York, a man was awakened at night by a knock on his door. There was no one outside the door, however

The Caspian Campaign Of The Rus - 1095 Years - Alternative View

The Caspian Campaign Of The Rus - 1095 Years - Alternative View

In 909, the Rus on 16 ships - the Rus ships, according to various sources, accommodated from 40 to 100 people - attacked the Abeskun island in the Astrabad Gulf, after which the Caspian Sea itself was then called Abeskun. The island was plundered

Nicholas Roerich: Through Hardships To The Stars - Alternative View

Nicholas Roerich: Through Hardships To The Stars - Alternative View

Nicholas Roerich is most often referred to as an artist, set designer, philosopher, mystic, writer, poet, archaeologist, public figure, educator

Facts And Legends About The Mystical Count Cagliostro - Alternative View

Facts And Legends About The Mystical Count Cagliostro - Alternative View

June 2, 1743 in Palermo, on about. Giuseppe Balsamo was born into a poor family in Sicily. Although it is considered proven that Count Cagliostro and Giuseppe Balsamo - the same person, the count himself categorically denied it

The Story Of The Criminal Jesse James - Alternative View

The Story Of The Criminal Jesse James - Alternative View

Jesse Woodson James (1847 - 1882) - a member of the Bloody Bill Anderson gang, which was engaged in robbery and murder during the American Civil War. He was shot with a revolver by accomplice Robert Ford. - Where is everyone?

Adam's Teeth - Alternative View

Adam's Teeth - Alternative View

Honestly, I have always been confused by the idea that the first intelligent man appeared "in hot yellow Africa"

The Story Of The Eater Of Children From The City Of Chalon - Alternative View

The Story Of The Eater Of Children From The City Of Chalon - Alternative View

In 1598, in the small town of Chalon, in the French province of Champagne, children suddenly began to go missing.At first, the locals thought that the children were kidnapped by someone to be sold into slavery or for servants in wealthy estates, but then reports began to arrive about a terrible-looking creature, half beast, half man, which prowls around the city

Brodniki: Mysterious Neighbors Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Brodniki: Mysterious Neighbors Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Russian chronicles often mention the people who lived on the borders of the southern Russian principalities - along the Sea of Azov and the Don. These people were called "wanderers". And they were constant participants in conflicts between princes, as well as clashes with the Polovtsy.Gen

Peasant War Led By Bolotnikov - Alternative View

Peasant War Led By Bolotnikov - Alternative View

Briefly about the uprising (overview) Bolotnikov's uprising - peasant movement 1606 - 1607 under the leadership of Ivan Bolotnikov. Main participants: peasantry, Cossacks, nobility

Brodniki: The Mystery Of The First Cossacks - Alternative View

Brodniki: The Mystery Of The First Cossacks - Alternative View

Some historians believe that the Brodniks stood at the origins of the Russian Cossacks. Until the 13th century, they played an important role in Russian history, and then they seem to have evaporated. Where - no one knows for certain

Archaeologists Have Made A Double Biblical Discovery - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Made A Double Biblical Discovery - Alternative View

More recently, archaeologists excavating in Jerusalem have made a double biblical discovery. They found ruins from a huge building

In Egypt, Found Tombs With Mummified Animals - Alternative View

In Egypt, Found Tombs With Mummified Animals - Alternative View

Archaeological missions working in the Sakkara necropolis in the vicinity of Cairo have discovered several ancient Egyptian tombs containing mummified animals, Egyptian Antiquities Minister Ha told reporters on Saturday

Brooklyn Vampire - Alternative View

Brooklyn Vampire - Alternative View

His name was Albert Fish. As victims, he chose only children, whom he killed and ate. The perversions of this man were so terrible that no one ever doubted that he was mentally ill

The Real Professor Moriarty - Alternative View

The Real Professor Moriarty - Alternative View

The $ 1 million from the bank robbery was enough to launch an underground casino in Paris, and then create the largest criminal network for its time, entangling London

Found Traces Of The Legendary Ancient Panacea - Alternative View

Found Traces Of The Legendary Ancient Panacea - Alternative View

Bulgarian archaeologists have found dozens of lead caps from ampoules, which contained the famous medieval "antidote to all poisoning". Lead caps have been found throughout Bulgaria, Archeology in Bulgaria reports

Curses Of The Ancients - Myths Or Reality - Alternative View

Curses Of The Ancients - Myths Or Reality - Alternative View

The search for relics of ancient civilizations always involves certain risks. These risks have both physical and mystical reasons. Often the only thing that remains from the ancient civilization is - these are the remains of buildings or burials

Antiquity Medicine - Alternative View

Antiquity Medicine - Alternative View

Ancient medicine has always attracted scientists with its secrets

China - The Most Extraordinary And Mysterious Country - Alternative View

China - The Most Extraordinary And Mysterious Country - Alternative View

In Southeast Asia, there is an interesting state - People's Republic of China. This state has thousands of years of history, although officially, its current chronology dates back to 1949

In Asia, They Knew About America Centuries Before Columbus - Alternative View

In Asia, They Knew About America Centuries Before Columbus - Alternative View

Archaeologists from the United States of America have found evidence in Alaska that Asians knew about the existence of North America and organized trade with it even before the New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus in the fifteenth century

Execution Cannot Be Pardoned - Alternative View

Execution Cannot Be Pardoned - Alternative View

Nowadays, this phrase is perceived as a fun linguistic game that illustrates the importance of punctuation marks. However, its origin is much more serious - it is believed that it is associated with actual executions initiated by royal persons

The Mystically Unlucky American Destroyer William D. Porter - Alternative View

The Mystically Unlucky American Destroyer William D. Porter - Alternative View

More than 70 years ago, a twin-tube destroyer named William D. Porter (DD-579) served with the US Navy. The ship was no different from dozens of serially built destroyers of the "Fletcher" type during World War II

Dersu Uzala: Don't Be Dashing! - Alternative View

Dersu Uzala: Don't Be Dashing! - Alternative View

For many years Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev (1872-1930) was considered one of the representatives of the brilliant galaxy of Russian researchers who made their expeditions under the auspices of the Military Department. He was called a worthy successor to N.M

Why Do Historians Lie To Us? - Alternative View

Why Do Historians Lie To Us? - Alternative View

It would seem that the answer is obvious. The party said: it is necessary - the Komsomol answered: yes. In the modern world, of course, "party affairs" are not done so head-on - they just allocate grants only for "necessary" research, which, however, does not change the essence of the matter

The Hero Of The Old Days - Alternative View

The Hero Of The Old Days - Alternative View

“There is such a profession - Protect the Motherland ", - spoke the main character of the cult Soviet film "Officers". This was the motto of the life of not only the cinematic Alexei Trofimov, but also the actor who embodied this image on the screen

They Lay And Died: Where Are The Mysterious Traces Of The Victims Of The Chivruay Tragedy Leading - - Alternative View

They Lay And Died: Where Are The Mysterious Traces Of The Victims Of The Chivruay Tragedy Leading - - Alternative View

The mystery of the Chivruay tragedy - the death of ten ski tourists (students from Kuibyshev) in the Lovozero tundra on the Kola Peninsula at the end of January 1973 - still remains unsolved

Truth And Legend About The Creators Of The Kingdom Of Israel - Alternative View

Truth And Legend About The Creators Of The Kingdom Of Israel - Alternative View

Part 1: Amazing discoveries regarding the creation of the world, paradise, the flood and the Tower of Babel.Part 2: Truth and Legend about the Patriarchs.- Salik.bizPart 3: Folk tradition or truth?Part 4: Moses in a halo of mythsnPart 5: The Age of Struggle and HeroismThe most brilliant period in the history of Israel falls on 1040-932 BC and, therefore, lasts a little over a century

Why Did Russian Girls Wear Mercury On Their Breasts - Alternative View

Why Did Russian Girls Wear Mercury On Their Breasts - Alternative View

Mercury has been known in Ancient Russia for a long time, it is not for nothing that its name is among the Proto-Slavic names of the seven basic metals, along with gold, silver and iron. Unaware of its toxicity, the ancient Slavs called it "living silver", thinking that in front of them was a certain "magic" substance

When Did The Turkish Language - Alternative View

When Did The Turkish Language - Alternative View

Until 1839, the Ottoman Empire, the predecessor of modern Turkey, did not have an official language. Velikaya Porta was a multinational and multilingual state.The population of the empire was religiously divided into communities - millets. There were four main millets: Muslim, Roman (Orthodox), Jewish, Catholic-Armenian

Frozen In Time: A Shocking Exhibition Of The Bodies Of The Victims Of The Volcanic Eruption In Pompeii - Alternative View

Frozen In Time: A Shocking Exhibition Of The Bodies Of The Victims Of The Volcanic Eruption In Pompeii - Alternative View

On August 24, 79 g, the Vesuvius volcano threw out a flurry of poisonous gas and hot lava. The cloud moved to Pompeii without leaving a single inhabitant alive. The city died out in just a few minutes

Archaeologists Have Found In Veliky Novgorod An Image Of A Mysterious Creature - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found In Veliky Novgorod An Image Of A Mysterious Creature - Alternative View

Specialists of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), while examining the Tithes excavation in Veliky Novgorod, found a fragment of ceramics with a mysterious image

Archaeologists Have Unearthed The Walls Of The Lost Novgorod Temple Of The XIV Century - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Unearthed The Walls Of The Lost Novgorod Temple Of The XIV Century - Alternative View

Until now, the temple, which is a federal architectural monument, was completely hidden underground