The Essence Of Matriarchy In Modern Society - Alternative View

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The Essence Of Matriarchy In Modern Society - Alternative View
The Essence Of Matriarchy In Modern Society - Alternative View

Video: The Essence Of Matriarchy In Modern Society - Alternative View

Video: The Essence Of Matriarchy In Modern Society - Alternative View
Video: Chris Knight: Did Matriarchy Ever Exist? 25 September 2018 2024, October

If during the Revolution left-oriented people shouted slogans for gender equality, for giving women all the rights that men have, then in modern Russian society the situation has gone very far. The existing feminist organizations are still repeating all the same slogans, but personally I believe that feminism has won a long time ago, and matriarchy has come to society.

Those. not that even the so-called "equality", namely the dominant matriarchy with all the ensuing consequences. And if there are still men at the head of the country, this does not mean that the interests of women in society are more than satisfied. In fact, women's interests are indeed satisfied much more strongly than men's interests. There are a lot of examples.

The most classic example of matriarchy is the transfer of children by the court after the divorce to a woman, i.e. mother. Well, who among you would argue that in our reality, when a couple divorces, then most often the children stay with their mother. Even when the financial situation of a man (father) is much more reliable and stable, the court still leaves the children with their mother. Why is that?

And after all, some of you will say that now there is equality, but what kind of equality then, when children, under equal conditions, or even when a man is much richer than a woman, are given to a woman? The judge believes that children with a mother will be better off than with a father. This is pure gender discrimination!

And if a man tries to challenge court decisions, file appeals and look for other legal moves, then he will most likely lose anyway. Moreover, he will still be obliged to pay alimony! And, often, even without seeing their children, deprived of meetings with them by a court decision. And this is very common in our country. What is this if not matriarchy?

Living in one country, having nominally equal conditions and opportunities, a woman, as a result, is able to receive more than a man. And it's not about money, but about life in general. Yes, the average man can earn more than the average woman, but the same woman gets access to what this man earns through manipulation and her feminine charm. As a result, the woman always wins.

There are even various trainings on "bitchology" and manipulation of men. And many women willingly go there and learn, learn from more authoritative bitches. But the average man in the street, who does not notice these problems, simply lives for himself, will nevertheless say that now we still have equality, not matriarchy. But is it really so?

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Equality in our society or in any other society is possible only on a piece of paper, as a beautiful slogan, beautiful speech. But in reality there is no equality and cannot be for one simple reason: all people are different. And for there to be equality, people must be the same. Moreover, there is no equality even in the same gender groups, among men or among women.


Everywhere there is a difference, someone is stronger and someone is weaker. Someone is smarter, and someone is dumber. Someone is a techie, and someone is a humanitarian. Someone is a man, and someone is a woman.

A simple example. We go to the polls. I am a professor of political science at a prestigious university, he is an 18-year-old drug addict with nine years of education. Will the weight of my voice be equal to the weight of his voice? All who are for equality will say that yes - equal! But how is it equal when I can give him 500 rubles and ask him to vote for this or that candidate, and if they offer me such a proposal, I can send him to hell ?! Those. his voice is easy to change and easy to manipulate, and my voice is incorruptible.

The electorate is well bribed and well zombified. It's easy for him to be brainwashed when, as a political science professor, he can brainwash whoever you want. The professor votes, knowing what he is doing and fully aware of himself, and the addict votes for who looks "cool" or who has more funny videos on YouTube, and who is generally "cool dude". Others vote simply on the basis of the candidate's appearance: beautifully dressed means worthy. Is not it?

Another example. I am a match-thin nerd, he is a healthy, muscular jock. We have to do the same job: lugging bags from one place to another. After the twentieth bag I'm tired, and that guy is ready to drag another fifty dollars in one go. Do we have equal rights? He is six times stronger than me and better at this. And there can be no equality between us. No matter how he succumbed to me and gave a "head start", I will still be weaker than him.


Equality is a beautiful slogan used by dishonest politicians from time immemorial to lure the electorate. They made promises that we would all be equal. Some tried to build communism. They built, built - and what's the use? Where is communism now? The earthly paradise they were striving for? They came and destroyed the old society, but they never built communism … All these left-wing promises and fairy tales are worthless. All leftist ideas are based on the main principle - equality. That everyone should have equal rights and be responsible for them. But then they did not know that the human brain is very distinguishable. For example, a man's brain is more different from a woman's than a cat's is from a dog's. Those. within one species, the difference is much greater than the interspecies difference.

And, therefore, when they shout that everyone is equal, which means they must have equal rights, then they are simply cunning with us. If equal rights, then I, the one who is a nerd, and he is the one who is a jock, should end up getting the same amount for work and / or the same ration of food. But I brought 20 bags, and he - 50. He did almost 2.5 times more than mine! Will he be angry with me and the food / paycheck givers?

Therefore, I repeat: equality is possible only on a piece of paper. But in reality it cannot be. Human self-government in a particular society always compensates for the injustice of administrative governance. In the same way, in the relationship between a man and a woman, there can be no equality. Either the main one is a man, or the main one is a woman. But the problem is that in modern Russian families there are frequent (if not most) cases of matriarchy, i.e. power of a woman over a man.



If in a patriarchal social order, a man is primary over a woman, then in matriarchy, on the contrary, a woman stands above a man. The interests of the woman are more important than the interests of the man. The woman dominates the man. The woman is the leader, and the man is the second person, the one who obeys the leader.

The cult of the mother in modern Russian society consists in endowing women with special qualities, sometimes even slightly transcendental, divine. We all hear from childhood: “Mother is sacred!”, “You can't beat girls!”, “Obey your mother,” etc. The cult of the mother even carries a sacred form, having passed the stage of simple delegation of some powers to women to the stage of their deification.

But what about the father then? If the mother is holy, then why is the father not holy with her? What's wrong with the father then? What is the role of the father, and what is heard about him in general in our society? What do they say about fathers and how are they positioned now? And only this is heard: "You are a man - you must!" etc. Or nothing is heard at all. It turns out a woman just by the fact that she has certain sexual characteristics already by default is something holy and divine. And a man - he just has to, and that's it! But many women think the same way, am I not right?

The cult of the mother in our society of matriarchy has been entrenched approximately since the post-war years. In general, a serious wave of feminization of society took place in the post-war years. It began, of course, even earlier, but during the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich, the country was still patriarchal. This can be confirmed by our retirees, if you ask them.

The Russian Federation has the highest percentage of women leaders
The Russian Federation has the highest percentage of women leaders

The Russian Federation has the highest percentage of women leaders.

You judge for yourself. How our children grow up and how they are brought up. At a young age, he goes to kindergarten. And there they are, educators. And who are they? Women! Then he goes to school, and who is the teacher there? Women! It turns out that from an early age a man grows subordinate to a woman. One way or another, and it doesn't matter that these are other people's aunts, but after all, in these years, the formation, growth and development of personality takes place. And a personality is formed in subordination to women, when a man (albeit a small one) must obey a woman, be afraid and timid at the sight of all these headmistresses, head teachers and other teachers. And all this is presented for granted and necessary. It becomes a routine for a young man.

But it doesn't have to be that way. At all times, in all peoples, men have always been engaged in training. And education was separate (maybe not everywhere, but in many countries for sure). The man grew up and his personality was formed in submission to another man, older, more experienced and more authoritative. And there is nothing wrong with that, only good. Moreover, women also grew up by being submissive to men, respecting them.

But when the boy is accustomed to always and in everything to obey women, then he is looking for a suitable wife. A frenzied, often masculine, strong-willed woman. Boy-woman. And then they are surprised that "where are all the men here?" So after all, you yourself, women, bring them up like that! They have not gone anywhere, it's just that you women bring them up like that from an early age.


The cult of the mother is deeply embedded in the mind of such a person. Why go far, look around: yes, almost all of us are like that! You and me - yes, we are all. Am I wrong? And this is not matriarchy?

Although in all traditional cultures there has always been a cult of the father. Whether it's Christianity or Islam. Yes, even if paganism is patriarchal. And why? Because patriarchy is natural for a person. Patriarchy is a natural form of organization of society. Only under patriarchy society is capable of development and further prosperity. Because one way or another, with the onset of matriarchy, a mechanism of self-destruction and degradation is launched in society. In place (territory) of a weaker society (people), stronger ones will come and take their place. This has always been the case in history, read L. Gumilyov. In the absence of patriarchy, i.e. under matriarchy, society becomes perverted.

Yes, yes, exactly perverted. In the same way as homosexuals and other sexual minorities we consider perverts, in the same way our society is perverted. We live and think that everything in our environment is normal. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining, rye is heading in the field - a blooper! But, in fact, we live in a perverted society. This is the norm for us. And seeing how they live in some Muslim countries, we call them savages, sometimes even considering some kind of psychos (well, imagine yourself). “The Middle Ages,” we say, considering ourselves a developed, civilized society. All who are south of Orenburg, we (or rather you) call chocks. And we wanted to spit on their customs and traditions, for we are a civilized postmodern society, we are progressive humanity, but what is there - we are already demigods! And nothing that most of our men are henpecked,and women are bitches. Everything is fine, you can live, you could eat …

And seeing what is happening among our neighbors, Europeans, where the degradation and regression of public institutions has long reached the point of bifurcation (no return), we see that they already have a norm for perversion, and the list of legalization of all new perversions only grows over time.

There are frequent examples that we can see on the street, and often we even take pictures on our phones and post them on YouTube, marked "Rzhaka!" Examples, when somewhere in a crowded place, during a scandal, a woman beats a man, and he is not exactly hitting, he is silent and endures her bitchy, brutal antics. Like a wild cougar with her claws, she rushes at her little man. A maddened, frenzied and absolutely possessed wild female. With a voice hardened with rage, a red face and eyes full of aggression. And it happens that she is strong of him … And he, fool, tolerates her. And this is not matriarchy, in your opinion?


From here I can answer the question: "Is it possible to beat women and is it possible to raise a hand against them?" The answer is: "Women cannot be beaten, but masculine, frenzied females - it is possible, and sometimes even necessary!" If a woman behaves like a woman, then a hand will not rise on her, and if "This" is no longer a woman, but some kind of alien masculine creature, then she will be responsible for her actions and her aggression "This Being" will be like a man … Why not? How else, then? Gruzdev called himself get in the body!


But the Cult of the Mother, which sits tightly in our heads, sometimes does not even allow a man to defend his honor and dignity even elementary, and he takes upon himself all the slop that "This creature" pours on him. And it seems like it would be necessary to at least just cover up with your hands or give a slap in the face once (maybe the devil will come to his senses), but the program that was laid in a man in deep childhood does not give him this. "You can't beat girls!" "How dare you raise your hand against a woman, you bastard !?" "A man must!" A sad and sad sight.

And when this kind of female representatives or their faithful henpecked see how people live in the same Muslim countries (and not only, even in dharmic India, Buddhist Southeast Asia, Catholic Ireland and Latin America, i.e. many more where), then they will say immediately with a grin: “Phew … Cave people! Stone Age! Savages! How can this be! A woman should be free and do what she wants! " And try to argue with them - you will look like an idiot. Your opinion will be spat upon and humiliated in our "civilized, progressive consumer society." It's sad.

Duck, after all, there are fights, in fact, they are not so frequent, but here are just arguments and swearing. Those moments when a man cannot even respond in an elementary way to a simple verbal rudeness emanating from a woman in his address. The cult of the mother, the thought form of the absolute rightness and inviolability of a woman (any), does not even allow him to simply object to her and respond to her unreasonable rudeness! All these aunts in the offices who give us all these certificates, so vital for us in our bureaucratic life. "Where are you going!", "Lunch with me!", "You can read!", "Come tomorrow!"

And it seems like take it and argue with her, but something that is deep inside you, in the very wilderness of your subconscious, stubbornly prevents you from making an effort, and simply, delicately and politically correct answer the rudeness: "Why are you being rude to me ?!" "Don't be rude to me, I don't deserve it!", "Do your job politely!" - And that's it, your self-esteem will be raised, and her self-esteem will slightly descend from the state of divine inviolability, to the state of an ordinary citizen.

But the Cult of the Mother and all that filth and abomination that “such women” with their faithful henpecked ones have thrust into your head all these years does not allow you to defend your male honor and dignity, making you a rag, a mattress and a rag.

Heels and bitches

Where do henpecked and bitches come from? Why do some men climb under the heels of their queens and princesses, while women consider themselves almost goddesses and specifically look for henpecked ones?


It all lies in education. Or rather, in his absence. And even more precisely - in the absence of male upbringing, because men have always been involved in upbringing, when, like a woman, there was only care. And care and upbringing are different concepts, but frenzied modern females stubbornly refuse to accept this thesis, believing that they are doing a good deed, raising a child alone, and / or with their sensitive and merciless domination in the family.

Upbringing is the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger. But since in a patriarchal society women knew "their place", therefore, they did not have much experience. And they could not convey it. And if they did, it was a purely female experience. Those. it's not that if a woman learns to drive a tractor or shoot a machine gun and then teaches her son this, it will be a substitute for male upbringing. Not. You can teach a monkey something, and sometimes bears ride motorcycles. It's about something else.

I am amazed by those single mothers who claim that without a scoundrel father (a goat, more precisely, as it is now fashionable to say) they will be able to raise a "real man" out of their son. How only?

The child perceives information by copying. And upbringing is imitation, copying the behavior of an older person. And what kind of behavior will a son see if he is raised by a single mother who hates her ex-husband, a goat? Feminine behavior! Those. to raise a man from a boy, you must be a man yourself! It's as simple as two and two! But in this case, the son copies the behavior of a woman, therefore, he will behave like a woman!

But many women stubbornly refuse to accept this and, due to their excessive pride and selfishness, they are convinced that their sons will definitely grow up as men. But in practice, sons grow up henpecked, mom's sons, or, as it is now fashionable to say on the Internet, as rabbits.

After all, what does the “mothering up” of a son or the upbringing of a woman in matriarchy mean? This means that the son must be a good boy. And being a good boy means obeying your mother, doing what your mother says, because it's “good and right”. So such a child always gets used to obeying his mother in everything. And if he doesn't listen, then he gets a scandal, swearing, hysteria, snot and drool flying into him. A wild cougar climbs out of her cave and rushes at her son. After all, how is it, she is Mom, and Mom is sacred, and therefore, she is always right! And even when she is not right, she is still right, because she is a Mom, because she has certain sexual characteristics and a certain biological role in society. And whoever does not agree with this is a chauvinist, villain, goat, boor, psychopath, schizophrenic, misogynist and in general,an ulcer on the body of all progressive humanity! For how dare he encroach on the Holy! To Mom! More precisely, Mom, who are right, even though you crack! And in general, she did such an awesome favor to this cruel world - she gave birth to a child! But if men could, would they really not give birth?

“Why are you doing this! What did I tell you !? I myself know what's best! etc. And a little boy, still with a fragile psyche, takes it for granted and listens to his Holy Mother-demigoddess (and often not even half-), because this is right! This behavior is real! And it's better for him!

The results of studies in the United States show the effect on children of the absence of a father in the family (such families in the United States are 20% of the total):

  • 63% of adolescent suicide is committed by children growing up without a father (Source: US Bureu of the census)
  • 70% of children in government institutions come from fatherless families (Source: US Dept of Justice Special Report 1988)
  • 71% of dropout children grow up in fatherless families (Source: National Principles Association Report on the State of High Schools)
  • 80% of rapes are motivated by anger, the source of which stems from families with no or no father (Source: US Criminal Justice and Behavior 1978)
  • 85% of all teenagers in prison grew up in fatherless families (Source: Texas Dept of Corrections 1992)
  • 85% of children with antisocial behavior grow up in fatherless families (Source: Center for Disease Control)
  • 90% of all homeless children and children who regularly run away from home are from fatherless families (Source: US Bureu of the censu s)

But for a man, at what age he would not be, listening to a woman, be it a mother, teacher or girlfriend, is dumb and humiliating. Sometimes even fellow peers make fun of him and mock him, calling him a mother's son. And they are absolutely right.

But mom doesn't care what they tell him. "They are not good - and don't be friends with them!" "You have to be a good boy and listen to your mom, then I'll buy you a car!" - Pathetic bitches, they turn their sons into an effeminate creature who then cannot realize themselves in life and has a bunch of psychological (and often psychopathological) problems.

Now let's deal with the term "henpecked", because many people misunderstand it. Henpecked means Under Heel. Those. one who is under the authority of a woman and works for her interests. This is not the one who lives at the expense of the woman (gigolo), but the one who is controlled by the woman. Openly or through their hidden manipulations.

Now about the appearance of bitches. More precisely, this group includes all strong-willed women. Women leaders, ambitious leaders.

This also happens due to the lack of male upbringing, i.e. the absence of a man influencing the child's life. If in the case of a son, he needs a man's upbringing as a transfer of life experience, in the case of a woman, it is a constraining factor.

And it inhibits the development of an excessively large so-called. "Female instinct", or maternal instinct. When a daughter grows up in a patriarchal family, where the father takes a leading position (a strong, self-confident man with a fist on the table), and the mother is just a mother. Loving, moderately caring, feminine, sensitive and appreciating her man, standing behind him, not before him (after all, she is behind her husband). Then the maternal instinct in the daughter develops normally, without abnormal overdevelopment.


But when fatherlessness or the father in the family is not the main one, i.e. matriarchy, then, due to the fact that her mother is forced (and often, simply wishing so) to take on all family functions, all organizational measures and everything else - then the daughter, copying the mother's behavior, already from a young age learns to be strong-willed, purposeful, ambitious and independent woman.

The mother gives her all her female programs, as well as male ones, which she, for one reason or another, is forced to carry out in the family. As a result, her "female instincts" turn out to be overstated, overdeveloped. Maternal feelings are too high and above the norm if she grew up in a patriarchal family.

As a result, a girl, when she already becomes a woman and gives birth to her children, has excessive care over them. Some people itch hands to invent something, to do something, but she itches an overdeveloped maternal instinct. "Don't go there, don't go out of the yard!" Constant control, anxiety, anxiety and attempts to secure the situation. And for a woman at the endocrine level, safety and comfort are important. This is necessary for her normal life. When a woman is in a comfortable environment (on the couch at home, for example), she produces the hormone oxytocin, which she needs, but when the female instinct and oxytocin are too developed, more is required.

Therefore, a mother with an overestimated maternal instinct tries to control everything, climbs everywhere, she needs to know everything and give advice around. Moreover, her over-concern extends to other family members, and sometimes even to friends. Not that this is somehow bad, but the fact is that this concern goes on even when you don't ask for it. And then it is perceived as a gift and a favor to you, they say, "what a fine fellow I am, I care about you, and you, ungrateful bastards, will not even say a kind word to me!"

You don't seem to need it, but she will suggest. And it pokes under your breath with its excessive care, maniacally pursuing you everywhere. And all from the fact that those parts of the brain that are responsible for the maternal instinct (the subventicular parts of the brain and the frontal lobes, I suppose, too, as well as the limbic system, because emotions and feelings) are overdeveloped, i.e. they have many neural connections.

As a musician has a well-developed hearing department, such a woman also has developed "maternal brain regions." And she cannot be changed in the course of her life. Only by, sorry, lobotomy, removing areas of the frontal lobes of the cortex and turning it into a plant.

So, if a guy grows up fatherless with a dominant mother, with matriarchy, then he grows up henpecked and a mother's son, less often he finds the strength to resist all that stupidity and chaos that comes from his manic mother, after which he becomes a bitch. He acquires cunning, slyness, cunning and other qualities from his mother, which makes him a bitch. Not henpecked, but not quite a full-fledged man (from the point of view of the psyche). He is still weak, because cunning and various deceptions are an indicator of weakness. And it seems that he does not obey, but still lacks real masculine qualities, such as valor, honor, courage, willpower, inner core, etc. What do you hear about this now? When was the last time you used these phrases at all? These words are common characteristics of a manbut now they are used, perhaps, in the description of various fairy-tale heroes, heroes, i.e. they have long ago moved to the format of a fairy tale, and in reality they are not used.

Will such a son be able to cover the enemy embrasure with his body and go to the feat for the sake of other people? Or will he only think about himself, about his pocket, his stomach, and his, sorry, ass? The vast majority of oligarchs, any would-be presidents (Yanukovych, Gorbachev), corrupt officials and other bastards are just such sons, such mothers. Who did not take over from their fathers the masculine qualities of valor and honor, but only individualistic habits and the desire for their own profit. For profit and individualism are natural for a woman, because every woman is an owner. She historically had only one family, one hearth, which she took care of, but the man united in groups and took care of the entire population as a whole. Therefore, a single mother or dominant mother with a weak father, who plays a key role in "raising" a son,transfers to him her female programs of individualism, profit, greed, hypocrisy, cunning, deceit, striving for comfort and the search for easy ways.


It turns out that the software, the "Windu" that lies in our brain, in our consciousness called Personality, creates the world around us. Mother, father, relatives, friends, uncles and aunts. And if a guy is deprived of male attention in life, then female software is laid in his head. All hairy and muscular, but with a female personality type. Afraid of difficulties and responsibility. Often he has some kind of mental disorder (while not even knowing about them), often - a tendency to social phobia and is not satisfied with his life or, on the contrary, is excessively talkative, “from empty to empty”. Weak and cowardly, he likes to avoid difficulties and pass their solution to someone else. But because his mother "raised" him like that, she made him that way. And okay, after all, when the father died, but how many women who themselves demand a divorce and then take their children, protecting them,in their opinion, from the "goat-father"?

Nature requires a man to act as masculine, but he cannot, because this is not in him. And the psyche becomes frustrated, depression, fears, phobias, anxiety, dissatisfaction with life, etc. appear … And so that this does not arise, the man compensates for this by using alcohol, drugs, hobby for computer games and other life substitutes. And then they wonder why our men drink so much? So how not to drink something here ?! But his loving mother insisted that she would definitely make a real man out of him? Everything is correct. She did. This is exactly what the "Real Man" should be in the minds of this kind of women in matriarchy. He must listen to his mother (then his wife), give her flowers, speak beautiful words, and in general, carry her in his arms, there’s a louse! Which he does. This is sad. And the sad thing is that most do not understand this. Although, perhaps, they only pretend that they do not understand, but deep down, everyone knows this very well. Because you can't fool nature! Nature will still take its own and will demand. But alas, matriarchy has already arrived.


If we leave hundreds of thousands of simple everyday examples from our everyday life, where a woman benefits not from the fact that she is better, but from the fact that she is a woman, and analyze this issue more globally, then the following can be reported.

I believe no one will deny that historically it so happened that a man, by virtue of his characteristics, has always played the role of a breadwinner, warrior, guard. A man united with other men, made plans, invented, invented. Conducted active physical and intellectual activity. And the woman, meanwhile, was the keeper of the hearth, sat with the children, cooked food, was engaged in non-hazardous gathering and took care of maintaining comfort in the home. Hence, two key words can be distinguished that can be attributed to each of the sexes: man - danger, woman - comfort. Those. a man lives in danger: he suits it himself, he localizes it and corrects it, i.e. danger and difficulties are his element. And the female element is comfort. Those. no danger, aggression, evil animals and militant people nearby. Warmth, dryness and comfort.

Therefore, the public administration "patriarchy" and "matriarchy" can be expressed in terms of these key words. Patriarchy is dominated by a strong alpha male, in which danger and stress prevails over comfort. Matriarchy is the rule of comfort, no danger, life in safety.

If a man is drawn to a feat, to risk, to enmity and fights, the use of physical force and subtle intellectual moves, then this is alien to a woman, she is attracted to the implementation of order, coziness, cleanliness, safety and comfort. Smiles and fun instead of an evil grin and fresh wounds on the body. A woman is not characterized by complex intellectual activities, which men are engaged in when coming up with new plans, subtle moves, etc. It is common for a woman to provide comfort in the house, to monitor household issues: cooking, washing, various washing, etc.

If you shift this to the modern world (so as not to delve into history), then you can see the following picture. Countries with a pronounced patriarchal way of life have very large criminal statistics, the successful development of organized criminal groups and gangs. For example, the countries of Central America, including Mexico and the southern states of the United States, as well as Colombia, Venezuela, etc. Numerous drug cartels, groups responsible for drug trafficking in the United States, teenage gangs (for example, Mara Salvatrucha, where about 50 thousand people). The areas controlled by organized crime groups are exclusively patriarchal, or even ultra-patriarchal. Well, judge for yourself that "woman's behavior" and cowardice will be suppressed in such an environment and courage will be held in high esteem.

Also in the Middle East, for example, Lebanon, with the dominant Hezbola, the Taliban in Afghanistan, some African countries, and Russia in the 90s. But in Russia now there are practically no large organized criminal groups left, everyone is either sitting, or died, or on the run, or legalized. All crimes are committed by loners or small would-be gangs who are immediately caught. And serious criminal operations can be seen only on the NTV channel, i.e. pretend.

In general, life in the Russian Federation is now very safe. The FSB even dealt with the last representatives of terrorist organizations in the Caucasus. People live in safety and comfort. They can do what they want, walk in whatever they want. Girls can get naked as they want, guys can get drunk as they want. Store shelves are jam-packed with a wide variety of food, prices are generally affordable, people go on holidays abroad often, buy real estate and a second car. In short, life is comfortable. Not Scandinavian quality, but not 90s anymore.

But only if you return to the essence of the issue and think about how matriarchy can be attributed to all this, then it turns out very simple. Comfort is a woman's element, she feels like a fish in water in this. She knows how to handle him and what to do with him. And the man, on the other hand, becomes lethargic in comfort. When there are no problems, there is no need to go for a feat, but everything is already there, then what is left for a man to do? What should he do? This is where computer games and alcohol come to his aid. They help him pass the time, the virtual reality of games creates the illusion of feat and danger, so vital for any man.

The danger and state of achievement for a man is a natural state. And a state of rest and peace is natural for a woman. Just as a fish cannot live on land, and an animal cannot live under water, so a man cannot find a place for himself in an atmosphere of excessive comfort, and a woman hates discomfort.

Therefore, there is a direct relationship in countries with a low level of organized crime groups and the danger and development of matriarchy. If there is no war, if there is a lot of food and the man's skills as a breadwinner are not needed to get it (you can earn money and buy ready-made food in the supermarket), if security is already ensured, and nothing needs to be invented, then comfort will dominate, which means the dominance of women. The woman moves to the fore, as long as she knows what to do in this atmosphere, and the man becomes insolvent, no one needs his skills and he is forced to follow the woman's lead in one way or another, explicitly or secretly.

But only you and I, oh, dear reader, know perfectly well from the Universe-25 experiment that a population cannot live long in an atmosphere of achieved comfort - it will degrade and stop reproducing. Therefore, we can say with a high degree of probability that yes, the absence of crime is good, but the consequences of this are sad. Heavenly and high life for one or two generations - and inevitable death for the next. Lack of energy, pathological laziness and lack of will to live. Rome once degraded by this example.

Criminal patriarchy, i.e. patriarchy with dominant gangs is a vulgar form of patriarchy. When a man feels dissatisfied, i.e. he cannot realize his male programs, then vulgarization occurs, a vulgar patriarchy is formed. Wild, primitive, etc. Men gather in gangs, groups like football fans, nationalist ultras groups. This behavior discredits patriarchy. This is patriarchy in its most base and primitive form.

Looking at all these gangs of thugs, a normal person has a kind of aversion to masculinity, when "It" is presented as courage instead of real courage, valor, honor and courage. Knowing no other patriarchy, a young person brought up in a modern environment acquires aversion to all this, considering it Masculine and Patriarchal. Therefore, matriarchy as an environment of comfort is becoming the most popular type of organization of society. If courage is gopniks, criminals, Nazis and terrorists, then down with such courage! Everyone remembers crime bosses, well-known terrorists, nationalists, but they forget that real courage is Suvorov and Kutuzov, this is Dmitry Donskoy and Alexander Nevsky, this is Ermak and Zhukov, this is Korolev and Vavilov, whom the tongue would not turn to call gopniks, criminals and terrorists !That's what courage is, that's what Patriarchy is!

It is not at all necessary to organize groups and rob stalls to get rid of the dangers of matriarchy. Many societies in our time live under patriarchy and at the same time do not rob or kill anyone. Otherwise, things may go too far. Although, most likely, nothing can be changed - this is a historical process. Whatever happens. Only a big catastrophe can change everything, which will return everyone to their places. Therefore, among a certain male audience, the ideas of post-apocalypse are so popular now, whether in literature, films, and in general as an object for study.

A catastrophe that will destroy all current foundations and return people to their original state, to their natural state, where a man is in his place and a woman is in hers. Patriarchy under these conditions will come by itself and will be natural. When there will be no talk about what to wear today and what perfume to use. And there will be a speech on how to survive and save your life. In conditions of survival, men gain dominance. It is in well-fed, lazy conditions of a comfortable life that a woman commands, and in extreme conditions, a man commands. Therefore, I do not see another scenario. But if there is a new war, in which men, the last strong and brave, the last gene pool of the nation, will die again, then our society will completely die out in the end. We will not survive another war.

So all that remains is to trust in the Lord and live on, but to know the reality and try to isolate oneself from this chaos. For example, guys should avoid bitchy girls, not marry them - let them build their own careers and have cats instead of children. Decent girls should look for decent guys based on these criteria. Start a family and raise children on your own. One way or another, everything leads to this. Forewarned means armed.

Author: Oleg Prikhodko