Masons Have Created A Centuries-old Vampiric Pyramid Of Control And Are Afraid Of Losing It - Alternative View

Masons Have Created A Centuries-old Vampiric Pyramid Of Control And Are Afraid Of Losing It - Alternative View
Masons Have Created A Centuries-old Vampiric Pyramid Of Control And Are Afraid Of Losing It - Alternative View

Video: Masons Have Created A Centuries-old Vampiric Pyramid Of Control And Are Afraid Of Losing It - Alternative View

Video: Masons Have Created A Centuries-old Vampiric Pyramid Of Control And Are Afraid Of Losing It - Alternative View

The system of human mind control has existed for many centuries, but in our technogenic world it has taken on a global character. This is the Management of Societies and Societies - through the sources of information that impose on us - the pleasures of watching low-quality films and news, reading crude detective stories, newspapers, we lead a modern way of life, and are not at all aware of the destructive influence of this lifestyle.

On a planetary scale, we are ruled by the Super-Elite - super-rich people, politicians, owners of transnational corporations (writes the medium Stella Dar).

All the Rulers came from the depths of the Masonic lodges, and this is a separate big topic.

The Earth Super Elite are the Illuminati who have tremendous power over the peoples of the Earth.

Special services, institutes, laboratories of the governments of developed Western countries have created advanced technologies that zombify the human mind, this is done not noticeably, but effectively.

Our divine goal is to find ourselves and disconnect from the Influence of the Technogenic World.

Freemasons have created a centuries-old vampiric pyramid of control and they are afraid of losing it - since this is not only their system for obtaining especially exquisite benefits at the expense of the majority of other people, but also a system for extracting enormous energy from the cyclically repeated suffering and pleasures of the human masses, limited by a special program for continuing repetitions and constant withdrawal of energy - this is the life support system of the ancient gods leading the Illuminati, given to people in the distant past …

How does this "divine vampirism" work? It is similar to how people put nuclear fuel in a reactor and for a long time extract a lot of energy, initiating a controlled nuclear reaction. Likewise, the Illuminati, under the guidance of "patron gods", place the souls of people in intellectual, emotional and physical frames - energy traps, and use the energy they release, pulling the threads of control over their pleasures and pains.

Promotional video:

For example, one of the main pillars of control and manipulation of humanity is fooling with money (working for a pittance). Until now, people have been given so-called “money” for their suffering at work, so that they can immediately buy themselves pleasure from it - and this cycle seems to be eternal … But, as we already see from the unfolding “global financial crisis”, the majority of humanity will soon be left with nothing - with a bunch of "valuable" paper that is worthless and unpaid debts that cannot be paid … While all property rights to basic natural resources now continue to be actively concentrated in the hands of a minority - in the hands of behind the scenes financial scammers and manipulators. Further, according to the logic of the Illuminati, the extermination of the "extra" impoverished population should follow - the Third World War,and the complete enslavement of all the beggars who survived this war.

This is the planned result of the operation being completed now on the final withdrawal from mankind of all the levers of control of the natural resources of the planet Earth - to separate people from nature and turn them into half-living zombie robots, food elements and services for the "gods".


One of the most important parts of the plan is the promotion of microelectronic technology and the widespread introduction of nanotechnology for more effective control over the frequencies of the brain waves of the masses of people, manipulation of their physical, emotional and mental state, and as a result - for complete control over the mass consciousness in order to further vampiric exploitation … (HAARP, Blue Beam).

So how long we can live in this world is an interesting question, isn't it? However, even if this plan of Armageddon is already in full swing before our eyes, we should not forget that this is just an IDEA materialized by tremendous energy taken from ignorant masses of people who panic and rush in fear, looking for a way out and yearning for salvation from problems and preservation their material property at any cost. Total tyranny is also just an IDEA of the top of the Illuminati, their "ultimate" goal, dictated by the karma of violence - and how UNEXPENSIBLE this idea depends on the degree of our CONSCIOUSNESS, on the strength of our good aspirations and the purity of altruistic motivation - to transcend selfishness and transform the environment reality, starting with ourselves …

The secret meaning here lies in what specific IDEA our energy is connected to, what idea we choose to be realized through our life force. For example, instead of the idea of preserving our money and material values, we can choose the idea that through Armageddon, through attempts to enslave mankind, the wise gods, standing outside the system of human tyranny, show us the ILLUSION of matter, the illusory nature of those "values" to which we have still been tied. The fundamental difference between the IDEAS we choose is that with the help of the idea of ATTACHMENT to something we can continue to be controlled, and through the idea of ILLUSION we, on the contrary, are freed from the framework of control.

Another important idea is that gods and demons deliberately exacerbate the antagonism of love and violence in human society in order to accelerate the conscious choice of all those who are still in ignorance about the meaning of life, their goals and the means to achieve them. People must quickly decide and choose between love and fear - this is the deep meaning of the conflict. If the majority of humanity continues to continue to avoid deliberate choice, an escalation of mass violence in all forms is inevitable.
