Polish Fun: Banging Your Head Against Russia - Alternative View

Polish Fun: Banging Your Head Against Russia - Alternative View
Polish Fun: Banging Your Head Against Russia - Alternative View

Video: Polish Fun: Banging Your Head Against Russia - Alternative View

Video: Polish Fun: Banging Your Head Against Russia - Alternative View
Video: Russians are NOT Slavs? 2024, July

Amazing country Poland. Whatever happened to her, she did not change her tradition of blaming the Russians for everything.

The Russian emigrant Ivan Solonevich, who arrived in Poland immediately after its defeat by the Wehrmacht in 1939, was surprised to note the following paradox. Occupied and exterminated by the Germans, the Poles continued to regard the Russians as the culprits of all their troubles.

Almost eighty years have passed since then. But the tradition of blaming Russia for everything in Poland not only has not disappeared anywhere, but, on the contrary, has turned almost into a national idea. In recent years, it has reached the point of complete absurdity. Vladimir Putin was not invited to commemorative events on September 1, 2019, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. According to a statement by the administration of the Polish president, this decision was caused by the fact that the USSR was the aggressor. At the same time, they did not forget to invite Angela Merkel. The fact that modern Germany is officially the legal successor of the Third Reich did not bother any of the Polish politicians.

Moreover, Warsaw came up with the idea of declaring NATO a "bearer of values" and a "continuer of the traditions" of the anti-Hitler coalition. Germany, which is part of the Euro-Atlantic bloc, was also among the "fighters against Nazism."

Finally, having reversed the places of the victors and the defeated, they decided to demand reparations from Russia. I'm not kidding. The calculation of the amount of reparations was taken up by the Committee for the Payment of Reparations of the Polish Seim. Polish parliamentarians proceed from the premise that "the USSR inflicted colossal material damage to Poland during the Second World War."

They act on the principle: the more absurd, the better. Realizing perfectly well that nothing can be achieved from Russia, they still go ahead. But, as historical experience shows, such behavior is characteristic of the West only in one case: if there is an urgent need to hide some of your crime, shifting the responsibility to the Russians.

In the case of Poland, we are talking about a large-scale financial scam that led to bloody consequences. Her story is as follows.

After the end of the First World War, London, Washington and Paris supported the creation of a new state in the western lands of the Russian Empire - the Polish Republic. The basis of this, the second in a row, Rzeczpospolita was formed by the territories of the former Vistula region. At that time, thanks to pre-war Russian investments, this region was one of the most industrialized in the world. To further strengthen the newly formed state, the Entente allowed Warsaw to annex to itself also oil-rich Galicia and part of the industrial basin of the German Empire - Silesia.

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Thanks to all this, the Second Rzeczpospolita turned into one of the largest economies in Europe and with such a potential could achieve tremendous success. But the point is that Washington and London did not need competitors. They were not reviving the Polish state in order to do good to the Poles. On the contrary, they did everything to restrain the economic development of the revived country. First of all, due to the destructive policy of the West, the volume of industrial production of the entire Polish Republic in 1938 was 1.5 times lower than that produced only on the territory of the Vistula region in 1913.

The revival of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was necessary for the British and American bankers to create an offshore transit zone near the borders of Soviet Russia. It was supposed to export Russian resources through this zone and at the same time evade taxes. It is no coincidence that the final formation of the new Polish state took place following the results of the Riga Treaty of 1921. In it, the Poles obtained consent from the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR to pay reparations of 48 million gold rubles, as well as to conclude an onerous trade agreement with Warsaw. And all would be fine, but the excessive arrogance of the Poles buried the entire enterprise. During the negotiations on the signing of the trade agreement, they not only put forward sky-high demands to the Soviet representatives, but also decided to humiliate them. A number of provocations were organized against Soviet diplomats. It came down to their murders.

In 1926, Soviet diplomatic couriers were killed on the Riga-Moscow train. The killers are Polish officers, however, at that time retired. In 1927, the Soviet ambassador to Poland was killed in Warsaw. In 1933, the secretary of the consulate general in Lvov was killed. They aimed at the Consul General himself.

Under such conditions, a trade deal became impossible. But with its collapse, Poland lost its main value for the Anglo-American bankers. The only lot they left for the Poles in this situation is to be a victim of financial scams. One of them was carried out after the military came to power in Poland in 1926 with the approval of the United States and Great Britain. First of all, the new masters of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth issued a law according to which the Bank of Poland was removed from the control of the state and transferred under the control of an American "adviser". The right to issue the zloty actually ended up in the hands of the Anglo-Americans. They immediately began large-scale speculation. One of these speculations was the massive issue of bonds against non-existent foreign loans.


Thanks to this, only in the first five years, after the Americans began to manage the Bank of Poland, that is, from 1928 to 1933, Western capital withdrew funds from the Republic of Poland in the amount of 1 billion 333 million zlotys. But, like any financial pyramid, the Polish one also could not be durable. From the end of 1937, the period began when it was necessary to pay money on bonds issued against non-existent foreign loans. Of course, no one was going to do this. In this situation, the best solution for the authors of this scam was the destruction of the Polish state. In fact, they did it.

The British and French convinced the Poles to get involved in the war with Germany, while rejecting the alliance with the USSR. They promised Warsaw military assistance, but, as it should be between the "real allies", they stayed on the sidelines. But they did not forget to transport the Polish gold reserves to the Bank of England. More about the fate of 105 tons of yellow metal, which guaranteed the redemption of bonds of the Bank of Poland, was not heard.

In this situation, it is easy to guess who was most interested in the genocide of the Polish people. It is not for nothing that even in the ancient Roman law there was a maxim "Cui prodest" - "Seek who benefits." In the event of the total extermination of the Polish nation, the Anglo-American bankers got rid of claims about their financial scams in the Second Commonwealth, as well as from demands for the return of Polish gold. To deflect any suspicion, it was best to blame … the Russians.

Alas, this would have been impossible if the history of 80 years ago had taught the Poles at least something. But no, she didn't. Therefore, the Third Rzeczpospolita exactly repeats the path of the Second.

In this situation, it remains only to recall the following quote by Ivan Solonevich: “Traditional Polish fun: teasing the Russians … Starting from Boleslaw the Bold, who seized Kiev at the beginning of the thirteenth century, ending with the same seizure of the same Kiev by Joseph Pilsudski at the beginning of the twentieth, Poland broke your head about Russia. And, having finally smashed it, she cried to the whole world at Russian imperialism."

Yuri Gorodnenko