The Second Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

The Second Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View
The Second Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: The Second Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: The Second Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View
Video: Catastrophe - Episode 1 - Birth of the Planet 2024, September

Recommended reading: "The first planetary catastrophe".

6 (70). And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land, and she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters, the same as it hid in ancient times

in the depths of northern waters Sacred Daariya …

"Book of Wisdom of Perun" Santiya 5.

The leaders (priests) of Antlani possessed certain knowledge that allowed them to create a technically advanced empire and powerful weapons. Unnoticed, but stubbornly instigated by the Dark Forces, they unleashed a nuclear war with the mother country for world domination on Midgard-Earth. Atlanteans used nuclear weapons and tried to use the elements of the earth for their own purposes. As a result, the second moon, Fatta, was destroyed, and some of its fragments that fell to the Earth caused another terrible planetary catastrophe a little over 13 thousand years ago …

In the section "Atlanta and Atlantis" we described how part of the Slavic-Aryans moved to a large island in Central America and, mixing with the tribes of people of the red race, fell into a trap, which had been preparing for a long time by social parasites - space bandits. People of the red race had a lower "evolutionary number" than the Atlanteans and in most cases perceived the actions of the aliens as "miracles", and themselves as Gods! The priests of the Atlanteans could not stand the "test of divinity". And, most likely, not without outside help (for the first time the truth about this was written by Academician Nikolai Levashov in the 2nd volume of the book "Russia in Crooked Mirrors")! The priests really liked to feel like Gods, which they really were not, and they, secretly and imperceptibly instigated by the Dark ones, built their empire in order to preserve their "achievements" as long as possible. They conquered the tribes of people of the red race in Central, parts of South and parts of North America. And then they began to prepare for the seizure of world domination in Midgard-land. They created various types of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and even placed their military bases on the nearby moon - Fatte.

Promotional video:

Who were they going to fight with?


Of course, they were imperceptibly convinced that now their main enemy is Great Asia (Holy Russenia), which did not allow slavery in its territories and would not tolerate it in any of its colonies. It was true. Slavic-Aryans really did not use slave labor and did not allow anyone to enslave in their Empire. That is why the trap worked, and the first planetary war between the people of the White Race became inevitable. When the leaders and priests of Antlani considered that they had already prepared enough for it, they went on the offensive. Nuclear and thermonuclear weapons were used, they also used their psi-capabilities to control the elements of Midgard-earth (climate, weather, tectonic processes). By the way, almost the same thing is happening today: the brutalized Zionists have long prepared very sophisticated types of Weapons of Mass Destruction for earthlings.

In the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, this stage is described as follows:

… And they will use the power of the elements

Midgard-earth to achieve their goals

And they anger Nia with their deeds -

Great God of the Seas …

And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land, and she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters …

"Slavic-Aryan Vedas", Book of Wisdom of Perun, Circle 1. Santia 5, 38 p.

Of course, it all ended as planned by the real organizers of the war - the Dark Hierarchs from the Pekel worlds. In order to prevent the destruction of the planet, the White Hierarch Niy was forced to destroy the moon Fatta with the bases of the now earthly aggressors, the Atlanteans, placed on it, who had become such under the strict guidance and instigation of the Parasites. The moon, having left its orbit, began to disintegrate, and its fragments began to fall on the surface of Midgard-earth - our planet. This caused the most terrible planetary catastrophe, more terrible than the first one that happened about 113,000 years ago! First, Fatt's moon was larger than Lely's moon, and the debris that did not burn in the dense layers of the atmosphere and crashed into the surface turned out to be much larger. Secondly, this moon rotated in the directionopposite to the direction of rotation of Midgard around its axis (one might say - counterclockwise). And its fragments, in contrast to the fragments of the moon Lelya, fell not in pursuit, but towards the surface of the rotating Midgard-earth. Therefore, the result turned out to be much more serious and tragic than at the first disaster.


The impact of fragments of the moon Fatta on the planet was so strong that the earth's axis tilted 23.5 ° in relation to the plane of the ecliptic. From the surface of the Earth, it looked as if the starry sky, called by our ancestors "Svarog Circle", had turned. This caused additional, abrupt changes on Midgard: the shift of tectonic plates, the appearance of new and "revival" of old volcanoes, the appearance of huge tsunami waves that circled the planet several times and destroyed everything in their path. A lot of people died. The island of Atlantis went under water. A huge amount of volcanic ash, simultaneously ejected by many volcanoes into the upper atmosphere, began to partially reflect and absorb sunlight. "Nuclear Winter" has come on the ground. The entire infrastructure of the planet and the civilization of the people of the White Race was destroyed: beautiful cities,huge cosmodromes, gates between the worlds, hydraulic structures and everything else. In the Vedas, this tragedy is described as follows:

3. (83). The Great Night will envelop Midgard-Earth …

and the heavenly fire will destroy many parts of the earth …

Where beautiful gardens bloomed, the Great Deserts will stretch …

Instead of life-giving land, the seas will rustle, and where the waves of the seas splashed, high mountains covered with eternal snows …

"Slavic-Aryan Vedas", Book of Wisdom of Perun, Circle 1, Santia 6, 45 p.

But these were not all the troubles that ended the first planetary war for world domination, organized by the same Dark Forces (social parasites) that commanded our planet until very recently …

During the war that preceded the catastrophe, high-yield nuclear and thermonuclear weapons were used. After the use of such ammunition, a significant part of the planet's surface and waters was contaminated with radiation. Accordingly, the soil, trees, fruits, animals, seas, rivers, fish, and springs were radioactive, in general, almost everything that people needed to ensure their survival and livelihood. It is quite clear that it was impossible to use all this! Death from radiation comes pretty quickly, but still, there is nothing good about it …

The use of nuclear weapons in that war is proved by modern photographs of fused rock layers, which unambiguously confirm the conduct of a nuclear war in the recent past, and the presence of opposing sides in this war, and the high level of technical development of opponents. The high level of technology development is also confirmed by the last two photographs, which show some channels laid in the rocks and a detail of some huge machine …


This war was the first world war in Midgard-earth, it was the first nuclear war, the first fratricidal, civil war, as we say today. In fact, it was a real “end of the world”, in the full sense of the word, which already happened once on Earth about 13 thousand years ago. Water and food were poisoned, salvation from radiation could only be found in caves or in deep dungeons. Earthlings really had to turn into "cave" people! No "factories, newspapers, ships" are gone! The surviving people remained literally naked and barefoot, and were forced to engage exclusively in self-survival. At one point, all the technology was gone, everything that previously allowed and helped to apply the knowledge that they had. There were no spaceports, cities, roads, fields, gardens, houses, hangars, sheds, pets. There are no shopsclothes, ready-made products and everything else … People were left alone with the wild nature, moreover, in the most difficult situation that one can imagine. This horror is very difficult to imagine, but it was exactly so!

Here we must firmly remember that once the struggle for "world domination" has led to a colossal catastrophe on our planet. And today's actions of the Zionists, stupidly doing the same, will lead to the same, if not worse consequences! And if their leaders still dream that when they blow up everything to hell, then they will "sit down" in this cemetery on the right hand of their god, then they are deeply mistaken! Their demon-possessed Jehovah has long been nailed down, and his leaders have already been nailed, and the entire top of the huge Hierarchy of Dark Forces, which until recently ruled our Universe!

Of course, there are still plenty of small bandits, such as the "immortal" who recently flew to Moscow on his bandura in the form of a hefty pyramid (see But the White Hierarchs methodically catch them and destroy them (see the record of the meeting of N. V. Levashov with readers on 2010-23-01), not paying much attention to how they call themselves. And the earthly helpers of parasites - God's chosen ones - it is also time to start wiggling their own brains and begin to quickly and accurately correct everything that they have worked over the past 3-4 thousand years! Until the Russians woke up and started asking uncomfortable questions! And then it will be very inconvenient …


Returning to the planetary catastrophe caused by the fall of the moon Fatta, a few words must also be said about the displacement of the poles as a result of the rotation of the earth's axis by 23.5 °. Before the disaster, the North Pole was located in the area of today's Western Europe. After turning the axis, the Pole began to occupy a new position, which it occupies today. The phenomenon of a rapid change in the location of the Pole is most likely not at all harmless, and was probably accompanied by natural disasters, unique in their strength. Where there were tropical forests, ice mountains and entire continents appeared in a few days or even hours. Where there was ice for millions of years, the earth was bare, cleared by melt water to the very "bones".

The same thing happened in the southern hemisphere. Before the disaster, on the site of today's Antarctica, there were tropical forests, beautiful cities with huge structures. After the catastrophe and the displacement of the axis of inclination of the planet to the plane of the ecliptic, this continent in a very short time (several hours) was covered with a thick layer of ice, which buried everything and everyone who survived and did not have time to evacuate. The photographs taken from the site "The Orion Conspiracy" show that the wave that covered the colossal structure in Antarctica was literally frozen on the move. In the last photo, the runes are clearly visible. Enthusiasts can even read what is written there …


The dimensions, quality and architecture of these structures are simply amazing! Compared to today's level of the construction industry, this is simply an unattainable height. In recent years, various bosses - Zionist emissaries - have become frequent visitors to the South Pole. Apparently, not so long ago they found something interesting there, so they share something there and quietly agree on something among themselves …

In addition to unique photographs from Antarctica, the Orion Conspiracy website contains very interesting images of megaliths hidden by the waters of various seas and oceans. These photographic documents are yet another convincing proof that a very developed civilization existed on Midgard-earth at least several tens of thousands of years ago. Here again, not only the size and architecture of the buildings amazes, but also the very fact of their preservation in an aggressive environment for many thousands of years! This, indeed, was built conscientiously, for centuries, for hundreds of centuries … It's a pity that all these beauties and masterpieces, created by the caring hands of real People, were destroyed due to the ambitions of some, ignorance of others and the parasitism of others …


In this section of our website, we briefly introduced you to the main results of the worst planetary catastrophe that occurred on Earth a little over 13 thousand years ago. We will consider the consequences of this catastrophe and their impact on earthly civilization in the next section of the "Chronology".