Seven Curious Psychological Laws That Few People Know About - Alternative View

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Seven Curious Psychological Laws That Few People Know About - Alternative View
Seven Curious Psychological Laws That Few People Know About - Alternative View

Video: Seven Curious Psychological Laws That Few People Know About - Alternative View

Video: Seven Curious Psychological Laws That Few People Know About - Alternative View
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Psychology studies thinking and behavior, covering all aspects of human existence. It is both an academic discipline and applied science, the subject of which is individual characteristics and group interaction. We all live according to certain psychological laws, which we secretly guess, but not always fully aware of. Here are some of these implicit laws.

We all feel about the same

We need people who love and admire us. We tend to criticize ourselves, but at the same time we do not use the lion's share of our opportunities.


We have some personal weaknesses, but we are mostly able to compensate for them. Our sexual preferences can create problems for us. Outwardly resilient and disciplined, on the inside we are prone to anxiety and fear. Sometimes we seriously doubt the correctness of our decisions.

Human nature

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Individuality is a unique combination of characteristics that correspond to each of us to varying degrees. We are so similar in our thoughts, hopes and dreams, but we naively believe that life's difficulties fall only on our heads.


Problems begin when you try to suppress your feelings, thinking they are abnormal. Hence frustration and other serious problems come from. It is not so important to achieve the perfect result, it is important to start.

Five stages of accepting the inevitable

You have probably already heard about this feature of the human psyche from numerous sources. The original research stated that when a person is faced with impending death or another equally serious problem, they go through a series of emotional phases:

1. Denial. "I'm great"; "It can't happen, just not to me."

2. Anger. "Why me? This is unfair!”; “How can this happen to me?”; "Who's guilty?"

3. Bargaining. “I will do everything for a few more years”; "I will give all my savings if …"

4. Depression. “I'm so upset, why bother with anything at all?”; "I'm going to die soon, what's the point in all this?"

5. Acceptance. "Everything will be okay". "I can face the challenge, but I can also prepare for the worst."

You can influence a sleeping person's dreams

The brain often weaves the sensations of a sleeping person into the reality of their dream. Let's say you pour water on a sleeping person, and after waking up, he will most likely tell you that the feeling has elegantly integrated into his dream. This feature of the human psyche inspired the filmmakers of Inception.


Bystander effect

You may believe that if you suddenly feel sick on the street, then in a crowded place you will be more likely to be helped. However, countless experiments prove otherwise. The more observers around, the less likely one of them will help you. This is due to a phenomenon called "distribution of responsibility", when a person's tendency to take responsibility decreases in the presence of other people.


Cocktail party effect

Even in a noisy, crowded place, hearing your name can help you filter out other sounds and focus on the right voice. This effect also applies to any other important information. This effect has changed the way psychologists think about how to attract audience attention.


Mozart effect

The Mozart effect found in some studies is that listening to Mozart's music can stimulate the work of the cerebral cortex, thereby increasing the efficiency of performing mental tasks. Under the influence of Mozart's works, a person visualizes spatial models better and operates with them in a certain time sequence.


Evgeniya Yakovleva