How Will We Live On Mars - Alternative View

How Will We Live On Mars - Alternative View
How Will We Live On Mars - Alternative View

Video: How Will We Live On Mars - Alternative View

Video: How Will We Live On Mars - Alternative View
Video: Could We Live On Mars? 2024, October

In general, of course, this is all nonsense. You can invent anything you want, but no one can imagine how it will be in reality, including because the reality is still very distant. The whole world cannot maintain and develop a space station in near-earth orbit, we cannot fly to the Moon once again … although no … we can no longer fly to the Moon. We can launch debris in the form of a car nagad somewhere in the asteroid belt, having missed Mars, we can launch 100,500+ satellites into Earth's orbit where it will soon be overcrowded. And Mars … Mars is still very far from us.

However, this does not prevent dreamers and creative people from dreaming and inventing something. And so a team of architects published concept drawings of possible residential buildings for the first generation of Mars colonists.


Experts in architecture have drawn a prototype of the possible conditions for life on Mars if humans would colonize the Red Planet.

A team of experts worked with a design team to predict what future homes on Mars might look like. They created images of interiors and exteriors of various futuristic buildings.


The team developed three types of housing in every detail: an apartment for young professionals, a house for a family and a luxurious mansion.

Particular attention was paid to lighting and how to protect living spaces from cosmic rays and hazardous radiation levels, as well as isolation from the cold and protection from severe dust storms.

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The drawings were made after research showed that one in ten Britons would love to go to Mars tomorrow. The main reasons for changing the planet were most often called a thirst for adventure, more space around and a desire to avoid human dangers on Earth.

Stefan Petranek, author of How We Will Live on Mars, which is the basis of the National Geographic series MARS, says: “It's so exciting to think that humans can live on Mars much sooner than many think.

Since this project is looking towards the future, we assumed what the different types of houses on Mars might look like, taking into account the different material capabilities of people.

There are many details to consider, from providing an adequate shield to protect against the harsh levels of radiation acting on Mars, as its atmosphere is too thin, to cozy little things that resemble Earth.

First of all, life on Mars must seem more suitable and psychologically attractive than life on Earth, otherwise few people would agree to build their life there.

As we make these predictions today, we can only wonder what projects will actually be adopted when hundreds of thousands of people finally migrate to the Red Planet."


The projected Martian apartment consists of several living quarters (for singles and couples) with tunnels leading to a common central garden and work areas.

The apartment block is protected from the sun's rays by tinted glazing made with technology developed to filter out radiation. Dense earthen walls protect against cold and cosmic radiation.


For example, parks, forests, rivers - familiar terrestrial landscapes that Mars inhabitants are likely to miss.

The mansion was created as part of a crater system. It boasts a huge living space with a private indoor garden, a multi-gym for active sports in an oxygenated environment, and a covered car park for several cars.


According to a study by National Geographic, a fifth of Britons believe that it will be possible to move to Mars during their lifetime, and the demand for interplanetary travel is quite significant.

Every sixth person says that for people fighting for their own housing on Earth, buying real estate on Mars looks like a more attractive prospect.

The British believe that the ability to enjoy a higher quality of life, the desire for new adventure and the desire to avoid dangers on Earth, such as war, may be the most likely factors for accelerating the migration to Mars.

However, almost nine out of ten people surveyed think they will miss some moments of earthly life, including pets and even British weather.