What Did Stephen Hawking Warn Humanity About Before His Death? - Alternative View

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What Did Stephen Hawking Warn Humanity About Before His Death? - Alternative View
What Did Stephen Hawking Warn Humanity About Before His Death? - Alternative View

Video: What Did Stephen Hawking Warn Humanity About Before His Death? - Alternative View

Video: What Did Stephen Hawking Warn Humanity About Before His Death? - Alternative View
Video: Jokes By Stephen Hawking That Still Make Us Laugh 2024, September

This year we lost one of the brightest scientists of our time - Stephen Hawking. The brilliant British astrophysicist passed away at the age of 76, which caused shock and regret in the entire world scientific community.

Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, it must be admitted that Hawking was one of the best theoretical physicists since Einstein.

Despite suffering from motor neuron diseases associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, he continued to explore the greatest mysteries of the cosmos and became the author of several books.


Even the date of Hawking's death is curious in itself. March 14 is Pi and the birthday of Albert Einstein. In addition, both of these scientists died at the age of 76. But that's not all! Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, exactly 300 years after Galileo's death!

Most will remember Hawking for his theories about black holes, the origin of the universe, and the nature of space and time. However, a few months before his death, the scientist left some warnings to humanity. In his opinion, people must leave the planet in the next 200 years if they want to survive. So, what future does the great astrophysicist predict for us?

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Changing of the climate

Hawking considered global warming to be one of the main problems of mankind. The professor said that if the emission of greenhouse gases does not decrease, then soon our Earth will become similar to Venus with its temperature above 460 C.

In his opinion, the alarming signal is the decision of Donald Trump to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. This will negatively affect the life of future generations and the Earth as a whole.

Asteroid attacks

If we are not destroyed by global warming, then asteroids will. Hawking worked on the Breakthrough Starshot project of Russian billionaire Yuri Milner. The essence of the project was to send the nanoapparatus on a journey to Alpha Centauri and find the star system closest to Earth. Apparently, for subsequent resettlement.

Artificial Intelligence

The astrophysicist believed that sooner or later AI will reach a level that will surpass humans many times over. Hawking said that AI will completely replace humans, however, did not specify any time frame. In his opinion, the worst thing is that the uprising of robotic machines is inevitable, so they need "special power".


In response to the question of which of the human flaws must necessarily be corrected, Hawking said that the biggest problem of humanity is violence. It is capable of destroying everything on Earth.

The scientist added that the development of military technology and weapons of mass destruction could make this primal instinct even more dangerous. The only way out can be attention to human experiences, more love and sympathy.

Contact with extraterrestrial intelligence

One of Hawking's most amazing prophecies is associated with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. The astrophysicist was sure that we are not alone in the Universe, but if we meet with aliens, then most likely they will destroy us. Any alien civilization is more advanced than ours, so you should forget what happened to the Indians after the discovery of America.

And finally, Professor Hawking warned that overpopulation could lead to the death of humanity. In his opinion, people will not be able to live another 1,000 years on our “fragile planet”.

So, we see that the scientist predicts not the brightest future for humanity and the Earth. Well, let's hope that things are not so bad and the problems described by Hawking will be somehow solved.