The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Is 60 Years Old: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Is 60 Years Old: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Is 60 Years Old: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Is 60 Years Old: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Is 60 Years Old: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View
Video: Explaining the icy mystery of the Dyatlov Pass deaths 2024, October

The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia announced that it was sending an investigation team to the Dyatlov Pass. They will re-examine the circumstances of the mysterious tragedy. The prosecutor's office has three main versions of what happened, but there are 75 versions in total. We will voice the loudest of them.

It is unlikely that an experienced fifth-year tourist, Igor Dyatlov, could have guessed how that ski trip would end. He and nine student friends were just going to the Northern Urals to conquer the next route. It was on January 23, 1959, 60 years ago. Their march was to end on February 12. On the way, one of the group fell ill and left the route.

And the rest - exactly nine people - set up camp near the mountain with an inconspicuous name in the Soviet way - Summit 1079. This same mountain is called Holat-syakhl, or the mountain of the dead, by the indigenous peoples of the Mansi - a sacred place. On February 26, a search team found the bodies of nine tourists.


The tent was cut from the inside. And the bodies, many disfigured, lay from her down the slope as if experienced travelers fled in panic, fleeing something terrible. They fled, despite the frost, without clothes and without hope of survival.


This story became the most terrible, mystical and irrational tragedy of the Soviet Union. Even experienced investigators did not dare to say what happened at the Dyatlov pass. And the story itself was classified.

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The first and most official version

Investigators from Yekaterinburg studied the case for several months. But the results of that investigation were never published in full. And some of them went into the Top Secret folder. It is known that traces of radiation were found on the bodies of the victims.


And the reasons that were announced publicly sounded strange: the group was faced with force majeure circumstances. There was no crime in them. But the group could not resist them. The people did not believe such conclusions. Such a vague interpretation only gave rise to the most fantastic versions.

UFO version

The fireballs became the true cause of the death of the group. The article "The Mystery of Fireballs" was published in 1990 in the newspaper "Kustanayskaya Pravda". Former investigator in the case of Dyatlov L. AND. Ivanov gave a scandalous interview. There he made a revelation in the best traditions of Agent Fox Mulder: the authorities allegedly hide the truth from the public and are in cahoots with aliens.


The tourists were killed by flying objects so that they would not tell a secret. Mysticism and scandals just appeared in the Soviet press of the 90s - everyone believed them, not really checking the facts. Therefore, it is better to divide the words of the investigator by ten.

Mansi shamans or Soviet prisoners

The mountain where the Dyatlovites camped was not called the mountain of the dead for nothing. And no wonder there were nine tourists. According to the legend of the northern peoples, at one time nine Mansi perished in the same place. And since then, the mountain has taken new victims every few years. Either the mountain presupposed such a development of events, or the stars just converged so, but this version seems to be true to many. Still, ancient beliefs, secrets are horror.


Another twist in this version is completely devoid of mystical taint. Tourists in the night were killed by Mansi hunters. They took it as an insult that the squad was staying overnight in their sacred place. True, the Mansi themselves later assured that the mountain was not sacred for them. But few people were impressed by these arguments.

A more authoritative theory is the attack by convicts. A prison camp was located not far from these places. And they escaped from the camps. And here tourists with things and food. Or they were killed by the Interior Ministry officers who were chasing the prisoners. They killed at the same time to hide the evidence. But here the catch is that in January-February there were no escapes from the camp. And the bodies of the dead tourists did not have gunshot or stab wounds, so it is unclear how they were killed by the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - hardly a severe reprimand.

Meteorite or secret weapon of the USSR

Lovers of the paranormal claim that a secret complex for testing nuclear or supersonic weapons is hidden in the mountains of the Urals. It was such tests that travelers from the Dyatlov group could run into. This explains their chaotic flight and traces of radiation on their clothes. However, skeptics say that there are no and never were military training grounds in the district. But who will listen to them - after all, the tests were secret.


Moreover, a meteorite. Many witnesses say they saw glowing balls in the sky that evening. And there were scorch marks on the trees, as if from a blast wave. The theory of a fall in the vicinity of a certain celestial body was neither confirmed nor refuted, since the case was quickly turned down and classified.

Three main versions for today

The reality, from which investigators of the prosecutor's office repel, is more boring than fictions. They see avalanche, snowboard and hurricane as the main causes. The criminal version is completely swept aside. They do not speak about mystical seriously.


Most likely, the experienced tourists of the Dyatlov group were ruined by negligence and weather conditions. The sudden gathering of a dense and heavy snow block onto the tent came as a shock, and people, fleeing the avalanche, ran down the slope. But no avalanche followed. Many were wounded by the blow. In the dark, they got lost and froze.


But if everything is so banal and obvious, why send an entire task force again, especially after 60 years? Another mystery and a new wave of assumptions is a terrible secret, not otherwise. Here it is worth doubting that "the truth is somewhere nearby"

Arthur Matveev
