Richard Hoagland: People Have Already Lived On The Moon - Alternative View

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Richard Hoagland: People Have Already Lived On The Moon - Alternative View
Richard Hoagland: People Have Already Lived On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: Richard Hoagland: People Have Already Lived On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: Richard Hoagland: People Have Already Lived On The Moon - Alternative View
Video: Apollo 15 - In The Mountains Of The Moon (1971) 2024, October

One of the lunar anomalies. Modeling of the likely appearance of an ancient settlement on the Moon, captured by the Clementine HIRES camera (left). Erosion erases traces of the structure on the surface (center), but processing the image with a filter reveals a rectangular anomaly

Astronautics, including manned space, has already fulfilled its historical mission, having obtained a lot of information about the traces of ancient civilizations on the Moon and Mars. So, judging by the bestseller "Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA", said former agency employee Richard Hoagland, who told in an exclusive interview about what NASA is hiding and what secrets these celestial bodies hide

Richard, how long have you personally known that there are "signs of life" in the Universe?

- Almost 30 years have passed since I began an in-depth study of issues related to the presence of intelligent life in space. I am especially interested in the topic of the presence of artificial structures and formations on other planets. On this score, I and my associates managed to collect a huge amount of information. We do not doubt the reliability of the facts we have analyzed in detail and we strive to convey them to the broad masses. We do this through the Internet, publications, interviews.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the pictures showing the ruins of alien buildings were published at different times by the space agencies of the USA, USSR and Europe. And now they are doing the same in the Russian Federal Space Agency. Skeptics may object - they say, why should the official institutions declassify what they so carefully concealed for many decades. The answer is that employees of these institutions are engaged in the publication of sensational photographs "underground". They, like me, were simply disgusted with the leadership's lies. So, on the official NASA websites you can find many interesting images - for example, "castles in the air" located on the moon. They exist, these "palaces" are not a figment of a sick imagination. Even the details of amazing structures are clearly visible in the pictures,which are made of transparent glass-like material.

- You worked at NASA, what did you do there?

“I had a so-called“consultant contract”at the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASOV, I took part in the development related to the creation of the famous Hubble telescope. In addition, I was a scientific advisor in the department of "special events" of the CBS channel during the Apollo mission, helped the famous American television journalist Walter Cronkite. He was in charge of the Hayden Planetarium.

What was the “last straw” for you when deciding to leave NASA? Or did you get fired?

- Let me explain: I was not fired from NASA. It's just that my contract expired, it was not renewed. I finished work on my project and left, because no money was allocated to expand my further powers. For the spiteful critics, I would like to emphasize that my departure is in no way connected with my investigation, which I began years later.

- It is interesting to know from you, what was the reaction of NASA after the sensational press conferences at the US National Press Club, which you held in the mid-90s of the last century and then already in 2007? You there publicly declared that NASA hides many secrets about UFOs and fantastic buildings, which are allegedly literally strewn with different planets. The agency was accused of purposeful collusion with the US government.

- On the one hand, as you said, the NASA General Staff kept silence - this is also a kind of "reaction". By the way, it is quite obvious to us that some journalists dealing with space issues were somehow encouraged “from above” - so that they either did not comment in any way on what we said in their publications, or called it “hallucinations”. On the other hand, the staff inside NASA clearly perked up after our speech, including some former astronauts who treated us favorably and seriously. As a result, we get a lot of valuable information about what actually happens on the moon.

Didn't you sign a nondisclosure agreement when you worked for NASA?

“Since I was not asked to sign anything before my NASA work contract was approved, I am not legally restricted in my right to report anything I can remember now.

- But how do the American authorities generally allow you to make such statements at the national level? Are you not under "special" surveillance, are you not afraid?

- We have been holding our meetings for the media at the National Press Club since 1993. Moreover, this hall is located just a few blocks from the White House. During the first such press conference, strange things did happen, for example, they tried to erase our videos, but then everything went pretty smoothly. We are allowed to speak and publish the results of our investigations. Do not forget: in America there is freedom of speech, we are not afraid of anyone. What can they do with us? If anyone tries to silence me or my colleagues, it will be political confirmation of what we have been saying over the years: NASA is hiding the real moon. In addition, now I have no doubt that the more active you behave, the louder you declare your beliefs, the less you should worry about yourself. The degree of your protection from this only increases.

- You are now head of the Enterprise Mission Center in New Mexico, which oversees NASA activities. Tell us about the creation of this organization.

- Our independent group Enterprise Mission was founded in 1996 in Washington, DC, we officially announced the beginning of our work in the same US National Press Club. We are engaged in trying to figure out what of the discovered NASA in the solar system in recent decades has been hidden from the American people, however, as well as from the whole world. Even after the space shuttle Challenger and Columbia crashed, most ordinary Americans, figuratively speaking, still tend to put NASA on a par with Mother Teresa. It does not even occur to people that this organization is actually obsessed with the search for extraterrestrial civilizations and therefore cleverly disguises its space missions under various research programs "to study the environment on other planets." From time to time, the composition of our group changes: some informants have been cooperating with us for years,and someone is delayed only for a couple of months. By the way, in our work we have repeatedly referred to the publications of the Russian researcher Vladimir Avinsky, who was often quoted in our reports. Our first high-profile discoveries are associated with his name. Avinsky is a specialist in Cydonia, an area on Mars where we have clear indications of intelligent life. For the first time, Avinsky's geometric analysis of this region was published back in 1984 in the Soviet Life magazine, which was published in the United States.there are obvious signs of intelligent life. For the first time, Avinsky's geometric analysis of this region was published back in 1984 in the Soviet Life magazine, which was published in the United States.there are obvious signs of intelligent life. For the first time, Avinsky's geometric analysis of this region was published back in 1984 in the Soviet Life magazine, which was published in the United States.

What projects are you working on now?

- As you know, together with my colleague Mike Barra, I published the book Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA. Just days after our work hit book shelves, it was added to the New York Times bestseller list. As in many other large countries, the publication was published in Russia. And my first book was called Buildings on Mars. A city on the borders of eternity”. Since the Enterprise Mission is constantly receiving new data, I am now working hard for days on the fifth - augmented - version of both books.

In addition to the "book" direction, Enterprise Mission is now conducting one important study, in which we want to find out how many planets in the solar system have "real artificial artifacts" on their surface - evidence of the activity of living things that could be photographed. We also continue our work related to the study of the laws of hyperspace using the example of the ruins of the region of Martian Sidonia. In the modern world - with all our geopolitical cataclysms and the threat of global warming - the discovery of new laws of physics could herald a new era in the life of mankind. I also cannot fail to mention our active work with the media. Enterprise Mission employees were even invited to NBC as consultants for a popular science film. The theme of the NBC / SciFi Special is both intriguing and frightening: "Possible scientific discoveries related to the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012." Our research on hyperspace is closely related to issues related to the "2012 issue". Probably, few people in Russia will see this program, but for the sake of intrigue I will mention it anyway - one of the stories will tell about the “swirls” of space around the pyramids located in Central America. We got absolutely stunning data!located in Central America. We got absolutely stunning data!located in Central America. We got absolutely stunning data!

How did the release of "Dark Mission …" affect your work?

- When you publish an international bestseller, the number of your "sources" for additional information increases exponentially. Many people from different parts of the world began to send interesting facts about our investigations to the Enterprise Mission. And some of these "facts" are nothing more than official images from NASA and other space agencies, which clearly show various "oddities" of near and distant planets. New sensational evidence can be seen in the revised version of "Dark Mission", which I have already told you about.

- Richard, in short: what did the American astronauts find on the moon?

“On the lunar surface, the Apollo mission cameras have captured thousands - if not hundreds of thousands - of artificial anomalies. No less curious anomalies were recorded earlier - even by unmanned spacecraft of the United States and the USSR. The “finds” are dilapidated “glass” constructions, composed as if from fragments, with clear geometric shapes. They refract and scatter sunlight over the entire surface of the Earth's satellite. Figuratively speaking, on the moon there are many huge glass towers, sparkling ruins and various prisms, much is suspended "in the air."

- What, in your opinion, is the most incredible lunar find?

- In the context of future significance for earthlings, the so-called "robot head", which was recorded by Apollo 17 in 1972, can be considered the strangest and most terrible find at the moment. This object - we call it Data's Head - is incredibly similar to the head of the C3PO android from the Star Wars movie. What is stored in this "head", what incredible data? We assume that the astronauts brought this object home to Houston, where specialists studied it in detail and, perhaps, even extracted some information. Isn't this sensational discovery that made all the world powers so fuss? Probably, the lunar race is explained by the hunt for "trophies" similar to the "robot head"! Look how everyone suddenly rushed to the moon at once - Russians, Chinese, Japanese and Indians. It was not by chance that your Prime Minister Putin signed an agreement with India! Hopefullythat after reading this material, interested persons from Russia will contact us, and we will start working together. I have long dreamed of coming to Moscow.

“Richard, you talk about inanimate things all the time. Is there life on the moon or on Mars?

- So far, according to our information, - "no one is at home." There are only "ruins" themselves. I believe the Apollo missions confirmed that an amazing civilization once existed on the moon, and a civilization of human origin! It was laid down by our very distant ancestors, it's even scary to think how many centuries ago. NASA finds indicate that humans once inhabited the entire solar system. The highly advanced science of the bygone mega-civilization allowed them to travel from Earth to the Moon and build structures out of a material resembling glass there, in addition, now we know that they were helped by high-tech robotic androids. So far, we only dream of this! Data from Mars also confirm all these incredible "stories". Judging by the pictures of the rovers of different countries taken at different times, a terrible catastrophe occurred on this planet,destroyed all living things. Martian cities are buried under a thick layer of frozen mud and dust … Isn't it a great "picture" for the edification of earthlings ?!

Do you think future generations will learn the truth from their governments?

- I believe that even now, thanks to such interviews, this secret behind seven seals is gradually being revealed more and more. As they say, slowly but surely. People should know that we are on the eve of great events. And the numerous missions that are going to be sent to the moon by different countries will simply not be able to conceal everything that they find there!