Secrets of history 2024, October

Burn, You Cannot Pardon - Alternative View

Burn, You Cannot Pardon - Alternative View

Alena Arzamasskaya is an atypical character in our history. She is pompously called “Russian Jeanne d'Arc” for organizing the uprising and a similar death.Alena's life cannot be called happy. She worked hard and became a widow early. After burying her husband, the woman remarried - to God, becoming a nun. Ale

Admiral Nagumo's Mistake - Alternative View

Admiral Nagumo's Mistake - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 20th century, American political circles provided moral and diplomatic support to the Japanese Empire in its confrontation with the Russian Empire

Legends Of Kizhi - Alternative View

Legends Of Kizhi - Alternative View

This year, a wooden pearl of Russia - The Transfiguration Church of Kizhi celebrates its 300th anniversary. One of the most recognizable symbols of Russia, this ancient church has gathered around itself many of the most amazing legends for three centuries

Abode In Russian Palestine - Alternative View

Abode In Russian Palestine - Alternative View

Ancient church legends say that during the bloody persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, many adherents of the new faith scattered around the world in search of a refuge

Floating Temple "St. Nicholas The Wonderworker" - Alternative View

Floating Temple "St. Nicholas The Wonderworker" - Alternative View

There was a church in the Caspian Sea in 1910-1915 Few people know that in the Caspian at the beginning of the 20th century. not only passenger and fishing vessels, warships, oil tankers, barges, etc. Its waters plowed and … a floating temple

Discovered The Oldest Christian Church - Alternative View

Discovered The Oldest Christian Church - Alternative View

In the Turkish historical area of Cappadocia, another underground city was discovered, which, as archaeologists are convinced, hid the oldest Christian church in history

"USSR, Emperors And Church" Or Who Actually Betrayed Russia And The People? - Alternative View

"USSR, Emperors And Church" Or Who Actually Betrayed Russia And The People? - Alternative View

After the collapse of the USSR, monarchical nostalgia for tsarist Russia began to revive. But, indeed, there was an Orthodox millennial Russia with its own traditions, and then Lenin came with the German ideas of revolution and "destroyed everything that was acquired by overwork

Nefertiti Rests In The Cairo Museum - Alternative View

Nefertiti Rests In The Cairo Museum - Alternative View

The most famous of the most beautiful women who have ever visited our sinful land is the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. And I must admit that it is considered by right

In The Slums Of Cairo, A Statue Of The Pharaoh Was Dug Up - Alternative View

In The Slums Of Cairo, A Statue Of The Pharaoh Was Dug Up - Alternative View

All the same, ancient places are ancient places. Well, what can you find interesting here? Well, some kind of skull a couple of hundred years ago. But poking around in the slums of Cairo, you can find a huge statue of the pharaoh a couple of thousand years old

When Was The French Language Created? - Alternative View

When Was The French Language Created? - Alternative View

The first decree to consider French as the state language throughout France was written by King Francis I in 1539. But that decree was not a direct guide to action, but just a good wish. The French language was yet to be created by future generations

What Was Ancient Palmyra - Alternative View

What Was Ancient Palmyra - Alternative View

Palmyra.Its beauty is quiet, natural, the city seems to continue the surrounding nature.- Salik.bizFrom the yellow sand of a valley lined with lilac hills,columns with capitals - curly, like the crowns of palm trees, rise.nMany people say about such places, “What to see there? A

Mysterious Island: A Settlement That Disappeared 415 Years Ago - Alternative View

Mysterious Island: A Settlement That Disappeared 415 Years Ago - Alternative View

The soldiers walked barely audibly on the ground, holding the arquebus at the ready. The billowing smoke of the fire, seen an hour ago, became a signal - they are calling for help. By the time the squad arrived, it was already dark

Russia And Europe: An Inverted History - Alternative View

Russia And Europe: An Inverted History - Alternative View

Domestic thinkers saw one of the tasks of our country in taking humanity away from one-sided development. The author and historian Valery SHAMBAROV opens the rubric about the original image of Russia, not imposed by stereotypes, its true place in the world community by comparing the Western and Russian past:Why she needed to play catch-up is implied automatically

Tsar's Dogs And Sadists In Stripes - Alternative View

Tsar's Dogs And Sadists In Stripes - Alternative View

The Cossacks looked very pale in subsequent wars: the Russian-Turkish and the Russian-Japanese.Their purpose was different: to serve as a police force, punitive detachments in the late Russian Empire. The Cossacks primarily acted as punitive dogs for the pigs of the “elite” of Romanov Russia. For

The Shooting Of The (hungry) People In Washington In 1932 - Alternative View

The Shooting Of The (hungry) People In Washington In 1932 - Alternative View

Recently, unique footage appeared, which confirmed that in the USA in 1932 in Washington, the police and the army destroyed and shot with tanks the tent camp of World War I veteransA rare video about those events:- Salik.bizWashington Tiananmen in its purest form …nIn 1932, a "Hunger March" was organized for unemployed (unarmed) World War I veterans with their families to the capital. R

Corn - Gift Of The Gods - Alternative View

Corn - Gift Of The Gods - Alternative View

The history of corn, which we often eat canned in salads or as popcorn, goes back a long way. And there are many dark spots in the origin of this very widespread cereal throughout the world

"Party Gold" - Lost Treasures Of The USSR - Alternative View

"Party Gold" - Lost Treasures Of The USSR - Alternative View

In 1991, 11 billion disappeared from the vaults of the State Bank. In addition, the gold reserve, which at that time was 240 tons, disappeared without a trace. As it turned out later, 240 tons of - shockingly small number

Golden Horses Of Batu Khan: Disappeared Treasure Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

Golden Horses Of Batu Khan: Disappeared Treasure Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

“Having approached closer, we realized that it was two life-size golden statues of horses shining in the rays of the rising sun. How much gold was spent on this miracle and how rich is the khan

Berezina Instead Of The Ganges. 205 Years Ago, Russia Blocked Napoleon's Road To India - Alternative View

Berezina Instead Of The Ganges. 205 Years Ago, Russia Blocked Napoleon's Road To India - Alternative View

In May 1812, Napoleon completed the development of a plan for a war with Russia. The conquest of our country, and what's next in his intentions? It turns out India. She was supposed to be French

Forbidden Treasures Of Vishnu Temple - Alternative View

Forbidden Treasures Of Vishnu Temple - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 18th century, the principality of Travancor was formed in the south-west of the Indian subcontinent. For many centuries, busy trade routes passed through its territory

What Does The Word "Rus" Mean: The Main Versions Of - Alternative View

What Does The Word "Rus" Mean: The Main Versions Of - Alternative View

We call ourselves Russians, we are arguing about the Russian idea and we consider Russia the heiress of Ancient Rus, not even knowing the original meaning of the word "Rus". Slavic version The evidence base here is as follows. In the VIII-IX centuries

Head For The Throne - Alternative View

Head For The Throne - Alternative View

These eerie archaeological artifacts are not fakes. They are systematically found all over the world. Strange elongated skulls have become a real nightmare for scientists who have been struggling to solve this ugly phenomenon for many years

The Secret Of The Elongated Skull - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Elongated Skull - Alternative View

Three kilometers from the reserve "Arkaim" in the Kizil district of the Chelyabinsk region on July 18, scientists discovered a unique burial

A Christmas Tale: How True Is The Story We Hear At Christmas? - Alternative View

A Christmas Tale: How True Is The Story We Hear At Christmas? - Alternative View

Christmas is approaching, and in every city there are nativity scenes with such classic historical details as the birth of Jesus in a manger, the Star of Bethlehem and the Magi. But which of these details can be called historically valid

The Mystery Of The Collapse Of The Egyptian Bridge In St. Petersburg, Or The Legend Of The Prophecy Of The Sphinxes - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Collapse Of The Egyptian Bridge In St. Petersburg, Or The Legend Of The Prophecy Of The Sphinxes - Alternative View

In St. Petersburg, many places have a mystical history of existence. Since its inception, the Egyptian Bridge has been surrounded by legends and rumors. Their new surge occurred in 1905, after the unexpected collapse of the bridge

Blavatsky - The Messenger Of The Mahatmas? - Alternative View

Blavatsky - The Messenger Of The Mahatmas? - Alternative View

People uninitiated probably heard of her as a famous occultist. But this is not entirely true: Blavatsky was one of the founders of the doctrine that united science, religion and philosophy, and was also an amazing person in herself …Elena Gan was born in 1831 in Yekaterinoslav. H

A Secret Room With A "witch" Library Of Himmler Was Discovered In Prague - Alternative View

A Secret Room With A "witch" Library Of Himmler Was Discovered In Prague - Alternative View

Heinrich Himmler - one of the main figures of the Third Reich, Reichsfuehrer SS, head of the Gestapo during the Holocaust. An agronomist by profession, he believed in the chosenness of the German nation, whose representatives he considered true Aryans

Why Was That Bridge Called Kalinov? - Alternative View

Why Was That Bridge Called Kalinov? - Alternative View

They come to the river Smorodina, see - human bones lie all over the bank, everything around is burned by fire, the whole Russian land is watered with blood. There is a hut on chicken legs near Kalinov Bridge …In Russian folk tales, the Kalinov Bridge on the Smorodina River is more than once encountered, where the hero fights the monster: "The Battle on the Kalinov Bridge", "Ivan Bykovich", "Ivan, a peasant son and a peasant himself with a finger, a mustache seven miles away"

As A Result Of The Mutiny On The Bounty, A New Colony Appeared - - Alternative View

As A Result Of The Mutiny On The Bounty, A New Colony Appeared - - Alternative View

230 years ago, members of the crew of the British ship "Bounty" revolted, which led to a chain of dramatic events. Captain William Bligh, removed from control of the ship, and his supporters survived on a small boat and were able to return to England

Why Did Lenin Give The Turks Mount Ararat - Alternative View

Why Did Lenin Give The Turks Mount Ararat - Alternative View

Mount Ararat, somewhere on the slopes of which, according to legend, the remains of Noah's Ark lie, is considered one of the symbols of Armenia, but in fact it is located on the territory of neighboring Turkey

Mystical Legends Of BAM - Alternative View

Mystical Legends Of BAM - Alternative View

"We will build a highway from Baikal to the Amur" - These words of the Soviet song, popular in the 70s of the last century, were probably familiar to everyone in the USSR. BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) is one of the largest railway lines in the world

With Calendars, Everything Is Simple - Alternative View

With Calendars, Everything Is Simple - Alternative View

WITH CALENDARS - EVERYTHING IS SIMPLE … (part 1)The ancient Egyptian SOTIC calendar, originating in the 01 century AD, was considered PERFECT (the names of the calendar months are taken modern): (the number of days is the name of the month):-

Golden Woman In The Urals: Search For An Idol - Alternative View

Golden Woman In The Urals: Search For An Idol - Alternative View

For fifteen hundred years, attempts to capture the ancient deity of the peoples of the north of Russia: the Ugrians, Voguls and Ostyaks, the ancestors of the present Khanty and Mansi, did not stop. We are talking about a sacred pagan idol - a statue of the Great Mother cast from pure gold, a goddess who gives a person a soul

Ancient Mines, Probably Dug By Children - Alternative View

Ancient Mines, Probably Dug By Children - Alternative View

From the top of Great Orme Hill, the landscape seems incredibly calm - and ndash; the gentle slopes of green meadows and the pastoral picture of plowing extend all the way to the Irish Sea

How Uranium Was Mined In The USSR - Alternative View

How Uranium Was Mined In The USSR - Alternative View

The myth that uranium ore in the Soviet Union was mined exclusively by death row inmates arose, possibly due to the fact that this topic was initially supervised by Lavrentiy Beria personally, since it was part of a large-scale “atomic project”

The Mystery Of Batu's Golden Arrow - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Batu's Golden Arrow - Alternative View

In the Penza region, during archaeological excavations a couple of years ago, traces of an unknown battle dating back to the 13th century and the ruins of a fortress dating from the same time were discovered. There is not a single mention of a battle in these places in the chronicles

A 5000-year-old Cemetery Of "giants" Was Found In China - Alternative View

A 5000-year-old Cemetery Of "giants" Was Found In China - Alternative View

In the PRC, a cemetery was discovered where people-"giants" were buried with a height of at least 190 cm. The age of the burials is 5000 years.The growth of the ancient inhabitants of Europe was 1.5-1.6 meters, and compared with them, the Chinese of that era are real giants

The Second Terracotta Army Was Found At One Of The Pyramids In China - Alternative View

The Second Terracotta Army Was Found At One Of The Pyramids In China - Alternative View

This article looked at interesting observations on how the terracotta army was dug up and exemplary technology - how all these thousands of sculptures could be made.It turns out that there is another terracotta army and it was buried near another earthen pyramid in Xi'an:- Salik

Southerner Cities Destroyed During The American Civil War - Alternative View

Southerner Cities Destroyed During The American Civil War - Alternative View

Pictured are Charleston, Atlanta and Richmond. Basically, this is Richmond in 1865, with the exception of photo 1 (Charleston) and a couple of photos with Atlanta. Isn't it all very similar to the photo with the consequences of the great Chicago fire of 1871 or to the photo of the destroyed Paris during the Paris Commune of 1871