Secrets of history 2024, October

Polish Fun: Banging Your Head Against Russia - Alternative View

Polish Fun: Banging Your Head Against Russia - Alternative View

Amazing country Poland. Whatever happened to her, she did not change her tradition of blaming the Russians for everything.The Russian emigrant Ivan Solonevich, who arrived in Poland immediately after its defeat by the Wehrmacht in 1939, was surprised to note the following paradox

How The Poles Tried To Cheat Stalin And What Came Of It - Alternative View

How The Poles Tried To Cheat Stalin And What Came Of It - Alternative View

On August 1, 1944, the Warsaw Uprising, which lasted for two months, began, organized against the Germans and … the Russians by armed supporters of the Polish government in exile, hoping to create an anti-Russian regime in Poland with the help of the Red Army.T

The Legendary Castle Was Found In Poland - Alternative View

The Legendary Castle Was Found In Poland - Alternative View

After several years of searching, Polish archaeologists have discovered the ruins of a medieval castle that was the seat of the noble Tsiolek family

Why The Poles Were Unable To Hold Moscow In 1612 - Alternative View

Why The Poles Were Unable To Hold Moscow In 1612 - Alternative View

On November 4, 1612, Kitai-Gorod was liberated from the Poles, and the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, who had come to Moscow on legal grounds two years earlier, were forced to take refuge in the Kremlin, dooming themselves to starvation and defeat

The Story Of One Masterpiece - Alternative View

The Story Of One Masterpiece - Alternative View

Krakow - the ancient capital of Poland and one of the most beautiful cities in the country. He owes his world fame in many respects to the St. Mary's Cathedral, more precisely, to its main shrine - the altar by the German master Faith Stoss

The Polish Question - Alternative View

The Polish Question - Alternative View

During the Grand Embassy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after the death of Jan Sobieski, an interregnum began

Czechs Against Poles! The Seven Day War Of 1919 - Alternative View

Czechs Against Poles! The Seven Day War Of 1919 - Alternative View

On November 11, 1918, the most terrible armed conflict in the history of mankind ended - the First World War. On the wreckage of Empires, new states emerge. However, there is no peace, as young states begin disputes over their borders.Poland also restored its statehood

How The West "threw" Poland With A Fake War With Hitler - Alternative View

How The West "threw" Poland With A Fake War With Hitler - Alternative View

Today Poland, at every opportunity, recalls how it was "occupied" by the Soviet Union, forgetting about where half of the territories in Poland come from, what the Hitler-Pilsudski Pact is and how "European friends" will save it if anything

"Camp Of The Earthworm" - Alternative View

"Camp Of The Earthworm" - Alternative View

This story is rather confusing, little supported by evidence and ignored by official historical science. But somehow the mystery of the Polish town of Kenshitsa fascinates - like the adventures of Indiana Jones, the hero of the beloved film cycle

Skeletons Of "vampires" Were Found In Poland - Alternative View

Skeletons Of "vampires" Were Found In Poland - Alternative View

Polish archaeologists have discovered three extremely unusual burials, writes the Nauka w Polsce edition, on the pages of which material appeared about the remains of medieval people who were executed, probably on charges of vampirism

A Medieval Burial Of "vampires" Has Been Discovered In Poland - Alternative View

A Medieval Burial Of "vampires" Has Been Discovered In Poland - Alternative View

Eastern Europe has long been famous for its legend of "immortals", so it is not surprising that Polish mortals in the Middle Ages were especially afraid that vampires could return to life

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral In Warsaw - Alternative View

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral In Warsaw - Alternative View

At one time, Warsaw was rich not only in Catholic cathedrals, which, of course, are its main decoration, but also in Orthodox churches

The Cursed Treasure Of The Incas In A Polish Castle - Alternative View

The Cursed Treasure Of The Incas In A Polish Castle - Alternative View

On the rise to the Niedzica Castle (Zamek w Niedzicy, aka Dunajec Castle) in the Polish region of Spis (Eastern Tatras) there is a sign "Caution, ghost!"

TOP 10 Castles And Palaces To Visit In Poland - Alternative View

TOP 10 Castles And Palaces To Visit In Poland - Alternative View

Poland has many castles open to tourists. Alas, not everyone has ghosts. But in some of them you can stay overnight, take part in a knightly tournament and taste old dishes

Enchanted Mountains And Caves - Alternative View

Enchanted Mountains And Caves - Alternative View

Folklore experts are well aware of the stories of enchanted mountains and caves

Builder Of The Mother See - Alternative View

Builder Of The Mother See - Alternative View

“Moscow was created by three Ivans: Ivan Kalita, Ivan the Third and Ivan the Terrible” - this is how the most authoritative researcher of Moscow architecture P.N.Maksimov often began his lectures about our capital

Incredible Tools In The Writings Of The Philosopher Roger Bacon - Alternative View

Incredible Tools In The Writings Of The Philosopher Roger Bacon - Alternative View

Roger Bacon, who lived in the 13th century, was nicknamed "The Amazing Doctor" for a reason. He was a Franciscan monk, at the same time a philosopher and natural scientist. Among other things, he was fond of esotericism and, judging by his work "Opus Tertium", belonged to a narrow circle of people who knew the secret of the philosopher's stone

Why The Germans Were United With The Germans. The Origin Of The Term Germans - Alternative View

Why The Germans Were United With The Germans. The Origin Of The Term Germans - Alternative View

The process of destruction of the Great Russian civilization did not end in the 19th century; it continued in the middle of the 20th century, when the remains of non-capital Orthodox villages and settlements in Siberia were destroyed.The Autonomous SSR of the Volga Germans existed as part of the RSFSR from December 19, 1923

How Did The Inca Empire Die? - Alternative View

How Did The Inca Empire Die? - Alternative View

In 1531, Francisco Pizarro was the first to land on the coast of what is now Ecuador. There he discovered an empire that stretched nearly three thousand miles along the western coast of South America. It was the great empire of the Incas

Geneticists Have Found The Homeland Of The Rulers Of The Inca Empire - Alternative View

Geneticists Have Found The Homeland Of The Rulers Of The Inca Empire - Alternative View

DNA analysis of the descendants of the last rulers of the Inca empire showed that the ancestors of the legendary Huayna Kapaca and other "sons of the Sun" lived in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, as the legends of the Indians tell about it, according to the article published in the magazine Mo

The Secret Of The Empire Of The Incas And The Mysterious "warriors Of The Clouds" Is Revealed - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Empire Of The Incas And The Mysterious "warriors Of The Clouds" Is Revealed - Alternative View

DNA analysis of the inhabitants of the highlands of Peru showed that many tribes of the highlanders fought for a long time with the Inca empire during its heyday, but did not submit to them even after the conquest of their territories

Conqueror Of The Inca Empire Francisco Pizarro - Alternative View

Conqueror Of The Inca Empire Francisco Pizarro - Alternative View

Francisco Pizarro (born about 1471 or 1476 - death on June 26, 1541) - great conquistador of Spain. Conqueror of the Inca empire. Founder of the city of Lima. Was killed by his own soldiers

Siberian Scientists Have Found Out How In Ancient Times, Doctors Performed Craniotomy - Alternative View

Siberian Scientists Have Found Out How In Ancient Times, Doctors Performed Craniotomy - Alternative View

The fact that in antiquity they performed operations to open the skull to people is a well-known fact that is increasingly being confirmed. Recently, an article was published in an English-language scientific journal that the technique of craniotomy in Siberia has been restored

People Performed Craniotomy Of Cows 5 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

People Performed Craniotomy Of Cows 5 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

People performed craniotomy of cows 5.4 thousand years ago. This conclusion was made by scientists from the French institute CNRS. Researchers are interested in a hole in the skull of one of the cows that lived more than 5 thousand years ago

Inky - Craniotomy Specialists? - Alternative View

Inky - Craniotomy Specialists? - Alternative View

When Ephraim George Squier, an American diplomat and anthropologist, embarked on a trip to Peru in 1863, he never imagined that it would promise him the most unexpected discoveries. He went there for antiquities

Mystical Vlad Tepes: A Myth About Vampirism Or Reality? - Alternative View

Mystical Vlad Tepes: A Myth About Vampirism Or Reality? - Alternative View

Every horror lover has heard of such a legendary person as Vlad Tepes

Ancient And Mystical Runes - Alternative View

Ancient And Mystical Runes - Alternative View

The runes combine the data of past years and future events - at least the ancient tribes were sure of this, and the current fans of the occult support the same point of view. Where did these signs come from, and why have runes occupy a special role in culture for so long?

Trepanation - A Miracle Of Ancient Medicine - Alternative View

Trepanation - A Miracle Of Ancient Medicine - Alternative View

Nowadays, when it comes to surgical intervention, a sterile operating room immediately appears in front of our eyes, where a patient under the influence of anesthesia is operated on by specialists armed with the finest medical instruments

Escape From The USSR In Flippers - Alternative View

Escape From The USSR In Flippers - Alternative View

Stanislav Vasilievich Kurilov, a scientist-oceanographer, on December 13, 1974, fled from the Soviet Union right in his flippers. What could lead to the fact that the scientist decided to flee his country, and even in this form?Kurilov did not make such a decision spontaneously

Inca Nodal Writing - Alternative View

Inca Nodal Writing - Alternative View

Today in museums and private collections there are only 600 miraculously preserved copies of the ancient kipu: Archaeologist Robert Ascher at Cornell University believes that about 20% of them are not numeric. Back in 1981

Bloody Gold Of The Incas - Alternative View

Bloody Gold Of The Incas - Alternative View

The lost gold of the Incas is considered one of the greatest unexplored treasures in the world … A terrible story The era of the conquest of America was marked by a considerable number of tragedies

Inca Gold - Alternative View

Inca Gold - Alternative View

The golden city of the Incas "Gold" - this magic word, attracted the Spaniards across the Atlantic Ocean … When the Indian asked why white people love gold so much, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez replied only “they suffer from a special disease

Versions: The Mercury Gold Of The Incas Influenced The Genes Of Europeans - Alternative View

Versions: The Mercury Gold Of The Incas Influenced The Genes Of Europeans - Alternative View

The fearless Spaniards who conquered America had no idea how dangerous the gold of the Incas was. After all, ancient civilizations mined gold with the help of mercury, which slowly but surely kills not only the owner of the treasure himself, but even his future offspring

The Lost Gold Of The Incas - Alternative View

The Lost Gold Of The Incas - Alternative View

"Gold" - here is the magic word that attracted the Spaniards across the Atlantic Ocean

The Afterlife Retinue Of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi - Terracotta Army - Alternative View

The Afterlife Retinue Of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi - Terracotta Army - Alternative View

1897 - digging a well 2 km east of a high burial mound marking the burial place of the first Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang, located east of the city of Xian in the Chinese province of Shaanxi, a peasant and his 10 years old

Russian Regiment Of The Chinese Emperor - Alternative View

Russian Regiment Of The Chinese Emperor - Alternative View

Beijing. First half of the XIV century. The Chinese emperor inspects his troops. Pedestrian and horse regiments pass in straight rows in front of the platform. But what is it? Following the next regiment, consisting of yellow-faced narrow-eyed Asians, there are tall stocky fair-headed warriors, obvious Europeans

Qin Shi Huang. The First Emperor Of China - Alternative View

Qin Shi Huang. The First Emperor Of China - Alternative View

In Russian school textbooks on history, ancient China is not told in great detail. Hardly everyone understands that the III century BC. eh

The Secret Of The Serpent Shafts - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Serpent Shafts - Alternative View

There is an area of primordial Russia, outlined by three rivers - the Dnieper, Irpen and Stugnaya, crossed from north to south by a ridge of outlier hills, which have long been known in our country as mountains. Green steep mountains run from Vyshgorod to Tripillya, recalling the time when a glacier was moving here with a monstrous plow, plowing the Dnieper bed … Along the banks of Troyorechye from immemorial, almost glacial times, local and alien tribes sat down, smashed the

The Tragedy Of A Persecuted Nation: How The Jews Were Expelled In The 15th Century From Spain And Portugal - Alternative View

The Tragedy Of A Persecuted Nation: How The Jews Were Expelled In The 15th Century From Spain And Portugal - Alternative View

"In the same month, when their majesties issued a decree that all Jews should be expelled from the territory of the kingdom, in the same month they gave me the order to go on an expedition to India."

What Do The Names Of The Months - Alternative View

What Do The Names Of The Months - Alternative View

Everything that concerns the emperors and commanders, we are aware of and seems to be the truth, but the rest of the months seem to me to be "pulled by the ears." Not?Remembering …- Salik.bizMarchnThe name March (lat. Martius) comes from the name of the Roman god Mars - the god of war. I