Guru Babaji About The Coming Great Revolution - Alternative View

Guru Babaji About The Coming Great Revolution - Alternative View
Guru Babaji About The Coming Great Revolution - Alternative View

Video: Guru Babaji About The Coming Great Revolution - Alternative View

Video: Guru Babaji About The Coming Great Revolution - Alternative View
Video: Mystical Psychology - The Story of Babaji 2024, May

The revolution will not bypass any country, no big or small - it will be universal. Some countries will be completely destroyed, leaving no trace of their existence. In some countries, three to five percent of the population will be spared and will survive, in some up to twenty-five percent. Destruction will be caused by earthquakes, floods, disasters, armed conflicts and wars.

The revolution will pick up pace and reach its peak. Now people live in misery and misery, not only poor, but also wealthy. Everyone suffers from the hardships of life, misery, spiritual poverty. Political leaders of all countries are busy fighting to maintain their positions, completely ignoring the needs and interests of their people. They mislead the people. There is absolutely no security, both for a person and his property. New leaders are being trained and prepared to take the place of these wicked rulers. They will restore justice and order and bring peace.

At present, man is under demonic influence. Some people will fight, exterminating other people - so they will destroy each other. First there will be destruction, then a temporary lull, and then peace will prevail. Some countries will be wiped off the face of the earth. Prayer will be the only protection and savior from destruction. Forget the past and the future, give up all other thoughts, and pray with full concentration of mind and soul, completely trust God. Repeat OM NAMAH SHIVAYA and you will be able to resist death. Do not think about life and death, no evil will come to you if you pray with a pure mind and heart, with all faith and concentration.

The Great Revolution is very close! There is no one in this world to prevent it. This is a time of great destruction. Everyone should be strong in spirit and courageous. Only the brave can survive. Without spiritual courage, a person is dead, although he lives. The time will come very soon. Therefore, you should all work. Everyone who comes here should be ready to do any job. In this age, work purifies you and is the best spiritual practice (sadhana). And be brave. Everyone should consider himself a humble servant of the world. I want to teach you Karma Yoga. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna gives great importance to karma. The path of karma is the highest. All the rishis have taught this. This is why we all have to work.

In their free time, everyone should do bhajan. Bhajan is the exaltation of glory to God. It may be meditation, japa, chanting of hymns and prayers (bhajans), worship (puja), but the best thing is doing glorious deeds. The world war is about to begin, and I want to awaken humanity. During the incarnation of God, wars and violence often began, as a result of which the earth was freed from evil and peace was established. Now He is preparing your hearts for the coming revolution so that you can face it calmly. He does not count on any army - everyone is part of His army, He will meet atomic bombs and guns with the power of the word of God. On the one hand, some countries are busy with the creation of weapons and armaments, and on the other hand, Babaji reduces this to zero by teaching people to loudly repeat the Word of God, bringing spiritual changes.

In the eyes of God, there are neither small nor great. In every heart, Consciousness is His Reflection. In a short time, He will destroy all harmful forces and replace the revolution with peace. Huge quantities of weapons have been created that can destroy all of humanity and most of the planet. But even greater is the protector who is with us. He provided a means of defense that is more powerful than nuclear bombs. Those who want to kill will themselves be killed. You should focus on the Name of God and the directions that Babaji gives you. Repeat OM NAMAH SHIVAYA and you will receive Babaji's blessings.

Now you have the sweet form of God, but in the future you will see His frantic form. Peace will come only after Kranti. Babaji says that Kranti will come very soon, and in the blink of an eye it will spread all over the world. Therefore, Babaji warns over and over again to be vigilant. Destruction will be in Punjab, West Bengal, and other Muslim countries. Some countries will be wiped off the face of the earth - nothing will remain of them in the future. Most of America will be destroyed. Russia will survive. During the time of the Pandavas, the Rajsuya Yagya was performed and Russia was then not touched. It was a religious ceremony, followed by challenges to surrounding countries to recognize the supremacy of an ever expanding empire. During the time of Lord Rama, Ashvamedh (similar to the Rajsuya Yagyu) was performed and Russia again was not touched. Thanks to the grace of God,Russia is always protected. In Siberia, there is a temple complex dedicated to Hanuman, where you can see Hanuman, captured by the servant of Rama and Sita. By some miracle, Russia will survive the Revolution in the world.

The Great Revolution is approaching. It will be a Revolution, which neither the earth nor the sky has ever seen. She will be stunning and terrible. The destruction will be such that people will die for their own affairs: who worked - at work, who slept - in a dream, who stood - standing. The buildings will remain, but people will die from the gas, they are at risk. Babaji reminds us to be prepared. “The temperature in Haidakhan will be like in Badrinath (a sacred temple of pilgrims high in the Himalayas). Snow will cover the mountains, plains and banks of the Gautama Ganges. You cannot imagine how cold it will get in Haidakhan. Below Bareilly, people will die from storms and floods. The environment will change completely. It will be so cold that people will start dying. Those who chant OM NAMAH SHIVAYA who are righteous and who love God will be protected."

Promotional video:

This era (of the south), more than others, is an era of destruction. Man has become enslaved by his lower nature. I have come to lead humanity on a bright path. I do not belong to any particular religion, but I respect all religions. I strive for the revival of all humanity. The Higher Self in man must be developed and enthroned, while the lower self is destroyed. It will be destroyed in all countries of the world, and people's hearts will change. You understand ?

Now you need to understand that you need to live in Truth, Simplicity and Love and spread this message around the world. Each of you must cultivate tremendous courage to overcome negative forces. There were no hundreds of Ram, Krishn, Christ and Moses in the world. But They had a huge impact on the whole world. Now there will be changes on an enormous scale, such as in the days of the Mahabharata. Do not retreat in your work, but go forward. Karma yoga is your primary duty.

When God Rama was incarnated, there was a war between Him and Ravaana, which lasted 14 days. During the incarnation of God Krishna, the war lasted 18 days. In this South, destruction will take place in the blink of an eye. This destruction will be such that those who were asleep will remain asleep, and those who have stood will remain standing. This is how the whole world will change. In this destruction, everything will change, nothing will remain the same. Therefore, you should free yourself from attachment to the world. Only chanting the name of God will be beneficial to you - anything else is hopeless. The name of God is stronger than a thousand atomic bombs. Save yourself by repeating the name of the Lord. You should all know that God's name is above everything. Why do you tie your minds to the transitory things in the world? Why don't you spend time meditating and chanting God's name? Attach yourself only to God. Be brave and always go forward. There will be many mountainsthrough which you need to get over, but do not stop until you reach the goal. Be strong and never get discouraged.

The changes in the world will come soon. Change is nothing new, it is a law of nature. The rhythm of life is such that those who are born must die, and those who have died must be reborn. We must face the coming destruction of the world fearlessly. I want you to be very careful and discreet. Be prepared to face challenges. Think good. Please. Do good. The Great Revolution is approaching. Wherever you live, get ready to face the Revolution. Whatever business you do, take part in the Revolution. Both the army and the militia will take part in the Revolution. Everyone should spread Babaji's message wherever he lives. Only he will be able to take part in it, who is ready to meet death, who is ready to die at any moment, who is desperate and courageous, who is ready to die for the truth - he is ready to meet the Revolution.

The entire creation will be involved in this Maha Kranti. It will not be limited to India. I warn everyone around the world. Whatever profession a person has, whatever his activity, he must take part in this Revolution. This will be the greatest Revolution in the history of the world, so everyone should be on their guard and warn the others. Stand up! Wake up! Everyone must make up their minds. Men and women from all over the world must take part. In other Yugas, only men took part in revolutions and wars, but now women are also volunteers, so they need to take part in this Revolution. Everyone, all over the world, needs to connect with each other, unite together.

Today, fire flares up in the world on one side, and divine nectar flows from the other. You must decide that you choose fire or nectar. As long as the flame of fire spreads, our own salvation and the salvation of others depend on us. You need to be vigilant. At this moment, people unknowingly jump into the fire. We must save them, but we can only do this if we are brave. We must pass on this courage to others, because without it nothing can be done. Courage is the most important thing - wherever you go, be prepared to save people. Be solid as a rock, deeply discerning and serious as the sea. Think of the Earth as Mother. There is only one land. Do not divide by nations, countries. We belong to the same land. Keep this in mind. Look to the future, seeing good deeds for the whole world, not just one country. Have great courage and patience, do not be afraid of water, fire, or hurricanes - meet them bravely.

Babaji reveals to you the secret of the future - the Revolution will occur simultaneously throughout the world. Countries possessing modern weapons are in even greater danger. Where and when it will start will not be open now. When the time comes you will find out. In Treta Yuga, Kranti began in Sri Lanka, and until its very beginning, no one, not even Rama, knew that it would begin there. In the Dvapara Yuga, at the time of Lord Krishna, no one knew where the revolution would start either. When it started in Kurukshetra, people from all over the world gathered there to start the liberation world war. Babaji will manifest His divine purpose to the world in the same way. As you know, the fire of the revolution is already spreading throughout the world. There is no power that can stop the fire and weaken the heat.

Superpowers like Russia and America will not be able to meet fire, even with their new weapons. Everything they have invented will be useless. Everything can be destroyed. Everyone should be ready for this revolution, especially those who are here now. Old and young, living in society and in seclusion, workers and unemployed - all must take part. You need devotion to God, Love and Yoga to save the world and join the revolution. For those who are truly devoted to Babaji, the flame of the fire will be cool. Do not be afraid of the fire, and it will turn to ice. This requires power over the mind and strong determination. Everyone should consider himself a fighter and be active. Everyone will have to go through fire. You must have a firm resolve. Even if there is global destruction or other disasters, you must be unwavering in your resolve. If there is a great flood, if a flame breaks out, in any calamity you must be so brave and decisive that you would throw yourself into water and fire. You also need to inspire others to be bold and courageous.

Only one who has courage is a real person. One who lacks courage is like a dead person, even if he is still alive. We must tighten our belts and gain firm determination to do good for the whole world, for the revival of humanity. You must strengthen yourself in this decision with all your strength.

Disasters will not fall on any one country, but will cover the entire universe - the entire universe is in danger. Terrible times are approaching for the whole world, the whole universe will be enveloped in this destruction. We must reckon not only with ourselves, but with the entire universe. We can achieve anything if we are hardworking and diligent.

Since we must fight for peace in the entire universe, say: "Jay Vishwa!" "Jay Vishwa!" means "Victory of the whole Universe!"

A few days before his departure, Babaji expressed his will to everyone who was around …

Babaji left his body on February 14, 1984. His goal was to convey a message to the world, having fulfilled it He left. The last thing He said was: "I am always with you"

Excerpts from the book "Teachings of Babaji"