Secrets of history 2024, October

Paris As A Walled City - Alternative View

Paris As A Walled City - Alternative View

Today in Europe there are many cities that have retained their appearance unchanged for many centuries - Siena, Bruges, Bergamo upper city and so on

The Head Of Professor Wittgenstein - Alternative View

The Head Of Professor Wittgenstein - Alternative View

During his not-so-long life, Ludwig Wittgenstein managed to visit a millionaire, engineer, soldier, village teacher, monastery gardener, architect and orderly

From The Gulag To The "long Ruble" - Alternative View

From The Gulag To The "long Ruble" - Alternative View

The Baikal-Amur Mainline has become one of the most grandiose construction projects in the Soviet Union

The Man-made Sea Of the GULAG - Alternative View

The Man-made Sea Of the GULAG - Alternative View

The idea of blocking the main Russian river with dams appeared more than once in the Russian Empire

How Much Did The GULAG Earn For The USSR - Alternative View

How Much Did The GULAG Earn For The USSR - Alternative View

There are two fundamentally opposite views of the GULAG as an economic entity. According to one - it was an unpleasant compulsory measure that made it possible to create the assets necessary for the country at minimal cost

Zombie From The Gulag - Alternative View

Zombie From The Gulag - Alternative View

In the thirties of the XX century, a huge empire called the GULAG spread across the entire territory of the USSR, which over the three decades of its existence crippled millions of destinies, took hundreds of thousands of human lives into oblivion

Trails Of Horror. What Happened To The Gulag Camps? - Alternative View

Trails Of Horror. What Happened To The Gulag Camps? - Alternative View

After the death of Joseph Stalin and the subsequent debunking of the personality cult, correctional labor institutions scattered throughout the Soviet Union began to close en masse. What was the fate of the former places of detention?

Gulag Women - Alternative View

Gulag Women - Alternative View

THING When the convicts are brought to the camp, they are sent to the bathhouse, where the naked women are examined as goods. Whether there will be water in the bath or not, but the examination “ for lice ” obligatory

The Horrors Of The GULAG: What Life Was Like In The Soviet Camps - Alternative View

The Horrors Of The GULAG: What Life Was Like In The Soviet Camps - Alternative View

Until the end of the 1980s, all information on the Gulag remained classified. Only at the beginning of the thaw, statistics on the number of prisoners in the camp system began to appear

A Telephone Conversation Between Yeltsin And Bush About The Collapse Of The USSR - Alternative View

A Telephone Conversation Between Yeltsin And Bush About The Collapse Of The USSR - Alternative View

A transcript of a telephone conversation between Yeltsin and Bush, where Yeltsin, even before the Belovezhsky agreement was made public, jumping out of his pants, informs Bush that he agreed with Kravchuk and Shushkevich to liquidate the USSR

18 Historical Events That Still No One Can Explain - Alternative View

18 Historical Events That Still No One Can Explain - Alternative View

History is full of the unknown, and for some reason we humans tend to concentrate on mysterious things more than irrefutable facts. So, if you like small riddles, you will have fun in the form of this list, looking at historical events that scientists have not been able to explain

Evpatiy Kolovrat - Who Is This In History? - Alternative View

Evpatiy Kolovrat - Who Is This In History? - Alternative View

The autumn of 1237 on the Ryazan land was alarming. Rumors about the defeat of the Bulgar Khanate were spreading through the villages and settlements. And in the principalities of Russia life flowed, princely strife and strife were bloody, weakening the state …At the beginning of the winter of 1237, Batu's army reached the Voronezh River, preparing to defeat the Ryazan principality and move on. R

The Most Ancient Cities Of Russia - Alternative View

The Most Ancient Cities Of Russia - Alternative View

The ancient cities of the Russian state saw different events during their centuries-old existence

Chronovisor And Vatican - Alternative View

Chronovisor And Vatican - Alternative View

It is argued that the chronovisor, a device that allows you to extract pictures of the past from information fields ("The Chronicle of Akash"), is an invention of the Catholic monk Alfredo Pellegrino Ernetti. He was born in 1926, and in the middle of the twentieth century, for a long time he headed the department of prepolyphony (ancient music that existed until the 10th century AD) at the conservatory on the island of San Giorgio

Was The Chronovisor Created Or The Vatican Mystery - Alternative View

Was The Chronovisor Created Or The Vatican Mystery - Alternative View

I must say right away that this mechanism consists more of rumors, innuendo and mysticism than of drawings and gears. But he, be at least 50% real, is really incredible, and “NM” simply cannot not tell about him. Because this is, no more, no less, a real time machine, a chronovisor, which the highest ranks of the Vatican hide from everyone.A

Why Did Lenin Want The Russians In The USSR To Have Fewer Rights Than Other Peoples - Alternative View

Why Did Lenin Want The Russians In The USSR To Have Fewer Rights Than Other Peoples - Alternative View

This rule, invariably present in all three constitutions of the USSR in 1922-1991, goes back to the disputes about the principles of unification of the Soviet republics that took place in 1922-1923.- Salik.bizOn the way to the "Zemsharna Republic of Soviets"On November 2 (15), 1917, signed by the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Ulyanov-Lenin and the People's Commissar for Nationalities Dzhugashvili-Stalin, the "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russ

The Hunt For A Time Machine - Alternative View

The Hunt For A Time Machine - Alternative View

The famous English science fiction writer Herbert Wells, the author of the famous novels The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and others, visited Russia three times at the beginning of the 20th century. True, each time it was called differently - the Russian Empire, Soviet Russia, the USSR

When Lenin Was Little - Alternative View

When Lenin Was Little - Alternative View

The one who, in the words of Ivan Bunin, “ravaged the greatest country in the world and killed several million people,” also had a childhood. Through the efforts of many writers, artists and poets, it appeared before the Soviet people in an extremely refined form. But

Russian Cities That Have Disappeared Forever - Alternative View

Russian Cities That Have Disappeared Forever - Alternative View

History of Russia - a treasury, a kaleidoscope of the vivid destinies of not only individual characters, but also entire nations and cities. Some of them appeared very brightly and disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a host of legends, riddles and conjectures

The Story Of The Found Children With Green Skin Color: Who Were They? - Alternative View

The Story Of The Found Children With Green Skin Color: Who Were They? - Alternative View

This is a rather old story, and experts still cannot agree on whether this is a fairy tale or a real story. The Green Children of Woolpit are the usual names for this story, which dates back to the 12th century and took place in England. And the heroes of this legend even got on the emblem of this settlement

The Unknown Truth About Mummies - Alternative View

The Unknown Truth About Mummies - Alternative View

Most people know about mummies from Hollywood movies, where they act as horrible monsters. At the same time, few people were interested in the real story about them. But in vain

Dirty Secrets Of Salvador Dali - Alternative View

Dirty Secrets Of Salvador Dali - Alternative View

Thousands of books have been written about Salvador Dali, many films have been shot, but it is not necessary to watch, read and listen to all this - because there are his paintings

The Heart Of Baikal - Alternative View

The Heart Of Baikal - Alternative View

The largest of its 22 brothers, Alkhoi Island, considered the "heart of Baikal", stretches from south to north for more than 70 kilometers. It is separated from the mainland coast by a small strait only one kilometer wide

The Mystery Of Ourang Medan - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Ourang Medan - Alternative View

The Strait of Malacca, located between the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian island of Sumatra, is considered to be very favorable for navigation. For several centuries, the routes of many cargo ships run through the strait

The Facts About The Death Of Viktor Tsoi - Alternative View

The Facts About The Death Of Viktor Tsoi - Alternative View

August 15, 1990 did not become the brightest star of Russian rock - Viktor Tsoi

Incredible Incidents In The Seas And Oceans - Alternative View

Incredible Incidents In The Seas And Oceans - Alternative View

They are well known to us from literary sources: The Avaricious Knight at Pushkin, Gobsek at Moliere, Plyushkin at Gogol

Legendary Ghost Ships - Alternative View

Legendary Ghost Ships - Alternative View

Ghost ships have traveled the seas around the world for centuries, terrifying sailors, fishermen and travelers. Stories about them are passed from mouth to mouth, become the lot of literature and cinema

Ice "Octavius" - A Ghost Ship - Alternative View

Ice "Octavius" - A Ghost Ship - Alternative View

In August 1775, the Herald whaling ship sailed along the shores of Greenland. Suddenly, a huge ice floe broke away from the nearest iceberg, and exposed a wooden ship frozen into the ice, on board of which its name could be read: "Octavius"

The Ghost Ship "Mary Of Heaven" - Alternative View

The Ghost Ship "Mary Of Heaven" - Alternative View

The brigantine, which was most mysteriously abandoned by the team and then found four hundred miles from Gibraltar on December 4, 1872. American brig called "Dei Grazia", is considered a classic example of a ghost ship

The Mystery Of The Imperial Skull: The Patriarch Urged Not To Rush - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Imperial Skull: The Patriarch Urged Not To Rush - Alternative View

This week, on the eve of the Council of Bishops, a conference was held at which the results of a new investigation by the Investigative Committee on the shooting of the royal family, which began two years ago with the Church, were presented

Biography Of Test Pilot Marina Popovich - Alternative View

Biography Of Test Pilot Marina Popovich - Alternative View

The pilot, who was the first in the world to break the sound barrier on the MiG-21, passed away at the age of 86. On November 0, 2017, at the age of 86, Soviet test pilot 1st class Marina Popovich died

Catastrophes Of A Planetary Scale In The Chronicles Of The Past And Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

Catastrophes Of A Planetary Scale In The Chronicles Of The Past And Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

In the predictions of the Sioux Indians, it was repeated as truth: "The future is getting shorter." A person as far from the Indians as Archpriest Vasily Sadovsky agreed with this: “I think! Soon everything will pass and end "

Research Has Shown Again That The Russians Are Descendants Of The Chronicle Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

Research Has Shown Again That The Russians Are Descendants Of The Chronicle Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

I continue to publish scientific research conducted by the doctor of biological sciences, head. Laboratory of Genetics, Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, B.A. Malyarchuk and his colleagues - M.V

Robinson From Bratislava - Alternative View

Robinson From Bratislava - Alternative View

Glory did not spoil Karol Jetting, who survived so many adventures that it would be enough for a solid Hollywood TV series. During his lifetime, he did not manage to either become famous or get rich

People On The Ruins Of The 1991 Revolution - Alternative View

People On The Ruins Of The 1991 Revolution - Alternative View

The 90s, such as if they were recent, become the subject of the memories of old people. So I wanted to remember something from that post-revolutionary life. There is no doubt that a revolution took place in 1991: the old life collapsed, the rules of the game radically changed, power and property were in other hands

The Philadelphia Experiment: Could The Destroyer Eldridge Teleport In Time And Space? - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment: Could The Destroyer Eldridge Teleport In Time And Space? - Alternative View

The controversy about this case has not subsided for over 70 years. Some claim that it never existed, others refer to the testimonies of its participants … During World War II, the US government was working on a secret project `` Rainbow

The Philadelphia Experiment. Magnetrons Included - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment. Magnetrons Included - Alternative View

Beginning: "The Philadelphia Experiment. Background". The US Navy destroyer DE 173 Eldridge was chosen for the experiment. It was decided to conduct the experiments at the naval base in Philadelphia, in an atmosphere of special secrecy

The Philadelphia Experiment. Background - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment. Background - Alternative View

Japan's attack on the American fleet in Hawaii, and then the declaration of war by Germany and Italy by the United States turned the ongoing war into a truly world war, since all the leading countries of the world were drawn into it on different sides of the barricades

Nikolay Ugodnik - The Prototype Of Santa Claus - Alternative View

Nikolay Ugodnik - The Prototype Of Santa Claus - Alternative View

Turkish archaeologists have discovered an unknown burial in the city of Demre, Antalya province. The schisms took place in the underground of the church of St. Nicholas, and the head of the department for the protection of monuments, Cemil Karabayram, suggested that these are the remains of the famous saint

From What Year Did The History Of The Russian State Actually Begin - Alternative View

From What Year Did The History Of The Russian State Actually Begin - Alternative View

The official date is considered to be 862. It is immortalized in the monument in Veliky Novgorod "Millennium of Russia", erected in 1862