Time Travel. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Time Travel. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View
Time Travel. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Time Travel. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Time Travel. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View
Video: 10 Theories That Prove Time Travel Exists 2024, October

There are facts of time travel in history, and in sufficient quantity, although it is possible to speak of time travel here with a reservation, since most chronotravellers did not travel in time of their own free will. We will talk here about those cases that are supported by factual evidence. Some of the stories are so striking that they defy any other explanation.


In the early 90s, the Wen Wen Po newspaper (Hong Kong) published a series of articles about an unusual boy named Jung Li Cheng. His story begins like this. In 1987, a boy who claims to be "from the past" was caught for research by Hong Kong scientists. Many things prevented him from explaining this statement by insanity - the boy spoke ancient Chinese well, recounted details from the biographies of long-dead people, had an excellent command of the history of the past of China and Japan. Moreover, individual episodes of events told by him were either not known at all at the present time, or historians, highly specialized in certain periods, were devoted to them. At the same time, Jung Li Cheng was dressed in the clothes of the inhabitants of Ancient China, which can be explained either by a carefully planned forgery by someone, or by the truth of the story of the “alien”. The boy's story was hard to believehowever, he himself did not understand how he got to the modern city of Hong Kong. The historian Ing Ing Shao decided to check the boy's story and delved into the study of ancient books kept in temples. In one of the books, his attention was attracted by stories that almost coincided with those of Jung Lee. The historian came across a record of the place and date of birth of the boy and was almost sure that it was Jung Lee Cheng, but to be sure of the amazing discovery, it was necessary to talk with him again. However, in May 1988, the mysterious boy suddenly disappeared after spending a year in our time. Disappointed historian Ing Ing Shao again began to study the books and in one of them, right after the name "Jung Li Cheng", he found the following entry: "… disappeared for 10 years and reappeared mad, claimed that he was in 1987 according to Christian chronology, saw huge birdslarge magic mirrors, boxes that reach the clouds, colorful lights that turn on and go out of their own accord, wide streets decorated with marble that rode in a long snake that crawls at a monstrous speed. Declared insane and died 3 weeks later …"

In May 1875, the students decided to have a picnic in Vicksburg. However, during this picnic, they heard screams of terror coming from the river. A woman screamed, but no one was visible above the water! Later the screams died down. The police thoroughly combed the section of the river, but nothing was found. Two weeks later, the screams of terror were repeated again. This time, a well-dressed dark-skinned woman was hauled ashore. A Vicksburg pilot who happened to be nearby said that it was a Creole from the steamer Iron Hill. This steamer left Vicksburg for New Orleans in 1874. However, once he disappeared behind the bend of the river, no one else saw him. The ship never arrived at the pier. The banks and the river bed were carefully examined, but nothing was found. And there were indeed several Creoles on the passenger list, one of which, apparently,and made an involuntary journey through time …

This happened in 1912: an express train went from London to Glasgow at high speed. A Scotland Yard inspector and a young nurse were in one of the train compartments. Suddenly, a screaming, frightened elderly man appeared on the seat by the window. His hair was braided, he wore boots with large buckles, an old cocked hat was worn on his head, in one hand he held a long whip, and in the other a bitten piece of bread. The inspector and the nurse rushed to calm the man, asking him who he was and where he was from. He sobbed and shouted that he was a driver and did not understand where he had got to. The inspector decided to calm him down, and for persuasiveness he opened the window, inviting the man to look outside. At this time, the train entered a turn and was clearly visible. However, this sight frightened the man even more, and he tried to jump out. The inspector ran after the conductor,not knowing how to help the person, but while he brought him, the stranger disappeared. Only the scourge and the cocked hat remained in place. The nurse lay in a deep swoon. The inspector with the conductor looked out the window, the embankment could be seen far away, but no one was visible …


The inspector began his own investigation. Ethnographers have determined that the cocked hat and the scourge date back to the second half of the 18th century. Having picked up the archives, they determined that the railway passes through the area where at the beginning of the 19th century there was a village mentioned by the driver. And the pastor of the local parish found even more amazing things in the archives of the church. The book of the dead 150 years ago contained the name of this driver, and there was also a note made in the margins by the then pastor. The note stated that the deceased, being an elderly person, had experienced a story that looked very unlikely. One night, returning home by carriage, he saw right in front of him "the devil's carriage, huge and long, like a snake, bursting with fire and smoke." And then, in an unknown way, he was inside the crew. Inside the crew there were people in strange clothes,nothing but the servants of the devil! The driver, terrified to death, cried out to the Lord for salvation, and at the same moment found himself in a roadside ditch. Having hardly got home, he learned that an hour ago a resident of a neighboring village had brought his horses, found seven miles away. Since then, he "constantly talked about the" devil's carriage "and was outraged that no one believed him. This fact of time travel is accompanied by physical evidence - a cocked hat of a man from the past is currently kept in the museum of the British Royal Metapsychic Society [" Anomaly "1998, N4].constantly talked about the "devil's carriage" and was outraged that no one believed him. This fact of time travel is accompanied by material evidence - a cocked hat of a person from the past is currently kept in the museum of the British Royal Metapsychic Society [Anomaly 1998, N4].constantly talked about the "devil's carriage" and was outraged that no one believed him. This fact of time travel is accompanied by material evidence - a cocked hat of a person from the past is currently kept in the museum of the British Royal Metapsychic Society [Anomaly 1998, N4].

Such phenomena are not unique. The British Royal Metapsychic Society, founded 150 years ago, has accumulated in its own archives about two hundred facts of time travel from the past to the present (most of these cases) and vice versa (these cases are fewer). Almost everyone who came from the past had a difficult time traveling and ended their lives either in a psychiatric clinic or in prison. Those who arrived from the future treated this situation more calmly, having managed to adapt to the circumstances. Perhaps some of them came back.

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