An Abnormal Place: Mountain Two Sisters - Alternative View

An Abnormal Place: Mountain Two Sisters - Alternative View
An Abnormal Place: Mountain Two Sisters - Alternative View

Video: An Abnormal Place: Mountain Two Sisters - Alternative View

Video: An Abnormal Place: Mountain Two Sisters - Alternative View
Video: Something Horrible Happened to her Sister.. 2024, October

This anomalous zone is located near the town of Belaya Kalitva in the Rostov region. The Ridge Mountains are located here, which are popularly called the "Two Sisters". They are really almost identical in shape and size. And here is the legend that the locals tell about the origin of these mountains.

A wealthy Cossack from the village of Ust-Belokalitvinskaya had two twin daughters. They grew up kind, obedient and hard-working. Parents could not get enough of their daughters. And as the girls began to grow up, their extraordinary beauty blossomed. Matchmakers from all over the area frequently visited the Cossack's house. The old man understood that his daughters were a real treasure, and decided not to rush to marry them off, but to find more bred and richer suitors. While he was choosing future sons-in-law, the sisters managed to meet their first love.

But here's the trouble: the girls liked the poor guys, but they were kind and prominent. The father told the young men: they say, the poor are odd to my beauties, when you get rich, then we will talk about weddings. And he set them a condition: "If you get countless treasures, hidden in Karaul Mountain in ancient times, so be it, I will give you my daughters." The old Cossack knew that this was not an easy matter: those treasures were charmed and simply would not be given.

The girls, when they found out about their father's condition, became sad: they realized that they would not see more of their loved ones. The old man was worried: how will the daughters pay off all their eyes, they will grow sour from grief, who will need it then? And he quickly found suitors for them - two rich and stingy widowers.

The sisters strained even more than ever, fell at their father's feet, and prayed: “Father, you gave your word to give us in marriage to our dear ones, if they would get a treasure from Karaul-mountain. Let's wait some more! Don't ruin us! " The Cossack chuckled unkindly: "Your beloved will never get gold from the mountain, even if they dig it for a hundred years." And he appointed a wedding day.

So the guests are rushing to the wedding feast. The satisfied old grooms rub their hands. When the father suddenly discovered: the daughters were gone! The Cossack jumped on his horse and chased the fugitives. At the very Donets, he caught up with the recalcitrant daughters. Suddenly the sky darkened, there was a heavenly thunder, blinding lightning struck right in front of the horse's hooves. The frightened horse reared up, threw the rider to the ground.

From the blow, he lost consciousness. And when he woke up, he saw that he was lying at the foot of two high mountains, and with his hand he was holding on to one of the stone ridges. Daughters are nowhere to be seen. Where did the mountains come from, because there never was … But how similar they are to each other! And suddenly the Cossack realized that it was his daughters who were petrified with grief.

In the meantime, their lovers were lucky. When lightning struck from the sky, Karaul-mountain split from the wrath of the heavenly and the treasures were given into the hands of the young men. The young men hurried to their brides. But as soon as they crossed the Donets, two mountains, from nowhere, became a high barrier on the way.

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The young men began to climb the steep slopes, but suddenly dropped a bag of treasures. The braid untied, the gold fell, rolled down the slope right into the dark waters of the Donets - now it is impossible to find, not to collect the precious treasure. The young men realized that there would be no happiness for them, and, in despair, rushed after the accursed gold from the steep downward.

However, they did not crash, they were saved by the power of girl's love. The mountains supported them, did not let them die, lifting them into the air. Those young men turned into steppe eagles and since then they have been circling over the mountains, looking for scattered treasures in order to regain their loved ones … Many have tried to find lost gold in those places, but no one has found it yet.


And over the Donets, two sisters still rise. And they seem to say with their silence that love is more precious than all the treasures in the world … But legends are legends, and talk that the Two Sisters is a strange place have been going on for a long time.

In the 1970s, military pilots reported that as planes approached the mountains, radar signals began to disappear. Scientists even came to the anomalous zone, but the results of their research remained unknown.

Some locals consider the mountains of the Two Sisters a cursed place and bypass them, others, on the contrary, try to visit there as often as possible.

A. Zabrodin, guide, coach of the school of the Olympic reserve, says:

“People often see UFOs over the Two Sisters. They hang over the mountains for a long time. Researchers of anomalous phenomena say that there is a very strong energy here: karst faults are making themselves felt.

Perhaps alien ships are recharged with energy here. I myself have seen unidentified objects here more than once. Once a group of tourists came here to rest, settled down opposite the Two Sisters, on the other bank of the Donets.

At night we sit by the tents, singing songs, and suddenly we clearly see: in the rift between the mountains a "flying saucer" hangs. The lights are all bright red, and it seems like portholes are visible on it. Surprisingly, all our electric lights immediately went out. While we set up the boat and swam to the other side, the UFO had already flown away. But when 15 people simultaneously see the "plate", this is no longer a hallucination.

And a year ago, on the Two Sisters, also at night, I saw something flashing red, like a beacon. The next day I swam to the other side, climbed all the mountains, but found nothing. Apparently, it is not for nothing that people believe that there is a mysterious anomalous place …"