Visualization Of Desires - How To Make Dreams Come True - Alternative View

Visualization Of Desires - How To Make Dreams Come True - Alternative View
Visualization Of Desires - How To Make Dreams Come True - Alternative View

Video: Visualization Of Desires - How To Make Dreams Come True - Alternative View

Video: Visualization Of Desires - How To Make Dreams Come True - Alternative View
Video: 5 Things To Give Up To Manifest Your Desires FASTER! 2024, October

You've probably heard a lot about the visualization of desires. In short, it looks like this - if you want to receive something, then you need to imagine it, visualize it, meditate on it (meditate - in the sense of dreaming, immersed in this desire entirely).

This is a real practice that actually works. I checked this on myself, I saw it repeatedly with my friends and acquaintances. And it really is - we get what we meditate on.

If we do not receive something, it is because we are doing it badly, because we do not believe that it can happen to us, or because we meditate incorrectly. The other day, I thoughtfully, half in jest, half seriously, said to my husband: “I want to receive SMS every day that I received a hundred thousand rubles!”. And I immediately began to receive sms every day - "You were transferred one hundred thousand rubles."

The text messages were from my husband.:) So he showed me the main law of visualization - you need to clearly formulate your desire. It is interesting that he himself does not believe in all these things, but he immediately clearly grasped the absurdity of my request. Because the correct request towards the Universe had to sound like this: “I want to GET one hundred thousand rubles every day”. And not sms about receiving them, because anyone can write them, and this does not mean that the money came in fact.:)

And this rule works in everything. There are even anecdotes on this topic, and very old ones, from those times when no one mentioned it during visualization.

For example: A black man is crawling in the desert, dying of thirst and suddenly finds a lamp. Rubbed the lamp - from there the genie:

- I will fulfill your wish!

- I want to become white! And to have a lot of cold water! And many women!

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No sooner said than done. And the black man became a white toilet in the women's toilet.

And this is a classic example of an incorrectly formulated desire.:) When rendering, you need to take into account some little things, nuances, discard all unnecessary. Because too much distracts the Universe (and you) from completing the task.

For example, you dream of meeting your future husband, and so that he is kind, rich, strong, smart, and may he still have a motorcycle. And as a result, only a motorcycle comes true - because it was a concrete image that was easily presented in contrast to abstract kindness and intelligence.

And this is true for our every desire. For example, travel dreams. When you dream abstractly - I want to travel! The universe does not respond in any way. And when you choose a specific country, a specific date, even a distant one - in two years I want to be in Italy! Then the Universe begins to throw up chances and actions become meaningful.


An account or money box appears, where money is deposited, and some part-time jobs, bonuses, etc. begin to fall. There is already a specific search for tickets, opportunities - and the same Universe is already throwing up some kind of discounts, sales, etc. You start learning the language and get to know Italians, some issues with housing are being resolved, and so on.

And the abstract ride becomes real. You got what you meditated on. So it's tedious to choose clear, specific goals and go to them in direct ways, without turning somewhere to the side.

If desired, any person can achieve his dream, that to which his heart is secretly located, that to which his soul lies. Anyone who dreams of painting can become a real artist if he meditates on it and subordinates everything to this goal. Anyone who dreams of becoming an artist will become one if he gives it his strength, will go to auditions, star in at least extras, will live this dream. Anyone who wants to get rich will do this if he meditates on it, subordinates his life to this desire, choose the paths for this.

So - dream, visualize, but set clear tasks without unnecessary details. And then everything will come true.:)

Natalia Trubinovskaya