"USSR, Emperors And Church" Or Who Actually Betrayed Russia And The People? - Alternative View

"USSR, Emperors And Church" Or Who Actually Betrayed Russia And The People? - Alternative View
"USSR, Emperors And Church" Or Who Actually Betrayed Russia And The People? - Alternative View

Video: "USSR, Emperors And Church" Or Who Actually Betrayed Russia And The People? - Alternative View

Video: Михалков - власть, гимн, BadComedian (English subs) 2024, September

After the collapse of the USSR, monarchical nostalgia for tsarist Russia began to revive. But, indeed, there was an Orthodox millennial Russia with its own traditions, and then Lenin came with the German ideas of revolution and "destroyed everything that was acquired by overwork." The Bolsheviks allowed a fratricidal war, unthinkable for the Russians, and made a "zone" out of the country. Remembering the power and romance of the Russian Empire, especially from historical films, you involuntarily want to return the priest-tsar and the rest of the Romanov gadgets.

Emperor Nicholas II, Patriarch Nikon, JV Stalin
Emperor Nicholas II, Patriarch Nikon, JV Stalin

Emperor Nicholas II, Patriarch Nikon, JV Stalin.

That's how you look, and yes, the Bolsheviks are the main villains: they mutilated the people, destroyed history, killed the tsar, destroyed the church and the village.

And it turns out that "the USSR is an anomaly of Russia and a prison of peoples," which interrupted the good development of a great power. But with all the excesses, alas, it was the "anomaly", but rather the phenomenon of the USSR, that preserved the correct, people's Russia, however, as much as he could. How so? Let's figure it out!

Let's start with what is Russia? For the common man in the street, the history of Russia is a series of names with Roman numerals until 1917. But Russia is primarily a Russian multinational people, it accounted for 85-90% of the country's population. These are peasants, working people, and burghers. Their life was formed quite apart from the decisions of the ruling elite. And the reforms and wars caused only damage to the common Russian people.

The Romanov dynasty
The Romanov dynasty

The Romanov dynasty.

After the turmoil with the accession of the Romanov-Koshkins, a new state appeared in Russia. After three generations of tsars, Russia acquired someone else's spirituality, the roots of which were found abroad. Church schism and a window to Europe began to oppress the spirit of the people with alien Western values. Two Russia was formed, one - the Russian Empire, which shared power with the "Germans". She lived by Western concepts, subordinated the church to her interests, and perceived her people as a colony; the second - people's Russia, it had its own Orthodox aspirations, old spirituality, which helped the people to survive under the incredible oppression of the authorities.

19th century drawing, Child labor in factories in England
19th century drawing, Child labor in factories in England

19th century drawing, Child labor in factories in England.

Promotional video:

What were the enlightened Western values that the Romanovs used to save Russia? In Europe, the world of capitalism was already forming, the concept of the individual arose and was strengthened, which was supported by the Calvinist dogma:

Max Weber explained that the new thinking of Western man required:

All this justified the shameless exploitation of some by others and capitalism. This was even favored by the agricultural climate of Europe, in the mild conditions of which, it was possible to form a surplus product (profit and surplus for active trade).

M. N. Klodt * On arable land * 1879
M. N. Klodt * On arable land * 1879

M. N. Klodt * On arable land * 1879

In Russia, initially everything was different.

The tax oppression of the authorities, the harsh climate forced us to survive.

Russian communality and conciliarity allowed the Russians to endure all the hardships and hardships. Since ancient times, Russians have lived according to the principle "one for all and all for one."

The strength of the Russians lay in the fact that in Russia the economy was organized for the sake of life, and not for the sake of profit. The Russian Empire, on the other hand, ignored the old order, which caused riots and alienated the people from power, and turned them into slaves.

Soviet propaganda poster
Soviet propaganda poster

Soviet propaganda poster.

It was because of the loss of confidence in the authorities and the church that the people supported the Soviet project. Because the revolution was not made according to Marx, but according to the aspirations of the Russian people. The revolution was a response to the spiritual and material colonization of the nation. The USSR returned to the people both conciliarity (councils) and communality (communes). In fact, the Soviet project embodied the spiritual aspirations of the Russians, but ignored religion. Actually, after a couple of decades of searching and suffering, the multinational people of Russia demonstrated to the whole world what they are capable of, and created from the ashes a Great Power - the USSR.

So it turns out that the Romanovs actually surrendered society and the country to Europe, and the USSR returned power to the people and made it possible to continue their development. But already the Soviet man did not have enough foresight and foresight to keep the path that was interrupted by the Russian Empire.
