The Frightening Prediction Of A Tribe Of Indians About A Global Catastrophe - Alternative View

The Frightening Prediction Of A Tribe Of Indians About A Global Catastrophe - Alternative View
The Frightening Prediction Of A Tribe Of Indians About A Global Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: The Frightening Prediction Of A Tribe Of Indians About A Global Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: The Frightening Prediction Of A Tribe Of Indians About A Global Catastrophe - Alternative View
Video: Wars of the 2020s and 30s. 2024, July

The American Indian tribe, predicting global catastrophes, reports with eerie accuracy that the end of the world will happen in the near future, while the comet will crash into the earth. An ancient clan known as the Hopi tribe, back in 2010, described how the world would overtake the Apocalypse.

According to the tribe, we are now living in the fourth world after the previous three were destroyed with fire and ice. A Hopi elder named White Feather is a descendant of an ancestor who foretold the discovery of America and the subsequent conquest of the continent by white men.

“A strange beast, like a buffalo, but with large long horns, it will take over the earth in large numbers. The earth will be crossed by "iron snakes" (railways are laid throughout North America) and a giant spider web (telephone and Internet communications), "says White Per.

Further White Feather reports on our future: “You will hear that the sea turns black and many living creatures are dying because oil will spill into it and you will see many young people who wear long hair, like my people. You will hear about a dwelling in heaven, above the earth, which will fall with a great crash."

While White Feather's prediction remains open to interpretation, there are several strong theories. Some argue that this could mean the comet will hit the ground, causing a mass extinction, while others believe it could be related to China's Tiangong 1, a blue satellite that lost contact with China earlier this year and projected to fall to Earth.