Okunevo: Shelter Of Hare Krishnas, Old Believers And Pagans - Alternative View

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Okunevo: Shelter Of Hare Krishnas, Old Believers And Pagans - Alternative View
Okunevo: Shelter Of Hare Krishnas, Old Believers And Pagans - Alternative View

Video: Okunevo: Shelter Of Hare Krishnas, Old Believers And Pagans - Alternative View

Video: Okunevo: Shelter Of Hare Krishnas, Old Believers And Pagans - Alternative View
Video: Christianity, Cults & Religions, Part 6 2024, October

The village of Okunevo near Omsk is one of the most unusual and mysterious villages in Russia. Because miracles work here

Well, where else can you see Russian women in Indian saris, raising water from a well and chanting mantras, bearded pagans, building a fire to heaven in a meadow, smiling Hare Krishnas treating them with vegetarian food ?!

And also - Orthodox, Russian Old Believers and many other religious people living in one village in peace and harmony. This alone can be called a miracle. This amazing place was once visited by the correspondents of AiF-Novosibirsk.

Cradle of humanity

25 kilometers from Muromtsevo, in the north of the Omsk region, and you are in Okunevo.

Once we arrived at the Solstice festival. Lush grass glittered in the fields, and fat cows grazed on them. The dark brown river Tara was quietly rustling - cold and refreshing. Long-haired girls with wreaths on their heads swam in it. Local residents sold CDs and books for visitors and spoke the purest, not littered Russian language. Children in a large crowd huddled around the local potter and sculpted toys from clay … Still not knowing what this place was and not understanding its paranormal nature, we felt that we were in a happy Russian village.

The village was founded in 1770, but it did not immediately become a place of pilgrimage. Although archaeological excavations two kilometers from it have confirmed that the picturesque right bank of Tara has long served as a place of sacred rites. In our time, it was reopened in 1991, when the Omkar Shiva Dham ashram was founded in the village. And this was done by the student of the Indian guru Shri Babaji, who, at the teacher's request, went in search of the lost temple of God Hanuman. In a strange way, this search led a woman to the village of Okunevo. From here, they say, everything began …


Subsequently, such spiritual teachers of humanity as Sathya Sai Baba, Guru Muni Raj Maharaj, as well as Pope John Paul II, who ranked the village as one of the most sacred lands, spoke about the special holiness and importance of the village! And representatives of numerous branches of science - from archaeologists to physicists and philologists - agreed on the uniqueness of this place. Okunevo is considered the ark, the cradle of a new humanity that will live on Earth in peace and joy. And psychics, as one, claim that the village has the strongest energy and has a positive effect on a person.

Promotional video:

With my own eyes

6 a.m. We go to a hill called Omkar, located behind the village. A chapel of the Old Believers was built here. There are many icons, candles and books inside. Outside there is fresh air and birdsong. You can sit on a bench in an empty chapel and think about the main thing. Or you can go out and look around. Here, on Omkar, stands the symbol of the Solstice and Dhuni - the Hindu altar. Symbols of different faiths, united by the power of one place.

After Omkar, we swim in invigorating Tara and go to Tyup - a place known for large crop circles. Smooth, as if burnt in the grass, they attract fans of the paranormal. And we also spread yoga mats inside one of these circles and try to feel the "unusual energy". Perhaps she is here, but the hefty Okunev mosquitoes interfere with this process. On the way back, we often come across strongly twisted, incredibly bent birches - also one of the local features.


The next day we go to Lake Shaitan, surrounded by an aura of mystery and mysticism. Rumor has it that the lake is difficult to find, even if you know where it is, the lake seems to be hiding. And that the water in it is curative, heals any disease. Interesting. On a small boat we move to the other side of the river and walk for a long time through the flowering fields, simultaneously collecting strawberries. We pass through the woodlands, and here is Shaitan in front of us - a spilled warm blue, into which we immediately want to plunge. Sitting on the shore, you feel the silence, peace and grace, as elsewhere in Okunevo.

On the way back, a surprise awaits us: the promised boat does not come, and we have to swim across Tara, struggling with the fast current and with difficulty getting out onto the steep clay shore. But the minus is immediately replaced by a plus - we find ourselves near the house of one of the wisest local residents, who treats us to tea and shares his understanding of life. He says that you don't need to run anywhere and worry about something.

You just need to sit by the fire and breathe in the grace that is poured everywhere, start doing what you love, whatever it may be. He himself once left a big city, gave up a prestigious profession and works in Okunevo as a carpenter - he makes furniture. Became a different person. And such stories are told everywhere here. People are selling apartments in Novosibirsk, Omsk and come here for a new life. They do it.

Saying goodbye to the hospitable host, we hurry to the Indian ashram "Omkar Shiva Dham". Here we take part in puja, a ritual ceremony during which we recite mantras and take prasadam - consecrated sweets and fruits - in the palm of our hand. In the ashram, you can volunteer for housing and food. At the same time, you will definitely learn to distinguish Shiva from Vishnu and learn a lot about the teachings of Babaji.


It is also very interesting to communicate in Okunevo. People here are open and kind, they love to philosophize. Grandmothers can treat them to homemade cottage cheese and milk and talk about life. Their grandchildren, not spoiled by computer games, will put a cat on your lap and sit next to you to listen and talk, for example, about the clouds.

In the evening we go to the festival meadow. Here they sing and dance, dance in circles and prepare to make a giant fire in a clearing across the river. I feel like I am in Ancient Russia, in a mythological space, where a fire, a river and a forest are treated like living beings. Here, strangers join hands, lead round dances and loudly sing songs. Here my little soul suddenly merges with others and becomes big, big …

Late in the evening, the hospitable hosts of the house where we are staying prepare tea and sit with us at the table for a long time. We are talking about love and life. Such eternal themes … And so understandable for everyone who lives in Okunevo.
