Secrets of history 2024, October

Industrial Espionage In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Industrial Espionage In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

From the point of view of the development of natural sciences, Europe in the middle of the Middle Ages was a miserable sight

Forensic Expert: Igor Dyatlov's Group Was Pursued By Some People - Alternative View

Forensic Expert: Igor Dyatlov's Group Was Pursued By Some People - Alternative View

Andrey Malakhov's talk show denied the prosecutor’s version of the death of Ural tourists. Natural factors could not have caused the death of Igor Dyatlov's group, the correspondent of AiF-Ural reports

In The Area Of the Dyatlov Pass, Researcher Degterev Discovered A Bunker. Is The Solution To The Tragedy Close? - Alternative View

In The Area Of the Dyatlov Pass, Researcher Degterev Discovered A Bunker. Is The Solution To The Tragedy Close? - Alternative View

Tourists could find themselves on the pass on the day of the neutron weapon test, says paranormal researcher Valentin Degterev

Mysteries Of History. Silver Bible - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Silver Bible - Alternative View

Goths and the "Silver Bible" Among the historical monuments of the distant past that have survived to this day, there are real treasures

Chinese Scientists Claim To Have Found The Remains Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View

Chinese Scientists Claim To Have Found The Remains Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View

Chinese scientists announced that they had found the remains of the famous biblical Noah's ark - a ship that, according to legend, was built by God's order to save Noah, his family, and the animals of the world from the Flood

Was The Minotaur A Cretan General? - Alternative View

Was The Minotaur A Cretan General? - Alternative View

Between their time and ours lies an abyss of millennia, but the life of the heroes of a distant era excites us, as if it were yesterday. Cruel Minos, bloodthirsty Minotaur, noble Theseus, wise Ariadne - these heroes entered our memory like this

Mystical Legends Surrounding The Sinking Of The Titanic - Alternative View

Mystical Legends Surrounding The Sinking Of The Titanic - Alternative View

The sinking of the largest sea liner named "Titanic" is the most famous and discussed tragedy of this kind

"Tunguska Meteorite" - The Result Of Tesla's Experiments? - Alternative View

"Tunguska Meteorite" - The Result Of Tesla's Experiments? - Alternative View

Even many decades after the death of Nikola Tesla, the mysterious experiments of this great physicist continue to haunt the minds of scientists and are vividly discussed in the media

Krasnov Petr Nikolaevich. General Biography - Alternative View

Krasnov Petr Nikolaevich. General Biography - Alternative View

Petr Nikolaevich Krasnov (born September 10 (22), 1869 - death January 16, 1947) - General of the cavalry, military chieftain of the Don Cossack army, a prominent figure in the White movement, the most famous writer of the White emigration. Origin

The Storms That Changed The Course Of History - Alternative View

The Storms That Changed The Course Of History - Alternative View

Ordinary weather influences the course of history as much as large-scale military operations. Atmospheric phenomena change the plans of the conquerors, destroy entire armadas and lead to revolutions

The Russian Defense Ministry Has Declassified Unique Archival Documents For The 75th Anniversary Of The Lifting Of The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

The Russian Defense Ministry Has Declassified Unique Archival Documents For The 75th Anniversary Of The Lifting Of The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade, a selection of unique documents from the funds of the Central Archive of the Defense Ministry has been published on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense

The Cable Of Life, Or The Feat That Female Divers Performed During The Siege Of Leningrad - Alternative View

The Cable Of Life, Or The Feat That Female Divers Performed During The Siege Of Leningrad - Alternative View

The siege of Leningrad was one of the most dramatic episodes of the Second World War. For three years the city turned into an impregnable fortress, which did not surrender under enemy fire, enemy propaganda, and raging hunger. The feat of Leningraders should live for centuries, but we should not forget about all those who made incredible efforts to prevent the city from falling before the enemy, including sailors, divers and engineers who worked on the "Cable of Life"

8 Myths About The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

8 Myths About The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

No. 1. "All foodstuffs" of Leningrad burned down at the Badayev warehousesIn fact, only 3,000 tons of flour and 2,500 tons of sugar were stored in the Badayev warehouses, which burned down as a result of the air strikes on September 8 and 10, 1941

Svyatoslav - The Prince "fed From The Sword." Beginning - Alternative View

Svyatoslav - The Prince "fed From The Sword." Beginning - Alternative View

Grand Duke Svyatoslav, went down in history as the largest statesman of the era, the greatest commander of the Middle Ages, comparable in scope to Alexander the Great, Hannibal and Caesar

Why Did They Try To Kill Lenin - Alternative View

Why Did They Try To Kill Lenin - Alternative View

The main event at the end of August 1918 will be the famous assassination attempt on Vladimir Lenin. Almost simultaneously with the SR attacks, the Cheka announced the disclosure of the so-called Lockhart conspiracy. The conspiracy was organized by diplomatic representatives and special services of Great Britain, France and the United States with the aim of overthrowing Soviet power

Ulyanov-Lenin's Mother: What Facts Were Hidden From Soviet Citizens - Alternative View

Ulyanov-Lenin's Mother: What Facts Were Hidden From Soviet Citizens - Alternative View

The mother of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Maria Ulyanova, died a year before her son put into practice the idea of overthrowing the imperial regime in Russia and creating the world's first socialist state. For a number of political reasons, Soviet historians who were engaged in describing the biography of this woman, did not make all the facts from her interesting past available to the public

Explosion Of The Leader: Who Staged The Terrorist Attack In Lenin's Mausoleum In 1973 - Alternative View

Explosion Of The Leader: Who Staged The Terrorist Attack In Lenin's Mausoleum In 1973 - Alternative View

On September 1, 1973, an explosion was heard in the mausoleum on Red Square. The tomb of Lenin was immediately cordoned off by state security officers and closed to outsiders. Not a single Soviet newspaper wrote about this

How They Attempted To Assassinate Lenin After His Death - Alternative View

How They Attempted To Assassinate Lenin After His Death - Alternative View

You probably all know about the attempt on the life of Ilyich.The first attempt to assassinate Lenin took place shortly after the Bolsheviks took power. On January 1, 1918, at half past seven in the evening, shots were fired at the car in which the leader, Maria Ulyanova and the Swiss Social Democrat Fritz Platten were traveling

Did Lenin Play Chess With Hitler: Scandalous Etching Of A Little-Known Artist - Alternative View

Did Lenin Play Chess With Hitler: Scandalous Etching Of A Little-Known Artist - Alternative View

This drawing, which dates back to 1909, caused a real scandal 100 years after its creation. Could the young Hitler meet with Lenin, and did such a chess game actually take place? While art critics and historians do not stop controversy on this topic, the etching by Emma Loewenshtamm was put up for sale

The Main Secrets Of Lenin's Mummy In The Mausoleum - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of Lenin's Mummy In The Mausoleum - Alternative View

The mausoleum with the mummy of the leader of the October Revolution and the first ruler of the Soviet state, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, has been one of the attractions of Moscow for more than 90 years

What Would Have Happened If Lenin Had Not Been Embalmed - Alternative View

What Would Have Happened If Lenin Had Not Been Embalmed - Alternative View

Vladimir Lenin died on January 21, 1924. Immediately after that, the question arose of - what to do with the body of the leader?

Why Is Lenin A Saint For Hindus, And A Devil For Americans? - Alternative View

Why Is Lenin A Saint For Hindus, And A Devil For Americans? - Alternative View

The controversy surrounding the body of Ilyich has not subsided since his death. 95 years old. Krupskaya also opposed the embalming of her husband. However, the remains of the leader no longer belonged to her. The mummy was made a symbol of the revolution and the "property" of the entire Soviet people

Where It Was Originally Planned To Bury Lenin - Alternative View

Where It Was Originally Planned To Bury Lenin - Alternative View

Disputes about whether to take Lenin's body out of the mausoleum and where to bury it in this case have been going on for several decades. There were no less controversies in government circles immediately after the death of the leader

Why Is Lenin Not Being Taken Out Of The Mausoleum? - Alternative View

Why Is Lenin Not Being Taken Out Of The Mausoleum? - Alternative View

The USSR and the CPSU have been gone for more than a quarter of a century, and the body of the leader of the proletariat still rests in the mausoleum on Red Square. For a long time, kilometers-long queues of those wishing to honor the memory of Ilyich have not been lining up to him

The Main Secrets Of The Removal Of Stalin's Body From The Mausoleum - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of The Removal Of Stalin's Body From The Mausoleum - Alternative View

Late in the evening of October 31, 1961, when the entire Anglo-Saxon world was celebrating Halloween, an event took place on Red Square in Moscow, which absolutely fit into the context of the “alien” holiday. Stalin's body was taken out of the mausoleum

About The Dreyfus Affair - Alternative View

About The Dreyfus Affair - Alternative View

For twelve years the attention of the whole of Europe was riveted to the case of the captain of the French army. The miscarriage of justice turned out to be a litmus test for society.In September 1894, an anonymous note fell into the hands of French intelligence, the author of which informed the German military attaché in Paris, Colonel Schwarzkoppen, about his readiness to sell five secret documents of the War Ministry

How Europe Was Suing The Animals - Alternative View

How Europe Was Suing The Animals - Alternative View

Today, some are surprised by the behavior of Europeans, Ukraine still considers itself a European power. The customs of peoples have been laid since ancient times, therefore it will be interesting to read about the European traditions of the Middle Ages

Closing The Bering Strait: A Grand Project Of The USSR - Alternative View

Closing The Bering Strait: A Grand Project Of The USSR - Alternative View

In the era of the Cenozoic, in the vastness of Siberia and the Far East, the climate was exceptionally mild and favorable, and the Arctic Ocean off its coast was by no means icy. Trees grew on its banks, and on the territory of modern Yakutia - generally subtropical forests

The Assassination Attempt On V. I. Lenin. There Were Two Killers - Alternative View

The Assassination Attempt On V. I. Lenin. There Were Two Killers - Alternative View

On August 30, 1918, in Moscow, on the territory of a plant that had belonged to businessman L. Mikhelson before its nationalization by Soviet power, there was an attempt on the life of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin). Lenin was the founder of the Bolshevik Party, its ideological leader, and after an armed coup in the fall of 1917 in the city of Petrograd (the revolutionary name of the city of St

Gravestones Were Dug In The Center Of Moscow. Where Are They From? - Alternative View

Gravestones Were Dug In The Center Of Moscow. Where Are They From? - Alternative View

At the Moscow Variety Theater, during the reconstruction of the roadway, ancient gravestones were discovered. The photographs show granite slabs with the inscriptions “born…”, “died…” and on one of the slabs there are a couple of dates dating back to the eighteenth century. Most likely

Russia Or Muscovy? - Alternative View

Russia Or Muscovy? - Alternative View

More and more often one can come across assertions of a number of "Ukrainian" and even Russian pseudo-historians, who say that the name "Rus", and from him and "Russia", were stolen by Peter I and the Russian people. That in fact, Russia should only be called “Ukraine” (well, maybe also Belarus), but Russia is a country far from Slavism and Russianness, which concocted its own identity, mixing stolen “Ukrainian” and Asian or Finno-Ugric.Sounds

Forgotten Treasures Of The Moscow Region - Alternative View

Forgotten Treasures Of The Moscow Region - Alternative View

SCIENTIFIC APPROACH - THIS IS THE MAIN THING! Like everyone else, as a child, I read books in which children or adults looked for and found treasures, dreamed of finding a chest filled with gold and precious stones myself

How Peter I Killed His Mistress - Alternative View

How Peter I Killed His Mistress - Alternative View

Having kissed the severed head, the king threw it to the ground and crossed himself.Everyone knows the story of Emma Hamilton, the mistress of the famous British admiral Horatio Nelson. But not everyone knows the history of our - domestic - Lady Hamilton

Secrets Of A Fairy Tale House In The Center Of Moscow - Alternative View

Secrets Of A Fairy Tale House In The Center Of Moscow - Alternative View

The building of incredible beauty, similar to a teremok, is popularly called "Pertsova's Apartment House" or "House-Fairy Tale". "Terem" is located in the center of Moscow. Everything is unique in this masterpiece: the authors, the owners, the residents, and, of course, the architecture itself

Unsolved Case Of A Crucified Corpse In Australia - Alternative View

Unsolved Case Of A Crucified Corpse In Australia - Alternative View

August 11, 1994 began as a calm and clear day for Australian fisherman Mark Peterson. He sailed in his Lady Marion boat on the Hawkesbury River, north of Sydney, enjoying the pleasant sunny weather.When he swam to a place called Challenger Head, he suddenly noticed something voluminous in his nets and at first thought that he was very lucky with the catch

The Historian Studies The Magical Signs Of British Settlers In Tasmania And Australia - Alternative View

The Historian Studies The Magical Signs Of British Settlers In Tasmania And Australia - Alternative View

Historian Ian Evans searches ancient buildings on the island of Tasmania and throughout Australia for mysterious signs. He is sure that the European settlers in the country widely used rituals and magical techniques. He has already examined 30 old houses

How Did The USSR Plan During The Cold War To Put The Tsunami Into Service - Alternative View

How Did The USSR Plan During The Cold War To Put The Tsunami Into Service - Alternative View

We will hit a tsunami on the arms race Over the past years, the issue of NATO's advancement to the borders of Russia, as well as the US plans to create a missile defense ring around our country cannot but cause serious concern

Venice Stands On Permian Piles - Alternative View

Venice Stands On Permian Piles - Alternative View

In the twelve-volume history of Venice, written by the famous Italian historian Tentori in the 17th century, there are the following lines: “The well-being of the population of Venice is ensured by world trade and the strength of the city's piles on the islands - perms

The Plague Island Of Venice - A Place Of True Evil - Alternative View

The Plague Island Of Venice - A Place Of True Evil - Alternative View

Venice - a city on one hundred twenty-two islands, the quarters of which are separated not by avenues and streets, but by graceful canals, and connected to each other by bridges of amazing design. This is a city-monument, a city-legend, a city-fairy tale