Daughter's Diary - Alternative View

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Daughter's Diary - Alternative View
Daughter's Diary - Alternative View

Video: Daughter's Diary - Alternative View

Video: Daughter's Diary - Alternative View
Video: Impractical Jokers - Daughter's Diary Secrets | truTV 2024, October

Many in childhood kept diaries, especially girls. Someone, having matured, forgot about them, and someone continues to lead them even after their death …

Anna and Chris drove to a restaurant to celebrate Anna's promotion at work. After a pleasant and relaxed evening, the couple went home, where their 17-year-old daughter Gemma was to be waiting for them. When the garage door opened, their daughter hung in front of her parents with empty and lifeless eyes. Chris threw himself out of the car to pick her up and hold her, but when he touched her cold body, he realized that he could not do anything.

Parents could not even think that their daughter would commit suicide
Parents could not even think that their daughter would commit suicide

Parents could not even think that their daughter would commit suicide.

Gemma committed suicide. This was a severe blow to both parents. After the funeral, Chris and Anna each tried to cope with this grief in their own way. Criss couldn't be home. He constantly left, wandered around the shops for hours without buying anything, sat on a bench or just sat in a car in a parking lot.

Anna, on the contrary, stopped leaving the house, spent all the time in her daughter's room: she kept her things, tried to smell Gemma, lay and cried on her bed.

Anna was very worried about Gemma
Anna was very worried about Gemma

Anna was very worried about Gemma.

Chris returned home one night at about 02:30, after sitting in the car for 3 hours at the station, staring into nothingness. When he drove home, a sudden shiver ran through him, it was so strong that he already knew that something inevitable awaited him. However, he did not think that when he lifted the garage door there, something terrible would be waiting for him again. The sight of the hanged wife in the same place as the daughter turned into a nightmare for Chris.


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For a long time Chris hesitated to enter his daughter's room. But one day, for the first time in a long time, he entered it. The room didn’t look the same: there were things scattered across the floor. He pulled himself together, sat down on the bed and tears flowed from his eyes by themselves. He was completely alone in a place that had once been his beloved home.

For no purpose, Chris began to open Gemma's drawers just to look at their contents. He looked at the contents for consolation, some kind of happy memory.

In one of the boxes, Chris found a diary
In one of the boxes, Chris found a diary

In one of the boxes, Chris found a diary.

Having looked through the diary, Chris felt a little uncomfortable with the form in which his daughter wrote: she seemed to have a split personality and she was talking to herself. At first, for example, she wrote how she was doing, how she spent the day with friends, and then she answered herself.

He never thought that his daughter had a tendency towards schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder, and guilt came over him.


He leafed through the diary and noticed that for some time the diary was not filled. And then new records came. And they were already led by his wife Anna. He recognized her delicate and beautiful handwriting. And what struck him even more was the fact that she wrote in the same style as her daughter. But the answers were in Gemma's handwriting. Chris was emotional and annoyed. Did his wife begin to forge the signature of her dead daughter?

The dialogue text was as follows:

A: - I miss you, Gemma

D: - I follow you too

Do you hear me?

D: - I see you

And where are you?

D: - I'm at home.

A: - Yes, I really miss you, Gemma. Not a minute passes without me thinking about you.

D: - I know. I'm watching you.

A: - Can I talk to you? Where are you?

D: - I'm at home.

A: - If I speak out loud, can you hear me?

D: - I'm at home.

D: - I'm at home.

D: - I'm at home.

A: -I feel so lonely. I want you to still be here Gemma, I love you

D: - I'm at home.

A: -I want to see you too

D: - Do you see me?

D: - Follow me.

This was the last entry. Chris was worn out by insomnia, he was scared. He thought all the time that his wife really had mental problems and she so wanted to see Gemma that she passed away just like her.

He looked at the diary next to him and decided to open it again.

D: - Dad, I miss you

Chris jumped out of bed like a spring. What? What was it? Who wrote this? It didn't happen! Half of Chris wanted to communicate with her daughter, and the other wanted to run away. After a while, Chris made a decision.

K: - I miss you Gemma. I really miss you and my mom. Is she with you?


He ran out of the room, not believing himself and what was happening. After a while, he calmed down and returned.

D: - We are at home

Chris realized that he shouldn't make the same mistake as his wife. He did not know what it was and who was taking his loved ones and wants to take him. He did not allow this, and burned the diary. He later admitted that it was the most painful thing he ever did "I turned my back on both of them." Before he threw the diary into the fire, he wrote another sentence, and without waiting for an answer, slammed it shut.

K: - I love you.


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