To The Horror Of Earthlings, The Main Hurricane In The Solar System Dies Down Mysteriously - Alternative View

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To The Horror Of Earthlings, The Main Hurricane In The Solar System Dies Down Mysteriously - Alternative View
To The Horror Of Earthlings, The Main Hurricane In The Solar System Dies Down Mysteriously - Alternative View

Video: To The Horror Of Earthlings, The Main Hurricane In The Solar System Dies Down Mysteriously - Alternative View

Video: To The Horror Of Earthlings, The Main Hurricane In The Solar System Dies Down Mysteriously - Alternative View
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NASA Prophecy: Jupiter's Great Red Spot will disappear in 20 years.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) - aka the Great Red Spot (GRS) in western terminology - is decreasing. And this greatly worries suspicious enthusiasts who are worried whether the phenomenon promises something terrible like the end of the world.

The stain is actually getting smaller
The stain is actually getting smaller

The stain is actually getting smaller.

The strange phenomena in the Spot area are now being observed by amateur astronomers around the world. Taking pictures of what is happening. For example, on May 19, 2019, Australian Anthony Wesley took pictures of a jet of gas that escaped from the BKP. It stretches for about 10 thousand kilometers - to a wide wind strip. According to Wesley, this happens every week.

Photo of an amateur astronomer from Australia: the BKP launches the jets
Photo of an amateur astronomer from Australia: the BKP launches the jets

Photo of an amateur astronomer from Australia: the BKP launches the jets.

The BKP is losing gas every week
The BKP is losing gas every week

The BKP is losing gas every week.

NASA seems to share the astronomical public's concern. Because they also keep an eye on the Spot, and they also take pictures of it from time to time - but not from the Earth, but from a close distance. High-quality images taken a year ago were transmitted to Earth by "Juno" - the American automatic interplanetary station (NASA's Juno spacecraft).

The station photographed several times - in series, flying over the upper edge of the clouds of the giant planet, sometimes 25 thousand kilometers, then 50 thousand kilometers.

Promotional video:

The Great Red Spot is a hurricane - an atmospheric whirlwind of unprecedented size and strength. It has been raging in the same place for at least 350 years. But it decreases. In the century before last, the Spot was from two Earths, now one would fit in it - albeit with a gap.

Scientists have determined: the process continues - every year the slick becomes smaller by 230 kilometers. In 20 years, it can disappear completely.

“The nature of the movement of atmospheric streams, the speed of which reaches almost 700 kilometers per hour, is changing,” explains Dr Amy Simon, an expert in planetary atmospheres at Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center. - These changes affect the Spot, which is a dynamic formation.

Simply put, the winds on Jupiter blew somehow differently, from which the Great Red Spot, existing due to their interaction, began to dissolve. But why did this start? This is still a mystery. It is not excluded that the Sun is somehow involved in mysterious processes, the activity of which is decreasing.

A snapshot of Spot from the station * Yunona *
A snapshot of Spot from the station * Yunona *

A snapshot of Spot from the station * Yunona *.

In July 2017, flying over the BKP, Juno carried out measurements using the Microwave Radiometer (MWR) on board. Measurements have confirmed: The spot is indeed cyclopean - its oval spreads in the atmosphere of Jupiter at least 16 thousand kilometers wide and more than 40 thousand kilometers long. Scott Bolton, principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, named the Jupiter hurricane as the main hurricane in the solar system. Since there is no more known planet larger than it.

And measurements have shown that the Great Red Spot funnel goes into the depths of Jupiter's atmosphere for at least 300 kilometers. At the same time, its temperature rises. The difference between the top and bottom of the Spot reaches several hundred degrees.

BKP layers - its temperature rises with depth
BKP layers - its temperature rises with depth

BKP layers - its temperature rises with depth.


Jupiter moves towards Earth

The Great Red Spot was discovered by either Giovanni Cassini or Robert Hooke. A drawing of the Spot was found in Cassini's notes from 1665. Something similar was found in Hooke's drawings dated 1664.

Before the Voyager spacecraft transmitted the first high-quality images of Jupiter, the Blur was thought to be something solid, like a mountain. Or a crater. It rises above the planet and sticks out of its depths. But it gradually became clear that the Spot is an atmospheric formation - a powerful anticyclone. The gas in its funnel rotates counterclockwise, making one revolution in about 6 Earth days.

Our Earth would easily have drowned in the BKP
Our Earth would easily have drowned in the BKP

Our Earth would easily have drowned in the BKP.

The color of the PCB changes. The spot turns pale, then turns red. Why it is red is not completely clear. According to the most popular hypothesis, the color of the Spot is given by chemical reactions in which ammonia and acetylene enter under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation.

Experienced amateur astronomers remind: the opposition of Earth and Jupiter is expected. On June 10, 2019, the planets will be closest to each other. Jupiter will look brighter than the brightest Sirius. It can be clearly seen even with a small telescope. And u see the same BKP.

And the Skyandtelescope portal will help determine when it will be in sight.

Looking for Jupiter in the sky to the left of the constellation Scorpio
Looking for Jupiter in the sky to the left of the constellation Scorpio

Looking for Jupiter in the sky to the left of the constellation Scorpio.

Juno will be drowned, but not now

NASA's Juno station was launched on August 5, 2011. On July 5, 2016, she safely reached Jupiter and entered its orbit. It flies there now, now approaching the giant planet, then moving away from it. Already 8 rapprochements have taken place.

Juno will face the same fate as Cassini (Nasa's Cassini spacecraft) - a space station that flew 13 years near Saturn. In September 2017, she was drowned in the planet's atmosphere. NASA plans to drown Juno too. But when this will happen is not yet clear. The work of the station was extended until 2021. It is possible to extend further. Perhaps not. The decision will depend on the funds allocated.


Once Jupiter shone to people. But it went out

There is a crazy, but very popular and beautiful hypothesis that the gas giant was once a star. And humanity even caught this miracle. Indeed, many peoples in myths remember that they saw two Suns in the sky.

More scientific basis: in the universe, most stars are binary. Arranged in pairs. And loners, like our Sun, on the contrary, are rare.

Jupiter, with its many satellites, resembles a miniature solar system. Very large "planets" revolve around it. Including those covered with a thick layer of ice. For example, Europe, in which the same NASA is going to look for life. Search - in the ocean, which is under the ice.

And who knows, if Jupiter was once a star, then Europe could not be a frozen world, but quite alive. Fantastic, of course, but what if there were intelligent beings living there? Maybe our ancestors?

The gravity on Europa is much smaller than on Earth. But here's what is surprising: we are just poorly adapted to the current force of gravity. We earn from it varicose veins, inflammation of the joints. And even, they say, baldness. And if we fall from two or three meters, we break bones. Our skin - with the exception of the Negro - can hardly bear the scorching rays of the Big Sun - it comes to burns. The eyes are also not well adjusted - most people wear sunglasses. But the Small Sun - sparing Jupiter in the form of some kind of red dwarf would fit just right. By the way, there are red dwarfs in our galaxy, which are only 30 percent larger than Jupiter.