Secrets of history 2024, October

Finding Or Losing The Crown Of Janibek - Unique Artifact Of The Golden Horde? - Alternative View

Finding Or Losing The Crown Of Janibek - Unique Artifact Of The Golden Horde? - Alternative View

In August 1834, in the house of the governor of the city of Saratov, Fyodor Lukich Pereverzev, a dinner party was held on the occasion of the reception of the German shepherd - missionary Heinrich August Zwick

The Portal Is A Secret Object Of The USSR - Alternative View

The Portal Is A Secret Object Of The USSR - Alternative View

According to the plans of the military, the planes were supposed to pick up nuclear ammunition from this facility for delivery to the United States. And that's not all. The Soviet era left us many secrets and mysteries, and the more distant the region, the more there are

A Unique Mayan Pendant Found In Belize - Alternative View

A Unique Mayan Pendant Found In Belize - Alternative View

Archaeologists at the University of California, San Diego have discovered a large jade pendant that they believe may have belonged to a Mayan ruler. The find was made at Nim Lee Punit in southern Belize in 2015

The Mystery Of Hitler's Death: Unique Documents Revealed In The FSB Archives - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Hitler's Death: Unique Documents Revealed In The FSB Archives - Alternative View

And they explained the situation with the DNA examination of the remains of the main Nazi. Everything that was left of Evil fit in one palm. I hold Hitler's jaw in my hands. The Fuhrer of Germany clearly did not shore his teeth: most of them are artificial, made of gold

The Worst Fairy Tale. Why Did Bluebeard Kill His Wives? - Alternative View

The Worst Fairy Tale. Why Did Bluebeard Kill His Wives? - Alternative View

Bluebeard "is considered one of the worst fairy tales. Meanwhile, its background is much more interesting than the banal morality laid down by Charles Perrault.Let us recall the plot of this fairy tale by Charles Perrault, first published in 1697

Hitler And The Failed Beer Putsch Attempt. Germany. Munich - 1923 - Alternative View

Hitler And The Failed Beer Putsch Attempt. Germany. Munich - 1923 - Alternative View

The Beer Putsch (also known as the Hitler-Ludendorff putsch) is an attempt to seize power by the NSDAP led by Hitler and General Ludendorff on November 9, 1923 in Munich. The spring of 1923 was marked by severe crises in Germany

How The Legionaries Of Rome Executed The Defeated Enemies - Alternative View

How The Legionaries Of Rome Executed The Defeated Enemies - Alternative View

Roman legionnaires cut off the heads of the Celts and brought them to London. This is the conclusion reached by English archaeologists studying the mystery of 39 skulls found in a pit in central London

Homunculus: Creating Little Men In Alchemy - Alternative View

Homunculus: Creating Little Men In Alchemy - Alternative View

Science has made great progress over the past century. But the scientific community is faced with numerous ethical problems, for example, artificially creating life. For some, this is a logical continuation of scientific development

Way Of The Cross Of The Apostle Peter - Alternative View

Way Of The Cross Of The Apostle Peter - Alternative View

As the "Chronicle of Church Events" narrates, in the 31st summer from the birth of Christ, the Savior chose twelve most worthy men among the most solid adherents of the new faith. Including Peter, whom he made his apostle

The Catastrophe In The Bag Of Storms - Alternative View

The Catastrophe In The Bag Of Storms - Alternative View

In the late 1950s, on the Thames, near the London suburb of Battersea, a motorboat carrying two hundred tons of oil sank. Hundreds of swans floating in the river were soaked in the oily black liquid. Birds were in danger of death

Medical Experiments On Humans - Alternative View

Medical Experiments On Humans - Alternative View

Many people think that the Nazis were the first to conduct experiments on humans. This opinion is wrong. Both before and after the Nazis, scientists, doctors, psychologists often used people (including children!) As guinea pigs. There are many examples, but we will focus only on a few

On A Map Of America In 1562, A Drawing Of A Mermaid With A Strange Object In Her Hands Was Discovered - - Alternative View

On A Map Of America In 1562, A Drawing Of A Mermaid With A Strange Object In Her Hands Was Discovered - - Alternative View

An unusual drawing was discovered on a map of the American continent dated 1562. This detailed description was made by the Spanish cartographer Diego Gutierrez and consists of drawings and arrangement of objects

The Golden Coffin Of Tsarevich Dmitry - Alternative View

The Golden Coffin Of Tsarevich Dmitry - Alternative View

A stunning piece of jewelry, a kind of ancient Russian "mask of Tutankhamun". The youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, as you know, died mysteriously (in 1591), which allowed Godunov to ascend the throne. Then the confusion began with False Dmitry

Grieving Mother's Ring - Alternative View

Grieving Mother's Ring - Alternative View

In 2001, in the vicinity of Rome, archaeologists were fortunate enough to find an undiluted family tomb from the beginning of the 1st century AD. with two marble sarcophagi inside.The most emotional find was a gold ring with gem-quality rock crystal

The Great Thought Of Catherine II - Alternative View

The Great Thought Of Catherine II - Alternative View

Part oneWho knows that Empress Catherine II devoted her royal time to science and literature, reading the works of great thinkers and people of the state. One evening in 1784, she came up with a great idea, which is very important for clarifying the prehistoric fate of mankind, laying a solid foundation for a new science and refuting the faithfulness of the earliest biblical traditions

Goodbye, "unwashed Russia" - Alternative View

Goodbye, "unwashed Russia" - Alternative View

The opinion is popular among Western historians that Russia has almost always been a technically and culturally backward country. Only in certain periods did she manage to join the progress carried by the Europeans

In 1967, In China, An Entire Village Disappeared Overnight - - Alternative View

In 1967, In China, An Entire Village Disappeared Overnight - - Alternative View

It happened back in 1967 already. In just one night, the Chinese village, along with all its inhabitants, disappeared from the face of the earth

The British Were The Most Brutal: How The Colonialists Exterminated The Indians On The Island Of St. Kitts - Alternative View

The British Were The Most Brutal: How The Colonialists Exterminated The Indians On The Island Of St. Kitts - Alternative View

395 years ago, the British founded the first colony in the Caribbean - the settlement of St. Christopher, which is now called Old Road Town. The construction of a port on the island of Saint Kitts has allowed London to significantly increase its influence in the region

Russia Turned Into Europe After The Change Of The Gods: What Do The Runic Inscriptions On The Crosses Say - Alternative View

Russia Turned Into Europe After The Change Of The Gods: What Do The Runic Inscriptions On The Crosses Say - Alternative View

The final blow to "Old English literature" What language was spoken in the British Isles before the 8th century?

Work On The Land For Russian Peasants At The Beginning Of The Twentieth Century Was Unprofitable - Alternative View

Work On The Land For Russian Peasants At The Beginning Of The Twentieth Century Was Unprofitable - Alternative View

Olga Semyonova Tyan-Shanskaya, one of the first Russian sociologists and statisticians, at the end of the 19th century studied the life of peasants in the Black Earth Region. It turned out that the sale of agricultural products even to a middle peasant family did not cover their expenses

Two People Collided - Girl And Caesar - Alternative View

Two People Collided - Girl And Caesar - Alternative View

Catherine never received communion. She did not confess. Didn't go to Sunday school. She did not even read the Gospel and did not know our Father. And despite this, she became the star of our Christian world

The History Of The Origin Of Tarot Cards - Alternative View

The History Of The Origin Of Tarot Cards - Alternative View

To look into the future, find a way out of difficult life situations, find out the answers to all the questions of concern to a person, or simply lay out the cards for a beloved - sooner or later, almost every person, faith

Tarot - Encryption From The Past - Alternative View

Tarot - Encryption From The Past - Alternative View

In the past few decades, there has been an increased interest in predictive systems and practices around the world, especially in the Tarot cards

The Era Of The Templars - Alternative View

The Era Of The Templars - Alternative View

News of the results of the Council of 1128, which legitimized the Order of the Knights Templar, spread incredibly quickly. The Templars were a dream come to life, they embodied the ideals of chivalry for all

The Mysterious Disappearance Of A Village In China - Alternative View

The Mysterious Disappearance Of A Village In China - Alternative View

From time to time, here and there people disappear. Sometimes they are found later, or they may disappear forever.In some cases, they come back on their own, and then it turns out that they just wanted to be alone or have a good time in some company

The Naked "blue Monster" Greatly Puzzled The Chinese Archaeologists - Alternative View

The Naked "blue Monster" Greatly Puzzled The Chinese Archaeologists - Alternative View

Scientists from the Shaanxi Institute of Archeology have discovered unique images of a deity from Chinese mythology in a 1400-year-old tomb - " Fei Lian, "master of the wind"

The Most Mysterious Photograph Taken During The Campaign Of Igor Dyatlov. Or About The Archives Of Investigator Ivanov - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Photograph Taken During The Campaign Of Igor Dyatlov. Or About The Archives Of Investigator Ivanov - Alternative View

I will say right away that I conduct my research (if I can call it that) independently. Very rarely I rely on someone else's work or articles. Regarding the tragedy of 1959, I have long sworn to study something written before me. There are two reasons

Who Destroyed The USSR? Part One - Alternative View

Who Destroyed The USSR? Part One - Alternative View

The head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko, in October last year ordered to place banners with the image of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin in the center of Donetsk and made the following public statement on this matter: `` The Soviet Union was

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien - Lord Of The Rings And Hearts - Alternative View

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien - Lord Of The Rings And Hearts - Alternative View

This man created his own magical world, which was liked by millions of readers. In this wonderful world, so similar to ours, there is one significant difference - good in it always triumphs over evil

10 Most High-profile Atomic Disasters - Alternative View

10 Most High-profile Atomic Disasters - Alternative View

Once people believed that nuclear energy would one day solve all the energy problems of mankind

10 Thousand Provocateurs Of The Tsarist Secret Police And The Paranoia Of Stalin's Repressions - Alternative View

10 Thousand Provocateurs Of The Tsarist Secret Police And The Paranoia Of Stalin's Repressions - Alternative View

The topic is, of course, well-known, but all of a sudden someone will be surprised by the scale of all this, as well as the actual efficiency and result

What Tsars In Russia Were Suspected Of Having Links With Evil Spirits - Alternative View

What Tsars In Russia Were Suspected Of Having Links With Evil Spirits - Alternative View

By their excessive cruelty or extravagant behavior, many Russian autocrats gained fame as having signed an agreement with the devil. This was especially common in the Middle Ages, when anybody could be suspected of demonic possession or witchcraft

Aryan Mystery Of Walpurgis Night - Alternative View

Aryan Mystery Of Walpurgis Night - Alternative View

May 1 is the day of solidarity of working people among the descendants of the proletariat and the night of the divine presence for those who feel their kinship with the Gods

The Death Of Nineveh - Alternative View

The Death Of Nineveh - Alternative View

Of the nearly one hundred pages of the Old Testament of the Bible, the Book of the Prophet Nahum has less than two pages

How Many Wives Did Ivan The Terrible Have? - Alternative View

How Many Wives Did Ivan The Terrible Have? - Alternative View

It is unusual to think of Ivan the Terrible as a family man. However, perhaps it was this side of his life that played a key role in the formation of his personality. What kind of family man was Ivan IV and who were his wives

Why Saint Walpurgis Was The Patroness Of The Witch, And What Happens On Walpurgis Day - Alternative View

Why Saint Walpurgis Was The Patroness Of The Witch, And What Happens On Walpurgis Day - Alternative View

The night from April 30 to May 1 is called Walpurgis. For some people this is traditionally a terrible time, for others it is sacred, for others it is a curious refraction of the new year along the pre-Christian cycle from the angle of the Christian view, the fourth is simply interested in who Walpurga was

The Bible Is Lying Too - Alternative View

The Bible Is Lying Too - Alternative View

"Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone." Many have heard this biblical phrase. It comes from the Gospel of John (7: 53-8: 12) In this episode, the Pharisees bring a woman into the temple who has committed adultery

Story About The "monk" Peresvet. Or How Did The Church Cling To The Russian Feat - - Alternative View

Story About The "monk" Peresvet. Or How Did The Church Cling To The Russian Feat - - Alternative View

Orthodox publicists love to remember the Kulikovo field. And if at this moment such a publicist denounces villains - "neopagans", then he will not fail to notice - they say, here it is, Mother Orthodox Russia, blessed for the battle by St. Sergius of Radonezh, with the monk Peresvet in front

Cases With Sorcerers And Witches In Russia Of Past Centuries That Have Gone Down In History - Alternative View

Cases With Sorcerers And Witches In Russia Of Past Centuries That Have Gone Down In History - Alternative View

Until now, in the Suzdal Territory, disputes over the reality of history that occurred in the middle of the 18th century with the Bishop of Suzdal and Yuryevsky, Porfiry, do not subside

People With Dog-Heads And Huge Ears: Bizarre Peoples From Ages Past - Alternative View

People With Dog-Heads And Huge Ears: Bizarre Peoples From Ages Past - Alternative View

When hundreds and thousands of years ago the first travelers went to other countries, upon their return, they often talked about the unusual peoples living there.Most often these were people with unusual physical defects and they sincerely believed in their existence even in the Middle Ages, when people already swam in full force on the oceans and learned about real alien races and tribes