The "miracle Child" In Dagestan Has Caused A Controversial Reaction Among The Muslims Of Russia. - Alternative View

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The "miracle Child" In Dagestan Has Caused A Controversial Reaction Among The Muslims Of Russia. - Alternative View
The "miracle Child" In Dagestan Has Caused A Controversial Reaction Among The Muslims Of Russia. - Alternative View

Video: The "miracle Child" In Dagestan Has Caused A Controversial Reaction Among The Muslims Of Russia. - Alternative View

Video: The
Video: miracle of islam in baby (dagestan,russia) 2024, October

People from all over the republic go to Dagestan Kizlyar to see the “miracle child”. This is the name of the nine-month-old boy Ali. From birth, birthmarks in the form of Arabic script began to appear on his body. First, individual letters, and then whole texts, which, according to local imams, turned out to be verses from the Koran. Scientists cannot explain what is happening

Arabic letters, words, and then whole texts began to appear on the child's body immediately after birth. “First, he had a hematoma on his chin. When the bruise disappeared, the word "Allah" remained, - says mother Madina Yakubova.

Parents could not believe their eyes, but just in case they photographed unfamiliar inscriptions. When the mysterious phrases began to acquire clear graphic outlines, an imam was called from a village mosque. The Imam, seeing this, could not come to his senses for a long time. But that day, the Arabic script was clearly visible on the baby's leg again.

This continues for the entire ten months from the moment the child is born. Twice a week, usually on Monday and Friday, words appear on the shins and ankles and then disappear. Each time new and more complex each time. “When the inscriptions appear, Ali does not sleep all night, cries, his temperature rises,” the boy’s mother told Vesti.

On nights like this, neither parents nor doctors can help a child. The high temperature cannot be brought down even with strong medicines. The pain disappears only in the morning, when new hadiths or verses appear on the boy's body, the parents say.

However, the most surprising thing is that Ali, born at eight months old, was born with serious pathologies. The maternity hospital was diagnosed with stage II ischemic heart disease and infantile cerebral palsy. But after unexplained phenomena began to occur with the boy, the ailment, according to his mother, retreated on its own. “We did an ultrasound scan and all tests. The child is really healthy,”says the district pediatrician Saida Rasulova.

A month and a half ago, when the Muslims were preparing to fast, Ali again surprised the whole district. But not with inscriptions, but with unusual behavior - the boy refused to eat until sunset.

The appearance of texts from the Koran on the baby's body radically changed the life of the entire formerly secular family (the boy's father is a policeman). Young parents began to observe the norms of Islam and now, like many fellow villagers, they are sure: everything that happens to their son is a sign from Allah sent down to people. The deputy of the district assembly Akhmedpasha Amiralaev says that "this is a sign of the Almighty to the people so that troubles and strife would stop in Dagestan."

Hundreds of Dagestani Muslims have already reached the Magomedovs' house in Krasno-Oktyabrsky, having heard about the unusual child. Everyone wants to see little Ali with their own eyes. Parents, fearing that their son might be jinxed or accidentally infected with some kind of infection, are now reluctant to show him even to journalists. And the local authorities, fearing the excitement and the influx of visitors, decided to take the house under round-the-clock security.

Dagestani scientists have already become interested in the young phenomenon. However, the republican Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences refused to comment on the mysterious appearance of the Arabic script on the body of a little boy, citing the fact that modern science can hardly explain this miracle.

Note that today at Friday's khutba in many mosques in Russia, imams talked about an unusual case in Dagestan. Some speakers noted that the appearance of such a boy is a sign to the people of Dagestan. The republic is on the brink of a fratricidal war, and the Almighty similarly warns Muslims about the inadmissibility of hostility and the need to search for a common language and peace - this is how they interpret what happened in many mosques.

“We interpret this sign as a warning to all Muslims in Russia and Dagestan, in particular, so that they turn to the wisdom of the religion of Allah, repent of their sins, leave their strife, conflicts and fratricidal confrontation that today shakes the blessed land of Dagestan and the entire Caucasus, - said in a special statement by the Council of Muftis of Russia. “It is by returning to the commandments of the Almighty, leaving strife, establishing peace between themselves and neighboring peoples, clearing themselves from sins and starting to strengthen the foundations of good neighborliness and mutual forgiveness, that Muslims will gain the mercy of Allah and build a truly peaceful and prosperous society.”

"A clear sign, to which, first of all, the Muslims of Dagestan must heed," said the case of the manifestation of the verses of the Koran on the baby's body, in turn, the head of the Tyumen Kazyyat administration Fatykh Garifullin spoke today at juma prayer in the Tyumen Cathedral mosque.

“The fact that an unexplained case from the point of view of modern science took place in Dagestan, whose population is on the brink of a civil war, is not accidental,” Garifullin said. "This is a warning to stop from exterminating each other." He called on the parishioners to raise du'a (prayer) for the Muslims of the North Caucasus, so that they stop the fratricidal confrontation and devote all their energy to building and calling for Islam.

The manifestation of sayings from the Koran on the body of a baby from the village of Krasno-Oktyabrsky, Kizlyarsky District of Dagestan, shocked many in the country, including Siberia. The head of Kazyyat believes that this fact will dramatically increase the number of believers, which is evidenced by the frequent calls to the department in recent days with requests to purchase Muslim literature.

As for the Dagestani clerics, not all of them share the opinion that a child is a "warning to Muslims." For example, the imam of the Central Juma Mosque of Makhachkala, Muhammad-Rasul Saaduyev, in an interview with the correspondent of Islam. Ru, said that the verses on the child's body are just “falsification”. When asked who needs such a deception, Saaduev replied, "to parents who just wanted to become famous."

The imam of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, Shamil Alyautdinov, was also very skeptical about the appearance of the "miracle child". According to him, the main miracle from the point of view of Islam is the Koran, and it is quite enough for a believer. We must comprehend the signs of the Almighty, which are constantly manifested in the world around us, and not be greedy for sensations, the imam noted during the sermon.
