Technology Of Fulfilling Desires - Alternative View

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Technology Of Fulfilling Desires - Alternative View
Technology Of Fulfilling Desires - Alternative View

Video: Technology Of Fulfilling Desires - Alternative View

Video: Technology Of Fulfilling Desires - Alternative View
Video: Industry Deep Dives: Consumer Electronics 2024, October

When many years ago I studied with a famous psychologist, at some point it dawned on me: really EVERYTHING is in our hands, and the wise Universe will always help in any undertaking (of course, if it is kind and based on love for everything that we surrounds). In general, I realized that I can get what I VERY need with the help of my mind and consciousness. It seems to be a rather banal truth, but fifteen years ago it was a real discovery for me, especially since in those years such concepts as cold dynamics, Dianetics, Scientology and the like were just entering our life. In general, at one of the lessons with my Teacher, we began to work out the method of "obtaining the desired material." It looked something like this.

- What do you really need at the moment, well, for example, from clothes? - the Teacher asked me.

Without thinking twice, I answered:

- Jacket.

And in fact, I just needed a jacket! It's September, but I don't have a warm jacket, I interrupt everything with some kind of blouses. There is no extra money, and the beginning of the nineties is in the yard - not only food shortages …

“Now close your eyes and mentally imagine what kind of jacket you need, every detail,” said the Teacher.

I closed my eyes and immediately saw HIM. BLAZER, BLAZER … Gray, right to match my trousers, smoothly outlining my figure, double-breasted …

- Love this jacket, imagine that it is already yours. It doesn't matter where it came from, but you already have it. He is yours. Put it on, feel the softness of the fabric, how comfortable and comfortable you are in it, - continued the Teacher.

Oh God, this is exactly the jacket that I dreamed of! And suddenly - as from heaven to earth:

- Open your eyes, look at me: you have no jacket and no money! - Andrey looked at me with a sobering look.

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What a disappointment!!! How annoying …

And again:

- Close your eyes, and again the jacket is yours. You needed him so much, you have nothing to worry about …

Thus, during the evening I experienced the joy of gain and the bitterness of loss seven times. I left class, not myself. Well, I want a jacket !!! The teacher instructed to do such exercises herself several times before going to bed for several days. And what do you think? Literally on the third day my mother calls and says:

- Daughter, come sooner, here, in our thrift store, I set aside for you such a wonderful German jacket, just for a penny, some old woman handed it over, sent her daughter from Germany, and he has a youth cut …

When I saw the jacket, I was speechless. HE! I was in shock. Style, color - EVERYTHING MATCHED !!!

Someone may find it funny: what nonsense? Someone will exclaim: "How easy it is - I wished, and it's done!" But I want to say this: it absolutely “works”, but you also need to try, not just want and dream, but love what you want, take it into your life and “look through” it in detail. Well, and not "burrowing", of course, there is a limit to everything. You need to wish only a very necessary thing, and not just like that, for fun or out of interest - it will work out or not.

Subsequently, I have repeatedly used this wonderful technique, for a total of fifteen years, six times. for example, this is how I taught YOUR apartment. I rented a house for several years and, of course, passionately dreamed of my own. And one day, when it was already unbearable, I took up a slightly forgotten method of getting what I wanted. As a result, literally a month and a half later, a distant relative, an old woman, called me and announced that her rich son was taking her to another country, and they decided to give her one-room apartment to me (what are these pennies from selling it!) For the fact that I I was always attentive to her, and so that later I would take care of the graves dear to their hearts. Wonders? No, the law of the universe.

In general, dear readers, I will give you a brief summary of the main postulates of this wonderful technique

1. Relax, calm down, close your eyes and think about the thing you would like to receive.

2. Feel that you will certainly get this thing, you do not and did not have anxiety that something might not work out. Remember this state.

3. Call out the feelings that you would have if you get it. Remember this state.

4. Feel what positive thoughts you have about what will happen if you possess this thing. Remember this state.

5. Feel the joy of owning this thing. Remember this state.

6. And now … yes, the most unpleasant thing: realize that you do not have this thing! Feel the bitterness of disappointment, resentment.

7. Feel how you REALLY want to get this thing, how you are waiting for it to come into your life. Wait for her!

8. And get it in your mind again.

And so several times in a row. Everyone will succeed in different ways, someone will get what they want in a week, someone - in five, but they MUST get it, believe me. And one more thing: it is very good to do these exercises early in the morning, when your consciousness just woke up, or late in the evening, when you have already gone to bed and relaxed. Good luck to you!

Olga Radova