What Is Oscar's Biggest Deception? - Alternative View

What Is Oscar's Biggest Deception? - Alternative View
What Is Oscar's Biggest Deception? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Oscar's Biggest Deception? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Oscar's Biggest Deception? - Alternative View
Video: The Oscars' voting process awards safe movies 2024, October

The video reveals the main manipulation that underlies all modern major film awards, and first of all - the Oscars.

Have you ever wondered why film awards are needed? At first glance, the answer is obvious, to reward certain creators for their work and talents. Indeed, all these red carpets, camera flashes, statuettes, rave reviews - the award that famous actors, screenwriters, directors receive for the masterpieces they create.

But then let's answer the second question - why publicly encourage all these people? Why arrange a huge and expensive show from this process, in which dozens of major media outlets and hundreds of journalists participate? Here the answer will be more interesting - to set an example for other creators! Film awards and all the hype around them are needed to show all other filmmakers how and about what to make films. A film award is like a plaque of honor that hangs in the corridor of a school or enterprise, and encourages everyone to look up to the most hardworking and zealous.

Here are just photos of the best students who study best. Or the so-called "Stakhanovites", who have the highest labor productivity. That is, both the first and the second are somehow evaluated and encouraged for diligence, development and the benefit that they can bring to the enterprise or the whole society. And what is the criterion for evaluating filmmakers? Why are they given all these statuettes?

This is actually a very serious question, which seems to lie on the surface, but in fact it is never discussed anywhere. Let's pay attention to the same Oscar - although we are talking about almost all modern major film awards, since they are built on the same principle. It has more than 20 nominations for which awards are presented - for example, for the best male or female role, for the best script, direction, sound, special effects, and so on.

But at the same time, no one talks about whether the film, on which tens or hundreds of people have worked, is beneficial to society. Perhaps the authors filmed immoral, deceitful, crap, saturated with a poisonous ideology of cynicism, selfishness, sociopathy, sadism and so on. In this case, can we encourage the participants in the process, for example, the same actors or editors, with awards? Logically, we cannot, but as the real practice of awarding the Oscars shows, this is exactly what is being done. Talents are rewarded regardless of whether they are used for the benefit or harm of society.

We could cite hundreds of such examples here, when antisocial and highly immoral films are encouraged by one Oscar or another, or even collect a whole list of figurines. But these will only be particulars. It is more important that you see and understand the whole absurdity of a situation in which the main criterion for evaluating art - its impact on society - is simply removed from the discussion. As if it does not exist, as if it is not important, as if art and talents are valuable in themselves, and not within the framework of the goals for which they are realized.


Promotional video:

In the current system, it is quite possible to shoot a movie that glorifies, for example, Hitler, racism and Nazi ideology, or promotes cannibalism, LGBT people and any other perversions, and then advertise it to the whole world for the excellent acting of the actors, for excellent special effects, for great sound, for costume design, for anything! After all, you have as many as 25 nominations, choose any!

Since in modern realities almost all major film awards are built precisely according to such a false format, which allows advertising and encouraging base art, we do not indicate on the KinoCensor website what awards a particular film, actor, director received. We are not supporters of such manipulations and we believe that viewers should think with their own heads and evaluate the influence of the cinema themselves, without being guided by the opinion of clearly engaged authorities. In our opinion, this is a more honest position.