Secrets of history 2024, October

The Corpses Of Tourists Who Died At The Dyatlov Pass Were Mutilated And Scattered Around The Crime Scene - Alternative View

The Corpses Of Tourists Who Died At The Dyatlov Pass Were Mutilated And Scattered Around The Crime Scene - Alternative View

In a few days, it will be exactly 60 years from the date when nine tourists died in the Northern Urals. Their death haunts various researchers, causing more and more new versions

Business Under The Canopy Of The Swastika, Or Who Was Not Tried In Nuremberg - Alternative View

Business Under The Canopy Of The Swastika, Or Who Was Not Tried In Nuremberg - Alternative View

When the Nuremberg trials began, our prosecutors tried to bring to justice not only the direct criminals of the Reich like Goering or Frank

Aged Hitler Found In Argentina? - Alternative View

Aged Hitler Found In Argentina? - Alternative View

Herman Gunterberg, who lives in the northwest of the Argentine Republic, can boast of a truly venerable age. In April this year, the man turned 128

5 Common Misconceptions About Medieval Knights - Alternative View

5 Common Misconceptions About Medieval Knights - Alternative View

The time of medieval chivalry still excites the minds of people. How noble warriors lived is known only from historical chronicles or romantic literature of that time

How Warriors Were Brought Up In Russia - Alternative View

How Warriors Were Brought Up In Russia - Alternative View

We have all heard about the harsh hardships of military education in ancient Sparta. But how many people know how our ancestors, the inhabitants of Russia, raised the heroes and defenders of the state? It turns out - almost as harsh as the Spartans

A Mexican Worker Made An Incredible Discovery - Alternative View

A Mexican Worker Made An Incredible Discovery - Alternative View

Diego Aviles, one of the Mexican workers involved in the construction of the pit, made an incredible discovery. As the team was digging under the structure, Aviles noticed a small circle in shape and size that resembled a coin

In Mexico, For The First Time, They Found A Temple, The Priests Of Which Wore Skin Stripped From People - Alternative View

In Mexico, For The First Time, They Found A Temple, The Priests Of Which Wore Skin Stripped From People - Alternative View

In Mexico, a pre-Columbian temple dedicated to the god Sipe Totek, better known as the "Flayed Lord", was first excavated. Ship-Totek was in the pantheon of Aztec deities and was considered the patron saint of fertility and renewal of nature

Defending The Devil - Alternative View

Defending The Devil - Alternative View

This church office is officially called the strengthener of faith. But more often it is called a much more sinister: the devil's advocate. Where did it come from and why did the Catholic Church need people who professionally defend the enemy of the human race?

Found The Oldest Image Of A Cosmic Catastrophe - Alternative View

Found The Oldest Image Of A Cosmic Catastrophe - Alternative View

A group of astronomers at the Tata Institute for Basic Research in India discovered a rock drawing of a cosmic phenomenon that is believed to be a supernova

In The Service Of Her Majesty - Alternative View

In The Service Of Her Majesty - Alternative View

Many are surprised to discover that political life is by no means alien to the writers of our time. As passions heat up around the world, writers and poets are increasingly involved in political processes

Found The Oldest Drawing On Earth. You Will Not Believe That There Is Depicted - Alternative View

Found The Oldest Drawing On Earth. You Will Not Believe That There Is Depicted - Alternative View

The world's oldest drawing is similar to a modern symbol. During excavations at Bombos Cave in South Africa, scientists have discovered a piece of rock with red lines in the form of a hashtag

Einstein's Letters About The Hardships Of Jews Under The Third Reich Have Been Discovered - Alternative View

Einstein's Letters About The Hardships Of Jews Under The Third Reich Have Been Discovered - Alternative View

In the American Los Angeles, two letters from the physicist Albert Einstein were put up for auction, the existence of which was not previously known, writes on Tuesday, March 26, Daily Mail

The Massacre Of The Romanovs Near Alapaevsk: How It Was - Alternative View

The Massacre Of The Romanovs Near Alapaevsk: How It Was - Alternative View

On July 18, 1918, the day after the execution of the royal family, 18 km from the city of Alapaevsk near the Nizhnyaya Selimskaya mine, another sentence was secretly carried out

Intriguers In Aprons - Alternative View

Intriguers In Aprons - Alternative View

Few societies are shrouded in such a dense cloud of myths and prejudices as the Freemasons. Many of the people who changed the picture of the world, one way or another belonged to this secret society. Where and when Freemasonry originated is not known exactly

Who Really Won The Moon Race? - Alternative View

Who Really Won The Moon Race? - Alternative View

Think the US won the Cold War by visiting the moon? And not without reason. But even Americans themselves sometimes think differently. And also not without reason

Did The Nazi Army In Germany Fight On Drugs? - Alternative View

Did The Nazi Army In Germany Fight On Drugs? - Alternative View

This conclusion was made by the FRG writer Norman Ohler, about which he told in an interview with The Guardian

Jesus Christ Was Married To Mary Magdalene And Had Children - Alternative View

Jesus Christ Was Married To Mary Magdalene And Had Children - Alternative View

Scientists recently uncovered an ancient manuscript that proves that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that they had children. Everything that the Vatican feared and what Dan Brown suspected turned out to be true, according to Indy100

Roman Republic - Alternative View

Roman Republic - Alternative View

The Roman Republic has repeatedly found itself on the brink of ruin. Oddly enough, the shocks caused by external factors could not be compared with internal turmoil. For example, at the beginning of the 1st century BC. eh

Children's Crusade: What Was Really - Alternative View

Children's Crusade: What Was Really - Alternative View

The history of the campaign was fully summarized on the basis of about 50 existing sources only in 1977 by the Dutch medievalist Peter Redts from the University of Nijmegen

Children's Crusade Of 1212 - Alternative View

Children's Crusade Of 1212 - Alternative View

Children's Crusade - this name, in historiography, was given to the popular movement of 1212

Yesenin's Killers - Nikolai Leontiev And Yakov Blumkin - Alternative View

Yesenin's Killers - Nikolai Leontiev And Yakov Blumkin - Alternative View

"I killed Yesenin." Confession of Nikolai Leontiev. Razomlev after a bath and a shot of vodka, the old man unfolded his palms and said wearily: "You won't believe, but with these same hands I killed Yesenin …" My partner really did not believe

How The Construction Of The First Transcontinental Railroad In The United States Led To The Extermination Of The Indians - Alternative View

How The Construction Of The First Transcontinental Railroad In The United States Led To The Extermination Of The Indians - Alternative View

150 years ago, the construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad was completed in the United States. The project became one of the most ambitious scientific and technological achievements of the United States in the 19th century and led to the revival of the national economy

Who Are Teixintai - Alternative View

Who Are Teixintai - Alternative View

During the Second World War, suicide volunteer squads began to form in the Japanese troops for the first time - "Teisintai", which were used in three elements: earth, water, air

Mysteries Of History. Hittites - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Hittites - Alternative View

Hittite state - people who once came to Asia Minor, arose in the XVIII-XVI centuries BC. It was gaining strength very quickly

Who Ruled The Lands Of Russia In The Middle Ages? - Alternative View

Who Ruled The Lands Of Russia In The Middle Ages? - Alternative View

If before the invasion of the Tatars, Russia consisted of large principalities (Rostov-Suzdal, Novgorod, Kiev, Ryazan, Smolensk, Chernigov and others), then with the beginning of vassal dependence the appanage princes were able to formalize their cities

Nodal Letter - Alternative View

Nodal Letter - Alternative View

Nodular letter - a unique phenomenon in human culture. This is a type of writing that uses threads (cords) as a carrier of information, and for its encoding - knots as well as thread colors

The Man From Tord: The Mystery Of The Story That No One Has Been Able To Unravel - Alternative View

The Man From Tord: The Mystery Of The Story That No One Has Been Able To Unravel - Alternative View

Mysteries of history. Japanese Time Traveler Case 1954. In July 1954, Tokyo airport customs officers were confronted with a strange incident

The Reign Of Prince Ivan The First Danilovich Kalita - Alternative View

The Reign Of Prince Ivan The First Danilovich Kalita - Alternative View

Ivan I Danilovich Kalita (born about 1283 or 1288 - death March 31, 1340) - son of Moscow prince Daniil Alexandrovich, grandson of Alexander Nevsky, prince of Moscow, prince of Novgorod and Grand Duke of Vladimir

Blond Witch Buchenwald - Alternative View

Blond Witch Buchenwald - Alternative View

This woman is considered one of the most cruel criminals of the Nazi era. Journalists covering the post-war trials of war criminals nicknamed her "Buchenwald's Bitch" and "Frau Abazhur". However, not all so simple

Found A Secret Hitler Center For The Creation Of A Nuclear Bomb - Alternative View

Found A Secret Hitler Center For The Creation Of A Nuclear Bomb - Alternative View

A treasure hunter from Germany discovered an object in the vicinity of the city of Oranienburg, which is probably a component of a Nazi nuclear bomb

How American Know-how First Strengthened The Roads Of Kronstadt, And Then The Defenses Of The USSR - Alternative View

How American Know-how First Strengthened The Roads Of Kronstadt, And Then The Defenses Of The USSR - Alternative View

In September 1941, in the midst of the defensive battles of the Red Army, an order came to Leningrad: to make one million mines. The order is serious and no enterprise would have mastered it in a short time. Therefore, the local authorities decided to use the entire industry of the city and adjacent areas

For What And How Women Were Punished In Russia And In Other Countries - Alternative View

For What And How Women Were Punished In Russia And In Other Countries - Alternative View

Punishment of women for various crimes in Russia and in the countries of Europe and Asia varied greatly. At the same time, medieval laws of all countries recorded the loyalty of society to corporal punishment of the female population

Pontius Pilate - The Fate Of The Governor Of Rome In Judea - Alternative View

Pontius Pilate - The Fate Of The Governor Of Rome In Judea - Alternative View

Recently, the town of Hergiswil in Central Switzerland, which is on the shores of the famous and beloved by tourists, and by the Swiss themselves, Lake Lucerne, is notorious.- Salik.bizBloody handThis summer and autumn, several people at once, after contemplating the sunset on the banks of the Firwaldstettersee, ended up in a local hospital

The Death Of Phaethon And The Worldwide Flood - Alternative View

The Death Of Phaethon And The Worldwide Flood - Alternative View

The meaning of the myth about Phaethon There are a lot of myths, but one of them is - about the sad fate of the disobedient son - deserves the utmost attention. This is a myth about Phaeton. It is not very popular and gradually its contents are covered with the dust of oblivion

There Were Several Hundred Noahs - Alternative View

There Were Several Hundred Noahs - Alternative View

If you look at the modern world through the prism of the sacred texts of the Bible, it turns out that all of us - descendants of Noah, escaped on the ark during the Flood

How Did Barmaley Appear? - Alternative View

How Did Barmaley Appear? - Alternative View

Barmaleeva Street evokes in every person an association with the famous fairy-tale character. There is a story described in Leo Uspensky's "Notes of an old Petersburger". Once Korney Chukovsky and his friend Mstislav Dobuzhinsky were walking in the Petrogradsky district of St

Noah And The Flood - Alternative View

Noah And The Flood - Alternative View

The biblical story of the Flood is found in one form or another in almost all ancient peoples

Why Are Scientists Forbidden To Explore Mount Ararat? - Alternative View

Why Are Scientists Forbidden To Explore Mount Ararat? - Alternative View

It is known from the Holy Scriptures that Noah made the ark from the hard wood of gopher. The ark had three decks with bulkheads and interiors, and its hull was tarred outside and inside.This rescue vessel had very specific dimensions: it was 300 cubits long (about 135 meters), 50 cubits (about 25 meters) wide, and 30 cubits (about 15 meters) high

Rare Mosaics Have Been Discovered That Describe The History Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View

Rare Mosaics Have Been Discovered That Describe The History Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View

Every year, since 2011, archaeologists have been excavating the synagogue of an ancient village in the Lower Galilee (one of the regions of Israel)