The Book By Vladimir Maslov “New Sodom. LGBT Movement As A Political Problem "- Alternative View

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The Book By Vladimir Maslov “New Sodom. LGBT Movement As A Political Problem "- Alternative View
The Book By Vladimir Maslov “New Sodom. LGBT Movement As A Political Problem "- Alternative View

Video: The Book By Vladimir Maslov “New Sodom. LGBT Movement As A Political Problem "- Alternative View

Video: The Book By Vladimir Maslov “New Sodom. LGBT Movement As A Political Problem
Video: We Resist: A Queer Muslim Perspective | El-Farouk Khaki | TEDxUTSC 2024, October

Publicist Vladimir Maslov published the book “New Sodom. LGBT movement as a political problem”.

Book Description

An attempt to comprehend the international LGBT movement from a political position. Politics is understood as the art of conquering and retaining power. The history of the development of the LGBT movement is shown, its inspirers and patrons are identified. The main problems and threats, as well as the true goals about which activists prefer to remain silent, are considered. The technology and strategy behind which LGBT organizations have achieved overwhelming success in a relatively short period of time is revealed. Special attention is paid to the problem of transsexualism, which some American researchers call the “transgender epidemic”. Also studied homosexual behavior as "norm-abnormal". The author terminologically calls the international LGBT movement “New Sodom”, and comes to the conclusion that it is so powerful that only a very powerful state can oppose it. The book by V. A. Maslova “New Sodom. LGBT movement as a political problem”is distributed free of charge.

Download the book: PDF and Word.

Excerpt from the chapter "Transgender dictatorship"

The lost (transsexuals) are undoubtedly abnormal, temporarily insane or mentally ill. The statement about their "normality" contradicts common sense and evidence, which any person of the conditional development level of 18 years of life can stand up to. I would like to note that according to the technology of normalizing homosexuality, TP (transgender propaganda) convinces everyone that transsexuality is an inborn phenomenon. Since it is customary in the modern world to prove the blueness of the sky, there is a large study of famous American scientists on this subject with the conclusion: stuck in a woman's body "or" a woman stuck in a man's body ") has no scientific evidence." In other matters,the trance movement has its own "science".

Promotional video:

American psychiatrists removed transgenderism as such from the collection of mental illnesses in 2013, as before with "homosexuality", it happened under the most severe political pressure. However, the American Psychiatric Association has retained "gender dysphoria" in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In the current WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), transsexualism (transgenderness) is located in the section "Mental and behavioral disorders". In May 2019, ICD-11 was adopted, it will enter into force on January 1, 2022, and “transsexualism” was removed in it, introducing “gender dysphoria”. This event was greeted by LGBT people with a standing ovation, yet, they once again bent the WHO.


Anorexia nervosa is very often diagnosed in adolescents, especially girls, and is usually treated with psychotherapy. It is very similar to transsexualism. In the first case, we have an eating disorder, since people think that they are overweight, and in the second, that they are of a different “gender”. American scientist, professor of psychiatry Richard B. Corradi notes: "Anorexia and gender dysphoria are among the many manifestations of psychological conflict that can arise during an identity crisis in adolescence." It is obvious that the “identity crisis” in both cases is facilitated by the environment, even politicians know about the connection between anorexia and propaganda. For example, in 2012 the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, banned the use of "unhealthy thinness" models in advertising campaigns.

Anorexia can be fatal in 5-15% of cases. One of the most dangerous symptoms is the self-prescription of hormonal drugs; such patients practically do not give in to even compulsory treatment. Anorectics are treated by professional psychiatrists, and in the case of transsexualism and gender dysphoria, children fall into the clutches of “doctors” of LGBT activists and they are immediately put on hormones that lead to irreversible consequences.

Suppose "someone" declares himself the heir of Alfred Nobel. In this case, “someone” will be required to provide evidence, documents or other confirmation of kinship. If these are not presented, and “someone” continues to insist on his rights, then with a high degree of probability he will be sent to prison for fraud or to a madhouse. In general, the Law strictly applies to those who pretend to be someone else. In the case of transsexuals, we do not see this. Why? Because we are again dealing not with science, not with medicine or law, but with politics and expediency.

Why did gender dysphoria remain on the list of diseases? This is explained by the fact that it was necessary to observe a certain compromise. Manufacturers of relevant drugs and gender clinics cannot be excluded from the process. They, as an important element of the corruption system, are interested in the influx of new patients and by all means contribute to the growth of the transgender epidemic. Previously, the technology was brilliantly worked out in creating the "opioid crisis": wholesale bribery of doctors and officials, mass propaganda and misleading about the harm of "drugs". If we stop considering the lost as sick, then the flow of money from the budget to insurance companies will dry up and the tycoons from “medicine” will lose decent earnings. By the way, transsexuals understand the threat of normalization of their illness, because they have no money for drugs and operations.

Little is known about the transgender market, but there are four main takeaways from open source information. First, since the beginning of the 2000s, it has grown tens of times, perhaps hundreds. The second - for 2017, the global market for gender reassignment operations was $ 202 million, the forecast for 2024 is almost a billion, these are conservative estimates. The third - taking into account medicines, today the total market can be several billion. Fourth, the general market for trans services will grow by tens of percent per year.

The first transgender clinic for children and adolescents in the United States appeared in Boston in 2007; today there are more than 50 of them throughout the country. One sex reassignment operation can range from $ 20,000 to $ 150,000, it all depends on the range of services and gender, the most expensive surgeries on women (breast removal and making the penis appear).

The following question arises. Why then did they push through the medical normalization of homosexuality, because it was possible to get rich on treatment? The answer is simple. The medical mafia in the super-society hierarchy is below the masters of Sodom and the agents of population reduction. And in the case of the lost, everyone is happy.


Treatment of transsexualism in children has three approaches.

1). Return - measures aimed at accepting one's gender.

2). Observation is passive waiting for the child to "go crazy".

3). Transgender transition is a long-term, multi-stage therapy for gender reassignment.

Sodom and LGBT activists have ensured that the third approach is almost always used in the West. As before with OTC, today in the West there is a pressure of consensus that the return is "ineffective and is currently considered unethical."

It is important to remember two facts once and for all. The first. Experts on both sides of the barricades claim that up to 98% of gender-dysphoric boys and 88% of girls will eventually adopt their biological sex after puberty (DSM-5, Kenneth Zucker). However, this can only happen if you do not indulge their desires. Second. Almost everyone who started the transition remains in a fantasy field, at least for quite some time.

Knowing these two simple facts very easily explains the prohibitions on normal treatment outside of the transition. Return has been banned in California since 2012, followed by the states of New Jersey, Illinois, Oregon and Washington, D. C. In 2015, a similar law was passed in Ontario, Canada (data for autumn 2018). On May 7, 2020, a criminal ban on return was adopted by the German parliament. Interventions “aimed at deliberately changing or suppressing a person's sexual orientation or gender identity” are punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine of 30,000 euros.

The main focus of transgender people is not even that they are trying to cover this dangerous disease with a fog of "normality" and confusion of terms, but how it is "treated". The treatment of the lost is fundamentally different from the usual therapy, whether it is somatic or mental illness. When dealing with harmful microorganisms, we use antibiotics to neutralize them. The schizophrenic or hallucinatory patient is first fed haloperidol to a vegetable state. In the case of a transgender patient, his illness is indulged. Does the patient want to become a peasant woman or vice versa, and even declare that he has a floating identity? Please, we can help you turn your clinical delusions into reality. That's all the treatment. But at the same time "good" doctors are in a hurry to abandon any responsibility,Here is a quote from the document of the transgender clinic Collen-Lord / Callen-Lorde (New York) "Protocols for hormone replacement therapy in transgender people." By the way, these protocols have been translated into Russian and are widely distributed by Russian LGBT organizations.

The standards applied in these trans clinics are based on “expert opinion,” and the “experts” themselves in the field, such as in schools, are motivated by profit or are often LGBT activists. International Treatment Standards for Gender Identity Disorders have been developed by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). A few words what kind of organization it is.


VPAT was founded in 1979 in the USA, it is a non-state shop with muddy financing, who exactly maintains it in open sources of information. It looks like the same builders of Sodom. Initially, she was named Harry Benjamin (1885-1986) - a German sexologist, moved to the United States in 1914, a Hirschfeld fan, in a place with his friends they walked through Berlin dens for homosexuals. Before his death in 1985, Benjamin blabbed: “They often took me with them to gay bars in Berlin (approx. Hirschfeld and Auguste Henri Forel). I remember particularly well the Eldorado bar from its drag show, where many of the visitors were also wearing clothes of the opposite sex. The word "transvestite" did not exist yet. Magnus Hirschfeld introduced it into circulation only in 1910 in his famous research”. No comments needed. The main objectives of the VPAT: protection of the rights and interests of transgender people,promoting evidence-based medicine, education, research, public policy and health care for transgender people. In short, in one sentence - transgender propaganda, lobbyism and profit.

At the forefront of the gender sect is the patient's “desire” to “change” the sex, it determines, the doctor only helps him. Here we have another contradiction in LGBT doctrine. It turns out that when an adult homosexual wants to come to a normal life, he is prohibited by law, and if a child of 2 years old “wants” to change sex, then we always ask. How can a child or teenager make such difficult decisions? Why are parents' opinions not considered? Can an uncle from the street decide whether the child should be a boy or a girl? But this decision will completely change life, literally turn it around. Does this fooled child understand the consequences? Of course not. Even adults are not aware of the brunt of trans transition changes.

One observer was very correct in his observation. “You must be 16 to get a California driver’s license, 18 to buy a gun, have consensual sex or get married without parental consent, 21 to buy a gun, alcohol or marijuana. But in the most progressive state of the United States, you only need to grow up to 12 years old to solve your gender problems and change your gender."

Vladimir Maslov
