Secrets of history 2024, October

Three Myths About Julius Caesar - Alternative View

Three Myths About Julius Caesar - Alternative View

We do not know what Julius Caesar looked like, we are mistaken with his name and we attribute amazing abilities to him: the author of the book “Here Was Rome” debunks several popular myths about the most famous hero of ancient history Julius Caesar, probably

Bread Among The Slavs - Alternative View

Bread Among The Slavs - Alternative View

Bread among the Slavs - original and staple food. He became a symbol of the Raw Earth Mother. In Russian there is a word - loaf, that is, referring to the fruits of the earth, to AR (ara), and the syllable root VA means to flow, run, move

The Most Mystical Chocolate Bar - "Alyonka", Or The Story Of A Girl With A Chocolate Wrapper - Alternative View

The Most Mystical Chocolate Bar - "Alyonka", Or The Story Of A Girl With A Chocolate Wrapper - Alternative View

Alyonka chocolate was one of the most famous and famous Soviet brands. The chocolate was named after the daughter of the first Soviet woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, but another Soviet girl became the face of this chocolate.The history of the famous and beloved by everyone chocolate "Alenka" was born in the 60s, when the government of the USSR adopted a food program, one of the points of which was the creation of a new milk chocolate

Pleasure Balls, Islamic Beef, Turnips From Heaven And Other Stories About Food And Religion - Alternative View

Pleasure Balls, Islamic Beef, Turnips From Heaven And Other Stories About Food And Religion - Alternative View

In many beliefs, food acts as a link between the profane and the sacred. Religions tell their adepts what, how and when to eat. Taboos and sacrifices, health and healing, birth, death and initiation rites are somehow connected with food. The author of the Food and Science telegram channel Vsevolod Ostakhnovich fished out something interesting from a huge religious and culinary cauldron

Blockade Ration - Alternative View

Blockade Ration - Alternative View

On November 20, 1941, in Leningrad, for the fifth time since the beginning of the blockade, the daily ration of bread was reduced. Now the minimum ration was the same "one hundred and twenty-five grams of blockade …" from Olga Berggolts's "Leningrad poem". N

Blockade Recipes. What Did They Eat In Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

Blockade Recipes. What Did They Eat In Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

Dandelion coffeeRoasted dandelion root was believed to be a good substitute, with a taste similar to cyclical coffee. From 4 kg of fresh root, 1 kg of dried root is obtained. Fried and ground dandelion root is rich in soluble substances (up to 67%) and gives a good coffee infusion

The Mysterious Personality Of Grigory Rasputin: Little-known Facts From The Life Of A Close Friend Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

The Mysterious Personality Of Grigory Rasputin: Little-known Facts From The Life Of A Close Friend Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

Grigory Rasputin was born in 1869. He lived an amazing, even paradoxical life. And today his life, which ended in 1916, raises many questions. There are more secrets after Rasputin than the well-known

Who Are The Hittites - History Of The People - Alternative View

Who Are The Hittites - History Of The People - Alternative View

As a result of archaeological excavations undertaken at the end of the 19th century in Asia Minor, scientists discovered previously unseen monuments and unknown writings, the language of which was not similar to either Egyptian or the Semitic languages of ancient Mesopotamia.It

Sexual Revolution In The USSR - Alternative View

Sexual Revolution In The USSR - Alternative View

Licentiousness or freedom? As everyone now knows for certain, our world is not perfect and therefore communism, as a way of organizing the world, is a utopia

Lupanaria Of Ancient Pompeii: The Frozen History Of Entertainment Houses - Alternative View

Lupanaria Of Ancient Pompeii: The Frozen History Of Entertainment Houses - Alternative View

Ancient Rome was famous for its freedom in relations between men and women. Just what is the mythology of Ancient Rome and Greece, which is replete with details of the piquant adventures of the gods. Unsurprisingly, the cities were full of entertainment houses, which, however, were secret

Soviet Sexual Revolution - Alternative View

Soviet Sexual Revolution - Alternative View

It is customary to date the sexual revolution since the mid-60s, when the hippie movement (sex, drugs and rock-n-roll) emerged in the West

Round City In A Meteorite Crater - Alternative View

Round City In A Meteorite Crater - Alternative View

Bavarian Nördlingen is radically different from any other town in the world. It is a medieval city with a population of 20,000, located entirely within a massive meteorite crater. This crater is called Nördlinger Ries and was formed about 14.5

People In Pompeii Had A Difficult Life Even Before The Volcanic Eruption - Alternative View

People In Pompeii Had A Difficult Life Even Before The Volcanic Eruption - Alternative View

Living in the shadow of a volcano is not easy. Take a look, for example, at the ancient Romans who lived near Vesuvius in Pompeii. In 79 A.D. e. there was an eruption of a volcano, which covered the city with several meters of ash and pumice, killing many of its inhabitants

Sex On Ivan Kupala. Facts And Conjectures - Alternative View

Sex On Ivan Kupala. Facts And Conjectures - Alternative View

The summer solstice holiday is associated with eroticism and promiscuous sexual orgies for many. Was it really so? Did our ancient ancestors really love fornication as they say? What was the sex on Ivan Kupala?- Salik.bizWhy is Ivana Kupala associated with eroticism?

7 Wildest Sexual Customs Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

7 Wildest Sexual Customs Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

From the middle of the 1st century BC. in Rome came a period of decline *, and with it - an era of unlimited sexual freedom. We will tell you about the most striking sexual phenomena of this time

All The Most Interesting About Love, Sex And Marriage In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

All The Most Interesting About Love, Sex And Marriage In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

The attitude to love, sex and marriage in ancient Egypt is very significant in itself. People in this country influenced the mores and practices in Ancient Israel, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

The Most Incredible Theories About Sex And Human Sexuality - Alternative View

The Most Incredible Theories About Sex And Human Sexuality - Alternative View

It is illegal to seduce the wet nurse of the heir to the British throne: you can contaminate royal blood with your plebeian qualities, which will be passed on to the infant with milk

Valaam Island - Alternative View

Valaam Island - Alternative View

Valaam Island (Lake Ladoga) is the site of one of the most inhuman experiments in the formation of a human "factory". Disabled people from large cities of the European part of the USSR were brought here. A legless veteran who asks for alms from a bakery did not bother anyone in Muhosransk, but was unacceptable in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Novosibirsk

Sex In Ancient Egypt. Sacred And Not Very - Alternative View

Sex In Ancient Egypt. Sacred And Not Very - Alternative View

This image of the young Pharaoh Tutankhamun and his beautiful wife Ankhesenamun, according to some Egyptologists, is nothing more than showing the most intimate moment in the life of the royal couple - the intercourse of spouses

"Camping Field Novels" Of Marshals And Generals Of The Red Army In The War: How They Were Treated - Alternative View

"Camping Field Novels" Of Marshals And Generals Of The Red Army In The War: How They Were Treated - Alternative View

There is such an anecdote, allegedly told by Stalin's bodyguard, Major Alexei Rybin. Once Iosif Vissarionovich was informed that Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky was seen arm in arm with the beautiful actress Valentina Serova and asked for instructions on what to do with such, they say, moral decay

Who In Russia Was Forgiven For Extramarital Affairs - Alternative View

Who In Russia Was Forgiven For Extramarital Affairs - Alternative View

Extramarital affairs have been discouraged in virtually every culture in the world. Somewhere they were treated more severely, somewhere - softer. And what about this in Russia?

The Joys Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

The Joys Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Many ruled the world, but Cleopatra - unique: the last of the pharaohs and the first of the ladies-politicians

Male Love And Spartan Wives: The Sex Life Of Ancient Greece - Alternative View

Male Love And Spartan Wives: The Sex Life Of Ancient Greece - Alternative View

Greece in the time of the titans and heroes was a country of rather liberated morals. Sex reigned everywhere: in the underworld and sublunary. The gods of Ancient Greece did it not only for the sake of having children - the very creation of the earth was associated with sex

Intimate Relations Of The Slavs: How In Russia They Indulged In Love - Alternative View

Intimate Relations Of The Slavs: How In Russia They Indulged In Love - Alternative View

In the historical treatises of Europe, East and Asia, a lot of information about the intimate life of peoples has been preserved, but very little information has been preserved about the love traditions of the Slavs

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Is 60 Years Old: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Is 60 Years Old: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia announced that it was sending an investigation team to the Dyatlov Pass. They will re-examine the circumstances of the mysterious tragedy. The prosecutor's office has three main versions of what happened, but there are 75 versions in total. We will voice the loudest of them

Biography Of Roald Amoudsen - Alternative View

Biography Of Roald Amoudsen - Alternative View

Roald Engelbreggt Gravening Amundsen (born July 16, 1872 - death June 18, 1928) - polar explorer traveler from Norway. What Roald Amudsen discovered The first in the world to reach the South Pole (December 14, 1911)

Janissary Without A Past - Alternative View

Janissary Without A Past - Alternative View

He happened to live in an era when the peoples subject to the Ottomans more and more and more and more successfully took up arms. Ahmed Khurshid Pasha fought these uprisings, erecting supports for the crumbling empire, such as the Chele-Kul skull tower

Police Of Old Russia: Security Officers, Gendarmes, "pharaohs" - Alternative View

Police Of Old Russia: Security Officers, Gendarmes, "pharaohs" - Alternative View

The police are the soul of citizenship and all good order. - Peter I. Criminals were always caught. In the epic Old Russian times, this was done by the princely warriors - the squad was the only and universal state body

How In A Tiny Village With A Population Of 11 People A Man With A Dog Disappeared Without A Trace - - Alternative View

How In A Tiny Village With A Population Of 11 People A Man With A Dog Disappeared Without A Trace - - Alternative View

Larrimah is a tiny settlement in Australia's Northern Territory. Until December 2017, only 12 people lived here

How Many Countries Took Part In The Attack On The USSR In 1941 - Alternative View

How Many Countries Took Part In The Attack On The USSR In 1941 - Alternative View

Very often, the Great Patriotic War is called only an episode of World War II, while noticing that this episode is appropriate to call the Soviet-German war. That is, the war between the Third Reich and the USSR. But with whom did the Soviet Union actually fight?

An Academician From Bristol Said That He Had Deciphered The Legendary Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

An Academician From Bristol Said That He Had Deciphered The Legendary Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

He determined that the text was written in a pro-Romance language, about which modern linguistics knows very little.Gerard Cheshire, an academic from the University of Bristol (UK), claims to have deciphered the Voynich manuscript, which has remained a mystery to cryptanalysts and linguists for over 100 years

Why Did The US Authorities Not Allow The Indians To Create Their Own State - Alternative View

Why Did The US Authorities Not Allow The Indians To Create Their Own State - Alternative View

On July 14, 1905, Native Americans, forcibly evicted by the US authorities to the so-called Indian Territory, announced the creation of a new state of Sequoia. They completed all the procedures required by law, but official Washington did not support the project

How Did The Old Maidens Live In Russia - Alternative View

How Did The Old Maidens Live In Russia - Alternative View

A young by today's standards, a girl in her 20s who only dreamed of a wedding was considered useless in Russia. Not getting married on time, the woman received the stigma "old maid", and with it social isolation

Papal Jewels - Alternative View

Papal Jewels - Alternative View

On May 6, 1869, a three-masted cargo and passenger ship with a steam engine "General Abbatucci" left its home port of Marseille on a routine voyage along the route Marseille Civatavcchia (Italy)

Steal The Pontiff - Alternative View

Steal The Pontiff - Alternative View

As you know, Adolf Hitler cherished plans to kidnap his political opponents, especially the heads of European countries

"Shame On The Roman Church." What Did The Popes Do On The Throne Of St. Peter - Alternative View

"Shame On The Roman Church." What Did The Popes Do On The Throne Of St. Peter - Alternative View

Sodomy, incest, mass rape, trade in positions, worship of Satan, murder, torture, atheism, and even "such sins that cannot be announced." All this is not a complete list of the arts of some pontiffs.On July 18, 1870, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of popes' infallibility

Rostov The Great: Wakefulness In A Dream - Alternative View

Rostov The Great: Wakefulness In A Dream - Alternative View

If you suffer from insomnia, go to Rostov the Great. The dream will begin to return to you already at the entrance to the city. And after you have lived in Rostov for a week or two, you will hardly distinguish between sleep and reality

The CIA And The "truth Serum" - Alternative View

The CIA And The "truth Serum" - Alternative View

The MK Ultra project remains one of the most inhuman and outrageous designs in human history. It combines a series of CIA experiments conducted in 1950-1970

Fireballs, UFOs And The KGB: The Next "scientifically Grounded" Versions Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Fireballs, UFOs And The KGB: The Next "scientifically Grounded" Versions Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The mysterious death of the Dyatlov group - the event around which appears perhaps the largest number of pseudoscientific and pseudo-historical research in history

"The Tambov Wolf Is Your Comrade!" Where Did It Come From? - Alternative View

"The Tambov Wolf Is Your Comrade!" Where Did It Come From? - Alternative View

The expression "The Tambov wolf is your comrade" is firmly in use. It is believed that the "Tambov wolf" appeared during the Antonov uprising. However, there are other versions of the origin of this expression, which refer us to the Russian Middle Ages or even to ancient times